Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 286 Explosion, big explosion!!!

Lingshuang sword came out.

With the sword intent that can kill everything, he volleys into the sky.

Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu's expressions changed suddenly.

Even if they were in the realm of heaven and man, they all felt a threat of death under this sword, which could not be erased for them.

A sense of despair arises in their hearts.

"True essence body protection."

The two immediately gathered the true essence of their dantian and formed a barrier of true essence to protect themselves.

Sword Intent pierced the air, and slammed into the True Yuan barrier of the two of them.

Stronger than the strength of the two of them, the barrier they built was trembling under this fierce sword energy, and it was about to burst. There was nothing they could do except try their best to mobilize the true essence to consolidate the barrier.

"Lang Jun, no, senior.""

"I'm the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, what happened today is a misunderstanding, I can give you the resources to teach you, I just ask the seniors to let me go." Dongfang Invincible was frightened and shouted loudly.


"Today's incident is purely a misunderstanding, everything belongs to the Ming Kingdom, I am a citizen of the Song Dynasty, and behind me is the Xiaoyao faction, if the senior kills me, the Xiaoyao faction will never let the senior go.

"I am willing to use the resources of the entire constellation faction to obtain the forgiveness of my predecessors."

"Please forgive me, senior." Ding Chunqiu also begged for mercy with a look of despair.

"Now beg for mercy?"

Ying Qi smiled lightly, with a hint of teasing: "Don't you think it's too late?

What sect resource?

Does Ying Qi care?

In Ying Qi's eyes, the experience gained by killing them is far less worthwhile. Even if it is a divine soldier, Ying Qi will not be moved.

550 clicks, clicks.

There were bursts of cracking sounds from the real yuan barrier of the two.

The Hundred Steps Flying Sword has been successfully cultivated, and it is driven by the Lingshuang Sword, a high-grade divine weapon.

The sound of the barrier breaking made them panic and despair.

But there is no way to change it.

"Zhu ignore it.

"We are fighting for you, so are you going to keep watching?"

"If we die, your Ming Kingdom will become the laughing stock of the world."

"You haven't shot yet. 99

Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu struggled and turned their heads, ignoring and shouting at Zhu.

At this moment, Zhu's ignorant expression changed, as if he was weighing the pros and cons.

after all.

This is his Dragon Protector Villa, and there are so many warriors watching from the sidelines. If he doesn't make a move, it will really become a joke.

"Must go up."

"Three together might kill him. 99

Zhu ignored the coldness in his eyes.

Move directly into the air.

A terrifying aura erupted from him.

When this momentum appeared.

The faces of all the warriors in the villa were shocked.

"Zhu Ignore turned out to be a strong man in the realm of heaven and man.

"What a deep scheming, he has always maintained the strength of the peak of the great master on the bright side, but he turned out to be in the realm of heaven and man, and he has been hiding himself."

"Everyone in the world has been deceived by Zhu Ignore.

"Zhu Wushu is not small.

When this momentum appeared.

Everyone seems to re-recognize (afbh) that Zhu ignores.

Even Yan Nantian couldn't help but be taken aback when he saw Zhu Ignore's aura.

Obviously, his cultivation base did not have the details that Zhu ignored at the beginning.

But only Ying Qi was calmly watching Zhu ignore it.

With his previous knowledge of the heavens and the world, Ying Qi naturally knew what kind of person Zhu Shizhen was. He was good at hiding himself, only to win the world and the green tea girl he liked.

Hidden strength is also a kind of dormancy for him.

In this situation now, for the reputation of his Hulong Villa and his majesty, he had to take action, and he had to expose it.

After showing strength.

Zhu ignored the volley and swept towards Ying Qi with a ghostly afterimage.

He slammed a palm towards Ying Qi, as if he wanted to use this to force Ying Qi's sword back and save Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu.

"It's saved."

The two were also delighted in their hearts.

But they also underestimated Ying Qi too much.

Seeing the attack, Zhu ignored it.

Ying Qi glanced at it and slammed it out: "Tianshan Liuyang Palm.

A round of tyrannical palms directly collided with Zhu Ignoring.


The void shook.

Zhu ignored the sudden attack.

But under the palm of his hand, he was directly forced to retreat.


Ying Qi stared at Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu.

True Yuan increased in vain.

call out.

Ling Shuangjian let out a murderous sword cry, and the red sword glow in vain increased.


The barrier of true essence that Ding Chunqiu and Dongfang Invincible tried to build shattered.

"It's over. 35

The moment the barrier was shattered, a gleam of ashes appeared in the eyes of the two of them, full of despair.

The divine soldier smashed into the air, turning into a sword shadow that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Jian Ying swiftly slashed through Dongfang Unbeaten with lightning speed, with a splash of blood. After slashing Dongfang Unbeaten, the sword's momentum disappeared, and he directly slashed at Ding Chunqiu, with a bloody splash of his sword.

The figures of the two people stood in the void.

But the head on the neck suddenly fell, blood splashed, and the true essence that maintained the two of them in the sky quickly disappeared.

The bodies of the two quickly fell from the void.

Become one of those warrior corpses on the earth.

Watch this scene.

Everyone in Hulong Villa was stunned.

"Those who are strong in the realm of heaven and man have fallen.""

"With the power of a sword, slay two strong men in the realm of heaven and man. 99

"How can this be believed if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes."

"His strength is at least above the sixth level of the Heaven and Human Realm. If not, how can he easily kill two Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses. 35

"Fortunately, I chose to sit on the sidelines, otherwise it would really be a dead end.

"He can easily kill anyone in the realm of heaven, let alone us.

"No wonder he dared to enter Hulong Villa alone, this is because his strength is not afraid of everything.

"He said before that his name is Ying Qi, the Great Qin Emperor, is it true? There is no need to lie to us for such a strong man?

"Fight today.

"Tomorrow it will be widely spread all over the world, enough to shake the world."

"The realm of heaven and man has fallen, and there are still two. Twenty-eight great masters and powerhouses have fallen. It has not been such a tragic situation in the world for many years."

Heaven and Earth fell.

The shock brought by it was far stronger than that of the great master that Ying Qi had just killed in an instant. The entire Hulong Villa was shocked, and no one could calm down at this moment.

"The host killed a level 41 enemy and gained 1.5 million experience points. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-grade exercise method "Sunflower Collection", and congratulations to the host for obtaining 1,000 high-grade spirit stones."

"The host killed a level 41 enemy and gained 1.5 million experience points. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-grade cultivation technique "Hua Gong Dafa", congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-grade "Poison Classic", and congratulations to the host for obtaining 1,000 high-grade spirit stones. 35

"The host kills an enemy above level 40 for the first time, and gets a treasure chest of the ground level." The system prompt sounded in his ears.

Hear this beep.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

It has been more than two months since I came to this side of the world. The reason why I am so ostentatious is to make the Ming Kingdom put in all its strength to deal with him. If we use the saying in the game, it is to force myself to be famous and let these NPCs come to find him. himself, and then directly beheaded.

And by the way, there is another benefit.

In the world of Daqin, all the officials are improving their strength and innovating their weapons.

Soon Daqin will come to this side of the world, wipe out the world, and rule the world in this world.

The more chaotic this world is, the more beneficial it will be for Da Qin to come.

Anyway, Daqin has not yet been in charge of this world, whether this world is chaotic or not, and how the order is, Ying Qi will not care.

Only when they truly become the world of Daqin are the people of the world who belong to Yingqi. Besides, where will Yingqi manage the floods?


The blood tiger roared and galloped wildly on the ground, and all the enemies were the souls of its tiger claws.

The once mighty and majestic Hulong Villa has now turned into a purgatory on earth.

"I, also give you the opportunity to shoot."

Ying Qi stared at the uneasy Zhu Ignore and said coldly.

Zhu ignored the uncertainty, but his clenched fist could tell what he was choosing at the moment.

Looking at Ying Qi's eyes is also full of fear.

"Life is paramount. 39

Zhu ignored the final decision.

The figure was in the air, and suddenly, he turned his head and fled towards the Hulong Villa.

This scene.

Stunned everyone.

Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Courage, ignored it, a hidden powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man, and escaped like this.

"Escape, it's not that simple."

Ying Qi looked at Zhu who was running away and ignored it.


A dozen pieces of thin ice directly condensed in the palm, and at the same time, the falling heart flame appeared, and it burned on the thin ice, turning into a strange connection between ice and fire.

"A sign of life and death.

Ying Qi snorted in his heart, and a dozen pieces of thin ice in his hand smashed towards Zhu Ignoring.

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