Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 291 Another Purpose of Winning Qi

Under the coercion of Ying Qi.

Emperor Ming could only bring humiliation and order someone to bring the conditions that Ying Qi offered.

This time.

Ying Qi can be said to be a big lion.

It does not explain that the state-level divine weapon of the kingdom is priceless and has no market. The powerhouses of heaven and human are all looking at it, and this divine weapon is of infinite value.

There are four more Divine Weapons of the Earth Rank.

Millions of mid-grade spirit stones.

This really caused Ming Guoda to bleed.


Under the order of Emperor Ming, countless wooden boxes had been piled up in front of Ying Qi, and each box was filled with spiritual stones.

For Ying Qi, these spirit stones were of little use, but for Daqin's courtiers, these spirit stones would be an aid to increase their cultivation.


"The Sword of Founding, and these four Divine Weapons are here."

A treasury official brought two wooden boxes with panic.

Ming Huang opened the wooden box with unwillingness and pain.

The first thing that catches the eye is a magical weapon with a flickering cold light. Even though it has not yet unsheathed, the sharpness of the sword intent can be clearly felt.

The palm of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty has been passed down since then, but today, it is forced to give it to others.

This was nothing but humiliation for the Emperor Ming.

"Everything you want is here.

Emperor Ming raised his head and looked at Ying Qi Dao with hatred.

"Not bad. 35

Ying Qi directly ignored Ming Huang's hatred. In Ying Qi's eyes, he was just an ant, not worth mentioning.


God Ying Qi read it out, and directly put all the spirit stones and magic weapons into the storage space. The scene that was still piled up just now, 560 immediately became empty.

Emperor Ming is so acquainted.

Ying Qi did not hesitate, the real essence returned to Dantian, and the hurricane that was about to overturn at any time disappeared.

"who are you?

"Why do you want to be my enemy, Daming?"

Looking at Ying Qi who had taken back the offensive, Emperor Ming said with extreme unwillingness.

until now.

What Emperor Ming knew about Ying Qi was only that he was powerful, and besides, he didn't even know his name.

"An enemy of your Ming Kingdom?

Ying Qi smiled lightly: "Don't look down on yourself too much, from beginning to end, it's you Minguo who is courting death.

"All right."

"I don't need to talk nonsense with you anymore. 39

"Nine months later, you will naturally know who I am. 95

The voice fell.

Ying Qi's figure flashed, and he left the Ming Palace directly.

"Damn. 35

Emperor Ming looked at the position where Ying Qi was standing, full of hatred and anger.

As a high-ranking emperor, he was so humiliated today that all the magic weapons of the country were taken by Ying Qi, which was a hundred times more humiliating than ceding the land and losing the city.


"At Hulong Villa, he....he once said his origins. 35

The Jin Yiwei who just reported it respectfully said.

"Speak." Emperor Ming said with a cold face.

"He said that he is the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, Ying Qi." Jin Yiwei said terrified.

"Win Qi?""

Hear these two words.

Emperor Ming and his subordinates all frowned.

This time.

They just came to their senses.

Ying Qi just called himself from the beginning to the end, not me, and this title is unique to the emperor, and it was initiated by Yingzheng, the first emperor of Qin in the past.

Ming Kingdom, Heavenly Prison.

Ying Qi slowly walked towards the gate of the Tianjing.

This is another purpose of coming to Ming Kingdom this time.

In the Heavenly Prison, a top powerhouse was imprisoned, and Ying Qi's purpose was to take it for his own use.

And those warriors in the prison can also take advantage of the situation.

Controlled by life and death symbols.

For the time being, it can also be regarded as strengthening the strength of Da Qin in this world.

Come to the entrance of the prison.

A large number of Jinyiwei quickly approached.

"Heavenly prison is heavy, idlers stop."

A large number of Jinyiwei looked at Ying Qi and drew out their swords to point at.

Ying Qi glanced at it, raised his hand, and a wave of air burst out.

This large number of Jinyiwei were all killed.

The Heavenly Prison Portal was also directly defeated.

Ying Qi walked into the prison without hindrance.

In this Heavenly Prison, all kinds of people arrested by the Ming Kingdom are detained, but those who can enter the Heavenly Prison all have one thing in common. Yes, there are also East Factory, West Factory, and even Hulong Villa who were arrested in Heavenly Prison.


"Let me go."

"I didn't kill anyone at all, it was people from Dongchang who framed me. 55

"Sir, forgive me, I was wronged...

As soon as he walked into the Heavenly Prison, bursts of cries were heard in Ying Qi's ears.

There are all kinds of expressions in the prison.

But Ying Qi didn't make any waves.

Just walked towards the deepest part of the prison.

And those prisoners looked at Ying Qi's figure and shouted even more frantically.


Ying Qi entered the bottom layer of the Heaven Prison without any hindrance, which was the twentieth floor.

Tomorrow's Heavenly Prison.

There are twenty floors in total, and the lower the floor number, the stronger the prisoners are.

On the 20th floor, there was a man who used to dominate the world of Ming Dynasty, who was known as an undefeated urchin and an ancient three-way.

Rivers and lakes spread.

In the past, the ancient three links challenged the major sects of the Ming Dynasty, humiliated the heads of the major sects, and caused chaos in the Ming Dynasty (afbh), and even the court was alarmed. Later, in the Taihu battle, the ancient three links slaughtered many Ming countries. A person from the Jianghu Zongmen was wanted by the Jianghu of the Ming Dynasty.


The young Zhu ignored the shot and defeated Gu Santong by half a move.

Gu Santong was also imprisoned on the 20th floor of this Heavenly Prison. It has existed for decades in this dark underground.

Ying Qi came to the deepest part of the prison.

At the entrance, there is a huge iron-cast monument with four characters engraved on it, Lord of Iron Courage.

With the cultivation of the ancient three links, this so-called Heavenly Prison is simply not enough to trap him, and over the past decades, it is not the Heavenly Prison that has trapped him, but a bet.

The two made a bet.

If anyone loses, when they see anyone's name, they must retreat and never enter again.

And today.

Ying Qi walked into the deepest part of the prison.


"How dare you come here?"

Just as the footsteps stepped in, a slightly vicissitudes of life came out.

"Unbeaten urchin, ancient three links.


"In the past, it was invincible, and now it is lonely and sad."

Ying Qi walked out slowly and said plainly.


deep down here.

A disheveled man was sitting on the ground, and he was the only one here.

"Zhu Ignoring sent you here? Or do you want my King Kong Indestructible Magic? Go back and tell him that he will die. 99 Gu Santong said coldly.

"He doesn't deserve it.

Ying Qi said.

Has come to the front of the ancient three links.


Hearing the word "unworthy", Gu Santong became interested, and a bright light flashed in his disheveled eyes: "In this world of the Ming Dynasty, there is still Zhu who ignores the unworthy? 35

"Take a guess, old man. 39

"You are from Cao Zhengchun, or from Liu Xi.

"I'm here today to invite the old man to deal with Zhu Ignore.

Ying Qi shook his head: "Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are already dead."

"Oh?" Gu Santong was a little surprised: "Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are the powerhouses at the peak of the great masters, and the only people who can kill them are Heaven and Human Realm. After all, Zhu ignores that insidious person and can't help but do it to them. ?35

"It seems that you already knew about Zhu Ignoring's cultivation?" Ying Qi smiled.

"Zhu ignores this old boy's deep thoughts and hides his calculations. He has always appeared in a bright and upright manner, a picture of righteousness and awe-inspiring, but in terms of insidiousness and cunning, the two eunuchs Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are completely incomparable." Gu San Tong said sarcastically.

"It seems that you have seen Zhu Ignore very thoroughly." Ying Qi smiled.

"I can't talk about it thoroughly, after all, I have known each other for so many years." Gu Santong smiled.

"Okay, now you can continue to guess the purpose of my coming here." Ying Qi faced Gu Santong.

"You, I can't see through."

"But I can be sure that you are not a member of the imperial court, but you can enter the 20th floor of this prison, which shows that your cultivation is not weak. You are here for me." Gu Santong stared at Ying Qi and said with certainty. .


"Of course I'm here for you." Ying Qi smiled, then his expression became serious: "You, would you like to serve me?"


Gu Santong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahaha, young man, although this old man hasn't left this dungeon for decades, if you are an emperor, then wouldn't the curse against the emperor since ancient times be shattered.

"Emperor, it is impossible to step into the path of cultivation."

"I can't see through you, you are at least above the fifth level of Heaven and Human Realm."

"You, absolutely cannot be the emperor. 35

"Furthermore, the emperor of the Ming Kingdom does not have the courage to enter the prison alone.""

"I don't even dare to see the old man."

PS: Seeking support.

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