Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 317 Xixia is destroyed, the top collision

"what happened?"

"Dugu wants to defeat the capital, and he will take action against the capital?"

Murong's original joy suddenly disappeared, only a kind of panic.

Dugu Qiufeng is one of the top powerhouses in the world.

Originally, he also secretly rejoiced that Dugu Qiufeng was the enemy of Bai Qi, so that he would be able to hold back Bai Qi, who was the number one powerhouse in the world thousands of years ago, so that he could defend the capital without losing.

but now.

The situation ushered in a change.

Dugu seeks defeat and invites Bai Qi to fight, but he has to cut a sword for Da Qin.

What is the mind of this?


As a current powerhouse in this world, how could his mentality be something that ordinary people can imagine.

Although Dugu Qiufeng invited to fight, he was not an enemy of Da Qin, nor did he want to become an enemy of Da Qin.

He invited Bai Qi to fight for a breakthrough in his own cultivation, and had nothing to do with others.

If not Bai Qi was born, if not Da Qin was born.

Dugu Qiufeng may still be living in seclusion in the sword mound and will not leave at all.

"This seat."

"Only one strike.

Dugu Qiufeng's figure slowly rose into the air.

"597" raised his right hand and turned his finger into a sword.

See this scene.

The Xixia city gate is already in chaos.

Even Murong Fu, who had the cultivation of Heaven and Human Realm, panicked at this moment.

Without even thinking about it, he fled directly towards the city gate.

He knows how much he weighs and how many ounces he is, facing the power of a sword from a peak of Heaven and Human Realm, if he doesn't hide, he will die.

Although it was tempting to marry a princess and inherit the throne of Xixia, Murong Fu would not be so overbearing to challenge Dugu and seek defeat.

Murong Fu fled.

The Xixia powerhouses at the gate were all dumbfounded.

"General Lee escaped. 99

"Get out. 35

"Dugu Qiufeng is one of the strongest people in the world, and no one can bear his sword.

"Flee. 35


There was chaos in the city gate.

The main generals have all fled, and those soldiers who are defending the city will stay.

And those Western Xia powerhouses saw that Murong Fu fled from Heaven and Human Realm, and they would not stay stupidly and immediately fled.


And Dugu Qiuqiu obviously won't get used to them.

The fingers have condensed a sword energy.

In vain.

Finger sword cut out.

A sword beam of several hundred meters was formed in an instant, turning into a sword shadow that cut through the void, and slashed down towards the gate of the Western Xia capital.

At the level of Dugu seeking defeat, his comprehension of kendo has reached the pinnacle.

Cut off with a sword.


Most of the Xixia capital city gates were swallowed up by this sword glow.

The power of a sword.

In an instant, the sturdy city gate collapsed, and thousands of Xixia defenders were swallowed by sword energy.

Even the great master who fled from the void was swept away by this sword energy.

A few were destroyed in an instant.

The lucky ones escaped.

"This is the power of the top powerhouses in this world."


"The strength of one person can be compared to hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses."

Meng Wu and many other generals of the Great Qin Dynasty were horrified when they saw the power of this sword.

Since coming to this side of the world, Daqin has also had many Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses to serve, but Mengwu and their marching, almost no need for Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses to take action.

Today, the existence of Dugu Qiufeng, the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm, naturally surprised them with the power of a single blow.

"In this realm, as long as we are loyal to the emperor, the emperor will give all of us the chance to the Qin courtiers. 39

But for the generals of the Qin Dynasty, they envy the power of Dugu seeking defeat, but it is more of a yearning.

Once upon a time, decades ago.

They have not yet stepped into the road of cultivation. At that time, they were still mortals, but now the Great Qin Dynasty has transformed to the extreme.

Heaven and Human Realm is not a problem for them.

With the fortune of the dynasty and the resources of Daqin, they are not far from the realm of heaven and man.


Chengguan was smashed by Dugu Qiufeng with a sword.

Meng Wu made a decisive decision.

order an attack.

The 300,000 Great Qin Ruishi, who had stopped originally, started the attack again, and charged towards Xixia with the momentum of destruction.

Western Xia will be destroyed.

And Bai Qi looked at Dugu Qiufeng's figure, and a smile appeared on his face.

"This person's strength is good, if he can earn my Daqin, Daqin can strengthen his strength.

"Furthermore, his talent is not bad. If he can get the emperor's attention and the dynasty's luck will increase, Daqin will have one more broken realm powerhouse. 99

Bai Qi stared at it, and a bit of calculation occurred in his heart.

If such a strong person is not used by Da Qin, it would be too wasteful.

As the Emperor Wu'an of the Great Qin, he was in charge of the military power of the Great Qin.

Everything from Bai Qi belongs to Da Qin, and naturally Da Qin is the main one.


Bai Qi immediately shouted.

"The end is here.""

Wei Ran responded.

"You command an army to attack the city.

"This gentleman will go to meet this Dugu and seek defeat.

Bai Qi said in a deep voice.

"No. 35

Wei Ran immediately took the order.


White rises into the air.

Flying into the void.

"Dugu seeks defeat, come with me.

Bai Qiwei said.

"Good. 55

Fighting intent appeared in Dugu Qiufeng's eyes, turned into a sword light, and disappeared directly into the void of Xixia.

in a blink.

The two came to a place far away from the city.

Very few people live.

"I have heard the name of the Great Qin Emperor Wu'an for a long time.

"Thousands of years ago, the strongest person in the world. 99

"Junior Dugu, I have seen Lord Wu An. 35

Dugu Qiufei clasped his fists with both hands and bowed to Bai.

"You are the strongest junior I have seen since I woke up from a deep sleep.

"You are very good.

Bai Qi smiled and said 0...

"To be praised by Lord Wu'an, Dugu is not very honored. 35 Dugu seeks defeat in a serious way.


He looked at Bai Qi with respect, not an excuse.

"Do you want to fight Benjun?" Bai Qi's expression also became serious.


Dugu Qiufei nodded: "Fighting against Wu Anjun may be able to make the younger generation go a step further.

"In this world, it is impossible for your cultivation to go further." Bai Qi suddenly said.

"Why is this?

Dugu Qiufei opened his eyes wide, a little puzzled.

"After the fight, I will tell you."

"Now, let's go. 35

Bai Qi waved at Dugu Qiufei, turning his hand into a sword.

"The younger generation is welcome.

Dugu Qiu defeated immediately.

Sword Intent appeared on his body.

In vain.

Dozens of sword lights erupted, slashing towards Bai Qi.

And Dugu Qiufeng turned into a sword beam and rushed over.

"Your kendo is strong. 35

"But this gentleman broke through it with one force.

Bai smiled lightly.

He raised his hand with a palm, and the sword light that filled the sky was shattered by his palm.

When he saw the figure of Dugu Qiufeng rushing towards him, Bai Qi's figure flashed and turned into a bloody light to greet him.



The bodies of the two collided in the void, creating waves of energy, which made the void tremble, and even cracks appeared in the ground hundreds of feet below.

It can be seen how strong the power of the two battles is.

above the void.

The figures of the two are colliding at a speed that is difficult to see, and each collision will cause energy ripples, resulting in great destructive power.

This is the battle between the Half-step Broken Realm and the Peak of Heaven and Human Realm.

Although Dugu Qiufei was the strongest in the world, Bai Qi was the strongest thousands of years ago.

1.7 If this side of the world has no world-level checks and balances, and the strongest is not at the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm, perhaps Bai Qi has already stepped into the Broken Realm level.

after all.

The world level checks and balances Bai Qi and cannot break through.

"One move is decisive.

Bai Qi snorted lowly.

The blood on his body turned into a bloody sky, dyeing the void red.

"One move is decisive.

Dugu Qiuwei also replied loudly.

However, compared to Bai Qi's calmness, Dugu Qiufeng's face was a little lacking, and it was obvious that he was at a disadvantage in this collision.

Dugu Qiufei has a sword intent that reaches the sky.

It seems to be directly transformed into a sharp and infinite weapon.


The two shot at the same time.

"Killing God.

White angered.

"Broken Sword."

Dugu Qiufeng also shouted angrily.

The two people completely turned into the power to defeat everything, a blood light, a golden light, collided with each other.

instant time..

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