Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 315 The 2 women see Ying Qi, Qin Huang is majestic

Chang'an City.

In the palace in the center of the city.

As the main city of this side of the world, it is strategically important.

The Song Dynasty also set up a palace here. Once upon a time, Song Guowei Zhijun lived in this palace.

But that is very individual.

Except at the beginning of Song Guoguo, their monarchs may have emphasized military force, but since then they have emphasized civility over military force, so that the country with the most powerful people in this side of the world has become the weakest country among the dynasties.

Also ridiculous.

Inside the palace hall.

The ministers gather.

It seems to be the scene of the court in the world of Daqin.

The war general of the ancient Daqin in this world, the important minister of the Daqin Dynasty who came across the border.

Except for those who went out to fight, all gathered here.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"For the past four months."

"The dynasty has expanded rapidly, and now it has successfully recaptured tens of thousands of miles of our Great Qin territory, beheaded many enemies, and captured many."

"During the period, the Qin Dynasty seized thousands of miles of territory in Song Dynasty, and seized Xixia, Yuan Kingdom, and Tubo, and there were many territories."

"When an army passes, no army can stop it. 35

"Today, the two million warriors of my Daqin are still on the offensive, and the victories are fruitful.

Bai Qi stood up and respectfully reported the victory to Ying Qi.

"Reveal Your Majesty.

"Mr. Wu'an commands the army, I, the Great Qin Ruishi, are unstoppable, and all the places under my control, the ministers have arranged for the imperial court officials to govern, enforce the laws of the Great Qin, and demonstrate the benevolence of the Great Qin. 55

"The people in this world are afraid of my great Qin's prestige, and it is also an act that has been exaggerated by various countries in this world for many years. The people are afraid of my Great Qin, but these are not major things. With the implementation of my Great Qin national policy, as time passes, the people will know my Great Qin. 35

Lu Buwei stood up and played respectfully.

This time.

The civil and military officials who came from the dynasty were all important ministers in the world of Qin.

There are Meng Wu, Wang Jian, generals under the command of 590, and two battalions of millions of warriors.

On the other hand, there are Lu Buwei, Han Fei, Feng Quji, and many other new generation of literary officials.

It is enough to take charge of one side by itself and govern one side.

"I have ministers. 99

"Setting the world is easy."9

Win Qiwei said.

"Reveal Your Majesty.

"My minister, intercepted many secret reports all over the world, targeting the emperor and my Da Qin."

Dunwei stood up and said respectfully.

As the person in charge of the Daqin Anbu faction, he could not have gone to the court and not exposed to the outside world, but the court discussion here was the first time after the emperor came, and they were all important civil and military officials of the Daqin.


Win Qi Dao.

"Zhu of the Ming Dynasty ignored the killing of his nephew Zhu Puzhao, has seized the imperial power, took charge of the Ming Kingdom, and has called on all the countries in the world, and the forces of the world will join forces to deal with my Great Qin, and now all the countries have responded."35

"Another. 35

"Among the rivers and lakes, Shaolin Abbot has called the world's sects and forces in the name of Shaolin to discuss the action against the emperor. Dunwei immediately replied.

"It seems that the layout of Mount Li, slaughtering the powerful, has already made them afraid." Ying Qi smiled lightly and didn't care at all.

If Ying Qi did not get the power of the ancient Daqin in this world to gather, in order to capture the world, it would still need to nibble step by step, but now that he has the power of such a strong man, what does Ying Qi still do to nibble step by step?

All-in-one is king.

They gathered all their strength, and Ying Qi just couldn't ask for it.

For Da Qin, it will defeat the living forces in this world in one fell swoop and speed up the unification.

For Ying Qi, he will kill countless powerhouses and gain countless experience points.

In general.

Win Qiba not allow them to gather strength.

"Chen, congratulations to the emperor."

"Da Qin's heavy palm (afbh) is just around the corner.""

Bai Qi laughed,

"Congratulations to the emperor.

The ministers in the hall laughed and congratulated.

How could they not see through Ying Qi's mind here.

"Pay close attention to the movements of the countries and give them the opportunity to gather troops, but our Daqin offensive cannot stop."5


"Wu An-Jun controls it by himself.""

Ying Qi said to Bai Qi.

"I understand." Bai Qi smiled and accepted the order happily.


Daqin's two million sharp soldiers are in multiple ways to seize the territory. It can be said that Daqin's territory in this realm is expanding every moment, but the speed of this expansion is not satisfied.

"Shaolin gathers the world's strongest martial arts, how many people should follow?" Ying Qi looked at Dun weak again and asked.

"Go back to the emperor."

"The shadowy spies lurking all over the world have already observed the movements of the sects in response. Most of the sects in this world should have gone to Shaolin, especially the sects that suffered a big loss from Mount Li, and they responded even more. ""

"In this battle, Shaolin will gather more than 80% to 90% of the sects in the world." Dun weak immediately replied.

"There are those who are greedy, those who want revenge, and those who are ignorant.

Ying Qi shook his head and smiled mockingly.

For this world.

The appearance of himself, the appearance of Da Qin, has already brought a monstrous shock to this side of the world.

Ying Qi's dynasty is now expanding rapidly, and the heart of winning the world is fully displayed, without any cover up, people in this world are naturally afraid.

Whether it is a sect or a kingdom of dynasties, there is nothing to be afraid of.

They were afraid that the Great Qin Empire, which once controlled the world, overwhelmed the world's sects, and overwhelmed the world's strong men, did not dare to use force to break the taboo, the Great Qin Empire would return again.

after all.

They are afraid of the Great Qin like a beast.

"They gathered, such a grand event prepared for my Daqin, if I don't go, it seems to be a bit of a disgrace." Ying Qi smiled lightly, revealing a smile.

"Your Majesty is wise.

"If I, Daqin, don't attend such a grand event, I would be wasting this opportunity too much." Bai Qi immediately laughed.

"I would like to go with you.

"Please allow the emperor. 99

The court officials asked for orders one after another.

"This time, it's enough for me to bring only ten people."

Ying Qi smiled and glanced at the ministers.

I have already calculated in my mind.

"Calculating the time, it will take at least two months for them to complete the gathering of the forces of the world. 35

"I, just give them two months."

Ying Qi said with a smile.

For Ying Qi, I wish they could gather as many as possible, so that they can catch them all in one go.


At this moment, a dragon roar came from outside the hall.

"They're back.

The corners of Ying Qi's mouth twitched slightly, naturally knowing that it was Ximen Chuixue and the others who returned with Yaoyue.


outside the hall.

Ximen Chuixue, the four strong men of heaven and man, walked into the hall with Yaoyue and Lianxing.

"The minister did not disgrace the emperor's order, and successfully brought the two imperial concubines back from the Ming Kingdom.""

Ximen Chuixue stepped forward and bowed.

Inside the hall.

Yaoyue and Lianxing's injuries have recovered. Fortunately, Ximen Chuixue and the others arrived in time. They were only injured by Liusheng Taima's sword. If it was delayed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Ying Qi looked at the two women in the hall.

Came to this hall and looked at the courtiers.

The two girls were a little confused.

Although they already knew Ying Qi's identity, they were a little unbelievable when they actually saw Ying Qi dressed in the imperial robe of the Great Qin Emperor and wearing a mian on his head.

The scene more than a year ago made them recall in their minds.

Seeing the confusion of the two women, Ying Qi smiled slightly: "Why, don't you know me?"

"You, are you really the prince of the Great Qin Emperor, the son of Qin Shihuang?"

Seeing it with her own eyes at this moment, Yaoyue is still a little unbelievable, looking at it with a dull gaze.

"I am not the former crown prince, but came from another world, but Qin Shihuang is indeed my father, but he is not Qin Shihuang in this world.

"My Great Qin is not the ancient Great Qin Empire in this world, but the Great Qin Dynasty from another world." Ying Qi smiled and said.

"I do not understand.

"I don't care about your identity either."

"However, are you still going to fulfill your promise and be responsible to our sisters?

Yaoyue stared at Ying Qidao.

Lian Xing also raised his head, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"If I don't keep my promise, how can I send someone to pick you up?

"From today."

"You are my concubine, for the Daqin imperial family. 35 Win Qi immediately said.

Hear this.

Yaoyue and Lianxing laughed again as if they had been wiped with honey.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"When Chen waited to greet the imperial concubine, Zhu ignored the dispatch of the East Ying Japanese to attack the Yihua Palace. Chen waited a step late and injured the two imperial concubines. He also asked the emperor to punish him. Ximen Chuixue respectfully said.

"I already know about this.

"I also know what you did in the Ming Palace."

Ying Qi looked at Ximen Chuixue four people.

"How did the emperor know about it?"

"My minister just returned?" Ximen Chuixue asked in surprise.

"When you really understand the dynasty and the power of luck, you will understand. 35 Ying Qi said.

Shadows are now all over the world.

It is easy to communicate with luck, even if Ying Qi lives in this Chang'an palace, the affairs of this world cannot be separated from Ying Qi's control.

Ying Qi knew after the accident in Yihua Palace.

"Where are the people from Dongying?

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Bring it up."

Ximen Chuixue immediately shouted to the outside of the hall.


Li Qing carried that Liusheng Danma Shou directly into the hall.

At this moment, the Eastern Japanese people are already weak and powerless, without the momentum of a strong man, only a kind of loneliness and decadence.

"Emperor Qin, win Qi.

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou raised his head and saw Ying Qi, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

"It is unforgivable to hurt my concubine."

"After the world is settled, the Japanese island will be swept away, and the East Ying will be washed with blood."

"Zhen, I want Dongying to have no grass and no more living beings.""

Ying Qi stared at Liu Sheng but Ma Shou coldly.

"The minister is white and leads the edict. 99

Bai Qi happily took the order.

And Liu Shengdan Ma Shou was so frightened that he fell to his knees directly, he wanted to ask for mercy, he wanted to speak, but he couldn't say it.

Ying Qi glanced at it, condensed a fallen heart flame in his palm, and threw it towards him.

Spiritual fire touches the body.


Liusheng Tajima Shou cried out in pain, and was directly burned to ashes.

"Mr. Wu An.

"Give me, attack."

"I want to control this world as quickly as possible. 55

After disposing of the Dongying people, Ying Qi stared at Bai Qi and shouted loudly.

PS: I am very grateful.

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