Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 284 I, the Great Qin Emperor Ying Qi!!


Zhu ignored and stood up abruptly, looking quite surprised.

"What exactly does he want to do?"

"Don't he know that Daming is going to attack him? And he is rewarded with a heavenly soldier?

Zhu ignored the incomprehensible thought in his heart.

This time.

He really couldn't see through Ying Qi.

With the power of the whole country, even the powerhouses who are truly at the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm have to evade the edge, and Ying Qi dared to enter the capital of Ming Dynasty alone.

Is he really not afraid?

"This nameless person is really too rampant, and dare to enter the Mingdu?

A sneer appeared in Dongfang Invincible's eyes.

It seemed that in the bottom of his heart, Ying Qi's head already belonged to him.

"Marquis God."

"Since the main lord has appeared."

"There is no need to waste time. Whoever kills him will be able to obtain the Heavenly Rank Divine Weapon."

Dongfang Invincible said.

"Not bad. 35

"Go and kill him directly." Ding Chunqiu also said at this moment.

The words fell.

The powerhouses in the hall are all yearning.

"This nameless powerhouse is too rampant.""

"Maybe I think too much, he doesn't care about it at all." Zhu ignoring the secret in his heart.

Just when he was about to speak.

"The world's powerhouses gather to deal with me."

"Looks like my name is pretty big.

A voice full of laughter resounded throughout the Hulong Villa.

Accompanied by a powerful momentum, it appeared in Hulong Villa.


Everyone looked surprised.

"That anonymous person actually went to Hulong Villa?"

"Doesn't he know we're here to deal with him? 99

"Is this person self-sufficient and powerful, or is he arrogant and seeks his own death?

Everyone here is full of shock.

Even if there are so many powerhouses gathered at this moment, they can't see what Ying Qi's intention is?

"It came just fine.

Dongfang Invincible sneered and walked slowly towards the outside of the hall.

The powerhouses in the hall walked towards the outside of the hall one after another.


On the huge square of Hulong Villa, a man in a black robe stood on top of the stone dragon standing several dozen meters above the head.

Outside the main hall of this villa, many sects and many strong scattered cultivators gathered here.

Take a look.

Thousands have been reached.

There is no one whose cultivation is lower than the seventh level of the innate, and there are many masters in the realm.


They either have a very small idea about the gods of that day, or they want to watch the excitement and join in this great event in the world.

And this moment.

The figure on the stone dragon was watched by every strong person in this world, and countless people's eyes were full of greed.

In their opinion, as long as whoever gets Ying Qi's head, whoever can get one divine weapon of the heaven rank, three divine weapons of the earth rank, will be reused by today's Ming emperor.

When Dongfang Invincible walked out of the main hall, looking at Ying Qi's handsome appearance, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and there was still heat,

"You, is the nameless devil?"

"Looks good.

"I like you the most handsome little brother, if possible, I really want to put you in the palace of this throne, and let you serve this throne forever, but your value is a god of heaven. Soldier, for this divine soldier, this seat can only reluctantly part with love.

Dongfang Invincible showed a tangled and struggling look.

Looking at Ying Qi's eyes is called greed.

"Eastern Unbeaten, 35

Ying Qi glanced at it and immediately knew the identity of the dead eunuch.

Ying Qi was very indifferent to this dead eunuch's gaze.


At present, everyone is the prey to win Qi, the prey to become stronger.

If they were slaughtered today.

Ying Qi's cultivation will make great progress.

"I didn't expect you to come to my Hulong Villa in person, and sheep enter the tiger's mouth.

Zhu ignored it and walked out, with a tone of surprise.

"Are you sure it's a sheep entering the tiger's mouth?"

"Instead of tigers into the flock? 35 Yingqi smiled lightly.

"Your strength is indeed very strong. Even strong men such as Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xina can be easily killed, but the strength gathered by my Dragon Protector Villa today is not comparable to Cao Zhengchun. 35

"You are seeking your own death. Zhu ignored and said coldly.

At this moment, when Ying Qi entered the village, it was impossible to escape, and Zhu ignored the nature and no longer feared Ying Qi. After all, in his opinion, Ying Qi was already a mortal situation.

"Haha." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"You slaughtered recklessly in my Ming Dynasty, you are powerful, and you are definitely not an unknown person.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" Zhu ignored and stared at Ying Qi with strong curiosity in his words.

Not only him.

All the powerhouses gathered here looked at Ying Qi curiously.

Ying Qi was born in Yihua Palace a few months ago. As a powerful espionage agency, Hulong Villa was investigating the world, but could not get any news about Ying Qi.

This naturally made Zhu Ignore very curious.

Hear this question.

Ying Qi smiled lightly, and then, a monstrous imperial coercion floated on his body, and said in a powerful voice: "Zhen, Emperor of Qin, Ying Qi."

Came here today.

Slaughter this Dragon Protector Villa.

At the same time, it also completely ignited his own reputation in this world.

To make a foreshadowing for the arrival of the Daqin Iron Cavalry in the future.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Zhu ignored it, and all the martial arts experts in this Hulong Villa were shocked.


Soon they burst into laughter.

"Xiao Langjun, death is imminent, you still have the heart to joke?

"Xiao Langjun is really funny.""

"If it weren't for the divine soldiers of the heavenly rank, this seat would really be reluctant to kill you." Dongfang Invincible's hoarse and disgusting voice sounded.

"Qin Emperor Ying Qi?"


"I really don't know whether to live or die, even the former Crown Prince of Qin dared to pretend to be, and dared to replace his name.

"I originally thought you were powerful, but now it seems that you are someone who doesn't even dare to say his real name."

"It's ridiculous."

"Ying Qidu has been dead for thousands of years, how could you be him?"

"In the past, the royal family with the surname Ying of Da Qin had been slaughtered, and there was no blood line to continue. He was really an ignorant person. 35

There was a burst of laughter in the square of Hulong Villa.

Everyone looked at Ying Qi with sarcasm.

They didn't believe Ying Qi's identity announcement at all.

after all.

In this world, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng and Crown Prince Ying Qi are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

to this.

Ying Qi didn't explain anything.

Today is only the time when he is famous, and he is too lazy to be called by this Ming Kingdom by an anonymous person.

As for whether they believed it or not, Ying Qi didn't care at all.

When the Daqin Iron Cavalry came to this side of the world, they would know what happened to Daqin's Thunder Wrath, and they would know what the supreme majesty belonged to the Daqin Emperor.

In the past, the Great Qin Empire ruled the world in this world.

In the near future.

The empire that terrified heaven and earth will make a comeback.

The mighty name of Daqin will shock all beings in this world.

"Win Qi.""

"Ha ha."

"For the time being, let's pretend your name is Ying Qi.

"But after today, your so-called Ying Qi won't be alive anymore. Zhu Ignore sneered.

"Wait and see.

Ying Qi smiled lightly.


Staring at all the warriors gathered here.


"Give Er a chance. 35

"If you don't want to be my enemy, you can step back, but I won't kill you. 99

"If you are my enemy, no matter who you are, you will kill without mercy. 35

A stern look appeared in Ying Qi's eyes, and he said coldly.

The monstrous murderous intention instantly appeared in the entire Hulong Villa.

This murderous intent made everyone here feel an invisible threat.

"This man is so murderous."

"It's definitely not as simple as it seems.

Yan Nantian raised his head and stared at Ying Qi's figure.

With his strength and the vision he has lived for many years, he can naturally see the extraordinaryness of Ying Qi.

"This person's strength is not bad."

"If you can kill, you have a lot of experience. 35

The moment Yan Nantian looked at Ying Qi, Ying Qi naturally noticed him, and Ying Qi felt the sharp sword intent immediately.

This person is definitely the strongest person in this Hulong 550 Villa.

After Ying Qi's words fell.

Yan Nantian did not speak.

Just walked to the side, and did not stand with those warriors.

"Fight today.

"I, on the sidelines, do not participate. 35

Yan Nantian said loudly.

Looking at Yan Nantian's performance.

The strong man in the hall just now was not surprised. After all, Yan Nantian just said that he was not interested in Ying Qi, nor was he interested in the gods of that day.

This naturally made all the powerhouses who were interested in Ying Qi rejoiced. Without the top powerhouse Yan Nantian, they would have more opportunities.

"I'm not involved either.

"Today I'm here to see this event.

"I, like Hero Yan, sit on the sidelines."

"Being able to see the battle between Heaven and Human Realm today is not a waste of life.

"I just came to see the war, not to participate in...

After Yan Nantian made some moves, the warriors came to Yan Nantian's side one after another, watching from the sidelines.

people here.

In addition to thinking about the magic soldiers, most of them are watching the fun.

After a while.

Even half of the people stood aside, but only a few of those who were at the Grandmaster level did not participate.

Looking at the martial arts powerhouses around, Zhu Ignore just glanced at it, and then said loudly: "Everyone, the imperial edict of my Emperor Daming has been issued, whoever can kill this devil, whoever can get the heavenly weapon, now, The opportunity has come."

The voice fell.

"Everyone, he is a strong man in the realm of heaven and man.

"Kill him and get the Heavenly Rank Divine Weapon, whose strength can be compared to the Heavenly Realm.


Hear what Zhu ignored.

All the great masters outside the hall were boiling.

Nearly thirty figures swept through the air and charged towards Ying Qi.

It seems that they are afraid that if they are a step late, they will lose the chance to kill Qi, after all, Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu are watching.

PS: The first update is coming, and I will pursue it.

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