Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 290 Win Qilin Palace, Domineering Boundless

This sound was like thunder, resounding in every corner of the Ming Palace.


The Emperor Ming's face turned pale.

The faces of the court officials also became uneasy.

"This....is this the devil?"

"He has already killed the palace.

"I...what should I do?""

The Emperor Ming was extremely terrified.

But in such a situation, the court officials were afraid to speak, because they didn't know what to do.

Perhaps they would have a say in state affairs and government affairs, but for the attack of such a top powerhouse, the top powerhouses in the Ming Kingdom would not be left behind.

There is absolutely nothing they can do.

The huge Ming Dynasty, this time, under the power of Ying Qi, actually had a crisis of national destruction that was about to come.

Look around.

Inside and outside the palace.

The 100,000-strong army looked uneasy, clasped their weapons tightly, and was at a loss for what to do.

And their eyes are fixed on one place, above the void, a black figure makes them terrified.

Ying Qi stood in the sky, and the terrifying power swept the entire palace.

Those who might be the elite Ming army did not know how to deal with this power.

And Ying Qi didn't pay any attention to them at all. With a volley, he rushed towards the deepest part of the palace.

body shape.

No one can stop it.

In Ying Qi's eyes, the 100,000 army was like nothing.

Their strength is simply difficult to deal with Ying Qi.

In this world of martial arts, the powerful can check and balance the world and deal with the warriors, and only the warriors can deal with the warriors, and the strong can deal with the strong.

But even if the Emperor Ming tried his best to deal with Ying Qi as a whole nation of warriors, he still perished in the end.

Even the Marquis of Iron Courage in his Ming Kingdom escaped.

When this matter came out, the Ming Dynasty would become the laughing stock of this world.

Ying Qi moved, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the Golden Palace.

And this moment.

Emperor Ming had already taken his civil and military officials and ran out of the Golden Palace, as if preparing to escape.

"Didn't you always want to see me? 35

"Now, here I am. 35

"You're going to run away?"

Ying Qi jokingly looked at Emperor Ming and his civil and military affairs in court.

"The devil... the devil."

"I will never fear you.

Emperor Ming's voice looked at Ying Qi with fear.

"The lord of a country in this world really can't cultivate."

"It's no wonder that the history of this world is inherited. In the past, Da Qin ruled the world, and the first emperor never broke the limit.""

"This may also be done by the way of heaven, and the king cannot cultivate.

Ying Qi stared at the Emperor Ming.

His body is fragile and has no foundation for cultivation.

Coupled with the many news that Ying Qi received after he came to this world, it is conceivable that the emperor could not cultivate, and could not set foot on cultivation to prolong his life.

This may also be a check and balance against the emperor from this side of the world.

If you control the world and all sentient beings, you will naturally have to lose some.

"You, are not afraid of me."?"

Ying Qi laughed jokingly, fell from the void, and walked slowly towards Emperor Ming.

But every time Ying Qi took a step forward, Emperor Ming and his courtiers took a step back. These high-ranking dignitaries seemed extremely embarrassed.

"What do you want to do? Kill me?"

"I am the emperor and have the protection of heaven.

"You can't kill me.

The Emperor Ming said in a trembling voice.

"Can't kill you?"

Ying Qi smiled.

He raised his hand and hit the Emperor Ming.

A tyrannical palm force shot out in an instant.

But the next moment.

An astonishing scene appeared.

Suddenly, a golden light curtain appeared on Emperor Ming's body, and the same light curtain appeared on his servants, protecting them all.

Ying Qi's random palm hit them, and they were directly blocked by the light curtain, and they didn't suffer any damage.

"I am the emperor.

"God bless.

"You can't hurt me at all."

Seeing that Ying Qi's attack failed, Emperor Ming had his support and shouted to Ying Qi.

"The power of luck.

"It seems that this is the gain and loss of the world.

"The emperor can't cultivate, but he has to be protected by the power of a country's luck, and the warrior is hard to hurt."

"This also belongs to the authority of the emperor, and it is unique to the courtiers under his command who have never stepped into the path of cultivation."

Ying Qi's eyes swept away, and he immediately understood the situation of Emperor Ming and his subjects.

"I have to try to see where the limit of the power of the Ming Kingdom's luck protection is.

Ying Qi secretly said in his heart.

In vain.

The figure rises into the sky.

Lingshuang Sword appeared in his hand.

Sword intent rushed to the sky.

With the power to destroy the sky.

"If I can't hurt you, then I will destroy your army of 100,000 people and destroy your Ming Palace.

Ying Qi sneered.

The momentum on his body skyrocketed, and the Lingshuang sword in his hand flashed red light, revealing a kind of magic.

"Fengshen is angry.

True Yuan transfer.

The originally calm void suddenly started a whirlwind, and the palace was shaking under the power of the whirlwind.

The Wind Demon God appeared behind Ying Qi with a huge figure with the attributes of a gust of wind.

It was at this time.

"hold head high."

A dragon roar suddenly rang out in the void, and endless light spots converged to form a white dragon of luck.

Although it is not as huge as the dragon of luck condensed by Da Qin's luck, it is also more than three hundred feet tall.

after it appeared.

Immediately with a terrifying power of luck, he protected the Emperor Ming and the courtiers who had never set foot in the practice with the road of luck.

At the same time, he stared at Ying Qi with an instinct, as if Ying Qi would fight back as long as he made a move.

"what are you going to do?"

Watching the gust of wind howling, as if it was about to destroy the entire palace, Emperor Ming was shocked.

Although he can get the protection of the power of luck, he may be able to save his life, but if the palace is destroyed and the army of 100,000 people is destroyed, he will suffer heavy losses.

And Zhu ignored that he had already escaped.

If he loses this power and loses face, Zhu Ignore will definitely take his place.

Ming Huang can sit on this throne, of course he is not stupid, he understands how deep his uncle's mind is.

"I said that if I can't kill you, I will destroy your palace and destroy your army of 100,000 people."

"This is the price you pay for being my enemy.

Ying Qi sneered.

Gesture is to act.

The terrifying hurricane seemed about to explode.

Once it falls, the entire palace will be set on fire, and the army of 100,000 people will suffer heavy losses.

"and many more.""

The Emperor Ming hurriedly shouted.

"What conditions do you need to avoid fighting?" Emperor Ming asked unwillingly.

If it weren't for the situation here, if Ying Qi was not so domineering, if there was no way to deal with Ying Qi, he really wouldn't be like this.

But in order to preserve the majesty of his emperor, preserve his palace, and not become the laughing stock of the world, he could only back down.

"`" is simple. 39

Seeing Emperor Ming's approach, Ying Qi smiled.

This is the purpose of his coming to this Ming Palace.

The first is to try the power of luck that is invisible and condensed to protect the emperor in this world, and the second is to blackmail.

Wanting to kill the Ming Emperor, in fact, for Ying Qi, with his current cultivation, he can't do it. After all, he has the power of a country to protect him, and the invisible power of heaven.

This should be a kind of compensation from Heavenly Dao to the emperor of this world.

If you can't cultivate, then give him support, so that the emperor will not be constrained by the warriors and will not be in danger.


If Ying Qi really has the idea to kill the Ming Emperor, he can do it.

That is to use the level 51 experience card, with the broken realm that surpasses the realm of heaven and man, it is enough to break up the dragon of luck of the Ming Kingdom and kill the emperor of Ming Dynasty.


Killing Emperor Ming can't get anything, and he can't let him and Zhu ignore the infighting, which is not good for Da Qin. Besides, is he worth winning against Qi and wasting such a big hole card?

Obviously, he doesn't deserve it.

So this time Ying Qi came to the Ming Palace for two purposes. The first was to test the power of luck, and the second was to extort and deter the Ming Emperor.

"Take your Ming Kingdom's Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier."

"There are also five Divine Weapons of the Earth Rank. 99

"Millions of middle-grade spirit stones."

"All the elixir and refining materials in the treasury are handed over to me. 35

Ying Qi said directly.

The voice fell.

The Emperor Ming's face became extremely pale.

The faces of his servants also became very unwilling and angry.

"You're going too far. 99

Ming Huang gritted his teeth and stared at Ying Qi.

"I'm not discussing with you. If you don't give it, then I'll take it myself, and by the way, I will destroy the palace and your army." Ying Qi said very calmly.

In the face of such a threat from Ying Qi.

Emperor Ming was silent.

But after a while.

The Emperor finally gave in.

Because he really didn't have the capital to fight against Ying Qi, even though he was sitting on a huge country and had an army of millions, he was helpless in the face of such a strong man as Ying Qi, because with such a large army, he couldn't help Ying Qi.

"it is good.

"I give it to you.

The Emperor Ming was extremely unwilling, with infinite humiliation in his eyes.

PS: Update to, seek to be fixed.

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