Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 292 Looking for Qin Huang's Mausoleum, the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden


"In this world, the emperor cannot cultivate."

"But the emperor in this world can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't. 35 Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Haha." Gu Santong smiled and didn't believe it at all: "Then tell me, which country are you the emperor of?

"Da Qin, win Qi.

Ying Qi said calmly.

"Win Qi? 35

Gu Santong's expression changed slightly: "Are you joking with the old husband?"

"Do you think it is necessary for me to joke with you?" Ying Qi smiled slightly.

"Daqin has been destroyed for thousands of years, and the crown prince Ying Qi was also buried in the tomb of the emperor. If you say that you are winning Qi, let alone the old man who doesn't believe it, the world will not believe it. Gu Santong said.

"Nonsense, I won't say more.

"I'm here today for only one purpose.

"You, submit to me."

"I, give you a new path."

"There's also the truth about the Taihu battle that kept you imprisoned for decades." Ying Qi didn't have time to waste time with Gu Santong, so he said directly.

"The truth about the battle of Taihu Lake?"9

Gu Santong's expression changed slightly.

The original thing.

For the ancient three links, it is also an indisputable situation.

He was invited by many sects of the Ming Kingdom to go to fight, but when he arrived, thousands of warriors from many sects all died.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Santong became a wanted man in the Ming Dynasty and Jianghu Zongmen of the Ming Dynasty. As long as Gu Santong was discovered, he would be executed immediately.


There was also Zhu ignoring the shot, Zhengu Santong, and he was imprisoned in this prison.

"Why did those people die?" Gu Santong asked eagerly.

"Submit to me, I will tell you the truth." Ying Qi calmly said.

"If you really tell the old man the truth, and the old man is willing to take action for you three times, I can also hand it over to you. Gu Santong gritted his teeth and said directly.

But the voice fell.

Ying Qi turned around and walked slowly towards the exit.

No more wasting time.

For Ying Qi, the ancient three links are optional, and since Ying Qi is unwilling, Ying Qi will not force it.

Looking at Ying Qi's back, who turned around, Gu Santong knew that Ying Qi didn't care about the three things he promised, let alone the magic that resounded throughout the Ming Dynasty.

"it is good."

"As long as you tell me the truth, Gu Santong is willing to be loyal and work for you."

Seeing that Ying Qi was about to get out of the prison, Gu Santong was moved and shouted loudly.

Hear this.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Qi's mouth.

This powerhouse of the four levels of heaven and man has entered the urn.

Although the Daqin world now has a lot of potential, it is still far from enough compared to the heritage of this world that has been inherited for many years.

Therefore, while Ying Qi was still in this world, he tried his best to subdue some powerful people and prepare for the arrival of Da Qin.

After all, although the Daqin army is strong and has high morale, it is still inferior to those who are really top-notch. Just like Ying Qi slaughtering in this Mingdu, even though Emperor Ming holds monstrous power and is in charge of the army, but in the face of Ying Qi this Waiting for the strong, he has nothing to do.

This is the same for Da Qin.

If not a real battlefield duel.

To deal with the strong is to deal with the strong with the strong.

This will not change.

When Da Qin really came to this realm, it would be like the dynasties in this realm, a city specializing in dealing with military offenders and disobeying the jurisdiction of the imperial court.

The specifics will be determined in the Black Ice Terrace and the Shadow.

But there is a high probability that the Black Ice Platform will be used as a punishment institution.

Outside the Shadow Lord, and inside the Black Ice Platform Lord, this will not change.

"The tragic situation in Taihu Lake is what Zhu Ignore did, and the martial artists of those sects were all killed by Zhu Ignore, exhausted their skills and died."

"Then, he took advantage of the situation to put the blame on you." Ying Qi stopped and turned around.

Gu Santong's expression changed slightly, and there was a kind of shock on his face, then annoyance and a wry smile.

"Zhu ignore it, Zhu ignore it.

"Although you are despicable and shameless, insidious and cunning, but I have never treated you badly, if it wasn't for me, how could you have found the great law of attracting stars.

"I never thought about it."

"You are so despicable, you used the lives of thousands of warriors in Taihu to make me fall into trouble. 99

"Good, good, great.

"Zhu Ignore, you are really a righteous and awe-inspiring iron man." Gu Santong laughed loudly, with a wry smile in his voice.

Battle of Taihu Lake.

Tragedy piled up.

Gu Santong thought about many murderers, but never thought that Zhu ignored it.

Because on the bright side, Gu Santong and Zhu Shiguang had a good relationship, it can be said that Zhu Shitong can have the current strength, and Gu Santong is a helper.

"One more thing to tell you.""

"You have a son."

Ying Qi said.

"What... what?"

"I have a son?'

Gu Santong struggled to raise his head, with shock and joy on his face.

"Okay, come out with me.

"The whereabouts of your son, I will find it for you."5

Ying Qi said, turning around and walking out.

When they reached the "Marquis of Iron Courage" iron monument, with a bang, the iron monument shattered directly.

Leaving the 20th floor of the Heavenly Prison.

to the nineteenth floor.

You can see many people who are imprisoned within the prohibition of the formation.

Their cultivation bases are not weak, and a few are still the cultivation bases of great masters.

When they watched Ying Qi come up from the 20th floor of the Tian Prison, there was some expectation in their eyes.

Look at these people.

Without any hesitation, Ying Qi raised his hand, the thin ice condensed in his palm, activated the life and death talisman, and hit these people directly.

Life and death characters enter.

Painful screams spread throughout the prison.

After letting them experience the pain of the life and death talisman, Ying Qi did not say much, and directly subdued, dealing with these people, directly subduing them by the most direct means.

Then the layers of heavenly prisons were subdued and controlled by the life and death talisman.

Wait until Ying Qi walks out of this Ming Kingdom Heavenly Prison.

Thousands of people have followed behind, their cultivation is different, the strongest is the ancient three, has reached the realm of heaven and man, there are five great masters, the others are masters, ranging from innate realm,

But these people that Ying Qi subdued can only come out from the seventh level of the innate.

Once out of prison.

A large number of Jinyi guards and defenders have been preparing for the battle outside the prison.

When Ying Qi saw it, he naturally ordered: "Not a single one.

"Your Majesty's order.

"Kill. 99

All the warriors rushed out.

With hatred for the Ming court, he killed him.

They were imprisoned in this prison, and they had suppressed their endless anger for a long time. When they looked at these people in the Ming Dynasty, they were naturally extremely angry.

Everyone kills.


A scene of murder.


Ying Qi is facing the ancient third channel.

Immediately move away.

As for those warriors who were planted with life and death talismans, Ying Qi had their own arrangements, and they had been handed over to Dun weak.

When he came to the void where Hulong Villa was located.

"This is Hulong Villa?"

When looking at the ruined villa, Gu Santong was stunned.

In the capital city of a country, it was still the mansion of a strong man in the realm of heaven and man, but it turned into such a dilapidated scene.


Sensing Ying Qi's breath, Yan Nantian also greeted him from below.

"Yan Nantian.

"He was also a man of the Lord. 55

"He is known as the first powerhouse in the Ming Dynasty, and he has surrendered to the Lord."

"And...it seems to be willing." Gu Santong looked at Yan Nantian in shock.

Although Gu Santong was once strong in the Ming Kingdom, he was a great master at that time. At that time, Yan Nantian was already famous and known as the first powerhouse in the Ming Kingdom.


Ying Qi looked at Yan Nantian and asked.

"Everyone has left with the file." Yan Nantian replied.

"it is good."

"Next, you also go to this place to look for weakness.

"If something happens, I will send an edict to you by slamming down.""

Ying Qi nodded and said nothing more.

Yan Nantian and Gu Santong are both strong in the realm of heaven and man, and they can take charge of themselves in case of trouble. This is also considered to win the two trump cards brought by Qi to Dunwei. Compared with the top strength in this world, it can also be regarded as an enhancement to the shadow. .

"Master wants to leave the Ming Kingdom?" Yan Nantian raised his head and asked.

"I'm going to the imperial mausoleum.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"The Mausoleum of the Great Qin Emperor, the place of legend."

"Does the imperial mausoleum really exist?" Gu Santong asked in surprise.

"Maybe there, maybe not.

"I'll only know when I go there in person." Ying Qi smiled.

Ying Qi is naturally aware of the legends of this world. If there is an imperial mausoleum, it is definitely a treasure left by Qin Shihuang in this world.



In addition to the heritage left by Da Qin in this world, the key to Ying Qi's search for the imperial mausoleum is Bai Qi.

If Bai Qi is really alive.

Ying Qi has the confidence to subdue it.

Relying on his own being the Emperor of Qin and his own strength.

"In legend, the Mausoleum of the Emperor of Qin is in Xianyang, but no one has discovered it for many years. Even now, countless people are searching for it in Xianyang, but they have not found any results. Gu Santong said.

"Now there is no Xianyang, only Chang'an."

"And Chang'an is in the territory of the Song Dynasty, and it has always been a battleground for strategists.

"To the west of Chang'an is Xixia, and to the north is the Yuan Kingdom, surrounded by enemies on both sides.

"Speaking of my lord, there has been a big event in Song recently, maybe my lord can drop by and take a look. Yan Nantian is rare to say so much.

"What's the big deal?" Ying Qi asked curiously.

"Ximen Chuixue, who is known as the Sword God of Song, and Ye Gucheng, the master of Baiyun City, who is the royal family of Song, are preparing for a life-and-death battle in the capital of Song, at the top of the Forbidden Palace, three months later."

"Lay the name of the first person in the Song Dynasty swordsmanship.

"This matter has spread all over the world, and many people in the world have gathered towards the Song Kingdom, just to see this peak battle. 35 Yan Nantian's tone was also awe-inspiring.

"The Song Dynasty was the country that gained the most heritage of the Qin Empire at the beginning, and it was also hailed as the center by the whole world. The strong were like clouds, and the Song Dynasty royal family was weak, but there were many strong people in the rivers and lakes. The soldiers of Songjing.

"Ximen Chuixue is known as the Sword God of the Song Kingdom. Before I was put in the Heavenly Prison, I was already a master of the fifth level of the Heaven and Human Realm. Now I am afraid that I have become stronger. As a collateral line of the Song Kingdom's royal family, Ye Gucheng has the blood of the royal family. , but he is a foreign surname, and he is also a powerful person who is known as the ruler of the Song Dynasty royal family." Gu Santong also said with awe.

"A decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City?"

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

With an understanding of the world of comprehensive martial arts, Ying Qi naturally knew that this decisive battle was a conspiracy. Ye Gucheng's conspiracy against the imperial power of the Song Kingdom, on the bright side, he was going to fight Ximen Chuixue, but secretly it was a conspiracy. Thinking of assassinating Emperor Song, instead.

This is an ambitious man.

He is also a man of great ambition.


"The capital of the Song Dynasty is indeed worth visiting."


"It is also possible to let the experience value be sent to the front obediently during this process. 35 Yingqi thought carefully, and suddenly had a decision in his heart.


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