Look at these great masters who rushed out.

Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu looked at each other with a kind of greed for Ying Qi in their eyes, but at the moment they were holding the same purpose, and they did not shoot, but watched quietly.

For them.

Just use these great masters to test the strength of Ying Qi.

And then.

With so many great masters, if the two of them act rashly, they will only show infighting. Even if they are in the realm of heaven and man, they cannot resist the wrath of so many great masters.

On the contrary, it is to give them the first action and consume Ying Qi's real energy. If they can kill Ying Qi, it is even better, they can compete for Ying Qi's head and take credit.

"very good."

Looking at these great masters rushing in, a killing intent appeared in Ying Qi's eyes.

These people are all experience value.


The Lingshuang Sword was detached from the scabbard, exuding a terrifying sword intent that swept the entire Dragon Protector Villa.

"Heaven Rank Divine Soldier."

Looking at the Lingshuang sword in Ying Qi's hand, everyone's eyes widened, inconceivable.

"It's no wonder that he was able to kill Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi. He actually possesses a divine weapon of heaven."

"It's no wonder that with the Heavenly Rank Divine Weapon, the strength has increased several times."

"This person is really difficult to deal with.

As soon as the Lingshuang Sword came out, everyone's expressions changed. The Heavenly Rank Divine Weapon was too rare in this world, and the bonus to strength was too huge.


Those greedy warriors looked at the magic weapon in Ying Qi's hands, and they showed even greater greed.

"A surprise.

"As long as you kill this devil, not only can you get the Heavenly Rank Divine Armament rewarded by the Ming Dynasty, but also the Heavenly Rank Divine Armament in his hand."


Dozens of great masters rushed towards Ying Qi frantically with ambition.

And Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu also secretly mobilized Zhenyuan, ready to go.

"Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier.

"No wonder this person is so reliant." A flash of surprise flashed in Zhu Ignore's eyes.

But the next moment.

Dozens of great masters came towards Ying Qi.

All the volleys surrounded Ying Qi.

The temptation of the gods of the heavenly rank is extremely great, even if they are the great masters, they cannot be exempted from the vulgarity of the gods of the heavenly rank, and instead they become crazy because of it.

"Fist of Fury.

"Crazy slash.


"Die. 95

There were bursts of angry shouts in the void.

All levels of the void show the sharpness of the great masters and powerhouses, and all kinds of ultimate moves belonging to them are emerging one after another to kill Ying Qi.

The void of the entire Hulong Villa was deterred by the joint efforts of these nearly thirty great masters, and the void was shaken as a result, as if it were collapsing.

But in Ying Qi's eyes.

Although the great master is strong, it is not enough to watch now.

"Emperor killing intent.

Ying Qi sneered.

God thought a move.

The power of artistic conception burst out in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, a curtain of light flickering with rich blood light mixed with a kind of golden light instantly enveloped Ying Qi's entire body.

The formation of the light curtain instantly enveloped all the attacking grandmasters in the field of artistic conception.

Ying Qi successfully broke through the realm of heaven and man, and his strength has been fundamentally sublimated. Not only has his lifespan increased to 4,000 years, but his strength has also increased by more than ten times, and the original passive skill in the field of killing Dao has also successfully opened the emperor Dao. After the integration of artistic conception with killing Dao, it has been successfully transformed into the artistic conception field that belongs to Ying Qi.

"The power of mood.".

"He really is in the realm of heaven.

"The Heaven and Human Realm with the Heavenly Rank Divine Weapon is difficult to deal with."

"But if you work with Ding Chunqiu, you should be able to defeat him." Dongfang Invincible thought to himself.

And Ding Chunqiu also had this thought in his heart: "Let these great masters consume that person's true energy and combat power, and then they can kill this person."

"This artistic conception seems to be an auxiliary artistic conception, but it reveals a strangeness, the power of the artistic conception is displayed, everything within a thousand meters is shrouded in the artistic conception, it cannot be erased, and it cannot be seen.

Yan Nantian stared at the golden and blood-red artistic conception power, full of surprise.

And this moment.

The territory of the emperor's killing intent.

There has been a scene of murder.

Although the Great Grandmaster is strong, he is not at the same level compared to Ying Qi. In the field of artistic conception, Ying Qi's strength has been greatly improved, and he can penetrate all the weaknesses of these warriors and easily kill them.

Within the realm, Ying Qi was like a god.

The operation of their true essence and the display of their martial skills are all under the control of Ying Qi.

"what happened?

"What about the devil?"

In the field of artistic conception, these great masters were shocked when Ying Qi suddenly disappeared under siege.

They have not yet realized that there is a real crisis.

next moment.

Ying Qi's figure stood in the sky, looking at these great masters coldly.

"Fengshen is angry.

A shout.

A terrifying aura emerged from Ying Qi's body.

accompanied by.

The monstrous pressure erupted instantly.

Countless whirlwinds gathered around Ying Qi, setting off a violent storm in the entire artistic conception field.

Behind Ying Qi, the whirlwind gathered, and a phantom of the wind demon god appeared directly, with a kind of indifference to the sky, the wind howled.

This is the martial skill that Ying Qi has cultivated to perfection, the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will.

Today is also the first time Ying Qi has performed.


Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

The whole person rushed down coldly.

The wind demon god behind him suddenly erupted.

A monstrous whirlwind storm formed in the entire artistic conception field, swept toward these dozens of great masters, and the whirlwind passed by with the power of the storm that strangled everything.

"What kind of martial arts is this?

"Go all out."

"He's too strong.""

"We have to work together.""

In the face of such a storm, the entire artistic conception field was swept by the storm, and all the great masters showed a panic.

But don't wait for them to come back to God at all.

"Vulcan Fury."

"Thunder Fury.

"Electric Fury.

The real energy in the dantian turned wildly, and in the blink of an eye, three more demon gods appeared behind Ying Qi, each with the power of one attribute, and the power of four attributes of wind, fire, thunder and lightning shrouded the entire artistic conception field.


The four demon gods simultaneously displayed their powers.

A terrifying killing scene opened up in the entire artistic conception field.

outside the realm of mood.

Zhu Ignore, Yan Nantian, Dongfang Invincible, and Ding Chunqiu all stared at the artistic conception realm. As the realm was covered, they could no longer see the situation in the realm. Force coverage, they are also panicked.

"There is something wrong with the situation inside. Zhu ignored the keen thought.

"Aren't the two of you still going?"

Zhu ignored Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu.

"Get out."

The East is invincible.

Directly swept into the air and rushed towards the field of artistic conception.

Not to be outdone, Ding Chunqiu rushed over.

But when they are outside the realm of mood.

Variation protrusions.


The artistic conception field suddenly dissipated.

Everything inside is also presented in front of everyone's eyes.

And look at the scene in front of him.

Everyone was also stunned.

The sky is full of corpses, and every corpse is completely damaged, but from the tragic corpse, you can also see the pain they suffered before dying.

"Twenty-eight great masters died just like that.

"how can that be?"

"What is his strength? 99

Looking at the miserable situation in front of him.

Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu stopped and watched in panic.

It is easy to kill so many great masters and powerhouses, even if they work together, they cannot do it.

It can be seen that Ying Qi's strength has completely surpassed them.

"`" His strength may not be lower than mine.

Yan Nantian stared at Ying Qi, and there was a hint of war in his eyes.

"Fortunately, I didn't fight him, otherwise I really don't know how to die.""

"His strength is not as simple as we see it."

"too strong."

And those warriors around Yan Nantian are also very fortunate. Fortunately, they are just watching the fun, and they are not enemies with Ying Qi. Otherwise, the fate of those high-ranking grandmasters will be just like them.

"So powerful.

"It has surpassed me."

Zhu ignored the intense fear in his eyes.

An even more uncontrollable unease rose in his heart.

Ying Qi waved his hand.

The corpses of those great masters floating in the void all fell to the ground. Originally, they had a thousand-year lifespan, but now they are only dead, dead, and everything no longer exists.

"Now, it's your turn."

Ying Qi's eyes swept over the ordinary warriors on the ground, and the focus was on the undefeated Dongfang in the void, Ding Chunqiu.


Ying Qi will not let go of anyone who is an enemy. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.


Ying Qi directly summoned the blood tiger.

The giant beast appeared in Hulong Villa.

"Enemy, not a single one remains.

"Kill. 35

Ying Qi said coldly.

This sound fell.

The blood tiger roared and slaughtered those warriors directly.

For the blood tiger, which is now a fourth-order, killing these (Li Li's) ordinary warriors is easy.

In an instant.

The Hulong Villa became a land of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"I, give you a chance to shoot.""

Just like when Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi were killed, Ying Qi hooked his fingers at Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu.

But at this moment, the two looked fearful, and they no longer had the arrogance they had before.

"Xiao Langjun, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding."

"I just came to see the excitement today, not to be an enemy of Xiao Langjun." Dongfang Invincible immediately covered his mouth and smiled, trying to expose the previous incident.

"It's the same, old man. 35

"It's not about being an enemy of Zuncha.

Ding Chunqiu also changed his attitude.

In a short period of time, dozens of great masters died, which made both of them realize the strength gap with Ying Qi, how could they dare to be the enemy of Ying Qi.

"Looks like you're not going to make a move.


"Since you don't cherish the opportunity, that's all."""

Ying Qi sneered.

The Lingshuang Sword in his hand suddenly turned into a red light sword.

"Hundred-step flying sword."

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

The Lingshuang Sword slashed out from the sky.

Smashing the void, slashed towards Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu.

The two powerhouses in the Heaven and Human Realm have extremely rich experience points, how could Ying Qi let them go?

Ying Qi wanted to use their lives to build up his level-up experience and set foot on a stronger footing.


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