Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 293 Rumors in the world, the royal family with the surname Ying came out

Time flickers.

Song country.


The battle between the two top powerhouses attracted the attention of countless people all over the world. At the same time, the capital of the Song Kingdom also gathered an unknown number of warriors, all of whom had one purpose, to watch this shocking battle between heaven and man.

Sword God Ximen Chuixue.

Sword Saint Ye Gucheng.

The battle between the two top powerhouses.

Whoever wins will be able to establish the true title of the first swordsman in the Song Kingdom. Of course, for the gathered warriors, they also want to watch this battle to gain diligence.

But under such events.

In the world, another rumor suddenly appeared.

"Have you heard?"

"The Ying royal family of the Great Qin Empire in the past has not been completely destroyed, and today there are still Ying royal bloodlines in the world.

"Why do you say this? The royal family surnamed Ying has long since perished along with the old Qin? Could it be another false rumor?

"Just two months ago, a major event happened in the "May 6th Seventh" dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, haven't you heard of it?"

"The Daming Dynasty is far away from our Song Dynasty. How can we know the news of Daming?"

"Then I'll tell you.

"More than two months ago, a man who claimed to be the royal family surnamed Ying was born in the Ming Kingdom. In the first-class power of the Ming Kingdom, Yihua Palace beheaded the two great masters of the Ming Kingdom. As a reward, the rank god soldiers called on the world's warriors to destroy the royal family surnamed Ying, but in the end the Ming Dynasty failed.""

"Even the powerhouses in the Heaven and Human Realm died in the hands of the royal family surnamed Ying.

"real or fake?"

"Heaven and Human Realm also died in the hands of the royal family surnamed Ying?"

"Is that impossible?"

"Anyway, the news has spread. Whether you believe it or not, the Ming Kingdom suffered heavy losses anyway, and Hou Zhu, the iron god who was known as the protector of the Ming Kingdom, was scared away by the royal family surnamed Ying."

In many taverns, there was information about the situation of the Ming Kingdom. The appearance of Ying Qi caused the Ming Kingdom to suffer a big loss, and there were many discussions.

And in a tavern in this capital city, Ying Qi also used to eat, drink fine wine, and quietly listen to the discussions of these Jianghu warriors.

After leaving the territory of the Ming Kingdom and coming to the Song Kingdom, it is no longer the same as in the Ming Kingdom before, where the wanted notices were posted everywhere, and countless people were horrified when they saw Ying Qi.

After Ming Huang suffered that big loss, he did not dare to provoke Ying Qi again, and the wanted notices in the territory of the Ming Kingdom were also withdrawn.

"Moreover, the appearance of the royal family with the surname Ying also brought a big news."

"This news is enough to shock everyone in the world."

"what news?"

"The legendary treasure of the Great Qin Empire, the Crown Prince's Mausoleum. According to legend, this royal family surnamed Ying has the map of the Mausoleum, and has set off from the Ming Kingdom to our Song Dynasty, and is going to the Mausoleum to retrieve the treasure. 35

A man said in a low voice, but the heat in his eyes was unspeakable.

Hear the news.

I don't know how many warriors in the tavern stopped their chopsticks and looked at the man one after another.

No matter who it is, there is an unspeakable heat on his face.

Treasures of the Qin Empire,

It has been circulated for countless years. If anyone can get this treasure, they will have the opportunity to break the bottleneck of the Heaven and Human Realm, and even dominate the world.

This sentence immediately attracted countless people.

"Is this rumor true or false?"

a warrior asked.

"Absolutely true, the news has spread.

"And according to rumors, the royal family with the surname Ying has already entered our Great Song Dynasty.

"If you can find him, you will have a chance to get the treasure.

"It seems that this matter must be reported to my sect elders. 35

"The treasure of the Great Qin Empire, such a great opportunity must not be missed.

"Get the treasure, get the world."


Almost everyone in this tavern is thinking, no one will refuse the treasure of Daqin.

No matter what the cultivation level is, they all have the same desire for this treasure.

in this tavern.

Ying Qi smiled faintly: "Dunwei's efficiency in handling affairs is good, this move can definitely attract countless warriors in the world to Xianyang. 99

"Kill them all. There may be no pressure at the peak of Heaven and Human Realm.


The so-called news of the royal family with the surname Ying was spread by Ying Qi Rang weakly.

The purpose is to attract the kind of greedy warriors, as well as those strong.


All in one go.

It is best to attract warriors who are above the great masters and who are in the realm of heaven and human.

But it is conceivable.

The effect brought by this Daqin treasure is definitely greater than the effect brought by a heaven-level divine weapon in the Ming Dynasty.

The number of strong people attracted will also increase.

In the tavern where Ying Qi was located, it was shaken by the news of the Ying royal family.

But more than that.

In this world, the news has spread everywhere.

"The next step is to go to Xianyang to harvest the fruits after this battle at the top of the Forbidden City." Ying Qi smiled lightly, the bureau has been set, and it is just waiting for the harvest.

City Lord's Mansion.

"How is the arrangement?"

A handsome man with white hair opened his mouth to the subordinate in front of him and said . . . .

"Back to the city master, everything has been arranged, and the Royal Forest Army is also under my control.

"As long as there is a battle together, the entire palace will be under the control of the city master." A subordinate replied respectfully.

"This battle must be successful."

"If it fails, it will never be recovered."

"If it is successful, the city lord will rule the world and will never treat you badly." Ye Gucheng said solemnly.

"Swear allegiance to the city master." All the men responded.


They all retreated.

"Zhao Ju, how can a cowardly and incompetent person be an emperor?"

"The Great Song Dynasty has a vast territory and has inherited the greatest heritage of the Great Qin in the past, but you can't use this heritage to the extreme. Small countries and foreign races even dare to violate the borders, and all literature and martial arts are light. 35

"The big Song is no longer in your hands.

"As long as you kill you and replace it, the Great Song Dynasty can rule the world. I, Ye Gucheng, can definitely have the same courage as the first emperor of the past, and rule the world. Ye Gucheng clenched his fists tightly, with a kind of ambition.

Time is fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day when Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue had a decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City.

Inside a pub.

"Your Majesty, according to your instructions, the news has been spread all over the world."

"Now the world's major sects, and even the top loose cultivators have moved. 39

"They are all searching for the whereabouts of the emperor, and they want to coerce the emperor to obtain the treasures of Daqin." Dunwei said respectfully.

"When this battle at the top of the Forbidden City is over, spread the news about us.

"Be sure to attract all the powerhouses in this world." Ying Qi said.

1.7 "The emperor has gathered so many strong men in this world, is he going to kill them all at once, so that I, Daqin Tieqi, will lose their way in this world?" Dun weak asked respectfully.

"Yeah." Ying Qi nodded.

"There are many strong people in this world, countless, and there may be quite a few of them, perhaps all of them are Da Qin's enemies, and solving them this time is enough to allow Da Qin to come and save many obstacles.

"It's better to catch it all at once." Ying Qi calmly said.

The strongest person in this world has the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm. If you face one, you may have the strength to win a battle, but if you face multiple, there is no way to win Qi.

But Ying Qi has a trump card in his hand.

Shattered Realm One Day Experience Card.

This is absolutely above the realm of heaven and man.

This rare opportunity can't be wasted, so Ying Qi set up this game, and the more powerhouses you attract, the better.

And then use this opportunity to gain experience points and improve strength.

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