Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 300 Killing God for nothing, as expected alive

Beyond Mount Li.

Song army camp.

In the school grounds, the army gathered.

"General, my army of 300,000 people in the Great Song Dynasty is ready and ready to fight at any time."5

"The many martial arts worships in the army have also been prepared. 99

"Our army will win this battle."

A general respectfully reported to a Song army general.

"it is good.

"The Emperor has a purpose.

"The soldiers will send Lishan to control everything in Lishan. Anyone who dares to violate the emperor's order will be killed without mercy." Song Jiang shouted coldly.

in the north of Chang'an.

Yuan territory.

"Don't sweat."

"My Great Yuan army of 500,000 people has gathered, and I can drive my troops south to capture Chang'an at any time." A general of the Yuan state said.

"The treasure of the Daqin Empire thousands of years ago will be born, and if I get it, I will gain the world. As long as I get this treasure in Dayuan, I will inherit the treasure of the former Daqin Empire, help my father Khan to rule the world, and create a prosperous era of Dayuan." Tuo Lei Extremely confident.

"Don't sweat.

"According to the report.

"The Song Dynasty, Tubo, and Xixia have all launched their troops. 35

"Each country has more than 300,000 troops."

"My Dayuan may also need to deal with it carefully." General Yuan Guo led.

"Everyone in the world knows the preciousness of the treasures of Daqin, and no one will miss it. However, with their few countries, they are also worthy of being my enemy in Dayuan? 35 Tuo Lei sneered, and he didn't give up on Song, Tubo and other countries at all. in the eyes.

"Short sweat and wise.

The generals said in unison.

"Pass my order.""

"The army is heading south to capture Chang'an. 35

"The treasures of Daqin must belong to my Dayuan. Tuo Lei shouted loudly.

The Great Qin Treasure was born.

It is extremely coveted for the world's warriors, and it is the same for many dynasties in this world.

The martial artist pursues the realm of heaven and man, while the dynasty pursues 577 for the unification of the world.

For this, they will pay all the price.

Inside the royal tomb.

Once you enter the portal, you will be in a unique place.

Take a look.

What caught the eye was the countless terracotta warriors and horses, chariots, war horses, human warriors, and the army formation composed of countless terracotta warriors and horses standing in the imperial mausoleum.


Many chariots, war horses, and terracotta warriors were lifted up by an invisible force and floated above the void.

"This....is this the imperial mausoleum of the Great Qin Empire in the past? It's too grand.

"There are at least 500,000 of these terracotta warriors, and there seems to be a peculiar power in this imperial mausoleum that holds up many of the terracotta warriors."

"As expected of the Great Qin Empire that dominated the world at its peak in the past.""

"This kind of grandeur cannot be achieved by manpower at all. If it weren't for Da Qin, how could any country in the world be able to do it? 55

Looking at the endless terracotta warriors and horses, Yan Nantian and others were stunned.

But Ying Qi's focus was obviously no longer on the magical work in the imperial mausoleum. He stared at the terracotta warriors and horses, revealing a deep thought.

"They all seem to be still alive." Ying Qi secretly said in surprise.

It is also fortunate that Ying Qi did not say this, otherwise these courtiers around him would definitely be shocked.

These terracotta warriors and horses came from the Qin Empire thousands of years ago. They were produced when the crown prince Ying Qi was buried in the imperial tomb. If they were not dead, the terracotta warriors and horses were living creatures, it would be too scary.

After thousands of years, how did they survive for so long?

All of them are in the realm of heaven and man? Have thousands of years of life?

This is absolutely impossible.

The Heaven and Human Realm is the pinnacle of the world. It is extremely rare to have dozens of Heaven and Human Realms in one world. Thousands, tens of thousands, this is absolutely impossible.

"In addition to the treasures in this imperial mausoleum, is there anything that Qin Shihuang left behind in this world?" Ying Qi thought to himself.

His eyes lifted quietly.


Eyes were gathered again.

At the top of this imperial mausoleum dozens of feet, you can see many shimmering temples, all of which are floating above the void, just like the legendary Qionglou Yuyu in the fairyland.

"There are treasures in this imperial tomb. 25

Ying Qi thought to himself.

One step.

Officially entered the imperial mausoleum.

But Ying Qi did not use the power of the sky. When he stepped into the real imperial mausoleum, an invisible force instantly enveloped Ying Qi's whole body, causing his body to float uncontrollably, towards the temple above the sky. fly away.


Ying Qi's sudden action also brought Yan Nantian and the other officials back to their senses.

Before they could think about it, they also raised their heads.

The continuous palaces floating on the sky of the imperial mausoleum also came into view.

"The terracotta warriors on the ground are nothing at all, and the one above the head is the real magic."

"How did the old Qin do it?"

Looking at this Qionglou Yuyu, which is like a fairyland, several people were startled again.

"Follow the Emperor."

Yan Nantian shouted.

Everyone stepped forward with an expectation, and that strange power instantly enveloped their whole body.

It shocked them even more.

He flew to the nearly hundred-zhang temple.

Ying Qi landed firmly in the palace square.

in front of you.

is a portal.

In front of this portal, a general dressed in white armor, wearing a battle helmet, and holding a divine weapon sat in front of the door.

Take a closer look.

This general's eyes are closed, and his age appearance is middle-aged, but in the world of cultivation, the strong have thousands of years of life, and it is impossible to measure age by appearance.

"Could it be that he is the Wu Anjun of this world, Bai Qi."

Ying Qi stared at the general guarding the door and thought to himself.

"The Great Qin God of War.

"In the past, Wu'an, who was invincible in battles, beheading all countries, and beheading all the sects and sects in the world, was born in vain.""

When Yan Nantian and the others came, they looked at the generals guarding the gate, and their eyes were filled with a kind of awe (afbh).

in this world.

Even thousands of years have passed.

Qin Shi Huang's name was Ying Zheng.

The name of the crown prince Ying Qi.

There is also the name of the Great Qin Wuan Jun Baiqi, which can be said to be famous for thousands of years.

The main reason was that the impression and prestige they had left on this world was too great, and even after thousands of years passed, it could not be erased.

If it is said that in the past, the Great Qin in the world was based on the First Emperor and the Crown Prince in charge of the country, to rule the world, and to establish the prestige of the Great Qin.

Then Bai Qi is the weapon of Da Qin, and what the edict reaches is what Bai Qi's soldiers reach.

Whether it is the dynasty of the past, or the mighty sect of the past, and the hundreds of schools of thought, anyone who disobeys the great Qin Tianwei will have only one consequence, destruction.

That's when Ying Qi stared at the general guarding the door.


Variation protrusions.

The general in front of the portal suddenly moved.

The deadly aura on his body was gradually recovering.

"Bai Qi, never fell.

"He is really like a legend, guarding the imperial mausoleum.

Yan Nantian said in a deep voice, with a cautious voice.

Invisible room.

Several people clenched their weapons tightly, guarding Ying Qi, guarding against Bai Qi's sudden recovery.

The Great Qin God of War, Wu An Jun Bai Qi.

But it's not just these two titles.

He also has a title that made all living beings in the past fear, Killing God.

To kill God means to destroy.

"Kill God for nothing.

"Don't let me down." Ying Qi muttered to himself, staring at Bai Qi.

Now that he is a level 51 Broken Realm cultivation base, even if Bai Qi is his enemy, he is not afraid.

Today's chance to enter this imperial mausoleum, Ying Qi is to unlock the secret of this imperial mausoleum.

Take a look at what was left in this imperial tomb.

Under Ying Qi's perception.

Bai Qi's breath gradually recovered, and finally, his eyes opened.

A monstrous murderous aura erupted on the hills of the imperial mausoleum.

The entire imperial mausoleum was shrouded in this murderous intent, as if it had fallen into the Asura purgatory.

"It really is killing God in vain.

"With such murderous aura, there is absolutely no one but Bai Qi.

"The peak of the Heaven and Human Realm, faintly, seems to have surpassed the Heaven and Human Realm.

"The old killing god Bai Qi is worthy of the end of the dynasty and the sect."

"With such strength, it is difficult to have a rival in the world."

Yan Nantian looked at Bai Qi cautiously, full of fear.

Bai Qi woke up, and this murderous aura leaked them into a kind of suppression.

If Bai Qi really shot at them, they really couldn't compete.

"Daqin kills the gods and starts in vain."

"I hope it can be subdued. 99

"There has never been a vain rise in my Daqin, this is my disappointment, and even more so Daqin's disappointment. 35

"If it can make up for it in this world, that would be great.""

Ying Qi stared at Bai Qi with hope in his eyes.

Compared with Yan Nantian's awe towards Bai Qi, Ying Qi was very calm.

Bai Qi opened his eyes and regained control over his body.

He opened his eyes, his eyes fell on everyone, and finally, it settled on Ying Qi.

The originally indifferent eyes suddenly gave birth to a wave.

at this time.

Bai Qi stood up abruptly.

With the magic weapon in his hand, the monstrous murderous intent became even more suppressed. He stared at Ying Qi with cold and sharp eyes. Yan Nantian and the others were deterred by Bai Qi's murderous intent and fell into the shroud of murderous intent.

Bai Qi held the magic weapon, and suddenly he moved his sword, pointing directly at Ying Qi.

"Protect the Emperor.

Yan Nantian let out a low voice, and the magic weapon in his hand was unsheathed and directly blocked in front of Ying Qi.

Gu Santong, Ximen Chuixue, and Huang Yaoshi immediately protected Ying Qi, all watching Bai Qi very defensively.

As long as Bai Qi has any action, they will take action.

Even though they are afraid of the might of killing gods in their hearts, it is not their style to sit still and wait for death.

PS: The old irons, please pursue it, thank you very much.

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