Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 283 Winning Qi Lin and Protecting the Dragon

Hulong Villa.

As the most powerful courtier in the Ming Dynasty.

After the death of Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi.

Not only did the Ming Kingdom lose two great masters and peak powerhouses, but the three-legged check-and-balance situation left by the previous Ming Emperor also became a void.

Without Cao Zhengchun and the two of them, invisibly, Zhu Shizhi was already the dominant family.

The officials who originally belonged to the East Factory and the West Factory also quietly turned to Zhu Ignore.

But all this is not yet known.

In the Hulong Villa at this moment.

The crowd was full of people.

Just under a month.

The emperor's decree has been widely spread.

Although the earth-level magic soldiers are powerful, only the warriors of the Grandmaster level can be moved, and after learning of Yingqi's powerful strength, the Grandmaster does not dare to fight against Yingqi.

But when the Emperor Ming threw out the heavenly weapons.

The martial arts sects in the Ming Dynasty, and even the sects of other countries, as well as the strong, naturally couldn't sit still.

Obtaining the Heavenly Rank Divine Armament can increase one's strength several times, and no one wants to miss it.

Therefore, during this time, many sects, many strong people have gathered at Hulong Villa, just to kill and win Qi, and get the reward of "May 47" from the gods of that day.


have to say.

The temptation of the Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier is great.

"It's not a great honor for the heroes to come to my Ming Dynasty and respond to the emperor's decree.""

In the Hulong Villa, Zhu ignored the main position, and there were many strong people gathered below.

Take a look.

The great masters and powerhouses have gathered nearly thirty people, and there are a few people who are sitting in the first place on the left and right. They seem to be extremely extraordinary. Perhaps, they are the top powerhouses in the realm of heaven and man.

"God is welcome."

Many strong men in the hall cupped their hands and clasped their fists.

But the three people sitting in the first place on the left and right did not speak.

Look at the three.

A woman wearing a fiery red dress, with heavy makeup, dressed in an extremely enchanting manner, but looking at it again, it was the face of a man, but it was extremely feminine.

Look at other people.

One exudes a righteous face, and invisibly, there is a sharp edge of sword intent on his body.

There is also an old man who exudes a black aura, like a toxin.

Because of the gods of heaven.

He even summoned three Heaven and Human Realms that can be called the top powerhouses in the world, and it is conceivable to imagine the value of the Heavenly Rank Divine Armament.

"Marquis of God. Year

"The nonsense, this sect master will not say more.

"Is the Emperor Ming's promise true?

"As long as you kill that Anonymous, you can get your Ming Kingdom's Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier?

The man who was dressed very femininely spoke up.

The words fell.

The eyes of everyone in the hall were focused on Zhu Ignoring.

"The imperial decree was personally delivered by my Emperor Daming, and his words will never be broken.

"As long as you kill that Anonymous, you will not only get one Heavenly Rank Divine Weapon, but also three Earth Rank Divine Weapons." Zhu ignored and said loudly.

Hear this.

The powerhouses in the hall were also relieved.

No one could hear the other meaning of Zhu Ignore's words. This reward was set by the Daming Emperor, not his Zhu Ignore. Even if something went wrong later, it had nothing to do with his Zhu Ignore.

"The head of that nameless person, this sect is the main one."

The feminine man glanced around the hall, his cold and sharp eyes carrying a threat.

"Although the Eastern Sect Leader is quite powerful, Ding also wants the head of the Anonymous, and then he will see the true seal under his hands.

The old man who was sitting opposite the femininity man opened his mouth and said with a kind of confidence in his tone.

"Hee hee hee. 39

The femininity man covered his mouth and laughed, and he seemed to have an aversion to the cold.


He said with a bit of sarcasm: "Old man Ding, your constellation is far away in the Song Dynasty, but you are not far away from Daming, aren't you afraid to stand up and go back lying down?"

Hear this.

The old man's brows wrinkled, and he immediately sneered: "Then don't worry about Eunuch Dongfang."

Hear the word father-in-law.

There was a murderous intent on the face of this feminine man.

The entire hall was shrouded in this murderous intent.

these two.

One is the Eastern Invincible of the Sun Moon God Sect, and it is also a first-class force in the Ming Kingdom, comparable to the Yihua Palace.

However, with the breakthrough of the Eastern Invincible cultivation base to the Heaven and Human Realm, the Sun Moon God Cult has also become a super-first-class force.

He used to be a man.

In order to practice divine power, he became such a femininist appearance from his own palace. At the same time, as his power increased, he also regarded himself as a woman more and more.

He hated the most when others called him ugly, and mocked him as a eunuch.

The other person, that old man, was Ding Chunqiu from the Song Dynasty, who founded the Constellation Sect, and with his strength, barely managed to become a super-first-class force.

"Eunuch Dongfang, others are afraid of you.

"This seat is not afraid of you.

Ding Chunqiu sneered, and a terrifying aura also vented.

There is no fear of the undefeated East.

The cultivation realm of the two people is evenly matched, and it seems that they have just broken through the heaven and human realm not long ago.

Maybe that's why.

The two of them wanted to obtain this divine weapon from the Ming Kingdom to improve their strength and consolidate themselves.

The two showed their aura.

The great masters in the hall all changed their expressions, but they did not dare to say anything.

And Zhu ignored the main position and did not speak. It seems that because of his strength, he could not participate in the battle of the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and human. However, if you can see his eyes, you can see that his eyes are very calm No waves.

He didn't care about the fight between the two, and he didn't seem to have any real awe for the two.


Zhu ignoring is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

At this time.

The man with a sword intent all over his body spoke up.

To fight out.

"Don't disturb others here.

The man said coldly.

A sword intent erupted instantly.

The momentum of the two was directly washed away, and the hall was also calm.

See his shot.

Zhu Ignoring, who had no waves at first, also had a kind of fear in his eyes.

It seems that the arrival of the person in front of him is something that Zhu ignores and does not control.

Dongfang Invincible and Ding Chunqiu glanced at this man and didn't dare to say anything, and immediately sat down honestly.


For this man, they are also very afraid and dare not mess around...

"It's still hero Yan Nantian who is sensible.

"He is worthy of the existence known as the number one powerhouse in our Ming Dynasty, and he really has a chivalrous heart."

"If it wasn't for Hero Yan's rescue this time, there might really be no way to stop the battle between the two Heaven and Human Realm. 99

"The nameless demon has not yet been killed, and we have fought ourselves, that would be too much of a joke...  

The powerhouses in the hall also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the sword-wielding man full of awe.

Yan Nantian.

The existence of the prestige resounds throughout the Ming Dynasty, even in the whole world, it is also known by the name.

His kendo cultivation is superb, and he has entered the realm of heaven and man for many years, and he has never lost a single defeat, so Yan Nantian is the number one powerhouse in the Ming Dynasty.

"Da Ming's Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier didn't expect to attract even Hero Yan.

"As far as I know, the magic weapon in Hero Yan's hands is the Heavenly Rank, shouldn't Hero Yan also compete for it? If Heroes of Yan come to fight, who else can we compete with Hero Yan for the Heavenly Rank magic weapon? ?" Dongfang Invincible looked at Yan Nantian and suddenly said.

The words fell.

All eyes were on Yan Nantian.


"Master Yan is powerful and has been in the realm of heaven and man for many years. If Hero Yan makes a move, how can the nameless devil be the opponent of Hero Yan?

"Isn't the Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier totally irrelevant to us?"

"In this way, the meaning of our coming here will cease to exist. 35

"Oh, what a pity."

"This time the Emperor Ming is offering a reward to the world, so it is no wonder that so many strong men will come.

"Actually, strictly speaking, the news has not spread too far, if it is really known to the world, it will not only come to us.

"It seems that this time around Tianjie can only be fate."

"After all, it is a divine soldier of the heavenly rank. Even if Hero Yan is strong, he cannot resist the temptation of the divine soldier of the heavenly rank..."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall.

But the next moment.

1.7 Yan Nantian spoke up.

"I'm not interested in the heavenly soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. I came here today to see who the mysterious nameless person is." Yan Nantian said flatly.

"That's good. 99

"If Hero Yan doesn't make a move, we can have a chance.


The people in the hall suddenly became excited.


"There is only one head of the Anonymous, and there is only one chance. This Marquis welcomes you according to the emperor's will. As long as you find the trace of the devil, you can act immediately." Zhu ignored this time and said.

"Where is he now?"

Dongfang Invincible opened his mouth to ask, and his eyes were filled with fiery killing intent.

The same goes for the others in the hall.

"A few days ago, the Marquis received information, he was not far from the capital, and now he is nowhere to be found. 35 Zhu ignored it and replied.

As soon as his voice fell.


"Report to the righteous father.

"Found traces of Anonymous.""

"He has entered the capital.

Duan Tianya ran into the hall with a solemn expression.

The words fell.

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