Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 289 I, From Another Realm, Consecutively Upgraded 4 Levels

"My subordinates are really curious, but if the lord doesn't tell me, the subordinates won't ask." Yan Nantian replied calmly.

The appearance of the dungeon portal just now carried a power that made him palpitate, and Yan Nantian was sure that this power was absolutely possessed by ordinary people, and even the peak of Heaven and Human Realm could not be mastered.

This portal is not false, it can actually send people from another place, just like a door of space.

Yan Nantian has traveled all over the world for so many years, but he has never seen such an artifact.

Ying Qi was naturally very satisfied with Yan Nantian's performance of not asking too many questions and not talking too much.

Perhaps this is also related to Yan Nantian's original character.

"The other side of the portal just now is not this world." Ying Qi said.

When Yan Nantian heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and his expression was also very surprised.

"Could it be that the Lord came from the Immortal Realm?" Yan Nantian asked in a turbulent voice.

For him who is determined to pursue the pinnacle of cultivation, the immortal world is his greatest pursuit.

In the legends of this world, the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm can break through the void and enter the Immortal Realm, and at that realm, he will have immortal life essence and become a real immortal.

But the legend is just a legend after all. This world has existed for countless years, but no one can break it and successfully land on the heaven and human realm.

Even the Daqin world, which was at the peak of cultivation in the past, unified the world, and the power of the whole country could not create an existence that surpassed the realm of heaven and man.

And this moment.

Hearing what Ying Qi said about another world, Yan Nantian immediately thought of the legendary fairyland.

"Immortal, maybe exists. 35

"But for this world, there is no fairyland at all.

Looking at Yan Nantian's scorching heat, Ying Qi said immediately.

"No fairyland?"

Yan Nantian's expression became surprised: "In the legend, above the realm of heaven and man is to break through the void and enter the fairyland. Since there is no fairyland, is there no immortal at all?"

"What kind of world is the world that the Lord just opened to through the portal?


Yan Nantian couldn't believe Ying Qi's statement, after all, the immortal world was the greatest pursuit of practitioners.

"05 All heavens and ten thousand worlds, the sky and the universe. 99

"Beyond the sky, there is indeed a sky.

"But not what you think.

"I came from another world, but it's not an immortal world." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

"The Lord is really Ying Qi, the former crown prince of the Great Qin Empire?" Yan Nantian asked in a serious tone.

Win the name of Qi.

For this side of the world, it can be said that everyone knows it, and everyone knows it.

"I want to win Qi, but I am not the crown prince of this world, Ying Qi. 39

"My Great Qin is not the Great Qin of this world.

"But the existence of Yingqi on this side of the world is also related to me.

"Strictly speaking, you can also understand Ying Qi in this world as I." Ying Qi said.

The change in world history on this side is, in the final analysis, because the Daqin world is connected to this comprehensive martial arts world.

If Ying Qi did not come to this world, and there is no Daqin Realm connected to this world, there may not be Ying Qi in this world. In the dark, the Dao Mapping is like this, and even the fundamentals of the world have been changed.

"My subordinates may understand." Yan Nantian nodded in understanding.

See here.

Ying Qi no longer explained too much.

The reason why he told Yan Nantian so much was because his loyalty value had reached the limit that made Ying Qi trust him. If not, Ying Qi would not have shown him the copy portal at all.

"The Lord comes from another world, the sky beyond the sky."

"It's already otherworldly."

"Ask the Lord.

"Does the existence above the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm really exist? Does this realm really set foot?" Yan Nantian suddenly asked with a serious look on his face.

"I can tell you.

Ying Qi also looked serious: "If you are in this world, no one can break the bottleneck of this realm."

"Why is this?"

"Are the legends false?

"There is no existence above the realm of heaven and man in the world? And no one can break it?" Yan Nantian was struck by lightning.

"Cultivators have levels, and the world has more levels.""

"The strongest cultivator that can exist in this world is the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm. The realm above it does not exist. If you want to break through, you must be a person who really has great luck, a person who truly owns the world."

"Only in this way can we break the limits of the world and break through the realm of heaven and man." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"My subordinates understand." Yan Nantian nodded, but there was an unwilling look in his eyes.

His lifelong goal is to pursue the pinnacle of cultivation, to pursue the realm above the human realm.

But look now.

It was impossible to break through this realm, which was a heavy blow to Yan Nantian.

But right now.

Ying Qi spoke again.

"Originally, if you were still the same you, there was indeed no chance to break through the realm of heaven and man.

"But after your choice today.

"I can give you a chance to break through. 35

"Not only at the level of heaven and man, but even at the level of immortals and gods, I can also give you a chance." Ying Qi said with a smile.

This word falls.

An unprecedented look appeared in Yan Nantian's eyes.

"Can the Lord give a chance to break through?"

"Above the realm of heaven and man, the level of immortals and gods? 35

Yan Nantian's expression was moved.

"Subordinates swear allegiance to the Lord."

Yan Nantian knelt down on one knee with strong determination.

Yan Nantian might not believe it if other people boasted such a high level, even if there is a real peak of Heaven and Human Realm in front of him, but seeing Ying Qi so confident, and the portal that broke the world just now, Yan Nantian is convinced that he will not believe it. suspect.

Perhaps deep in his heart, Yan Nantian was still a little unwilling to be defeated by Ying Qi's hands and then belonged to others.

But at this moment, he was completely reconciled.

Because he seems to have entered a whole new way.

A road to the top.

"Get up." Ying Qi said.

"Thank you, Lord." Yan Nantian stood up slowly and immediately thanked him.

this moment.

Yan Nantian went through several joys and sorrows, and regained his goal.

"You protect the law for me. Today's battle, I have gained a lot."

Ying Qi said.


Without any hesitation, Yan Nantian stood directly at the entrance, holding a divine weapon, cautiously protecting the law to win Qi.

Ying Qi smiled and sat down cross-legged with anticipation.

Then it's time to settle the rewards.

After beheading so many strong people, today is the day of Ying Qi's great victory.

"System, settle the reward for killing the enemy. 35 Yingqi communicates with the system with anticipation.

"Statistical host kill experience. 99

"Congratulations to the host who has obtained 12.3 million experience points, and has reached the experience required for the upgrade. Has the host increased the level? The system prompts.

"Sure enough.

"So much experience points. 35

Hearing the experience point statistics, Ying Qi immediately smiled.

Only by mobilizing the entire Ming Kingdom to target him can he mobilize so many strong men to deal with him.

The two Heaven and Human Realm died in his hands, that is 3 million experience points.

There are also twenty-eight great masters, hundreds of thousands of innate, master realm.

So many experience points naturally reached an unimaginable level.

This is also Ying Qi's biggest gain since he came to this world.


Ying Qi suppressed his excitement and communicated with the system.

"Host's order accepted. 99

"Start leveling up.

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 42.""

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 43.""

'Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 44. ""

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 45.

The system prompts.

A streak of golden light flickered on Ying Qi's body, the momentum on Ying Qi's body increased rapidly, and the uncontrollable momentum spread toward the void, making the entire underground shrouded under such pressure.

"The Lord is breaking through the cultivation base.

"And.... jumped several realms.

Yan Nantian turned around. Looking at Ying Qi's rising momentum.

Suddenly stunned.

He also claims to be a kendo genius with excellent talent, but after entering the realm of heaven and man, it is already a rapid progress to be able to break through the first-layer realm in a year or two. breakthrough.

But Ying Qi broke through the fourth realm with a face.

This is simply not something mortals can do.

"I came to this Mingdu today and was able to worship the Lord, perhaps the most correct decision I made.

"Martial Dao is limited, Martial Dao can be expected."

"The future is bright.

Yan Nantian's eyes flashed with determination, and he turned his head, shocked.

As the level increases, Ying Qi's strength increases wildly.

Less than a month ago, Ying Qi had just been upgraded to level 41, reaching the cultivation realm of Heaven and Human Realm.

But now, Ying Qi has once again ushered in a big outbreak of strength.

Jumped up 4 levels.

Soaring strength.

"There is still 600,000 experience points left to reach level 46."

"As long as I can kill a strong enemy again, the more the better, my strength will increase at a speed that no one can imagine." Ying Qi's eyes showed strong expectations.

With the increase in strength to this point.

Killing ordinary great masters, ordinary Heaven and Human Realm can no longer reach the previous experience value, but this is also the foundation of winning Qi and becoming stronger.

This is like Daguai upgrade.

As Ying Qi's level increases, killing ordinary mobs naturally cannot be improved.

And as the level of experience points is reached, Ying Qi must choose to upgrade the level within a day, otherwise the system will choose to upgrade Ying Qi.

Therefore, it is impossible for Ying Qi to keep pressing the experience value without improving.


"It's time to find the Emperor Ming to settle it."

Ying Qi stood up slowly, a playful look flashing in his eyes.


Went to the entrance.

"You stay here to recuperate, and by the way, take care of these secret agents, let them take away all the files, and I have to do some things.

"When I leave Mingdu, I will summon you. 35 Yingqi said to Yan Nantian.

"Yes." Yan Nantian agreed without saying anything.


The figure of Ying Qi disappeared in the secret place of the Hulong Villa.

There is not much distance from Hulong Villa. In the center of Mingdu, there is a very large Ming Palace.

After the collapse of the Great Qin Empire in the past, Mingzu established the country, and the country has existed for thousands of years.

This is already an unimaginable country in the ordinary world, but in this cultivation world, there are actually cuts and increases.

In the world, the nations compete for the front, and there is constant chaos.

And at the moment in the Ming Palace.

High security.

An army of 100,000 is guarding all over the Ming Palace, and there are archers, ballistas, strong bows and other killers everywhere, and there are warriors everywhere.

Inside the Golden Palace.

Emperor Ming's expression was solemn.

The hundred officials in the court were the same, with a surprisingly solemn expression.

Just now.

They got the news.

The devil who slaughtered countless warriors and damaged the face of the Ming Dynasty has already killed in the capital city and directly entered the Hulong Villa.

Even if they were so far apart, the aftermath of the energy that came from the Hulong Villa from time to time made the entire palace shrouded in a kind of cloud.

Emperor Ming's expression was also extremely heavy. He expected to kill Ying Qi today, and was even more afraid of failure.

So at this moment, sitting on the dragon chair, he showed an unspeakable unease.

Boom, boom.

Boom, boom.

From time to time, there was a terrifying air current in the Golden Palace, and there were bursts of roars of energy explosions.

Hear this roar.

And this suffocating power suppression.

The Emperor Ming's face became even more ugly.

The war has lasted for so long, but the war has not yet ended, which also means that the devil who wants to be eliminated soon after 557 has not died.

And this time.

A warrior in a brocade sweater quickly ran into the hall.

This is the person that Emperor Ming has been secretly planting to inquire about, seeing him come.

The Emperor Ming immediately asked loudly, "How is the situation?

"Reveal Your Majesty.

"Failed. 35

"The devil beheaded two Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses, and dozens of great grandmaster powerhouses were also killed by him."

"Thousands of warriors who were his enemies were also slaughtered by his spirit beasts."

The Jinyiwei said with a terrified expression, kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

"What... what?"

Emperor Ming stood up with disbelief on his face.

"This is impossible.

"How can the power of the two Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses be defeated?"

"What is the strength of the devil?" Emperor Ming said in horror.


Jin Yiwei knelt on the ground, not knowing how to answer.

"Where is the Lord of God?"

"Is he too?

Emperor Ming suddenly thought of it, and then asked loudly.

For the life and death of Zhu Ignore, Emperor Ming had expectations in his heart, but he was even more worried.

"The devil's strength is strong, and the Marquis of God knows that he is invincible, so he withdrew from Hulong Villa.

"Now....now missing." Jin Yiwei replied in panic.

Said to evacuate.

Rather than escape.

Just to put it nicely.


"Zhu ignored him and escaped?"

Emperor Ming's face was ashen, and he roared angrily.

This time.

He was really angry.

"Yes." Jin Yiwei replied.


"Zhu ignored this disobedient minister, he wasted the trust of the emperor's grandfather, and now I am in such a great disaster, he actually escaped.""

"He doesn't deserve to be my royal family, let alone my uncle."

"How can he escape?" Emperor Ming roared angrily.

The entire courtroom was silent.

But the next moment.

Emperor Ming suddenly came back to his senses: "Zhu ignored and fled, where is the devil? Is he already going to the palace?"

"This time, Daming is offering a reward for a heavenly soldier, and he is wanted in the world. He will definitely deal with me and against Daming."

"Has he been killed?

The words fell.

All the ministers in the courtroom turned pale.

This time, with so many powerhouses gathered, everyone felt that winning Qi would definitely die.

But everything was wrong.

Two Heavens and Humans.

Dozens of great masters.

There are countless innate and master realms.

All are dead.

It was at this time.

A monstrous aura erupted from outside the palace.

The entire palace was shrouded in this monstrous aura.

"I am here.

"Zhu Puzhao, do you dare to come and see me?"

PS: The two-in-one chapter will resume three shifts tomorrow, and seek support.

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