Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 288 Conquering the top powerhouses and making big profits

The shadows of the nine dragons break through the air, and each dragon shadow carries a vast power.

Nine dragons are surrounded by the void, moving around the sky, surrounding Yan Nantian's body in a circle, even if Yan Nantian's divine weapon pierces the sky, it is overshadowed by the power of the nine dragons.

In vain.

Kowloon rushed towards Yan Nantian at the same time.

In an instant.

Nine dragons combined, rushing fiercely.

"Divine Sword Art.""

Yan Nantian roared, there was no fear in his eyes, only a monstrous fighting intent.

He transferred all the true essence of his dantian, and tried his best to face the combination of nine dragons.

The power of the sky, the power of the sword.

They collided suddenly.


The tyrannical collision force spread out in the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

The energy light wave passed through, producing an unimaginable shock wave, and the shock wave swept through. All the buildings in this Hulong Villa were like encountering a disaster, and the buildings collapsed. The shock wave swept over, and everything was razed to the ground. .

In the very center of this energy explosion.

Yan Nantian held a divine weapon and tried his best to resist the power of Jiulong Zhentian, but looking at him clenching his teeth and breaking out in a cold sweat, he could see how difficult he was at the moment, and it was impossible to contend against this monstrous force. strength.


When the power of Jiulong Zhentian reached an unbearable critical point for Yan Nantian.


The more violent power to suppress the sky spreads.

The entire Hulong Villa was completely razed to the ground, and the ground was even sunken, turning into a huge pit covering a radius of more than ten miles. Yan Nantian was in the center of this huge pit, and the magic weapon had been inserted into the ground. The whole person slumped on the ground, spitting blood from his mouth, his face turned pale, and he was severely injured.

As Ying Qi said.

Defeat him Yan Nantian, one move is enough.

"The power of the Nine Dragons is really strong."

"This Martial Emperor's title Divine Ability is really powerful.

"In the future, as Da Qin becomes stronger and stronger, there may be a stronger title Divine Ability.

Ying Qi thought excitedly.

Yan Nantian's strength is not weak, if he had a real confrontation with him, he might not be able to defeat Yan Nantian so easily, but by virtue of his supernatural powers, he instantly burst out five times as powerful as winning Qi's full strength. .

This result is not unexpected.

"I lost.

Yan Nantian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, endured the pain of being injured by the power of the Nine Dragons Zhentian, raised his head and looked at Ying Qidao.


Even if Yan Nantian was defeated.

But he didn't have any annoyed look on his face, nor did he have any regrets.

As the existence known as the first powerhouse in the Ming Kingdom, he promised a lot of money, and he agreed at the beginning of the battle, and he would never break his promise.

"So, you are mine now.

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

"Yan Nantian, willing to serve the Lord.

Yan Nantian knelt down on one knee without any hesitation.

see this scene.

Ying Qi nodded, and Ying Qi was still very satisfied with Yan Nantian's disposition.

"This is a healing elixir. After you take it, it can help you recover."

Ying Qi waved his hand and threw a porcelain bottle at Yan Nantian.

"Thank you Lord.

Yan Nantian took the medicine pill and opened the porcelain bottle without any hesitation.

A fragrant scent wafts through the nose.

"The fourth-order medicinal pill, Gu Yuan Dan.

Yan Nantian's expression was slightly surprised.

Fourth-order medicinal pills are rare in the world, and fourth-order alchemy masters have a higher status than ordinary heaven and human beings.

After taking the medicinal pill, Yan Nantian ran the exercise to heal the wound, and after a while, his face became much better.

Ying Qi glanced at the Hulong Villa, which had turned into a ruin, and took a closer look. In the main hall of the original Hulong Villa, under the aftermath of the war, only the throne of Zhu Ignoring was not destroyed and still existed.

And the ground around the throne has not been destroyed, obviously this is the real core of Hulong Villa.

It is also the key to Zhu's disregard for the intelligence of the world.

He only needs to throw a note under the throne, any information can be obtained by him, and there is also a file of Hulong Villa's collection of the world inside.

"Come with me. 35

Ying Qi faced Yan Nan Tiandao and swept straight towards the throne.

a while.

directly in front of the throne.

Ying Qi glanced at this throne, it was indeed made of high-level refining materials, and it contained refined iron, so it was no wonder that it still existed in the aftermath of this war.

"It just so happens that the shadow has mobilized a lot of spies, and it just happens that this file is all put away."

"Zhu ignored the collection of intelligence in this world for many years, which can be used as the intelligence foundation of my Daqin Shadow in this world." Ying Qi thought.

Take a shot.

The throne was shifted immediately.

A stairway appeared directly.

Just like the black ice platform in Daqin.

Hulong Villa is underground, and there is a unique cave.

Ying Qi took Yan Nantian directly into it.

underground here.

The dead man who was loyal to Zhu Ignore was holding his weapon tightly and looking at the entrance nervously.

They did not receive the order that Zhu ignored, but the aftermath of the war on the ground was so strong that it even made them tremble under the ground, but they could not act without the order, and could only wait anxiously, Dare to go out.

As Zhu ignores the power of the true core.

Their taboos are very big. If there is no order that Zhu ignores, no one can leave half a step, and those who violate the order will be wiped out.

And this time.

A light appeared at the entrance.

This made the nearly 1,000 dead soldiers under the ground feel uneasy, holding their soldiers tightly.

All eyes were fixed on the entrance.


The two figures walked to the ground.

"Not the Lord."


When they saw Ying Qi and Yan Nantian, the dead man in the ground immediately hissed and besieged them.

"Not a single one.

Ying Qi said coldly.

Without any hesitation, Yan Nantian disappeared on the spot and turned into sword shadows. In the darkness, blood lights flashed, and lives were easily harvested.

Although Yan Nantian's injuries have not recovered yet, but after all, his cultivation base is strong, killing these ordinary dead men is easy.

Not long.

There are nearly a thousand corpses in this underground space.

Yan Nantian also put away his sword indifferently, and followed Ying Qi's back again, without saying anything.

Ying Qi was naturally more satisfied with Yan Nantian's performance.

The opportunity to use the magical powers of Jiulong Zhentian once a year was not wasted.

On this basis.

Completely subdued Yan Nantian.

over the bodies of the dead.

Ying Qi went to the depths, and he could see that countless golden threads were formed in the air. It seemed that the golden threads connected the entire underground, forming a perfect intelligence network.


In Ying Qi's eyes, a series of bookcases appeared, and each bookcase had a volume of files on it.

Ying Qi picked up a copy and opened it to see that it was a file of information.

"Zhu ignored the business for decades, but now it is cheaper for me. 99

After Ying Qi took a look, a smile appeared on his face.

These files are enough to make Shadow avoid many detours and lay the foundation of intelligence in this world.

"Open the copy portal."

Ying Qi thought for a moment.

next moment.

A golden portal appeared directly in front of Ying Qi.

The sudden energy fluctuation made Yan Nantian's expression congeal.

When he looked at the portal that suddenly appeared, his expression became even more horrified.


He wasn't a talkative person at first, but after giving Ying Qi a puzzled look, he didn't ask any more questions.

With the copy portal opened.

A streak of golden light flashed.

in a blink.

Thousands of people appeared directly in this underground.

They were all dressed in black, and if they hadn't seen it with the naked eye, they couldn't seem to perceive their breath.

"See Your Majesty."

When they saw Ying Qi, all the spies knelt down and shouted 1.7 in unison.

Each with respect from the bottom of their hearts.

"Evacuate everything underground, and then merge with Dun weak.

Ying Qi pointed to the dossier in the underground space.

Zhu ignored the management for so many years, in order to be the supreme throne, these files not only have information about the world, but also the military strength, generals, and various defense information of the Ming Kingdom.

But now it all belongs to Ying Qi.

Maybe Zhu ignored it and didn't think of it.

The intelligence force that he had worked so hard to manage for so many years would be discovered by Ying Qi and vanished.

If he saw it at this moment, he would definitely be very annoyed.

Moreover, his Hulong Villa was also razed to the ground, which made him even more angry.



Even so?

How can he be?

"The minister waits for the edict.

The detectives shouted in unison.

Then immediately start taking action.

Ying Qi turned his eyes and the dungeon portal disappeared. He turned his head, looked at Yan Nantian, and smiled lightly: "Are you curious? Just wanted to ask?

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