Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 318 Bai Qi: The strongest is my Emperor Qin.

sudden time.

The entire sky was covered by the colliding energy, and the tyrannical sword intent was released.

The void of this middle-grade martial arts world was directly shattered under this terrifying power.

The energy spreads, and the layers of void collapse.

Hard to imagine.

The strength of the two has reached the point of shattering the void. It is no wonder that the limit of this world is the peak of Heaven and Human Realm. If the existence of Shattered Realm appears in large numbers, this world will also be unable to bear this limit.

But after the power of the two continued for a while.


All the power is released.

Blood light enveloped the entire void, defeating Dugu Sword Intent.

The figure of Dugu Qiufeng was directly shaken and flew out, flying upside down for several hundred meters to stabilize his figure, standing on the void, his footing was unsteady, and blood was spit out from his mouth.

next moment.

Bai Qi appeared directly in front of him.

"The strength of Lord Wu An, the younger generation Dugu respects."

"In today's battle, the younger generation lost at the hands of Lord Wu An, and died without regret.

"Jun Wu'an deserves to be the number one powerhouse in the world thousands of years ago, with such strength, even today's world is the number one powerhouse.

Dugu Qiufeng smiled and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Although he was defeated, he did not have any decadence of defeat, and he had no fear of death.

For Dugu, who has been pursuing the peak of martial arts all his life, today's battle, even if he died, is worth it.

After all, it was in his mind.

If there is no defeat today, he may also be out of the sword mound until his lifespan is exhausted.

Now that the first battle can meet stronger people, this is Dugu's pursuit of defeat.

No regrets though.

"Why did I want to kill you?"

Looking at Dugu's desire to die, Bai Qi smiled.

"Jun Wu An didn't say before that once you take action, you will either die or be injured. 35 Dugu Qiuqiu's expression remained unchanged.

"Aren't you hurt?

Bai Qi smiled.

Looking at Dugu Qiufeng's upright appearance, he naturally praised it very much.

At least.

He is not a man who fears death.

If Dugu begged Bai Qi for mercy at this moment, Bai Qi would not be happy.

"Junior Xie Wu'an Jun."

Dugu Qiufeng didn't say much, just bowed and bowed.

"Also, this gentleman is not the strongest person in the world as you said." Bai Qi said immediately.

"In this world. 35

"There were originally three people with the same strength as the junior. 35

“One is a Shaolin monk, a Patriarch of the Xiaoyao School, and a Patriarch of Wudang.99

"But they are by no means the opponents of Lord Wu'an."

"Today's fight against Lord Wu An, for hundreds of years, the junior has finally lost.

"Jun Wu'an's strength has surpassed the peak of the realm of heaven and man, and has almost reached another level. Why can't he be called the number one powerhouse in the world? Could it be that there is someone stronger than Jun Wu'an in this world? Dugu Qiu defeated with a serious face. the way.

"There is indeed a stronger existence than this gentleman."

"Even under his hands, this gentleman can't make a move." Bai Qi said slowly.

The words fell.

Dugu Qiufei's eyes widened, with unspeakable surprise, the whole person showed a kind of disbelief.


"In the world, who else can defeat Lord Wu'an in one move?" Dugu Qiu said in shock.

"It's not a one-stroke defeat, but a one-stroke to kill this monarch." Bai Qi also said solemnly.

"One-shot kill?" Dugu Qiufeng was even more surprised.

"Who is the strong one? I wonder if the younger generation can see him?" Dugu Qiufei said excitedly.

"He is the emperor of my Great Qin Dynasty.

Bai Qi looked at Dugu seeking defeat.

"Qin Huang Ying Qi?

Dugu asked in shock.

"The emperor's name is taboo, you can't call it directly."

Bai Qi frowned, and immediately scolded.

"The younger generation knows it's wrong.

Dugu Qiu defeated immediately.

"The emperor's strength has broken through the realm of heaven and man, and is on the verge of breaking. 55

"Under the whole world, no one is the emperor's opponent. 35

Bai Qi said with awe.

"On that day, Emperor Qin designed people in Lishan to attract the world's covetousness. Wasn't the monk at the peak of the human realm killed by Emperor Wu An? Was it killed by Emperor Qin?" Dugu Qiufei said in surprise.

The mourning of Lishan.

The world knows.

In the world's sects, the powerhouses of various countries have perished countlessly in Mount Li.

Blood stained the earth.

After that, millions of armies from various countries perished, and the Bloody Li Mountain became a purgatory on earth.

But the news spread around the world is not true.

This time Ying Qi has defeated so many top powerhouses in the world. He just designed the layout. The real ones were Bai Qi, who was sleeping in the imperial mausoleum, as well as many powerhouses in Daqin.

But look now.

It seems that the rumors in the world are not true.

"The Battle of Lishan."

"The emperor opened the imperial mausoleum with the blood of the strongest in the world, and Fang Youben and I, the millions of warriors in the Qin Dynasty, will recover. 35

"All those powerhouses fell into the hands of the emperor." Bai Qi said in awe.

"The power of one person can kill the strongest in the world.

Dugu Qiufeng was stunned.

Although he lives in the sword mound, he also has a channel to know the world's news. There are countless strong people who go to Lishan, dozens of heaven and earth, hundreds of great masters, tens of thousands of masters, and innate warriors.

This kind of power that overturns the world, if it is not for five or six peaks of Heaven and Human Realm, it is impossible to compete.

But he was slaughtered by Ying Qi alone.

"The power of Emperor Qin can kill the world's strongest. 99

"Above the realm of heaven, broken. 35

"It seems that from the beginning, I was wrong.

"Originally, I thought Emperor Qin was strong, but at most he was the first to enter the realm of heaven and man.

Dugu Qiufeng muttered, suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened: "Mr. Wu'an, Qin Huang has already broken the emperor's curse?"5

"There is no curse on the emperor." Bai Qi said solemnly.

66 'Emperor Qin's methods are shocking. "

"What the First Emperor couldn't do in the past, he actually did it."

"Since the world existed, the curse on the emperor has been broken like this. 35 Dugu Qiu defeated and said in shock.

"If I hadn't seen the power of the emperor with my own eyes, maybe I wouldn't believe it.

"Dugu, don't underestimate the world." Bai Qi said in a somewhat instructive tone.

"The words of Lord Wu'an will be remembered by the younger generation.

"However, this junior still has a question to ask.

"Why is there no one in this world who can break the realm of heaven and man?" Dugu Qiufei stared at Bai Qi with anticipation.

"You want to know?"

Bai smiled lightly.

"I also ask Wu Anjun to teach me, the younger generation is willing to pay any price." Dugu Qiu defeated firmly.

He is a person who vows to pursue the peak of martial arts, and for this, he is willing to pay any price.

"Are you willing to join my Daqin and be loyal to the emperor?"

Without any hesitation, Bai Qi looked directly at Dugu Qiufeng and asked.

This chance.


If Dugu seeks defeat and gives up, then Bai Qi will not ask again.

But in the future, the Qin Dynasty will rule the world, and this opportunity will no longer exist.

"I would.

Dugu Qiufeng did not hesitate and agreed directly.

"Don't you think about it?"

"If you enter my Daqin, you won't have the freedom you want. The emperor's destiny is greater than the sky. No matter what the emperor's destiny is, you can't go against it. 35 Bai Qi asked again.

Entering the dynasty, repentance is not allowed, the ruler wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die.

This is the iron law of the dynasty.

"If you lose your freedom, you can gain more power, why not?" Dugu Qiufei said with a smile.


In the Sword Tomb, Dugu does not have any freedom to seek defeat. Although he has strength and can be free, he knows that his strength has not yet reached the pinnacle of martial arts, and he does not want this kind of freedom.

"I give you this opportunity."

"But whether the emperor will accept you or not depends on your chance." Bai Qi said.

"Thank you Wu Anjun."

Dugu Qiufei nodded, and he also looked forward to this opportunity.

"Go, follow me to Chang'an.

Bai Qi said immediately.

"Don't worry, Lord Wu An is still attacking?" Dugu Qiufei said in surprise.

"I have already handed over the military power to the lieutenant, and even if I am in Chang'an and everything on the battlefield is under my control, I can issue orders at any time without delay." Bai Qi laughed.

"Junior Wu'an's magical powers are admired by the younger generation." Dugu Qiufei sighed sincerely.

"When you enter my Great Qin Dynasty, you will know the background of my Great Qin Dynasty." Bai Qi smiled, turned into a light and shadow, and swept in the direction of Chang'an.

Dugu seeking defeat is not neglected, followed closely.

At the speed of two people, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they can arrive in half an hour at most.

PS: I am very grateful.

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