Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 306 Millions of warriors leave the imperial mausoleum, monstrous power

They center on the formation arranged by Ying Qi, and the armies of all countries are eyeing this formation.

It seems that waiting for the formation to break open, they will take everything in the formation with the momentum of the raging waves.

The entire Lishan Mountain.

There has been a war of solemnity.

Millions of troops are spread across the land of Mount Li.

Song Dynasty.

Dayuan Dynasty.


Western Xia.

Four kingdoms compete.

This treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years in the world, no one can be exempted from the custom, not as a top powerhouse in the world, nor as a monarch~king of various countries.

In the eyes of anyone, as long as they get the treasures of Daqin, they will be able to unify the world and become the highest.

No one can give up.

And just as they thought, as well as thousands of years of legends in this world, the Great Qin Treasures do exist, and the resources contained in them are indeed enough to strengthen a country's national strength a hundred times.

If any country gets it, it can indeed have the opportunity to dominate the world.

The armies of the four kingdoms lined up.

Soldiers are solemn.

Invisibly, a terrifying murderous aura emerged.

Just a touch.

"Great Qin treasure, my great yuan is bound to get it."

"If anyone dares to block, my Dayuan Iron Cavalry will kill them."

Tuo Lei stared at the front of the other three armies and shouted coldly.

"Hahaha. 99

"Just because your Yuan country wants to swallow the treasure alone? Is your appetite too great?"

"This place is the territory of my Great Song Dynasty, how can you allow Yuan Kingdom to be presumptuous?"

"You wait for the countries to quickly withdraw from our Great Song territory, otherwise don't blame me, Great Song Iron Cavalry, for being ruthless.

Song Guozhu said coldly, also with a sense of certainty.

"The treasure of Daqin, no one will retreat.

"Then see the real chapter under your hand. 35

Tubo and Xixia generals said one after another.

a time.

This made the land of Lishan, which was already on the verge of breaking out, present a more terrifying murderous intention.

It was at this time.

The center surrounded by the armies of the nations.

The light curtain of the formation that covered several miles suddenly spread out.

Everything in the formation was also presented in front of the army of the nations.

"The formation is scattered."

"How's it going inside?"

People from all countries looked towards the original formation shrouded with curiosity.

But when the eyes fall.


All were stunned.

"National teacher... how is this possible. 35

"No, no, they are the powerhouses of Heaven and Human Realm, how could they have fallen like this?

"King Jinlun, the national master of Yuan, Jiu Mozhi, the national master of Tubo, my great Song Shaolin monk, the leader of Ming sect, the national master of Qing... Ye Gucheng, Ouyang Feng... There are so many strong people in the realm of heaven and man, How could they have all perished.

"What happened to this imperial mausoleum?"

"Why did so many strong men perish?"

"Dozens of Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses, hundreds of Great Grandmaster powerhouses, this is enough to determine the power of the world, how can they all fall here.

"This imperial mausoleum, this great Qin treasure, is it not purgatory?"

The formation dissipated, revealing a corpse in front of everyone.

And take a look.

There are many powerful people with prestige throughout the world, each of them is a character on the side of the famous town, and the power of one person is enough to change the existence of a country's heritage.

They have many sects, the powerhouses of the top forces, and there are many powerhouses who truly stand on the top of the world.

And now.

They all turned into icy corpses.

This scene.

This made the army of the four countries startled, and everyone was speechless, and there was a kind of fear that enveloped their body and mind.

Say without hesitation.

Although the strength of their four-nation army has reached more than one million, they will be wiped out in an instant in the face of the powerhouses who have perished here.

Because the powerhouses who died here gathered most of the world.

Looking at the tragic state of so many strong people.

The generals of the four countries, who had originally thought of competing for the treasure, were stunned.


It was at this time.

Inside the dispersing formation.

Figures gradually appeared one after another, flying up from the ground, overlooking the void.

"The royal family with the surname Ying, Ying Qi.

"Could it be that he killed all those strong people?"

Looking at the figure standing in the void, the people of the four countries immediately saw it, and immediately guessed in their hearts.

"You, what did you do?

"I, the Grand Master of the Yuan Dynasty, was killed by you?"

Tuo Lei stared at Ying Qi, with a questioning tone.

The people from the other three kingdoms were the same, staring at Ying Qi with a bit of dread.


White shouted angrily.

The monstrous power emanated from his body, and a murderous intent instantly enveloped Tuo Lei's body.

"He... who is he?"

Hundreds of feet apart, but under this murderous lock, Tuo Lei still felt like he was in purgatory.

"My Emperor Qin, how can I allow you to be offended by ants." Bai Qi said coldly.

"Emperor Qin?

The complexion of the generals of the four countries changed, looking at Ying Qi in the void, a strong sense of unease came.

For the countries in this side of the world, their existence was founded on the collapse of the Great Qin Dynasty in the past, and on the rebellion of their ancestors.

Strictly speaking.

All the countries in the world belonged to the subjects of the original Da Qin, and their ancestors were originally subjects of the Da Qin.

Even thousands of years have passed.

The name of Daqin is still a thorn in the hearts of all countries, and they will never forget it, let alone the power of the former Daqin in its heyday.

"You... who are you?"

Tuo Lei looked at Bai Qi with a trembling.

"My lord, Bai Qi.

"Grand Qin Wu'an Jun. 95

Bai Qi said coldly.

The words fell.

0.....for flowers·

The expressions of all the people from the four countries changed drastically.

"White up?"

"He's really alive. 99

"The killing god of the Qin Empire in the past. 35

"That man slaughtered.

"How could he still be alive?"

The expressions of the generals of the four countries changed suddenly, and many of them became cold and pale.

a name.

It represents the most terrifying pronoun of that era.

Even if thousands of years have passed, it will not be forgotten.

"You are not the royal family with the surname Ying.

"You win Qi."

"The original Great Qin Emperor."

Tuo Lei stared at Ying Qi's figure and suddenly thought of a possibility.

If not, how could the dignified Qin Wuan Jun Baiqi surrender?

The words fell.

It brought a greater shock to the army gathered here, and everyone's eyes became terrified.

"Qin Zhirui, where are you?

Ying Qi was not interested in nonsense, he waved his hand and shouted loudly.


The sound falls.

Boom, boom, boom.

The earth collapsed, as if the sky had collapsed.

The entire Lishan hundred miles of earth was shaking, and the passages extending from the ground were startled.

between the invisible.

These passages from the link underground spread all over the four directions of the army of the four countries, giving them a kind of encirclement.

"Is it possible?"

Such a scene.

It made the faces of the people from the four countries become even more pale, and they thought of a more terrifying possibility.

"In the past, the warriors of the Qin state with a hundred battles, and the million warriors who never appeared when the Qin state fell, are still alive?

"They have always been in this imperial mausoleum?"

Think of this possibility.

The people of the four countries were afraid.

The idea of ​​capturing the treasures of Daqin disappeared in an instant, and the only thing left was endless panic.

thousands of years ago.

Daqin Ruishi swept the world, no power, no country could stop him.

Qin Zhiruishi represents a destructive death.

Qin Zhirui represents invincibility.

in their panic.

Heaven and earth.

The roar continued.

That's when the roar stopped.

"Wind, wind, wind.

"Gale. 35

The sound of endless wind drinking resounded all over the sky.

On the countless underground stairs, countless Qin Zhirui soldiers dressed in black armor and armed with soldiers spread out from the ground.

The endless murderous intent from Daqin Ruishi instantly enveloped the land.

The entire Lishan Mountain has been surrounded by Senran Ruishi thousands of years ago.

In an instant.

The Great Qin Ruishi, who had been sleeping for thousands of years, woke up from his deep sleep and came to this world again, and he was powerful in the world.

The people of the four countries watched this scene, the endless black armor torrent, they were even more afraid.

Before the battle, the courage has been lost.

Before the battle, the morale is gone.


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