Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 305 Win Qi's breakthrough and leave the imperial mausoleum

"The host's order is accepted.


"Congratulations on the level of the host being upgraded to level 47.""

'Congratulations to the host level being upgraded to level 48.

"Congratulations on the upgrade of the host's level to level 49.

"Congratulations on the host level being upgraded to level 50. 35

'With the remaining experience value of 9 million, does the host continue to upgrade the level? The 35 system prompts.


Ying Qi did not hesitate.

"Consumes 5 million experience points. 55

"Congratulations on the level of the host being upgraded to level 51." The system prompted.

"When you reach the Shattered Realm, the level of experience gained has doubled.

"When you reach the level of immortals and gods, I'm afraid the experience value will exceed 100 million." Ying Qi thought with a sigh.


This is naturally very happy for Ying Qi.

It was not a waste of his layout to attract so many powerhouses to come here, kill so many powerhouses, get extremely rich rewards, and become a real Shattered Realm powerhouse.

In this world, Ying Qi is the real peak powerhouse.

Unparalleled peak power.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to a large tier, a reward for a treasure chest of Heaven tier, and a chance to choose a sub-professional." The system prompted.

"very good."

"Now I have two earth-level treasure chests and one heaven-level treasure chest.

"As long as the luck is not bad, you can definitely make a lot of money. Ying Qi thought to himself.


Ying Qi is also very curious about his current attributes.


Open the properties panel.

Level: Level 51 (Broken First Realm)

Shouyuan: 43 years old (7000 years)



Cultivation of martial arts and martial arts: God's will and four images, hundred-step flying sword, magic power of flicking fingers... nine yin and nine yang (endless 580, can restore true qi,)

Sub-occupation: Animal Taming (first-order perfection) alchemy (third-order perfection), formation (fourth-order perfection).

Upgrade experience: (4 million/5.2 million).

"Broken Realm, it's done. 35

"The next step is to annex this world and enter a stronger world. 35

There was ambition in Ying Qi's eyes.

After he took control of Daqin, the road to battle had already been set. If Ying Qi wanted to pursue immortality and immortality, he could only continue to fight until he reached the true peak, the top of the heavens.

in this world.

No one can achieve the real Shattered Realm. Half-step shattering is already the pinnacle, but for Ying Qi, as long as the experience value is reached, it is nothing. If you have the experience value of going straight to the fairyland now, Ying Qi can achieve it immediately. Fairyland.

The most serious consequence will only be discovered and expelled by Heavenly Dao.

Or the collapse of the Yingqi world.

"Three treasure chests, just opened right now.

Ying Qi came back to his senses.

"Open the ground-level treasure chest." Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Open the treasure chest on the ground level, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Spiritual Fire of the Dou Qi World "Qinglian Earth Flame".""

"Open the earth-level treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining the heaven-level middle-grade martial skill "One Sword to Separate the World". The system prompts.

"Good luck."

"I got another kind of spirit fire, and I don't know if the spirit fire in the Dou Qi world will disappear after I get this spirit fire. 55

"This martial art is not bad. 35

"It also comes from the world of life and death of the magic sword, and with the Lingshuang sword, it can exert greater power." Ying Qi smiled with satisfaction (afbh).

Then I was looking forward to the opening of the last Heavenly Rank treasure chest.

"Open the Heavenly Rank treasure chest." Ying Qi said.

"Open the heavenly treasure chest. 35

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first-grade elixir of heaven, the Immortal Pill, refining this elixir can prolong life for thousands of years." The system prompted.

Seeing the pill recipe that was opened from the last heaven-order treasure chest, Ying Qi felt like being poured a basin of cold water, and wanted to cry without tears.

"If this undead pill was before I set foot on the road of cultivation, before I opened the battlefield of the heavens, it would really be an extremely rare reward, but now that I have seven thousand years of life, it is simply a reward for me. Chicken ribs."

"never mind.

"Speaking of which, this pill recipe is also extremely rare, and if it is refined in the pill hall, it can also be used as a reward for the hero in the future.

"If Da Qin's courtiers are not talented, they can extend their lifespan and live for another thousand years." Ying Qi could only comfort himself helplessly.

This immortality pill is tasteless to Ying Qi, but it may be a life-saving elixir for his subordinates.

For example, in this comprehensive martial arts world, if an immortal pill really flows out, it will definitely cause a sensation.

"Extract "Blue Lotus Earth Flame"." Ying Qi said.

"Host order accepted.""

The system prompts.

next moment.

A flame flashing blue light appeared in front of Ying Qi. Although this spirit fire was not as high as the fallen heart flame that Ying Qi had mastered, but as a spirit fire in a high martial world, even if it was not of the same rank, it was definitely powerful.

It was also at the moment when Ying Qi successfully extracted "Blue Lotus Earth Flame".

at the same time.

Fighting world.

A young man wearing a black robe was excited, and beside him was an illusory figure that looked like a soul body.

This soul body presents the image of a white-haired old man, and it looks very dangling, like the kind of master who is very immortal.


"I finally got this Qinglian Earth Flame. As long as I refine him, the cultivation technique will be able to usher in evolution." The young man said excitedly.

"Han'er, it's not too late, immediately refine the spirit fire and turn it into your own strength, as long as you refine this spirit fire, your strength will usher in a breakthrough, and the quality of Dou Qi will also become higher. 35 The illusory old man is also happy.

"En." The young man nodded.


He directly took out a jade bottle, and there was a cyan flame flickering in the bottle.

That's when he was about to release this spiritual fire and refine it with a cultivation technique.

Variation protrusions.

The jade bottle was suddenly flashed by a halo, and the blue flame in the bottle disappeared out of thin air.

Sudden change.

The young man was stunned, and the illusory old man was also stunned.

I was stunned for a long time.

The young man's eyes widened, with an inconceivable look: "Teacher, what's going on? Why did the spirit fire suddenly disappear?

"I don't know either. 35

The old man shook his head, but also looked puzzled.

The eyes of the two people stared at the jade bottle. At this moment, the two people who were originally ecstatic immediately fell from the ecstasy.

The spirit fire that has already been obtained, actually disappeared out of thin air.

This is so weird.

Eyes turned.

Looking at the blue spirit fire in front of him, a smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

He didn't know that in the high martial arts world, a son of luck suddenly lost the spiritual fire that he had obtained in a lifetime, and he was in a daze at the moment.

"The son of luck in that Dou Qi world blended with spirit fire to create a powerful ultimate move. , You can also try to combine the spirit and fire to create an ultimate move. Ying Qi smiled.

The fingers touched the Qinglian Earth Flame directly.

Just like the fallen heart flames that were refining and refining.

When the finger touched the spirit fire, the spirit fire directly turned into a halo, merged into Ying Qi's body, and was instantly refined.

The speed at which this kind of refining spirit fire can be achieved even by the son of luck in the world of vindictiveness.


Ying Qi Shen Shen took a look.

In the dantian, the two spirit fires get along harmoniously, and one is cultivating for Qi's pure essence to win Qi's pure essence. Let Ying Qi feel at ease.

"Cultivation saves the world with a sword.

Ying Qi gave an order.

"Host command accepted."" The system prompted.

next moment.

Golden light enveloped Ying Qi's body.

An incomparably mysterious heaven-level martial skill appeared in Ying Qi's sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, directly grasp it.

"Ascension to Consummation. 99

Win Qi Hao's way.

The promotion point is enough now, and it is completely enough to improve this heaven-level martial skill.

When the news of the slaughter of the strong in this world comes out this time, the name of Ying Qi will be widely spread in this world, and when the Daqin iron cavalry arrives, and even millions of warriors from the ancient pre-Qin imperial mausoleum come out of the mausoleum, sweeping this world, it will also give Ying. Qi brings endless prestige, which can be converted into promotion points.

If it was a loose cultivator, it would be extremely difficult to gain prestige, but it would not be difficult for the emperor of the dynasty to win.

The whole world belongs to him, how can people in the world not know the name of the Son of Heaven?

"Now my strength is much stronger than after using the card in the one-day Shattered Realm.

"In the world of martial arts, I am number one.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face, waking up from the state of cultivation.

Slowly walked out of the hall.


As soon as Ying Qi came out, all the ministers immediately paid homage.

"Go out."

"It should be very lively outside now.

Ying Qi smiled slightly mockingly.

This time, he made such a big fuss, and the treasures of Daqin attracted the world, not only those sects, but the scattered cultivators who wanted to seize the treasures, those dynasties in this world would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Da Qin Ruishi, prepare for battle.

White let out a low drink.


The million-dollar Qin Ruishi stood up from the resting state at the same time, and after a while, they all regained control over their bodies.

Thousands of years of sleep.

Although the years go by.

But Qin Zhirui's killing power will never be reduced in any way.

outside the imperial mausoleum.


Armies have spread all over the country.

PS: I am very grateful.

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