Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 304 The Powerhouse Who Disappeared in Daqin

Million Ruishi all opened their eyes.

In the entire imperial mausoleum, millions of ancient Great Qin Ruishi faced the heavenly palace, with a kind of fanatical awe in their indifferent eyes.

"Chen, see the emperor.

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal.

Millions of Great Qin Ruishi stared at the Heavenly Palace, bowed and shouted in unison.

The sound of thunder resounded through the ground of the entire imperial mausoleum, and it seemed to shock the Netherworld.


In the eyes of Qin Shihuang in this comprehensive martial arts world, even if his son died, he still looked forward to his son's resurrection. Millions of Rui Shi was the foundation of his country's establishment and protection for his son.

Even if his son could not be resurrected, then these millions of warriors would protect their son forever in this imperial tomb, and even the ghosts of the ghosts would not be able to offend their son.

Ying Qi stood on the edge of this Heavenly Palace, overlooking the entire imperial mausoleum, and took in the millions of Qin Ruishi.


Ying Qi stretched out his hands and said in a powerful voice, "Da Qin Ruishi. 35

"Be flat.

The sound falls.

Like thunder resounding through the imperial mausoleum.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Million Ruishi stood up straight and replied respectfully.

"The generals of the Qin Dynasty, do not hurry to come to see the emperor. 35

Bai Qi shouted again at this time.


The momentum of the fifteen heavens and humans erupted from all over the imperial tomb.

Immediately after.

Fifteen streams of light swept straight towards the void and flew towards the Heavenly Palace.

next moment.

Fifteen figures in battle armor stood on the Tiangong.

Each of them revealed a kind of killing suffocation, and they all spoke out for the military.

"The minister Sima is wrong.

"My minister Wei Ran.

"Chen wins China.""


"See Your Majesty.

Fifteen Heaven and Human Realm Warlords came to Ying Qi, all of them knelt on the ground, each with a face that seemed to meet each other.

"It's no wonder that when Daqin was destroyed, the Daqin generals who conquered the world with Bai Qi and wiped out the world were all gone.

"It turns out that they were all buried in the imperial mausoleum with the former crown prince."

"If they were still in the world for thousands of years, how could those feudal lords succeed in rebelling? With these powerful generals, no matter how reckless Hu Hai is, Da Qin will not perish."35

"In the end, it was the arrangement of the original emperor, which made Daqin no longer have any generals to rule the country.

Looking at these ancient generals in the pre-Qin period, Yan Nantian felt a sense of surprise.

When the Great Qin was destroyed.

In fact, no matter how tyrannical Hu Hai was, the princes of the world were still very uneasy at the beginning of raising their troops to rebel.

Because even though the first emperor died and the crown prince perished, the national strength of Da Qin was still there, and the army of millions was still there.

However, as the lords raised their troops, the millions of slaughter warriors who had made them guess and fear never appeared, and the mighty Qin generals who used to suppress the Quartet also disappeared.


Daqin was overthrown.

But the disappearing Daqin generals and the millions of troops have become an eternal mystery, even the people of the world are extremely puzzled.

Where did they go.

And today.

Yan Nantian and the others saw the truth.

The powerful men of Great Qin who disappeared in the past, millions of warriors, are all sleeping in the Tomb of the Great Qin Emperor, waiting for the day of recovery.


Looking at the many heaven and human realm warriors in front of him.

Their cultivation is different, but none of them are lower than the five realms of heaven and man.

With their existence, they will completely make up for the foundation of the Qin Dynasty's top powerhouses in this world.


After this battle.

Ying Qi's layout attracted the powerhouses in this world, killing thirty Heaven and Human Realms, hundreds of great masters, and countless masters.

These forces may not be all the powerhouses in this side of the world, but they definitely occupy 60-70% of the powerhouses in this side of the world.

And Ying Qi has the background of the Great Qin Empire in this world, so many strong people, it has become a foregone conclusion that the world will be annexed.

"By swallowing up this side of the world, swallowing up the world's luck, the dynasty can advance again, and the imperial dynasty can be expected. 35

"The origin of this world will also be attributed to me, Daqin, creating a more powerful world.

Ying Qi's eyes were blazing hot.

For him.

Whether it is the Daqin world or this side's comprehensive martial arts world, it is just a starting point. In the future, the battlefield that truly belongs to Yingqi is among the countless heavens and the world.

"Have the power of the princes."

"Da Qin, when it will sweep this world again."

"The greatness of the world is all Qin territory, and the vastness of the world is all Qin territory."

"Zhen, I will lead Zhu Qing to rebuild a powerful and prosperous Qin.

Ying Qi stared at the generals in front of him and said arrogantly.

"I swear to follow the emperor to the death."

All the generals shouted in unison.

They stared at Ying Qi, all loyal.


They didn't ask much about the root of Ying Qi. Before they sealed Shouyuan and sealed it in the imperial mausoleum, they knew that there was only one way to recover, and that was the orthodox Great Qin Shihuang bloodline that could be opened.

And it must be recognized as the master of the Daqin Supreme Treasure Rewards and Punishment List before it can be opened.

Regardless of whether the Ying Qi in front of him is the former crown prince, one thing is certain, Ying Qi is the controller of Da Qin, and they should be loyal to them as Da Qin officials, which is imprinted in their souls.

"Send my edict."

"All Ruishi rested in place and regained control of their bodies."

"I, want to retreat and realize.

"After I retreated, I came out of the imperial tomb and settled the world.

"Rebuild the world of the Qin Dynasty. Ying Qiwei said.

"The minister waits for the edict.

The ministers said in unison.


Ying Qi re-entered the palace of the portal Tiangong.

This time he killed so many strong men, this rich experience point may make Ying Qi Denglin shattered, so Ying Qi also has to collect all these experience points to improve his strength.



"The product from the outer world, the rank can be regarded as a magic weapon of the rank.

"It's no wonder that countless palaces can be floated in this imperial mausoleum. As long as the formation is supplemented and the power of the stars is distributed, everything in the imperial mausoleum can be floated.

Come back to this temple.

It was only after Ying Qi's eyes that he noticed that at the top of the palace, there was a golden stone shrouded in an invisible energy halo.

Whether it is to seal Shouyuan, or let everything in the imperial tomb float.

All because of the stars on this palace.

"This sky star can be transported into Daqin in the future, and all my palace can be floated into the sky and turned into a heavenly palace.

Ying Qi stared at Tian Xing, thinking about it.

Look away from the stars.

Come back to your senses.


"Resolve kill experience points. 35

Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 50 enemy, obtaining 1 million experience points, obtaining the earth-level pill recipe "(Li Qian's) Shaolin Great Returning Pill", obtaining the earth-level high-grade "Yi Jin Jing", and obtaining 1,000 high-grade spirit stones.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 49 enemy, obtaining 800,000 experience points, obtaining the "Sacred Fire Order", and obtaining 1,000 high-grade spirit stones. 99

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 48 enemy, obtaining 700,000 experience points, obtaining the high-grade martial art "Bone-turning Cotton Palm", and obtaining 1,000 high-grade spirit stones. 35

"Congratulations to the host for killing level 45..."

The system prompts.

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 23 million experience points," the system prompted.

Hear the system prompts.

An excited smile appeared on Ying Qi's face immediately.

"Broken Realm, it's done.

"This time the layout really made a lot of money.

Ying Qi's eyes showed excitement.

Then give the order immediately.


Win Qi Dao.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Upgrading the rank... celery"

PS: Seeking to be determined, grateful,

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