Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 301 Daqin is dead, Bai Qi's remorse,


Bai Qi shot with a sword, and everyone was extremely alert.

This is the moment when the arrow is drawn.

"Go back.

Ying Qiwei shouted.


Yan Nantian and other officials immediately looked at Ying Qi, hesitant.

"Go back.

Ying Qi shouted again.

"Yes. 55

Hearing the sternness in Ying Qi's tone, everyone retreated behind Ying Qi.

And this time.

Bai Qi walked in with his sword and gradually walked towards Ying Qi, the sharpness of sword intent and the oppression of killing intent swept across the sky.

The expressions of Yan Nantian and the others were extremely tense, and there was no way to relax.

But Ying Qi looked at it very plainly, without any panic.

When Bai Qi was only ten feet in front of Ying Qi, and the tip of the sword in his hand was no more than an inch away from Ying Qi, the cold light was enough to make the people behind Ying Qi feel cold all over.

"Why aren't you afraid?"

Bai Qi stared at Ying Qi and suddenly said.

His voice was thick, indifferent, with an invisible deterrent.

"Your sword edge has no killing intent, why should I be afraid?"

"You are not my opponent, why should I be afraid?"

Ying Qi smiled lightly.



A monstrous aura spread from Ying Qi's body.

"Ang. 35

Long Yin shook the air.

The shadow of the Nine Dragons appeared behind Ying Qi, which made Ying Qi's power even more majestic.

The momentum that erupted even made the entire imperial mausoleum shake.

Even Bai Qi, who was in front of him, was deterred by this momentum, and his body unconsciously took a few steps back.

"Who are you?

"Why is it exactly the same as the crown prince. 55'

Bai Qi stared at Ying Qi, and there was a kind of surprise in his eyes.


at this moment.

Bai Qi also knew Ying Qi's strength, which was stronger than his half-step Broken Realm.

And most importantly.

Ying Qi looks exactly the same as the crown prince Ying Qi from thousands of years ago in this world. The difference is that the former Da Qin emperor did not cultivate. As the prince of Da Qin, he was cursed by the world and could not cultivate.

But Ying Qi in front of him is a powerful being, even stronger than him.

"Zhen, the lord of the Great Qin Dynasty, wins Qi.

Ying Qi stared at Bai Qi and said solemnly.


Bai Qi's eyes widened, revealing a kind of inconceivable.

He stared at Ying Qi with an unprecedented shock.

"This....in this world, does Daqin still exist?" Bai Qi asked in a trembling tone.

When the crown prince was assassinated, Daqin's national fortune also collapsed. Under the wrath of the first emperor, the world was endlessly connected, and Bai Qi also knew that the first emperor could not heal the pain of losing his son, so he asked him to guard the emperor's mausoleum forever.

until today.

Bai Qi woke up, and was naturally shocked when he saw Ying Qi, who looked exactly like the former crown prince.

"In this world, Da Qin has collapsed."

"However, there is more than one world in the world, and there is not only one side of Daqin." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"There is more than one world in the world? Not only one side of Daqin?

Except for Yan Nantian, everyone else looked at Ying Qi in disbelief. Obviously, they did not hear the meaning of those words.

"What relationship do you have with my Daqin Crown Prince?"

"Why...you look exactly the same as the crown prince. 39 Bai Qi asked in a trembling voice.

How could Bai Qi believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.


It's really the same.

"Strictly speaking. 99

"The Ying Qi in this world was born because of me. Without me, there would be no crown prince Ying Qi in this world. 35 Ying Qi said slowly.

Hear these very mysterious words.

Bai Qi seemed to understand.

"Is Da Qin from the outside world really dead?" Bai Qi's voice trembled.

"Da Qin has been dead for thousands of years, and today's world has been divided into various countries and divided into one side."

"There is no one in the blood of the Daqin royal family who survives. 39

Yan Nantian said.

"No one in the blood of the Daqin royal family survives?"

Bai Qi's eyes widened, releasing a monstrous murderous intent.


"Even if the crown prince dies, the first emperor is still there. Even if the first emperor dies, he will make arrangements so that the Daqin Empire will continue. If the prince dies, there is still a son Fusu. Although his ability is not as good as the crown prince, he can still To defend the foundation of Daqin, relying on me, the millions of heroic troops in Daqin, and the many powerful people in Daqin, how can they be destroyed?"5

"Under the whole world, who would dare to kill the royal family of my surname Ying? Destroy the bloodline of the First Emperor?" Bai Qi was filled with disbelief and anger.

"Indeed, if Young Master Fu Su succeeded the throne in the past, perhaps Da Qin would not have perished so quickly. With the ability of Young Master Fu Su, he could still maintain Da Qin from collapsing, but the original Da Qin did not succeed Young Master Fu Su at all."

"It's the eighteenth son of the First Emperor, Hu Hai." Yan Nantian said.

"The eighteenth son, Hu Hai, is domineering and incompetent, how could the First Emperor pass the throne to him? Bai Qi frowned.

Since the death of the former crown prince, Bai Qi has entered the imperial mausoleum and has been guarding the gate of the imperial mausoleum, naturally ignorant of everything in the outside world.

"According to the records of many hidden world sects, it is not a secret in today's world."9

"Because of the death of the crown prince, the first emperor was always unhappy. After that, he no longer dealt with state affairs, but instead pursued the method of breaking the curse, becoming an immortal and becoming a god, and the method of changing his life against the sky."

"Over time."

"The first emperor took too many medicinal pills, and finally couldn't bear the power of medicinal pills, and died suddenly in the sand dunes."

"Until he died, he never set up a prince. Before his death, he still held the last report from the former crown prince to the first emperor, which stated that if the crown prince made any mistakes, the crown prince should be succeeded by Fusu. 39 Simon Fubuki spoke again.

0. Ask for flowers....


Hearing this secret, a wave of waves appeared on Ying Qi's face.

For Ying Qi, his relationship with his father is very deep. If he dies, his father may be crazy because of it.


"Hu Hai colluded with Zhao Gao and Li Si, tampered with the former crown prince's report, and finally Hu Hai succeeded to the throne."

"After he succeeded to the throne, he slaughtered the blood of the First Emperor, slaughtering all the royal family with the surname Ying.

"The first emperor's blood withered, all because of Hu Hai. 35

"After that, Hu Hai ruled the country tyrannically, the world was in great chaos, the princes of various places rebelled, and finally the Da Qin Empire was overthrown and the country was subjugated.

Ximen Chuixue said slowly.

Speaking of the foundation of the subjugation of the Qin Empire.

The eyes of the people were also a little gloomy.

If it weren't for Hu Hai, perhaps the Great Qin Empire that once ruled the world would still exist. If it weren't for fate and the assassination of the Crown Prince, everything in this world would not have changed drastically.

In the end.

Fate dictates.

"Is this...the truth?"

"The first emperor's blood was actually slaughtered by Hu Hai."

"He... he's damned.

'I regret that I should not have entered the imperial mausoleum in the first place. If I did not enter the imperial mausoleum, I would still be able to protect the Qin Dynasty with my strength. With my strength, I would definitely be able to protect the blood of the first emperor. ’

"My lord, hate it.

Tears of blood flowed out of Bai Qi's eyes, and he was full of regret.

He lives in vain.

It is to live for Daqin.

But knowing that Da Qin ended like this, he was really unbearable.

"Jun Wu'an of the Great Qin is white."

"After all, it belongs to Da Qin."

"Once he and Qin Shi Huang, the crown prince created the era of the Great Qin world, and the name of Great Qin ruled the world, but now watching Great Qin wither and perish, his heart is indeed unbearable.

Seeing Bai Qi so grieved and regretful, everyone could feel Bai Qi's pain.

After a while.

"Where is his body, let me see him.

Ying Qi said to Bai Qi.

"The crown prince's body is behind the gate of heaven."

Bai Qi came back to his senses and pointed to the doorway behind him.

Perhaps it was because Ying Qi looked exactly the same as the crown prince in his memory, and Bai Qi had a natural intimacy with Ying Qi.

From Ying Qi's body.

Bai Qi seems to have seen the former crown prince, and even the shadow of the former domineering and boundless emperor.

"Well. 35

Ying Qi nodded and walked slowly towards the portal.

Across the portal, there is a hall inlaid with countless treasures and spiritual stones.

in the main hall.

A jade sarcophagus was standing inside, and inside it was clearly seen the person wearing the crown of the crown prince and the golden crown of the crown prince lying in it. It was the crown prince, Ying Qi, who had been dead for thousands of years in this world.

PS: Seeking to be determined, thank you very much.

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