"Not only was Ying Qi resurrected a million Qin troops in the imperial mausoleum.

"In the past, when the kingdoms were destroyed with his own hands, the killing gods of the various schools and schools rose in vain, and he never fell. 35

"He is still alive." 9

Duan Tianya said in a deep voice.

The words fell.

The entire hall became silent in an instant.

But there was a silent surprise in everyone's eyes.

"Kill God for nothing.

"Ancient Daqin God of War."

"He is actually alive."

"This is not a good thing for me and for Daming. 39

"Thousands of years ago, Bai Qi's strength was the top of the world, and he was also known as the number one powerhouse in the world, which is not a good thing.

Zhu ignored the clenched fist, and his heart was full of fear.

For him.

He felt that Bai Qi was more terrifying than Ying Qi.


The hall that Zhu ignored was silent.

The name of a single person gave them a speechless shock.

"Your Excellency.

"The birth of violent Qin is definitely not a good thing for the world."

"The devil wins Qi's design to motivate the world's strong men. If the violent Qin continues to grow, the world will suffer great disaster. Zhu ignored the cold face and faced the civil and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty.


"The violent Qin has no way, and the world is the enemy 05, and the people of the world will be punished."

"I think so.""

"If you want to deal with the violent Qin, you must unite the power of the world, otherwise, it will be difficult to compete.

"Not bad. 35

"We can't just sit back and wait for death by violating Qin to seek the world."

One by one the courtiers opened their mouths.


For now.

They were talking nonsense.

Zhu ignores it is not stupid, he knows that if he wants to deal with Daqin, he must gather the power of the world, but if his Ming Kingdom is to provoke it, this is definitely not a good thing.

There must be an early bird, and then he can send someone to help, instead of him coming out directly.

"Song country has been occupied by Qin so much territory, how can it still remain indifferent?"

"The forces of the world have suffered heavy losses because of Ying Qi's design, do they still have to sit still?" Zhu Ignore's heart was full of gloom.


"Is it up to me, Daming, to take the lead in uniting all the countries in the world, and the forces in the world to deal with the violent Qin?" A courtier said.

This is down.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty opened their eyes wide and looked at Zhu ignoring it.

Now the Ming Dynasty has changed a lot.

Zhu Ignore is not as easy to manipulate as Emperor Ming, but more ruthless than Emperor Ming.

And now that he has just ascended the throne, the cultivation of the Heaven and Human Realm is still there, which is also a shocking force.

"It depends on whether Liu Sheng and Ma Shou succeeded. If the two women in Yihua Palace can be caught, with their strong relationship with Ying Qi, they can have a trump card against Ying Qi."

"Ying Qi was reincarnated as the prince of the ancient Daqin emperor in the past, but now he can cultivate as an emperor, which shows that Daqin in the past has mastered the method of breaking the curse.

"Although I have become an emperor now, the power of the curse has already fallen, and my cultivation is also rapidly regressing. In countless years, I will fall into the realm of heaven and man. This is impossible." Zhu ignored and thought to himself.

That's when Zhu ignored his thoughts.

The Ming Palace is empty.

Suddenly, several tyrannical auras appeared.


Zhu ignored the frown.

He looked out of the hall suddenly.


"Your Majesty, it's not good."

"There are a few people in the palace, and a few giant beasts.

A forbidden army quickly ran into the hall and reported in fear.

Zhu ignored it without thinking, and quickly walked out of the hall.

Look above the square.

Several huge black beasts waved their wings and swept the palace with a gust of wind.

On the back of the giant beast, there are still four people standing.

"Ximen Chuixue.

"Yan Nantian. 99

"Ancient Tee.""

"Yellow Pharmacist.""

Zhu ignored his gaze and saw four people immediately, and a sense of unease immediately appeared in his heart.

"Zhu ignore it.

"You are so courageous, how dare you do something to me Da Qin Huangfei."


"I'll come to warn you."

Ximen Chuixue said coldly.

A wave of hands.

Hundreds of corpses appeared out of thin air and were thrown into the palace.

It is the many ninjas from Dongying.

"There is absolutely no forgiveness for offending my Great Qin Tianwei.

"I have a word for the emperor.

"When the Great Qin Iron Cavalry comes, it will destroy your Ming royal family.

Ximen Chuixue drank it coldly.

A sword cut out.

On this square, a huge dead letter was left.

"Go. 35


Ximen Chuixue glanced and waved.

A few giant dragons left the Ming Palace with four people.


They came here to warn Zhu to ignore it, and also to write a gauntlet.

If Zhu ignored and did not become the emperor of the Ming Kingdom, the four of them might be able to kill him, but after he became the emperor, with the protection of the luck of the Ming Kingdom and the power of the sky, the warriors could not hurt him at all, and he would be killed by this. The luck of the Ming Kingdom is backlashed.

There is only a national war, only when the Daqin iron cavalry comes, and destroys the Ming state by means of destroying the country, and Zhu ignores the luck on his body and will collapse.


Looking at the figure receding into the void, Zhu Ignore's face revealed a livid blue.

He was the dignified emperor of Ming Dynasty, controlled tens of thousands of miles of territory and tens of millions of people.

To be so humiliated.

The enemy even came directly to his palace under the gauntlet.

What kind of humiliation is this?


With the arrival of Ximen Chuixue and the others, as well as the corpses of hundreds of Dongying ninjas, it proves that Liusheng Tashou missed.

Looking at the dead word in the square, Zhu ignored the anger.

Raise your hand.

A slap in the face.


The square cracked, and the dead word turned into a huge pit, and hundreds of Dongying ninja corpses were directly beaten to ashes.

See this scene.

Zhu ignored the courtiers left and right and dared not speak.

"Broken Qin Wudao. 99

"An enemy of the world. 35

"I am the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, the overlord of one party, how can I tolerate the violent Qin."

"Send my will."

"With my great Ming, I issued a national letter to the major dynasties, countries, and even the powers of the world.

"Gather all your strength to deal with the violent Qin.

"The violent Qin will not be destroyed, and the world will be restless.""

"I and Violent Qin will fight for life and death.""

Zhu ignored the gritted teeth.


When Ximen Chuixue and the others killed him, they made Zhu ignore it. Originally, he wasn't going to be the first bird, but now he has to do it, because he has completely gone to the opposite of Da Qin. 590

If you don't fight hard, you will die.


Mahavira Hall.

Many Shaolin elders and deacons gathered together.

"When the gods and monks fall, I Shaolin loses a top powerhouse. For my Shaolin, this is indelible. 35

Shaolin Abbot said to the many monks in front of him.

"The devil wins Qi, rampant martial arts. 35

"Designing the world, subduing and killing the strongest in the world, and the death of gods and monks, this hatred and this hatred will not share the sky. 99

"The disciple feels that it is necessary to recruit heroes from all over the world and defeat the devil.

"That's right. 35

"Divine monks can't die in vain, otherwise, how can I, Shaolin, gain a foothold in the world?"

"The devil Ying Qi not only killed my Shaolin monk, but also killed the Ming Sect, the Beggar Gang, many forces in the world, and the strong men of all countries."

"He has already offended the world, and he will be punished by all the people of the world."

All the monks were indignant.

Obviously they were extremely angry with Ying Qi.

Shaolin monk, hidden in Shaolin, is equivalent to a real trump card of Shaolin, and now it is destroyed, which is a great blow to Shaolin.

"This abbot has already decided."

"In the name of Shaolin, I call on the world's martial arts fellows to kill the devil together. 99

The Shaolin Abbot said with anger on his face.

"The abbot is wise."

All the monks said in unison.

"it is good.

"Immediately, in the name of my Shaolin, spread the word to the world's major sects, and anyone above the second-rate forces can spread it.

"This time, I, Shaolin, will be the leader of the world's martial arts fellows.

"Do not destroy the devil, never give up."9

Shaolin Abbot said angrily.

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