Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 281 Break through the realm of heaven and man, the emperor kills the road

When the blood tiger killed all the ambush warriors, he ran to Ying Qi's side excitedly, flying in the air.

With the blood tiger reaching the fourth level, it also has the power of flying in the sky.

It ran to Ying Qi's side, apparently to take credit.

"True Qi restraint, this martial skill is good.

"Just use this ban to seal the city, don't let the news in this city leak." Ying Qi smiled, and naturally knew the magic of this ban.

In the end.

This martial skill is actually not that profound. It is based on infuriating energy to set up a ban, and the ban energy does not disperse. It is equivalent to the most common trapping formation. The stronger the strength, the stronger the ban.

"Practice the restraint of infuriating energy and improve it to perfection." Ying Qi immediately gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted. 39 The system prompts.

Gold light flashed.

Consume hundreds of thousands of promotion points.

Ying Qi directly mastered the perfect infuriating restraint.

Look at properties.

Infuriating restraint: It is possible to set up the restraint of true essence, the host leaves, the restraint can be maintained for a month, and it is difficult to break the restraint for those whose cultivation base has never been higher than that of the host.

"This prohibition is okay."

"Then trap this city for a month to prevent the news from leaking." Ying Qi immediately laughed.

Taking action here today can be regarded as exposing the cultivation base. If it scares off a lot of warriors, it will be a waste.

So blocking messages is the best outcome.

Ying Qi turned his head and looked at the defenders above the city gate.

Smile lightly.


Dodging directly, swept away at the city gates around the city, directly set up restrictions, banned the entry and exit of the city, and the restrictions were arranged very high, with defensive shocks, even the flying pigeons were difficult to pass, and they would be shocked to death.

Done with this.

Ying Qi used his spiritual sense to investigate the city and determined that there was no great master, so he left directly with the blood tiger.

Only a few thousand warrior corpses were left in the city.

Contributed experience points to Ying Qi.

This scene.

The people in the entire city were terrified.

The officials also wanted to report the situation to the upper levels, but because of Ying Qi's restriction, if the people in the entire city did not break the restriction, otherwise no one would be able to leave, and within a month, they would be trapped. into it.

Time passes gradually.

in a blink.

A month has passed.

During this month, Ying Qi did not have any rules, and traveled all over the Ming Kingdom, approaching its capital.

On the way, many warriors came to attack and kill, naturally they did not leave a living room, and burned them with the flames of their fallen hearts.

After entering the city, it is natural to follow the gourd and draw the scoop, and directly seal it with a ban to prevent the leakage of information.

"Nameless Thief."."

"I didn't expect you to live to this day. Your life is my twelve astrology."

On the way, more than twenty people blocked Ying Qi's way.

Everyone's cultivation is not weak, the lowest is the Grandmaster level, the highest is the Great Grandmaster level, and it is still the Seventh Heaven of Great Grandmaster.


These are some masters.

Follow Ying Qi's eyes.

Each of these people blocking the road is ugly, and it is not a good thing at first glance.


Their cultivation made Ying Qi excited.

"The twelve astrological signs, the first Wei Wuya, the master of the great master."


"I can rise to level 41 and break through the realm of heaven and man. A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

a month.

Ying Qi went to many places, but the results were not as rich as Jinzhou City. They were all cats and dogs, and by the way, the remnants of the East Factory and the West Factory were destroyed.

Next step.

Ying Qi is still a few hundred thousand experience points away from being able to level up.

Worrying about.

The twelve astrological signs appeared.

Truly a blessing.

"Your life is worth a lot.

"Kill you."

"We can claim the reward from the imperial court. 33 Wei Wuya sneered.

A wave of hands.


The many stars around him swarmed up and charged towards Ying Qi.

Twenty masters of the Grandmaster Realm shot, naturally it was extremely shocking.

All kinds of killing moves are attacking Ying Qi, killing intent in the sky.

"Become a stepping stone for me to step into the realm of heaven and man."

Ying Qi sneered.

deal with them.

There is no need to unsheath the Lingshuang sword at all.

A volley slammed out.

The fierce and domineering palm force of Tianshan Liuyang Palm burst into the air, turned into a terrifying palm force, and swept away.


A bang.

All twenty Grandmaster Realm warriors were killed.


An angry look appeared on Wei Wuya's face, who was still very confident.

But Ying Qi had no idea to talk nonsense with him.

The figure flashed.

He came directly in front of Wei Wuya.

"Falling Heart Flame."

A dazzling spiritual fire gathered in the palm of his hand.

It turned into a deadly fire and struck directly at Wei Wuya.

"True essence body protection."

Wei Wuya hurriedly constructed a barrier defense with True Yuan.

But the moment the spirit fire came into contact with his barrier, his barrier energy was quickly swallowed by the spirit fire and rushed directly into Wei Wuya's body.


He was burned into a man on fire.

In an instant, it was burnt out by the spirit fire.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 37 enemy, obtaining 680,000 experience points, and obtaining 500 high-grade spirit stones.""

‘Congratulations to the host for killing the enemy and gaining 70,000 experience points.

"Experience value has been reached, may I ask the host to increase the level?" The system prompted.

"Heaven and Human Realm. 35

"Finally enough.

Hearing this prompt, a smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.


Ying Qi said immediately.

"Host orders accepted. 95

The system prompts.

A golden light flashed across Ying Qi's body.

A terrifying aura increased from Ying Qi's body, and his true essence was also increasing. Ying Qi's whole person seemed to usher in a sublimation.

It is the transformation of the fundamental quality.

The Great Grandmaster flies in the sky, and the Heaven and Human Realm is above the Great Grandmaster. He is the real top powerhouse in this world.

When you reach the realm of heaven and man, you will be able to comprehend your own artistic conception. Those who are proficient in kendo cultivation are the artistic conception of the sword, and the cultivation of swordsmanship is the artistic conception of the sword.

Everyone's mood may be different.

And this moment.

Ying Qi is also facing the power to open his mood, but he is different from any cultivator. As long as his experience value is reached, everything will come naturally.

"It is detected that the host has two prototypes of artistic conception, the artistic conception of Emperor Dao, and the artistic conception of killing Dao."

"`〃The host is now given three choices.

Choose the artistic conception of the emperor's way, and cultivate the way of the law of the emperor's way.

'Second, choose the artistic conception of killing Dao, and cultivate the path of killing Dao law.

"Three, choose the way of killing the emperor, follow the road of killing the emperor, control the three thousand laws with the way of the emperor, and kill all the enemies with the way of killing.

"Please choose the host." The system prompts.

"Is this still a choice?"

"Of course it's the third type." Ying Qi said immediately.

As the lord of the Great Qin Dynasty, the future Emperor Dao will accompany him to win Qi Yongshi, the Dynasty, the Emperor Dynasty, the Celestial Dynasty, and even the Heavenly Court.

In the future, Ying Qi will become the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of God.

On the road to the emperor, Ying Qi will never give up.

And killing is the same.

The process of winning Qi to become stronger is not the same as those of ordinary cultivators. In addition to his own cultivation, the most powerful thing to improve his strength is to kill to gain experience.

This one, Ying Qi will never give up.


The third choice given by the system is the most suitable for Ying Qi.

Cultivating the way of the emperor, and the way of killing.

The road to win Qi in the future is destined to be a sea of ​​blood and a sea of ​​blood.

"Host selection succeeded."

"Open the understanding of the emperor's killing dao artistic conception."

The system prompts.


in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ying Qi was completely immersed in the comprehension of the artistic conception (Li Ma Hao), and under the promotion of the power of the system, the power of these two artistic conceptions was perfectly integrated.


Ying Qi's understanding of this mood is getting more and more perfect.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the emperor's killing dao artistic conception, the killing dao field is integrated into the spiritual realm, the host can open the artistic conception at any time, and has the power of the artistic conception blessing. The system prompts.

"Passive skill killing field is also integrated into this mood, yes."

Ying Qi secretly said in his heart.


Directly check the attributes of the Emperor's Killing Dao Mood.

For other practitioners, if they want to know the power of artistic conception, they must do their best, but for Ying Qi, the data is right in front of them.

The artistic conception of the emperor's killing dao: It has been comprehended 10%, and the artistic conception of the emperor's killing dao has been opened. The power of the artistic conception covers a thousand zhang, and within a thousand zhang is the artistic conception field. In the field, the majesty of the host emperor increases. , makes the enemy fear the power of the emperor's way, and damages its strength. In the state of killing the enemy, the recovery speed of infuriating energy is increased by 30%, the recovery speed of physical strength is increased by 30%, and the strength is increased by 30%.

PS: The second update is coming, there is still a chapter in the early morning, and there are only two updates on the high-speed long-distance tomorrow, sorry.

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