Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 280 The realm of heaven and man is approaching, the killing of Ying Qi

On that day, the court meeting of the Ming Kingdom dispersed.

In his rage, the Ming Emperor directly issued an imperial decree, targeting Ying Qi, with an order to hunt down the entire Ming Kingdom.

Centered on the capital of Ming Dynasty.

The imperial decree was conveyed to all parts of the Ming Kingdom.

In short.

The general meaning of the imperial decree is to use the entire power of the Ming Dynasty to kill Yingqi, and whoever can kill Yingqi will be rewarded heavily, be named a marquis, and have all the glory and wealth.

Whether it is a force belonging to the Ming Kingdom or a martial arts sect, everyone can participate in the execution and will be rewarded heavily.

And Ying Qi's portrait was also posted to the cities all over the Ming Dynasty along with the communication of the emperor's decree. As for where the portrait came from, it was naturally that Ying Qi asked the people in Yihua Palace to deliberately promote it.

Otherwise, they can't find the right master, how can Ying Qi get experience points.

a time.

Because of the appearance of this holy decree.

The entire Ming Kingdom's martial arts sects, as well as the government forces, have moved.

Jinzhou City.

There is a portrait of Ying Qi posted at the gate of the city. It has to be said that the painter who copied the portrait in this ancient times really had some real skills. can be recognized.

outside the city gate.

Ying Qi sat on the back of the tiger and walked towards Jinzhou City calmly, without any cover.

If it is in the world of Daqin, it may be daunting to control a tiger, but in this world, there are many martial arts experts, the world is full of spiritual energy, and there are many spirit beasts in the mountains. It is not particularly surprising that martial arts experts tame spirit beasts as mounts matter.

But with Ying Qi came to this Jinzhou City.

The blood tiger was several meters long and 05. The huge figure also attracted the attention of many people, and when they saw Ying Qi on the back of the blood tiger, their expressions instantly condensed.

But looking at this ferocious blood tiger, they didn't dare to say more, but there were many brave ones who went to tip off to the government.

these days.

The Emperor Ming personally issued an imperial decree to arrest and kill the villains, which has already been widely spread in the Ming Kingdom.

I don't know how many are in action, searching for Ying Qi everywhere.

Now that Ying Qi appeared in this Jinzhou City, it naturally attracted the attention of many people, and there were many small actions.

But for these.

Ying Qi sat on the blood tiger with a calm expression on his face.

What kind of wind and wave, what kind of wind and rain, he Ying Qi caught it all, the more people came, the better.

"The painter's skills are not bad."

"Anonymous, the murderer will be rewarded with one million taels of gold, one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones, and can also enter the Ming state treasury to select three earth-level divine weapons.

"The reward is not bad.

came to the gate of the city.

Ying Qi saw his notice at a glance, the anonymous person on it, and his own portrait, but it made Ying Qi smile.

That's what he wanted.

The higher the reward, the more people will be attracted, and the more people will be given experience.

Why not.

When the blood tiger came to the gate of the city.

The soldiers on duty at the gate of the city glanced at Ying Qi with a look of fear in their eyes, but their eyes quickly shifted, and they did not dare to look more, pretending that they did not recognize Ying Qi.

"Ha ha."

Ying Qi just smiled lightly.

As for what happened in the city, Ying Qi naturally guessed it and knew it by heart.

The blood tiger slowly walked into the city.

As Ying Qi had expected, it was just past noon, and the city should be very lively, but at the moment it was empty.

As Ying Qi really entered the city.

The gates that were open were suddenly closed.

There were suddenly thousands of archers on the city gate, all of whom belonged to the Ming Kingdom.

And all over the city, people from all corners of the world gathered with swords.

in a blink.

Thousands of people gathered directly.

Ying Qishun glanced at it.

The cultivation of these people is uneven, there are acquired, innate, grandmaster, and great grandmaster, but only one person is seen.


"Nameless villain.

"You finally came."

"We've been waiting for you for a long time."

The chief grandmaster looked at Ying Qi with a sneer.

And many warriors around are also staring at Ying Qi, full of scorching killing intent, as if seeing prey.

after all.

This time, Emperor Ming was furious. As long as he killed Ying Qi, he would be able to get an incomparably rich reward. The three earth-level divine weapons were enough to attract countless warriors to serve the Ming court, even great masters.

In this world, the Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier is the strongest Divine Soldier, and the Earth Rank is extremely rare.

Emperor Ming took out three pieces of earth-level magic weapons and offered a reward at one time, and it was conceivable how much he wanted to kill Ying Qi.

Although the rumors about Ying Qi's strength are very terrifying, Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, the two peak masters, both died in his hands.

They felt that Ying Qi could kill Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, definitely with the help of Yaoyue and Lianxing.

For the reward offered by the imperial court, it is worth their madness.

"Since it's here."

"Stop talking nonsense.

"Go together.

There are so many people just entering a city, Ying Qi is naturally very happy.

As Ying Qi's level increases, more and more experience points are required, and only killing the enemy is the key to Ying Qi's breakthrough.

And now Ying Qi needs 2.1 million experience points to be able to smoothly upgrade from level 40 to level 41, reaching the level of Heaven and Human Realm.

Every time you want to upgrade a large level, the required experience points will increase exponentially, and the stronger the strength, the less experience points you gain by killing low-level enemies.

Therefore, Ying Qi not only needs to kill powerful enemies, but also needs to obtain a sufficient number of enemies, and it requires quality and quantity.

As long as you reach this level, you will stand at the apex of this side of the world.

The days after leaving the Yihua Palace.

Ying Qi was not idle either. In addition to explaining to the officials of the Daqin world to prepare for the battle, he also mobilized 10,000 shadow spies from the Daqin world and sneaked into this world.

With their power, they can penetrate this world, and they can definitely make a difference at the critical moment.

Whether it is the national strength, military strength, warriors, and sects of various countries, these will be investigated by them.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

The surrounding warriors became crazy.

"Since you are courting death, then it will fulfill you. 99


The great master in the lead shouted loudly.

The surrounding warriors were all mad and rushed towards Ying Qi, each with murderous aura, internal strength, and true energy.

There were also many hidden weapons that radiated towards Ying Qi.

As long as they can kill Ying Qi, they can do anything.

in a blink.

Thousands of people rushed towards Ying Qi.

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, murderous intentions are everywhere.

"A swarm of ants.

Ying Qi sneered.

At this moment, there is no need for Ying Qi to shoot, just patted Xuehu's head.

The blood tiger immediately understood.


Directly shouted angrily: "Hoo!!

Angrily screaming with terrifying sound waves and monstrous killing power, shook in all directions.

In an instant.

"lock up....]...."

Howling sound waves passed by.

Those hidden weapons were directly shattered and scattered into the void.

Pieces of the warriors were directly shaken off the meridians of the whole body, the seven orifices bleed to death, and they died tragically on the spot.

For a moment.

Thousands of people were killed by the shock.

"This red tiger turned out to be a fourth-order spirit beast."

The leading Grandmaster was horrified.

At this moment, a kind of fear emerged in his heart, who was originally confident.

Being able to tame the fourth-order spirit beasts proves that Ying Qi's cultivation is definitely the pinnacle of a great master, or even the realm of heaven and man.

This roar.

It directly frightened many warriors.

"Escape. 35

"This is a fourth-order spirit beast.

"Run away. 99

"This person's cultivation base is definitely above the great master.

Many warriors shouted in fear and wanted to escape.

But it was too late.

"Not a single one.

Ying Qi said coldly 540 sentences.

The figure rises into the sky.


And the blood tiger stepped out directly in the air, with a terrifying murderous aura.

The blood-red figure passed by, the tiger claws raised, and there was a scene of slaughter.

The blood stained the city and the earth, and there was no need for Ying Qi to take action in this process.

The blood tiger is Ying Qi's contract divine beast. The enemies it kills are the same as those killed by Ying Qi, and gain the same experience points as those killed by himself.

"Escape. 35

Seeing this scene, the Grandmaster immediately rose into the sky, turned and fled.

"Come if you want, leave if you want?

"You think I don't exist?"

Ying Qi sneered, and the voice reached the man's ears, making him even more frightened.

"Finger magic.

Four cold words came out.

Ying Qi Lingkong popped out with a finger.

A sharp finger burst out of the air, with a terrifying murderous intent.


Kill the great master directly.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 34 enemy, obtaining 500,000 experience points, obtaining the high-grade Xuan-rank martial arts "True Qi Restriction", and obtaining 500 high-grade spirit stones. The system prompts.

"Sure enough, you still have to kill the great master to get rich experience points." Ying Qi smiled and was very satisfied.

Just came to the first city, there is such a surprise, Ying Qi is looking forward to the next city.


Under the slaughter of the blood tiger, the warriors who ambushed Ying Qi in this city were all killed.

"Congratulations to the host for killing 4,585 enemies and gaining 60,000 experience points." The system prompted.

Although these thousands of warriors are not very strong, they are in all realms, but after all, there are a lot of them, and they have brought tens of thousands of experience points to Ying Qi.

Coupled with that great master, this time, he has gained a lot, and he is one step closer to the realm of heaven and man.

PS: Seeking to be determined, old irons.

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