Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 287 Great Harvest, I Defeated With 1 Move

Zhu ignored the hidden strength for so long, which shows his deep thoughts and great conspiracy.

And he knows how to advance and retreat.

So many masters watching today.

As the most powerful person in the Ming Kingdom today, facing a powerful enemy, he turned around and ran away. It can be seen that between life and death, between face and face, he directly made a choice.

After seeing Ying Qi's strength, he knew that he was not Ying Qi's opponent, so he immediately chose to run away to save his life.

while escaping.

In the blink of an eye, he fled several dozen feet away, Ying Qi made a move, and Zhu ignored and cautiously used his True Qi to guard his entire body and protected his body. As long as he escaped several hundred feet away, he would be safe.

When a dozen thin ice hits with murderous intent.

Zhu ignored no worries at all, and didn't pay any attention to it.

But the next moment.

The thin ice directly hit his True Essence barrier. The strange thing was that his powerful True Essence was directly smashed by these thin ices. Looking closely, the tiny flames directly pierced his True Essence screen— The barrier burned.


Those more than a dozen thin ice hit Zhu Ignore's body directly and entered his meridian.

"What did he do?"

When the thin ice entered the body, Zhu ignored that there was no abnormality, but there was a sense of unease in his heart.

As everyone knows.

He became the first one to bear after Ying Qi practiced this life and death talisman.

Strictly speaking.

The source of Ying Qi's life and death talisman is in this comprehensive martial arts world, but the Tianshan child grandma who created this martial art has no understanding of the life and death talisman, nor does Ying Qigao have control over the life and death talisman.

"Although you are in the realm of heaven and man, the life and death talisman cannot control you, but with my strength, it is enough to make you suffer for several months."

"This is also the price you pay for being my enemy."

"After all, your life is of some use to me.

Looking at Zhu's back ignoring the embarrassed escape, Ying Qi smiled and did not go to chase.

If Ying Qi wants to kill Zhu Ignore, he can do it with his strength, but it is not necessary. After all, Zhu Ignore has a lot of ambitions. After escaping today, he will have torn his face with the Emperor of the Ming Kingdom, and there will be no life or death. Fu made him miserable for a few months, and after a few months, the Ming Dynasty will be in chaos.

After his own intervention.

Zhu Ignoring will never hold back his ambitions.

After all, Emperor Ming has lost two masters, Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, and the East and West factories are all over. It also completely lost the check and balance of ignoring Zhu.


And this time.

The blood tiger has also completed its task, and all the enemies on the ground have been killed.

Hulong Villa was a mess.

"If you are all right, then leave.

"I, there are still some things to deal with.

Ying Qi looked at the warriors who stayed out of the matter.

Kill today.

The name of Daqin.

Naturally, it must be spread through their mouths, and they are not enemies with themselves, this is the key.

Although Ying Qi is not a saint, he is definitely not a devil.

"Thank you, senior."9

"Junior retire.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

These warriors who had not participated in the battle bowed to Ying Qi, with awe in their eyes, and quickly left Hulong Villa.

Except for Yan Nantian, all the other warriors from all over the Dragon Protector Villa left.

"Why don't you go?"

Ying Qi looked at Yan Nantian and smiled lightly.

"I came for you, why should I leave?" Yan Nantian looked at Ying Qi without any fear.

"Come for me?"

Ying Qi smiled: "What are you doing here?"

"Since the battle of Huagong, you killed Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, and I noticed you, because I know that your methods are by no means as simple as they appear. 399

"I also saw the ban on you staying in Jinzhou City and other cities.""

"Even if it is me, I have to strike with all my strength to break the ban. 35 Yan Nan Tiandao.

"And then. Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"I want to fight with you, with all your strength." Yan Nantian said solemnly.

"I don't like a battle without a head start." Ying Qi's eyes became sharp.

"You win, I will die for you.

"I win, you die.

"Is this lottery enough?" Yan Nantian said in a deep voice.

The divine soldier in his hand was unsheathed in vain, with an incomparably sharp edge.


Hearing this, Ying Qi laughed loudly: "Enough."

Yan Nantian's cultivation is not weak, at least at the eighth level of Heaven and Human Realm. If he can subdue him, he will add a strong help to Da Qin.

"it is good.

Yan Nantian didn't talk too much.

The figure flashed.

Instantly moved to the void in front of Ying Qi.


A sharp sword intent erupted from Yan Nantian's body, which was even sharper than the sword intent shown by Ying Qi just now.

Outside Hulong Villa.

The warrior who survived the catastrophe suddenly raised his head and looked into the villa.

"Master Yan has taken action.

"Could it be that Hero Yan wants to attack the devil?"

"Master Yan is known as the No. 1 expert in my Ming Dynasty, and his swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle. If he makes a move, he may really be able to defeat that person."

"It's just that their kind of battle is not something that little people like us can see, so let's leave honestly and don't let Chi Yu be affected.

"That person kills without blinking, and the blood tiger is also extremely terrifying, it is best not to provoke him, otherwise it will be a dead end.

"Leave quickly, don't go looking for death..."

These warriors thought in surprise in their hearts.

For them, they want to watch the battle of the strong, but the premise is that they still need to have a life to watch it.

They saw Ying Qi's ruthlessness with their own eyes. If they went in to watch the fun again, it was unknown whether they could let them go, so these people who left Hulong Villa were very conscious and left one after another, not daring to step in again.


Zhu Ignore, who had already escaped from Hulong Villa, stopped outside the city and looked at the city in the distance. Even though the volleyed sword intent was so far apart, he could clearly feel it.

"This Yan Nantian didn't make a move before, but now he makes a move, it's really hateful.

"If he just shot, the situation would not be like this."

Zhu ignored some dark thoughts.

Escape today.

The people he worked so hard to manage disappeared, and the most important thing was the loss of prestige. After today, it won't be long before those warriors will spread the situation in Hulong Villa.

"Never mind. 35

"Anyway, it has already reached this stage, and there is no need to hide it any longer."

"Puzhao, you've been sitting in that seat for so long, it's time to give it back to your uncle.

Zhu ignored the secret thoughts in his heart and made a decisive purpose.

It was at this time.

Zhu ignored the complexion suddenly changed greatly, and a kind of pain appeared on his face.


"It's so itchy...ah...my meridians are in disorder, it hurts...this...what's going on?"

Zhu ignored the sudden painful cry, and the figure that was standing in the air immediately fell from the void and landed directly on the ground.

But he didn't stand up, instead he rolled on the ground with a very painful expression, and the whole expression was completely twisted together.

His hands were scratching all over his body, and his whole body had an unbearable itching, and his whole body had blue veins bursting out, showing extreme pain.

Fortunately, he landed in a dense forest at the moment, otherwise it would be unbelievable to be seen by others, how could the person in front of him be ignored by the world-famous Iron God Hou Zhu.

At this moment, the level of embarrassment he is showing is unimaginable, and the whole person is completely twisted together.

He struggled for a while with pain on his face.

Endure the itch, endure the pain.

Directly running the exercise, mobilized the true essence in the body to suppress this unbearable itch.

After wasting a lot of energy, the itch was barely suppressed.

At this moment, Zhu ignores the cold sweat on his face, with a feeling of the rest of his life.

"what on earth is it?"

"Am I poisoned?"


"I am in the four-level realm of heaven and man, unless I am seriously injured, who can poison me?

"and many more.""


Zhu ignored the thought and suddenly thought of something.

When he just fled, Ying Qi hit a dozen thin ice, and then broke his true essence barrier and hit him, but without any pain, but disappeared.

"It's him. 35

"The thin ice he hit just now made me do this.

"What exactly is this?

"Could it be..."

Zhu ignored the thoughtful look on his face, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

As the controller of the Hulong Villa, on the surface, it is to maintain the imperial power of the Ming Kingdom, but secretly it is an intelligence agency that belongs to Zhu Ignoring, not only controlling the intelligence of the Ming Kingdom, but also about the kingdoms of the world. information has penetrated.

"Vulture Palace, life and death talisman."

Zhu ignored the gritted teeth and said a word.

Life and death sign.

If it was someone else in the Ming Kingdom, they might not know it. After all, the Lingjiu Palace was a hidden force in the Song Dynasty, and it was bordered by the small country Xixia, but for Zhu Ignoring, who was in charge of the world's intelligence, how could he not know it?

The Vulture Palace, this is a super-first-class force that hides in the dark, and does not participate in the bright side, but there are too many affiliated forces under the Ling Vulture Palace, which makes the Ling Vulture Palace extraordinarily powerful.

And those affiliated forces seem to be all die-hard loyalists belonging to the Vulture Palace.

After Zhu ignored the secret investigation, he discovered the existence of the life and death talisman.

The head of the affiliated forces and the sect masters of the Ling Vulture Palace have been planted with something called a life and death talisman.

Unless it is an antidote for repression, it is absolutely impossible to relieve the symptoms. If there is no antidote, you will have to suffer rounds of pain, and you cannot survive without dying.

"How could he know this Spirit Vulture Palace martial skill?

"Could he be from the Vulture Palace?

Zhu ignored his expression becoming very complicated.

0.....for flowers·

As for Ying Qi's means, he really doesn't know how, he can't see through it at all, let alone his opponent.

And after today's battle.

He Zhu ignores the fact that he has completely moved towards the opposite of Ying Qi, and he will never die in the future.

Ying Qi is so powerful, if you add a Spirit Vulture Palace, it will be even more terrifying.

"Vulture Palace?"

"Emperor Qin? Ying Qi?

"What exactly is he?

"I am the most powerful intelligence agency in the world. Although it is not as good as the Daqin Black Ice Platform that covered the world thousands of years ago, I can still observe the world's affairs, but his origin is really a mystery." Zhu ignored the more and more in his heart. the heavier.

It was at this time.

That itch that hits the soul directly swept over again.

"It's really a life-and-death sign.


"But Ying Qi, it is absolutely impossible for you to control me with this life and death talisman.

"My Celestial Realm cultivation base will never be controlled by the Life and Death Talisman.

"True Yuan, suppress."

Zhu ignored the anger and roared.

The dignified royal family, the dignified prince, the first person of Ming Dynasty, but now he has been planted with such a sinister life and death talisman, how can he not be angry.

Eyes turned.

Ying Qi still doesn't know about Zhu Ignore's situation. As the first person to be dealt with by his Perfection-level Life and Death Talisman, Zhu Ignore should feel honored. Even if Zhu Ignore's cultivation is profound, he must spend a few months. Time to remove the talisman of life and death.

After all, Ying Qi's True Yuan is also the power of Heaven and Human Realm.

If you really want to control such powerhouses as Zhu Ignore, you need the power of the Shattered Realm, and that level of true essence cannot be eliminated by Zhu Ignore.


Hulong Villa above the void.

The two top powerhouses stood opposite each other.

The aura emanating from each other made the entire villa vibrate, setting off an invisible energy storm, even the earth that was separated by a hundred meters was shaking because of it, and it seemed that it was on the verge of cracking.

"Divine Sword Judgment."

Yan Nantian gave a low drink.

The first shot is his strongest martial skill.

One sword breaks all laws, and one sword breaks the void.

Through Ying Qi's shot against so many strong people just now, he knew that Ying Qi's strength was strong.

For Yan Nantian, who was pursuing a stronger peak, he naturally knew that ordinary tricks were useless for Ying Qi, so the first shot was the ultimate move.

His strongest stunt.

The reason why Yan Nantian would find Yingqi.

It is not to kill and win Qi, but to find the strong to fight and break through itself.

Today's Yan Nantian can no longer find an opponent in the Ming Kingdom. After coming out of retreat a few months ago, he heard about Ying Qi's reputation, so he came to Hulong Villa.

As for why Yan Nantian didn't look for the strong in other countries, it was because Yan Nantian had self-knowledge.

Those really top powerhouses have no fixed abode, and they can't find it at all. Knowing that, he also knows that he is not an opponent.

The appearance of Ying Qi gave him a strong motivation.

Sword out.

Sharp move.

The entire Hulong Villa trembled under this sword power.

"Beat you.

"I, just one move.

Ying Qiwei said loudly, with a kind of indifference that came from an emperor.

next moment.

A terrifying imperial coercion appeared in the sky.

A terrifying pressure shrouded the entire villa.



The buildings in the villa began to crack under this pressure, and even the huge stone dragons on the square were cracking.


The phantoms of the nine golden dragons appeared behind Ying Qi, making the imperial coercion on Ying Qi even more terrifying.

The buildings in the entire villa began to collapse and began to be destroyed.

The imposing manner of Emperor Dao, which belonged to Ying Qi, swept over, like a mighty demon god who destroyed the world.

But Yan Nantian slashed out with his sword, and his figure quickly approached Ying Qi. The edge of the Divine Sword Jutsu was not slowed down by the mighty power of the emperor.

A sword, set the world.

"Kowloon Town Sky.""

Ying Qi shouted angrily.

The whole earth trembled.

"hold head high."


The phantoms of the nine golden dragons behind Ying Qi suddenly became real, and they let out a roar of dragons.

With the monstrous Emperor Dao Longwei, the nine golden dragons rushed out directly into the sky, all locked onto Yan Nantian's figure and charged towards him.

The power displayed by each golden dragon phantom has reached its limit.

Kowloon Town Sky.

This is the supernatural power of the title that belongs to Ying Qi.

It can only be used once a year, and it can strike five times the power of Ying Qi's full strength.

And today.

This is the first time Ying Qi has used this title supernatural power.

And Yan Nantian is also worthy of winning Qi to display such magical powers.

One trick to suppress him.

It was enough to make Yan Nantian feel awe and convince him.

With Yan Nantian's allegiance, Daqin will gain a top-notch combat power.

This move is totally worth it.

PS: The two-in-one chapter, I beg the brothers to follow up and support, the day after tomorrow should be able to restore the third watch, thank you.

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