Wudang faction.


"This time, the matter is too big, because the Emperor of Qin, Ying Qi, has inspired the world, and nearly half of the world's strong men have perished.

"Now the world's sects are against Ying Qi, and they are the enemy of Qin.

"Thanks to the master's wisdom, otherwise I, Wudang, would have suffered heavy losses at Mount Li. If it wasn't for the order of the master, the disciples would have died on Mount Li.

Song Yuanqiao, the eldest disciple of Wudang, said with a sigh.

In just over three months, the news of the death of Mount Li has spread all over the world.

The royal family with the surname Ying wins Qi and slaughtered the strongest in the world, and the world knows it.

This made the world feel embarrassed for the powerhouses who died, and at the same time, Ying Qi's vicious name spread all over the world.

For Wudang disciples, it was undoubtedly possible to escape this disaster.

And all of this is because of Zhang Sanfeng's order, prohibiting any Wudang disciples from going to Mount Li.

"Together with greed, it is difficult to erase.

"Lishan Mountain, the treasures of Daqin, after all, is the greed that affects the people of the world."

"Ying Qi is also using the name of this treasure to attract those who are greedy. After all, Ying Qi did nothing wrong. Although he spread the news, those strong people were all willing to take the bait and were greedy. Confused, he turned to coerce Ying Qi to go to Mount Li in order to seize the treasure of Da Qin."

"In the final analysis, the dead powerhouses are all caused by their own greed."

In the Wudang Hall, Zhang Sanfeng was living in a futon and said calmly to the disciples in the hall.

As Zhang Sanfeng, who had created a super-first-class force by himself, he undoubtedly came from a humble background, and he saw it very clearly.

This time, although Ying Qi released the news by himself, it attracted greedy people and did not deliberately coerce others. In turn, Ying Qi was coerced by those so-called powerful people, the so-called famous sectarians.

One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

The name of the so-called devil spread out in the world is just a joke.

If this time is to win and lose, the people in the world will also sigh that the last royal family with the surname Ying has died, and there will be no blood of the surname Ying in the world.

This is the world, this is the fishing reel.

The world's sects suffered a big loss, and all the countries suffered a big loss. Naturally, they portrayed Ying Qi as a devil, but they did not mention that they were so greedy because of their greed.

"What the Master said is very true.""

Many Wudang disciples also agreed.


"This is a book written by the abbot of Shaolin, who invited me to send Wudang to Shaolin to negotiate against Yingqi."

"I don't know what Master's plan is?" Song Yuanqiao took out a letter from his arms and respectfully said to Zhang Sanfeng.

"I, Wudang, do not participate in this matter."

"Send someone to reject Shaolin.

Zhang Sanfeng said very calmly.

"Master, this time Shaolin invites the world, if I don't go to Wudang, will it fall to the world's population? Song Yuanqiao said worriedly.

"Because the teacher is here, why are you afraid?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at him. Although his words were plain, he had an arrogance of disregarding the world.

"This time, not only did Shaolin influence the world's martial arts to deal with Yingqi, but the Ming Dynasty also contacted all countries in the world to jointly deal with Yingqi. 55

"Because Ying Qi is not only a member of the royal family with the surname Ying, but also the reincarnation of the former Great Qin Emperor. He has resurrected the millions of Qin troops in the imperial mausoleum.

Hear this.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were full of waves, but he didn't say much.


All martial artists all over the world know that there was a top sect in the Song Dynasty, also known as the Hidden World Sect, called the Xiaoyao Sect.

Except for the true disciples of the Xiaoyao sect, no one knows where the Xiaoyao sect is.

But no one knows.

The Spirit Vulture Palace, which is a super-first-class force in the world, belongs to the Xiaoyao faction.


"This time you called us, why?"

In the main hall of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, a handsome man stood at the main seat on the stairs.

Below are three women, each of which can be called excellent and stunning.

Xiaoyao sent disciples.

Talent is ranked second, appearance is ranked first, so the men of the Xiaoyao faction are all handsome and handsome, and the women are all charming, perhaps this is also the evil taste of the founder of the school, Xiaoyaozi.

"Sister, tell me.

The man smiled slightly and looked at the older woman.

"Shaolin sent someone to send a letter into my Spirit Vulture Palace, inviting my Spirit Vulture Palace to enter Shaolin to discuss how to deal with the Qin Emperor Yingqi who appeared in the world, this matter still needs everyone to decide?" said the older woman.


"To deal with that Ying Qi, it is impossible to ask for it."

"My Xixia army entered Mount Li and suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties, and many of the great masters of Xixia also perished."

"This hatred, this palace will not forget.

A woman said coldly, with a kind of anger.

"Speak up."

"Senior brother, your disobedient disciple Ding Chunqiu seems to have gone to the Ming Dynasty and died at the hands of the Qin emperor, Ying Qi. 35 The youngest sister smiled and said.

"It's good that this traitor is dead.

"Speaking of which, I also accepted a love from Emperor Qin." The man smiled slightly.

"Brother, what do you mean, my Xiaoyao faction is not involved in dealing with Qin Huangying?" The older woman looked at the man and said, with a hint of hidden affection in her eyes.

"My Xiaoyao Sect pays attention to being at ease. You can choose what you want, and I naturally don't care."

"Anyway, the old master is not ashamed and won't care about it."

The man shrugged indifferently, and glanced at his senior and junior sisters.

These people are just a few disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect.

The man is Wu Yazi, the current head of the Xiaoyao Sect, of course, he doesn't care about anything.

And his senior sister is the palace master of Lingjiu Palace, Tianshan Tongmu, Wu Xingyun.

One of the two junior sisters is Li Qiushui, and the youngest is Li Canghai.

"Stinky boy, who said he doesn't cultivate?"

An elderly voice came in from outside the hall with an invisible and powerful voice.

Not waiting for a few people in the hall to react.

An old man dressed in a white robe, looking immortal and daoist, appeared in the hall.

see someone coming.

Several people immediately bowed and bowed: "Meet Master."

"You're welcome. 35

The old man smiled, very handsome.


"Where did you come from? 35

"`" Haven't you been living forever? Why did you come back?" Wu Yazi asked with a smile.

Between the master and the apprentice, it doesn't seem to be so restrained.

This old man is the founder of Xiaoyao School, Xiaoyaozi.

Like Zhang Sanfeng, he also came from Wei Mo and climbed to the top of the world, becoming a peak powerhouse in the Heaven and Human Realm.

"What? Could it be that Laozi can't come back?" Xiaoyaozi said angrily.

"Uh." Wu Yazi was directly choked.

"Emperor Qin, Ying Qi, is a mysterious person, and his teacher hates and is interested in him." Xiaoyaozi suddenly smiled.

"Master, are you planning to go to Shaolin?" Wu Yazi asked in surprise.

"Why do you go to that virtuous bald man's place for your teacher?

"Deal with Ying Qi?"

"Because there is no grievance against him, why should you deal with him? In the end, Shaolin's gathering of sects in the world is nothing but anger and anger. They died of greed, and they can't blame anyone."39

"Being a teacher is not so stupid, becoming a chess piece for those losers. Xiaoyaozi smiled lightly.

Like Zhang Sanfeng, he can see very clearly.

"To deal with Qin Huang Ying Qi, I, Xixia, will do my best." Li Qiushui said suddenly.

The words fell.

Xiaoyaozi glanced at Li Qiushui.

"If you make a move, you will make a move, but if something happens, the Xiaoyao faction will not participate in it. 99

"My teacher (Li Nuo's) kindly reminds you, Qin, it's not as simple as it seems." Xiaoyaozi said calmly.

As for his disciples, Xiaoyaozi had an idea when he founded the sect. They would do whatever they wanted, be it evil or good, and he would ignore them all.

After leaving the apprenticeship, everything has nothing to do with the apprenticeship.

"The disciple doesn't believe that Ying Qi, and the million-dollar Qin army in the ancient times can do anything." Li Qiushui said solemnly.

"That's up to you."

Xiaoyaozi nodded indifferently.

"Qin Huang Ying Qi, a person who can't even calculate the secrets of heaven.

"If you have a chance, you must go and meet." Xiaoyaozi smiled slightly.

Sword Tomb.

"Qin Huang Ying Qi.

"The bald donkey in Shaolin was killed by him.

"Interesting. 35

"It seems that this time I really want to go out and have a look for a while.

"There are rumors in the world that Bai Qi has never died."

"Even if Ying Qi can't be my opponent, Bai Qi definitely can.

"I alone beg for defeat, but I beg for a defeat.

A man in a black robe exuded a fierceness in his eyes, full of fighting intent.

PS: For the third update, I am very grateful.

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