Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 279 The shock brought by Ying Qi

"Could the adoptive father intend to be the enemy of this mysterious powerhouse?" Duan Tianya's expression changed.

If he hadn't seen Ying Qi's murderous appearance with his own eyes, perhaps Duan Tianya didn't have much fear, but he watched the two great masters perish with their own eyes.

The impact is indescribable.

in his impression.

Although the strength of his adoptive father is unfathomable, he is also the pinnacle of the great master.


"Tianya thinks he can't be the enemy of this person, his strength is unfathomable, one person can kill two great masters at the peak, his strength has reached the realm of heaven and man, and he has two great masters, Yaoyue and Lianxing, beside him. 99

"Yihua Palace is a place that a man should not enter, but he can be in Yihua Palace, which shows that he has a very close relationship with Yaoyue Lianxing, and when I was in Yihua Palace, I also saw Yaoyue and the others treating the strong The attitude of the reader is like a couple.35

"If you are an enemy of him, you are an enemy of the entire Yihua Palace."

"Furthermore, he has a divine weapon in his hand." Duan Tianya said solemnly.

Originally, Zhu ignored it and there were no waves, but when he heard the words "Sacred Soldier", his eyes widened, revealing a touch of surprise: "What did you say? Divine Soldier of the Heavenly Rank?

"Although I was far apart when they fought, the magic weapon in the hands of the strong man was definitely of the heavenly rank, because I have never seen such a sharp weapon in "May 40". Duan Tianya said.

"It seems that this person has an absolutely extraordinary history.

"The world is huge, and there are not a few people who are strong in the heaven and human realm, but there are very few who can possess the divine soldiers of the heaven rank.

"Perhaps as you said in Tianya, this Marquis cannot be an enemy of this person." Zhu ignored the seriousness.

"When Tianya left Yihua Palace, the mysterious powerhouse asked to bring back the news that he beheaded Cao Zhengchun and others, and spread it to the world, and ask his adoptive father to decide this matter." Duan Tianya continued.

"The news of his killing Cao Zhengchun will be spread all over the world, and it will let you." Zhu's ignorant expression changed slightly, with a deep thought.

He lived for many years and was wily.

No one could read his mind. Including his adopted son and daughter.

"I understand."

"He deliberately asked you to bring the news back, and then gave this multiple-choice question to Ben Hou, and also wanted to see how Ben Hou would treat him.

After thinking for a moment, Zhu ignored a smile on his face.

It seems to have seen through the essence of this matter.

"He wanted to use this to test whether the foster father would take action against him, or to test the attitude of Hulong Villa. 35 Duan Tianya also immediately understood.


Zhu ignored his confidence and nodded: "You have already declared your identity in front of him. He knows that you will not stand up for yourself, so he will tell Ben Hou first to test it."5

"What is the adoptive father going to do with this matter?" Duan Tianya asked respectfully.

"For the time being, send someone to suppress all matters in the Yihua Palace, and then report the situation to the emperor and leave it to the emperor to decide."

"This matter is about Da Ming's face, but it is not the prince's turn to make the decision, only the emperor can decide. 35

Zhu ignored the righteous words and said, an image of a big loyal minister.

"Father is wise.

Duan Tianya also said with respect.

in his heart.

His adoptive father is a loyal minister with chivalrous heart.


This image is also deeply ingrained in the hearts of the entire Ming Dynasty.

Such as Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xi and others, they are big traitors.

"Where did the mysterious powerhouse come from?"

"Since Cao Zhengchun and the others were about to attack Yihua Palace, I sent people to closely monitor Yihua Palace. During this period, no one approached Yihua Palace, and this person never seemed to appear in Jianghu. Could it be a hermit? Strong? 35

"After this time, it's time to investigate this person.

"Such a strong man suddenly appeared in Daming, I don't know if it's a bad thing for me, but in the end, he has helped me a lot except Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, and the whole court will respect me in the future.

"It's one step closer to my plan."

Zhu ignored it and thought secretly in his heart.

That's when Zhu ignored his thoughts.



"Something is bad. 35

A handsome, gentle man walked in from outside.

"Haitang, what's the matter?"

Zhu ignored it and returned to his senses, looking at the person who came.

This is another adopted son that Zhu ignored, to be precise, the adopted daughter, Shangguan Haitang.

"Something has happened at Yihua Palace.

"It is rumored.""

"Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xi led the eagle dogs to destroy the Yihua Palace, but a mysterious powerhouse appeared and beheaded Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, and tens of thousands of eagle dogs were buried under their swords." Shangguan Haitang said with a serious expression.

"How did you find out about this?"

Zhu ignored the surprise and asked in surprise.

this matter.

He only sent Duan Tianya to investigate, but did not send Shangguan Haitang to go there. Logically, she should not know.

"Father. 35

"The news has now spread.

"The news of the thousands of miles away from the Huagong Palace has already spread, and it will soon reach the capital of Ming Dynasty.

"And many people went to Yihua Palace to investigate, it's true.

"The bodies of Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are still hanging outside the gate of Yihua Palace, and their heads are separated."

"The eagles and dogs under their command were all burned to coke, and now they are scattered around the Yihua Palace. Shangguan Haitang said solemnly.


Zhu Ignore and Duan Tianya looked at each other, a little surprised.

"Where did this news come from?" Zhu ignored and asked immediately.

"According to my investigation, the news came from the affiliated forces of Yihua Palace, and it was conveyed to Daming at a very fast speed."

"This move was deliberately done by Yihua Palace. Shangguan Haitang replied.

"how come?"

Zhu ignored this moment and did not understand.

According to his inference just now, since Ying Qi told Duan Tianya that he would publicize the deaths of Cao Zhengchun and the others, he naturally needed him to keep the Dragon Protector Villa down and keep things calm.

But now there is so much trouble, and it is still publicized by the Flower Palace.

This completely overturned his inference.

"Father. 39

"What exactly does that mysterious powerhouse mean?" Duan Tianya looked solemn.

Naturally, they knew the consequences of spreading the word out completely.

"This time, the foster father can't see through him."

Zhu's ignoring tone was also condensed in shock.

Since he was born, he has always been based on calculation, and because of his long-term planning, he has the current status and strength, but today, for the first time, there is an existence that has been separated from his inference.

This made Zhu ignore the shock, but at the same time, there was a sense of unease.


"The Marquis of Iron Courage took over the decree.""

at this time.

A scream sounded outside the hall.

A eunuch walked into the hall with a serious expression.

"Chen Zhu ignored the imperial decree. 35

Zhu ignored his return to his senses, and immediately bowed and bowed.

As today's uncle, or a great master and a strong master, he naturally has the authority not to worship the emperor or to see the decree.

"The ministers welcome the imperial decree. 35

Duan Tianya and the two immediately knelt down.

"Uncle has a decree, please enter the palace immediately, and honor this." The eunuch held the imperial decree and said loudly.

"It must be that the emperor also knew the news of Yihua Palace, and thunder and anger broke out.

The three present naturally understood what this imperial decree represented.

Daming Palace.

Golden Palace.

The important officials of the Ming Dynasty have all gathered here.

Apparently they were all summoned by the imperial edict.

on the dragon chair.

A young emperor wearing a golden dragon robe and a crown was sitting, and he was not very powerful, but at this moment his face was ashen, obviously in anger.

He is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty today, Puzhao.

The courtiers in the hall did not dare to speak, for fear of angering the emperor.

"God has arrived."

As Zhu ignored it, he walked into the hall.

The expressions of the court officials also relaxed a little.

Even the Emperor Ming in a high position seemed to stretch a lot.

"My minister sees the emperor."

As soon as he entered the hall, Zhu ignored it and bowed to Emperor Ming.

"Uncle, quickly calm down.

Emperor Ming immediately raised his hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zhu ignored the thanks and stood up straight.

"What happened in Jinzhou Yihua Palace, you must already know." Emperor Ming said with an angry face.

"My Lord knows.

Zhu ignored and nodded immediately.

But the slick he immediately turned the conversation around and handed it over to the Emperor Ming.

"This matter is very big, and it is related to the face of my Ming court, and it needs to be decided by the emperor himself. 55 Zhu ignores the righteous words.

In short.

Because of Ying Qi's strength, and the unknown about Ying Qi.

He can't do this 1.7 villain.

"Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xi. 35

"East factory, west factory.

"They all belong to me, Da Ming, and they are all my subjects."

"The murderer used his strength to behead my two great masters in Daming, and almost killed my two factories in Daming.

"Such a daring act, ignoring my great power, and slapping my face like this."

"I, absolutely cannot forgive."

"No matter what kind of power he is, even if he is in the realm of heaven and man, I will let him die. 99

"Cut him to pieces."

"With my full strength.

The emperor roared angrily.

A master at the level of a grandmaster is also rare for the Ming Kingdom. Now that he has lost two of them, it has also greatly damaged the strength of the Ming Kingdom. How can he bear it?

Moreover, as soon as Cao Zhengchun and the others died, the three-legged confrontation of the court would change, and the emperor's control of the court would also change greatly.

Although Zhu ignores his loyalty, the Emperor Ming is naturally very afraid. Now that his family is the only one, how can the Emperor Ming not be afraid.

And then.

This has spread so widely.

If he does not respond, he will definitely be ridiculed by the world.

He must take Qi's life and kill the chicken to set an example.

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