Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 282 Bai Qi in this world is still alive?

A city near the capital of Ming Dynasty.

Inside a pub.

Ying Qi sat in one seat, drinking and eating the food of this world.

Apart from Xiao Er, there was no trace of anyone else in the tavern.

And that little Er also looked at Ying Qi with a look of fear.


Now in this Ming Kingdom, Ying Qi's murderous name is out there, and he is wanted by the entire Ming Kingdom.

But even now.

Ying Qi still has a nameless person, and no one knows his name and origin.

For this side of the world, no one knows.

"I'll give you the meal money, leave it."

Ying Qi glanced at the little Er, and casually threw a gold or two at the little Er.

"Thank you for your grace of not killing.

"Thank you sir."

As if receiving the amnesty, Xiao Er took the gold and ran out of the tavern in a panic.

It can be seen how powerful Ying Qi's deterrent is now.

The power of one person is the enemy of a country.

Only Ying Qi can do it.

After this little one left.

A dark shadow flashed by, came to Ying Qi, bowed and bowed: "Chen Dun is weak, see the emperor."

The person who came was Dunwei.


"The cultivation base has reached the peak of the Grandmaster Realm."

"The courtiers in my Daqin world can't match your speed. 27 Yingqi smiled.

"Thanks to the medicinal pills given by the emperor, and the luck of my Daqin, otherwise the minister would not be able to cultivate like this. 35 Dunwei immediately replied respectfully.

"One year later.

"With the resources of the Daqin world, Daqin will also have great masters.

"Suddenly, the soldiers will leave this world and rule the world in this world."

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

Although the background of this world is beyond the reach of the Daqin world, this world does not have the luck, order, and unity that the Daqin Dynasty possessed, and they do not have any special buildings such as Chongwen Hall and Shangwu Field.

Coupled with the promotion of Daqin's world, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth skyrocketed, giving Daqin an indescribable promotion.

Based on the information he left before he left, perhaps there will be a courtier who will be able to board the Great Grandmaster.

"I swear to die as the emperor and serve Daqin. He said respectfully.

"All right."

"Tell me about the penetration of shadows. Ying Qi waved his hand and asked Dun weakly.

"Go back to the emperor.

"15,000 secret agents have penetrated into all the countries in this world, and the most complete penetration is the Ming Kingdom."

"The reason for this is because the emperor's action has caused chaos in the Ming Kingdom, and the undercover spy has an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"Hurry up to infiltrate and sneak into the high-levels of the various countries. Soon Daqin will come, and the spying will play a key role. Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty. 35

"One year later.

"As for the national strength of the countries, the deployment of troops, the granary, and even the strong, the minister will investigate clearly."

"Additionally. 35

"This minister has just received the news that the Emperor Ming has issued a decree and announced to the world that he will use the Heavenly Rank Divine Armament inherited from the Ming Kingdom as a reward, calling on the world's strongest to deal with the Emperor.

"To receive such a high reward from the Ming Kingdom, many of the world's strong men are moved, and they gather towards the Mingdu Hulong Villa."

"In half a month at most, Hulong Villa will gather many masters to deal with the emperor." Dunwei said very seriously.

"In order to deal with me, Emperor Ming really made a lot of money." Ying Qi smiled.


"The value of the divine weapons of the heavenly rank is infinite, and the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and man are eager to attract many powerhouses. Is the emperor temporarily avoiding the edge?" Dunwei said with some worry.

Although he knew how powerful Ying Qi was, as a minister, he was naturally very concerned.

Ying Qi is related to the whole of Qin.

If Ying Qi made a mistake, Da Qin would be in danger.

"They are doing this on purpose.

"What I want is for them to gather the strong, and what I want is for them to gather together."

"I, all in one go.""

Ying Qi smiled calmly.

The more powerful people in the Heaven and Human Realm, the better, and the more powerful masters, the better.

For others, they are indeed terrifying, but for Ying Qi, they are all prey, no other.


"What can I do?"

Dunwei asked respectfully.

"You don't have to do anything, infiltration is the root of the shadow.

"At the critical moment, the shadows will play a crucial role in Daqin's control of this world. In a few days, we will dispatch all the shadows into this world, and you will arrange it yourself." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"I understand." 9 Dunwei nodded solemnly.

"By the way, Your Majesty, there is one more thing.

"It's about me, Daqin, and more about the emperor and the emperor." Dun weak suddenly thought of something.

"Tell me." Ying Qi nodded.

"In this world, like the Wuhu world, there is also the existence of Daqin, and there are also records of the emperor and the emperor."

"Is this a coincidence, or did another Taishang emperor and emperor once exist in this world?" Dunwei asked nervously.

It has been almost two months since he came to this world, and Dun weak naturally also investigates many details of this world.

When he learned that this world also had Da Qin, Ying Zheng and Ying Qi, he was naturally extremely surprised.

"I, the only one in the heavens."

"This world has records about Daqin, as well as my history, not because this world has me, but because of the changes brought about by the connection between Daqin and this world.

"Specific, no need to explain." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

"I understand."

Dunwei nodded suddenly, and then said solemnly: "According to the investigation of this minister, according to the rumors in this world, the Great Qin Empire in this world once left a treasure thousands of years ago, and it is rumored that as long as you get this treasure, it will be a treasure. You can get endless resources, geniuses and treasures, and even break the bottleneck of Heaven and Human Realm, and you will be stronger.

...for flowers ·

"And according to the rumors."

"The treasure is in the tomb of the crown prince circulating in this world. 35

"I don't know if it's true or not.

"Moreover, according to rumors, there used to be the existence of Wu'an Jun Baiqi in the Daqin Empire in this realm. After the crown prince of this realm was assassinated, Wu'an Jun Baiqi disappeared. According to the investigation of the ministers, Wu'an Jun Baiqi may be in that Daqin treasure. , guarding the imperial mausoleum.

For these, Lianxing has already explained beforehand, as the top martial artist, they naturally know more.

"There is no need to pay too much attention to this matter."

"Shadow's focus is still on infiltration and power," Ying Qi said.

"I understand." Dunwei nodded respectfully.

After explaining everything, Dunwei left the room.

"The treasure of the Qin Empire in this world."9

"Jun Wu'an got up in vain.

"If it's true, there is really a treasure, then maybe I really should look for it, maybe it's a great opportunity.

"Although I am not from this world, but I am the emperor of Daqin, and the history of this world has changed because of me. If this treasure really exists, the only one who can open it may be me.

"If Bai Qi is really alive, then his cultivation will definitely reach the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm. If he can be subdued, as far as I Daqin is concerned, there will be one more top powerhouse."

Listening to Dunwei's report, Ying Qi was also interested in this legendary treasure.

If it is really a treasure, it can strengthen Qin's national power, then Ying Qi must look for it.

And then.

Relying on the news found by Dun weak, the Great Qin Wu'an Jun Bai Qi of this world is still alive, guarding the imperial mausoleum.

If this is true, Bai Qi can be subdued, and for Da Qin, it can be compared to the so-called treasure, a powerhouse at the peak of Heaven and Human Realm, and a commander of Da Qin.

if it is real.

In the future, there will be another Wu Anjun in charge of military power in Daqin.

real white.

"Jun Wu'an is white."

"The figure in the legend of Daqin, if he is still alive in this world, it would be really good for Daqin." Ying Qi muttered to himself.

For white.

Ying Qi also had some yearning in his heart. When he first came to this world, Ying Qi was very fascinated by him. After joining the army, he also aimed at Bai Qi.

after all.

As a god of war in the Qin army, he is worthy of admiration.

But it's not an era.

Bai Qi was a general in the period of King Zhaoxiang. If he had not been given death by King Zhaoxiang, perhaps Bai Qi would still be alive.



After all, King Zhaoxiang couldn't bear Bai Qi.

Not because Bai Qi betrayed him, but because Bai Qi had too much prestige in Daqin and had the strength to betray.

Very sad.


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