Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 299 The opening of the Daqin Emperor's Mausoleum

After confirming that there is no living mouth.

Ying Qi retracted his gaze and looked at Ximen Chuixue and the others.

"I give you two choices."

"One, submit to me.

"Two, die.

Ying Qi said coldly.

Hear this.

Looking at the corpses all over the place.

Ximen Chuixue and the others had wry smiles on their faces.

"I am willing to surrender." Ximen Chuixue replied, kneeling on one knee.

"I am also willing to surrender.""


Several Heavenly Human Realm warriors all knelt down on one knee.

"Very good. 35

Ying Qi nodded and smiled.

A wave of hands.

He directly helped a few people up.

"You will be grateful for your choice today.

"Submit to me, I can give you the opportunity to break through the realm of heaven and man.

Ying Qi spoke slowly.

The words fell.

The expressions of Ximen Chuixue and the others were immediately moved.

"My subordinates have no regrets."

"Swear allegiance to the Lord. 99

Several people said immediately.

If they had never seen Ying Qi use the power of the Shattered Realm to slaughter strong enemies, and the Heaven and Human Realm stronger than them were like ants, perhaps they still did not believe in Ying Qi's promise.

but now.

They can't help but believe it.

"You, I know you."

"What about you, from what sect and sect. Ying Qi looked at the few people outside Ximen Chuixue.

"Go back to your lord. 35

"My subordinate Huang Yaoshi is from Peach Blossom Island.""

"My subordinate Su Xinghe is from the Free and Easy Sect.

"My subordinate Huang Chang is a loose cultivator."


Several people registered their names one after another, and their expressions were very respectful.

This time, Ying Qi laid out Mount Li, and in the name of the treasure, attracted the world's strong, the Four Masters of the Central Plains, the head of the world's sects, the strong scattered practitioners in this world, and even the royal family of various countries, countless people came.

But there are only a few people in front of me who can survive.

In the face of the power of the Shattered Realm, the so-called Heaven and Human Realm is not enough.

King Jinlun, the national teacher of Yuan, Jiumazhi, the national teacher of Tubo, Duan Zhengchun, king of Dali Zhennan, and countless greedy powerhouses all died under the sharp edge of Lingshuangjian.

"I give you the chance.

"From now on, you are the ministers of Da Qin. 99

"Daqin, the able can get everything, and I can give everything, but I can't stand betrayal.

"Today's chance is only one, I need you to remember.

Ying Qi warned solemnly.

"My subordinate understands. 99

Feeling Ying Qi's sharp eyes, everyone's heart froze.

"Yan Qing, pack up. 35

"These people have extraordinary origins and have good resources."

Ying Qi faced Yan Nan Tiandao.

"Yes. 35

Yan Nantian responded immediately.

Ready to clean up the battlefield.

Although space rings are very precious in this world, if their cultivation can reach the level of a great master, almost all space rings have space rings. With so many powerhouses, the resources in their space rings must be countless.

Just when Ying Qi was preparing the communication system to count the experience gained this time.

Variation protrusions.


"Look. 35

Gu Santong's expression changed, and he pointed to the big tunnel under his feet.

Everyone's eyes converged.

Immediately, everyone's expressions changed.

on earth.

The blood of those who were killed by Ying Qi was being pulled by an invisible force, swallowed by the earth, and poured into the earth.

A vein of blood formed on the whole earth.

The earth seems to be alive.

"Your Majesty, is this really where the treasures of the Great Qin are located?

Gu Santong thought of a possibility and excitedly faced Ying Qidao.

"Interesting. 99

Ying Qi smiled lightly, and there were some waves in his heart.

Maybe it was really unintentional.

A lie that he made up is about to come true.

It is possible that this place is really where the treasures of the Great Qin in this world are located, and where the own imperial mausoleum of this world is located.


As the former capital of Daqin, it is also the location of the legendary Daqin Emperor's Mausoleum. For thousands of years, countless people have come to explore, but they have never achieved anything.

As an existence that controlled the world thousands of years ago, the layout of the imperial mausoleum is naturally combined with the power of the world. If it is so easy to find, then it is not the imperial mausoleum that Qin Shihuang arranged.


For this imperial mausoleum, the blood of these powerhouses is the key to triggering the opening of the imperial mausoleum.

The strange formation patterns on the ground changed quickly.

In an instant.

The blood of the powerhouses on the ground was sucked up and merged into the earth.



It seems that something is turned on.

I saw that the ground beneath Ying Qi's feet began to vibrate violently.

Then the earth began to push away from both sides, and the entire Li Mountain was shaking, as if the earth was moving.

As the shaking continued, a staircase leading to the ground appeared in front of Ying Qi.

"It's really the entrance to the imperial mausoleum.

Gu Santong exclaimed.



"How about you, sir?

Several people looked at Ying Qi.

"Go in and see.

Ying Qi said.


Ying Qi walked directly into the stairs leading to the ground.

There is still a long time to experience the card a day, and the power of the Shattered Realm is still there. Ying Qi does not believe that there is anyone else in this world who can be his opponent.

After all, the peak of Heaven and Human Realm is the top of this world.

The Shattered Realm is above the heavens and the human beings, even the former Great Qin Empire in this realm never had it.

As Ying Qi stepped into this ladder, all the ministers followed closely and followed.

The stairs lead straight to the ground.

I don't know how long it took.

In front of you is a portal made of unknown materials.

It seems to lead to the interior of this imperial tomb.

"The Emperor Qin's Mausoleum."

"In the past, the place where Crown Prince Ying Qi was buried.

"I didn't expect the legend to be true. 99

"The Prince's Mausoleum really exists. 99

Ximen Chuixue said in shock.

But he fell silent.

Everyone else's eyes turned to Ying Qi.

For them now, the Prince's Mausoleum may not be the most shocking, but Ying Qi in front of them.

The cultivation base of the broken realm.

ever existed.

In the face of such strength, the imperial mausoleum does not seem to be so mysterious anymore.


"This portal seems to connect the entire imperial mausoleum. If it is broken with force, the entire imperial mausoleum will collapse."

Huang Yaoshi glanced at the door in front of him and said respectfully.

Ying Qi nodded and walked to the door.

into the eye.

There is an outline of a seal on the portal.

"`" Is the invisible avenue mapping really so powerful?

"This seal has the exact same outline as the Zhen Guoxi seal.

Ying Qi looked at the hollow outline and thought in horror.

Before he came to this world, perhaps this world had no trace of his own history at all, but because of his arrival, the two worlds were invisibly connected, and it even brought great changes to this world.

However, perhaps it is also because the level of the Daqin world is not comparable to this comprehensive martial arts world, so the map is only so large. If the level of the Daqin world is stronger than this world, perhaps the history that is passed down is not the collapse of the Daqin, but the Qin Shihuang and the crown prince Ying Qi shattered the void and landed on the other side of the world.

"The Seal of the Town. 35

Ying Qi thought for a moment.

Zhen Guoxi appeared in his hands.

Then Ying Qi directly pressed Zhen Guoxi towards the outline on the portal.

The Zhenguo Seal is perfectly inlaid on the portal.

next moment.

There are no surprises.

With a click, the closed door opened directly.

Countless fires instantly ignited in the originally pitch-dark ground, and beams of light emerged.

The door is open, and it is pleasing to the eye, as if you can see another world.


Ying Qi said solemnly.

Withdrew the Zhen Guoxi seal and stepped into this portal. (Li Zhaozhao)

Ying Qi also wanted to know the secrets of the Daqin treasure in the Daqin Emperor's Mausoleum in this side of the world.

And based on his own understanding of his father and emperor, even if it is the historical reflection of this world, Ying Qi is very sure that his father emperor will definitely leave an endless legacy for the Daqin Empire, give Daqin to usher in the restoration of the country, and strengthen the foundation of Qin Wanshi. .


According to legend, Lord Wu'an of Daqin in the old days guarded the imperial mausoleum by disguising himself as a guard.

If this legend is true, it means that Bai Qi of this world is still alive.

if alive.

That Ying Qi's Great Qin Empire will usher in a real commander.

Wu An Jun Bai Qi, will return again.

"Your Majesty, it's really the blood of the royal family with the surname Ying.

"Or, the emperor is the reincarnation of the former crown prince. 35

Yan Nantian and others looked at the scene of the door opening, and couldn't help but think in horror.

Except for this explanation.

They couldn't think of any possibility anymore.

Not only because of Ying Qi's strength, but also because of the fact that the Great Qin Emperor's Mausoleum, which had been sealed for thousands of years, was easily opened in Ying Qi's hands.

The biggest secret in the world.

about to appear before their eyes.


PS: Please pursue it, brothers.

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