Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 278 What I want is to be immortal

As said before.

If this is spread to the world.

There will definitely be an uproar.

Both Dongchang and Xichang belonged to the forces of the Ming Kingdom, and they were both eagles and dogs of the Ming Kingdom. Winning against Qi Tu would be equivalent to hitting the Ming Kingdom's face and damaging the Ming Kingdom's emperor's face.

The news spread to the world.

In order to maintain this face, the Ming Kingdom will definitely overthrow all forces to deal with Ying Qi.

The wrath of a powerful empire, even the powerhouse of Heaven and Human Realm cannot bear it.

But Ying Qi did the opposite.

Invitation to the moon is really a bit incomprehensible.

"Do you know the consequences of doing so? 35

"Emperor of the Ming Kingdom will do whatever it takes to deal with you, the power of a country, and even the real powerhouse of Heaven and Human Realm can be mobilized. Yaoyue is serious.

"What I want is him at all costs.-" Ying Qi smiled.

all in all.

Ying Qi is to establish himself in the Ming Kingdom, or even the opposite of this world's sect. Their pursuit and killing are the best.


Ying Qi will be able to gain infinite experience.

And it can also take advantage of the situation to get rid of some powerful enemies for the arrival of Daqin.

Hear this.

Yaoyue was stunned, and finally said: "You are so crazy.

"in addition."

"Give me the list of affiliated forces of the East Factory and the West Factory."5

'When I leave here, I will take care of them all along the way. Ying Qi said.

"Are you really serious?" Yaoyue looked fixedly at Ying Qi.

"Ha ha."

Ying Qi smiled and didn't explain anything, but said with a kind of ridicule: "Okay, since I'm in charge, I also have to perform my duties as the husband, the two beloved concubines, do you want to take a break? ?39

Hear this.

Both Yaoyue and Lianxing blushed with shame.

Lian Xing pinched the corner of her clothes and was a little nervous. She naturally knew what Ying Qi said about the rest.

But Yaoyue stared.

"no way.

"You haven't married us yet, don't think. 39

"Didn't you say that you are Ying Qi, the son of Qin Shi Huang?35


"If you want to marry our sister, you must have a large army to marry, and you must have enough dowry and enough cards."

"Of course. 35

"If you weren't Ying Qi, then get married in Yihua Palace now.

Yaoyue raised her eyebrows at Ying Qi, full of provocation.

In short.

She didn't believe Ying Qi's words at all.

What Qin Shi Huang's son, what Crown Prince Ying Qi.

What the Great Qin Emperor.

Ghost letter.

Qin Shihuang and Crown Prince Ying Qi have been dead for so many years, how can they still be alive?


"I'll give you this card in the future." Ying Qi smiled and didn't refuse.

"This is what you said. If you don't give me this row in the future, then you will enter the palace." Yaoyue said with a smile on her face.

"What if I gave it?" Ying Qi smiled.

"Then I will listen to you honestly, you tell me to go east, I will never go west." Yaoyue said immediately.

"Okay, I promise you." Ying Qi agreed immediately, with a smile in his eyes.

"That's what you said." Yaoyue smiled proudly, as if she had succeeded in her trick.

But I don't know.

This is Yaoyue's own mistake.

Stayed in Yihua Palace for a few days.

Yaoyue also listened to Ying Qi's words, and asked Yihua Palace and its forces to spread the news that Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi were killed, and that the East Factory and the West Factory were destroyed in the hands of Ying Qi.

a time.

Centered on Yihua Palace.

The entire Ming Kingdom caused an uproar.

"Are you really leaving?"

Move the flower palace mountain gate, and invite Yueyue to look at Ying Qidao.

Lian Xing stood aside, looking at Ying Qi with some reluctance.

Get along for a few days.

Ying Qi's casualness and abruptness moved the two sisters even more, and deepened their affection.

"The news has spread, it's time to go."

Ying Qi smiled.

"Then when are you coming back?" Lian Xing couldn't help but ask.

"I still have two cabbages that I haven't picked yet, and when I come back next time, I will marry you.

"You guys should wait at Yihua Palace." Ying Qi laughed teasingly.


Yaoyue snorted, but there was a kind of reluctance in her eyes.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, how could they be willing to be the only ones who could walk into their sisters' hearts for so many years.


Ying Qi smiled, his figure flashed, and he disappeared directly into the Yihua Palace.

Looking at Ying Qi's disappearing figure.

There was worry on Lian Xing's face: "Sister, is he really okay?

"Now that the news has spread, the entire Daming already knows that the destruction of the East Factory and the West Factory is because of him, and Daming will definitely overthrow all forces against him."

Yaoyue's face was indifferent: "If anyone dares to move him, I will immortalize him in Yihuagong. I will pass on the order, and all the affiliated forces of Yihuagong will pay close attention to the movements of the Ming Kingdom. If anyone dares to move him, we will do our best to meet the enemy. ."

Leaving Yihua Palace.

"There are too many powerful warriors in this world.

"If you want to deal with them, in addition to the power of martial arts of the same level, there is also an artifact to deal with warriors. 99

"Spiritual Arrow."

After leaving Yihua Palace, Ying Qi regained his indifferent majesty.


Opened the connection between the power of luck and Ou Xiong.


"Send my edict.

"Exercising all the power to create the Absolute Spirit Arrow and the Absolute Spirit Ballista." "Ying Qi contacted her with luck, and said arrogantly.

Daqin world.

Inside the forging hall.

Ou Xiong was startled by the voice that suddenly sounded in his heart, and then he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Chen, lead the edict. Ou Xiong bowed in the air and responded respectfully.

The Daqin Dynasty's air luck connection is based on the law of air luck in the dark, even if it is separated from the world, it can still communicate.

As the head of the dynasty, Ying Qi could use this luck to contact any courtier, and the courtiers who could communicate with Ying Qi were only the two ministers of Da Qin, Jiuqing, Liang Taifu and other important officials of Qin.

0.....for flowers·

"All blacksmiths obey orders. 35

Ou Xiong came back to his senses and looked at the blacksmith on the first floor of the blacksmithing hall.

"Subordinates are here."

In the entire first-floor forging hall, there are more than 10,000 first-order blacksmiths, all of them answered in unison.

Compared to alchemists.

The training of first-order blacksmiths is easier, so there are more people than alchemists.

"The emperor has an edict.

"Forge the Absolute Spirit Arrow with all my strength.

"Within one year, one million arrows must be forged. 35

"Also, take the ordinary weapon Da Zhao"

Ou Xiong said loudly.

"Subordinates take orders.""

All the blacksmiths said in unison.

Absolute Arrow.

Ying Qi obtained a kind of killing weapon aimed at warriors.

Even if it is the true essence of the Great Grandmaster level, the defense against the Absolute Spirit Arrow is not so good.

Because this Absolute Spirit Arrow has the name of Absolute Spirit, it can break through infuriating energy and various energies, and by doing so, it is the ultimate weapon for killing warriors obtained by Ying Qi opening the treasure chest.

Originally, the construction of the Absolute Spirit Arrow has not really entered the agenda, because there are not so many warriors in the Daqin world to deal with.

Moreover, this Absolute Spirit Arrow is much more difficult than ordinary arrows, and requires a lot of refining materials, and refined iron is only a part of it.

But with the attribute bonus of the forging hall, it will become easier for the blacksmiths in Daqin.

One year, one million absolute arrows.

It will definitely bring real deterrence to the warriors in the comprehensive martial arts world, and they will be enemies with Da Qin and die.

Ming capital.

In this capital, there is a huge mansion second only to the imperial palace.

It is the Hulong Villa that is ignored by Hou Zhu, the uncle of the current Ming emperor and the god of iron courage.


"That's what happened outside the Palace of Flowers.

"The mysterious powerhouse relieved the siege of Yihua Palace, and the two great masters, Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, died in his hands.

"Nearly 20,000 eagle dogs in Dongchang and Xichang died at the hands of him alone."

Duan Tianya had a serious expression on his face, respectfully facing his adoptive father, Hou Zhu, God of Iron Courage, ignoring the report.

Look at Zhu and ignore it.

Dressed in a royal robe, with a middle-aged appearance, with a terrifying power, there seems to be a kind of wisdom that penetrates the world in those deep eyes.

"Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are both peak masters of the Great Master.

"He was able to kill them with his own strength, and his cultivation base is only afraid that he has reached the realm of heaven and man." Zhu ignored the expression and said with a very serious expression.


"Although Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are people of my Daming, they have been doing evil for many years, killing the loyal and good, and they have always been enemies of my Hulong Villa. Their death is a matter for my adoptive father and for my Daming. Great thing." Duan Tianya said.

"A good thing is a good thing.

"But they are people of Daming after all."

"That mysterious powerhouse is hitting me in the face. 35 Zhu ignored the expressionless road.


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