Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 277 Treasures of the Great Qin Empire

Lian Xing spoke slowly.

I have probably said everything about the Great Qin Empire in this comprehensive martial arts world.

Ying Qi also nodded suddenly.

For people in this world, these are no secrets, but for Ying Qi, who has just arrived, this is obviously just contact.

In general.

The history of this world is like the Wuhu world, because the connection of the Daqin world has produced an invisible mapping and brought about historical changes.

But the big world Daqin still perished.

Just like the history that Ying Qi knew.

Qin Shi Huang died in pursuit of immortality.

The world itself was assassinated.


The world-connected map is just that.

What is certain is that Ying Qi is the only one among the heavens and the world, and this change in world history is also due to Ying Qi's power in the Daqin world.


"I didn't expect that this world also has legends about me."

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

"When Da Qin died, where are the strong people who belonged to Da Qin?" Ying Qi asked suddenly.

This is a world of Chinese martial arts. The Great Master Shouyuan has exceeded a thousand years, and the Heaven and Human Realm has reached thousands of years. After so many years, if there were strong men in the Heaven and Human Realm in the Daqin Empire in the past, there may be a chance to live to the present. Come.

"In the beginning, the Great Qin collapsed."

"The strong people who belong to Daqin are naturally fallen trees and hozen scattered."

"Either he was killed by that Qin Er Shi Hu Hai, or he died after suppressing the rebellion.35

"Today's Ming, Song, Qing, Liao and other countries are all divided from the Daqin world, and some of the founding kings of these countries are even courtiers of the former Daqin. Lian Xing replied softly.

"I see."

Ying Qi nodded.

Seeing his sister and Ying Qi talking like this.

Yaoyue was a little bit resentful: "Sister, these things are known to the world, this thief has made it clear that he is lying to us and does not want to be responsible.

"Heaven and earth conscience.

"Do I have to lie to you?"

Ying Qi said helplessly.

"Sister, I don't think Brother Ying Qi is lying." Lian Xing said very simply.

"Your name is Ying Qi? Your father is Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng?

Yaoyue stared at Ying Qi and said again.

"If it's fake." Ying Qi smiled.


Yaoyue snorted, making it clear that she still didn't believe it: "Then tell me, how did you and your father perish in the past? How did you survive until now? Also, do you know where the treasures of your Daqin Empire are located? where?"5

"Why I died in this world, I really don't know, I said it all, I came from another world." Ying Qi said.

Yaoyue rolled her eyes and said nothing more.

"By the way, what is the treasure of the Great Qin Empire?" Ying Qi asked curiously.

This is a bit out of line with history.

"Load, keep loading.

Yueyue snorted coldly.

"This is a legend left behind after the fall of the Great Qin Empire in the past. According to legend, after the death of the Crown Prince, Qin Shi Huang was furious and slaughtered millions of people who were related to this matter. At the same time, Qin Shi Huang also knew that he had lost the Crown Prince Ying Qi and Da Qin. The empire was difficult to maintain, so the whole country was used to build the imperial mausoleum and bury the crown prince in the mausoleum."

"And all the treasures in the hands of the Daqin Empire will be buried underground with the crown prince. 35

"It is said that whoever masters this treasure will be able to master the world, ascend to the realm of heaven and man, and attain the realm of immortals and gods. Lian Xing continued.

"Where is the treasure?" Ying Qi asked again.

"If it is so easy to find this treasure, is Qin Shihuang still Qin Shihuang? If someone finds it, the world will not be so peaceful." Yaoyue said angrily.

"That's right. 35

Ying Qiming nodded clearly.

"Lian Xing, tell me more about the countries, sects, and top powerhouses in this world." Ying Qi looked at Lian Xing and smiled softly.

This smile.

Lian Xing's pretty face showed a hint of shyness.


Lian Xing nodded obediently, and then slowly told Ying Qi about the situation in this world.

This is also the first step for Ying Qi to understand this world.

Through Lian Xing's explanation.

There are various countries in this world, not only the countries belonging to the Yan and Huang alien races, but also the countries established by the alien races who invaded their territories.

These countries are strong and weak.

Among them, the Ming Kingdom is one of them, and there is also the Yuan Kingdom, which is located in the northern border. They all have an army of millions, and there are many strong people in the empire.

In the Yuan Kingdom, there are super-first-class forces of Tantric Buddhism.

in the Ming Kingdom.

There are imperial forces such as Hulong Villa, Dongchang, Xichang, etc. There are also Yihua Palace, Mingjiao and other forces in the rivers and lakes.

Apart from that.

There are also Song, Qing, Liao and other countries.

There are many forces in the world, such as Shaolin, Wudang, Sun and Moon God, Shenlong and so on.

The powerhouses in the realm of heaven and man on the bright side of the world, and the super-first-class forces are all guarded by such powerhouses.

There are also Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuixue and so on.

There is also a sword that breaks all methods, and the sword demon Dugu, who is known as the invincible hand in the world, seeks defeat.

Hearing what Lian Xing said, Ying Qi also had a basic understanding of this world.

"The strong are like clouds, the sects are four miles away, and the dynasties are rising one after another.""

"It really is an amazing world.

"Under the background of this world, the peak of Heaven and Human Realm can be expected, and even breaking the Heaven and Human Realm will make it stronger."

From Lian Xing's narration, Ying Qi also understood the fundamentals of this world.

For Ying Qi, this world is a natural experience venue.

And this is still a world of Chinese martial arts. In the future, Ying Qi can reach a higher level of the world, and endless experience points are waiting for Ying Qi.

"Palace Master."


"Lunch is ready."

A Yihua Palace disciple came over and said respectfully.

"Go, eat and go. 35

Ying Qi smiled and said.

Then he took Lian Xing's hand very smoothly, and when his fingers touched, Lian Xing trembled all over, and his pretty face turned red.

"Let go of my sister. 35

Seeing this, Yaoyue widened her eyes.


Ying Qi turned his head and looked at Yaoyue with a smile on his face: "Don't you let me be responsible?"

"Since I'm in charge, you and Lian Xing will be my concubine from now on."

when saying this.

Ying Qi stretched out his left hand again, and directly took Yaoyue's hand, one in each hand.

And Yaoyue's original Lengshuang face also became a little red, which made her have an unspeakable emotion.

And the disciple of Yihua Palace immediately looked away, not daring to look any further.

Finish your meal in the palace of the palace lord.

"`〃Evil thief."

"You killed Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, what are you going to do next?" Yaoyue looked at Ying Qi and asked, although her name was still vicious, her tone softened a lot.

"What else can we do?

"Continue to kill." Ying Qi smiled lightly, not taking it seriously at all.

by their own strength.

If all the trump cards are shown, the peaks of this world's Heaven and Human Realm can fight for one or two battles, and can protect themselves.

And if you want to win Qi's life, Ying Qi can belong to the Daqin world at any time.

"Otherwise, you can stay in Yihua Palace. With my sister and I here, there is nothing that the Ming court can do. Lian Xing said worriedly.

"What? Did you start worrying about Xianggong before you even got through the door?"

Ying Qi smiled, looking at Lian Xing and teasing.

Lian Xing's pretty face immediately turned red.

"This little girl is really just like the character I knew in my previous life, pure and quiet. Ying Qi smiled in his heart.

"The thief. 99

"Are you really not afraid of the Ming Dynasty?" Yaoyue said.

"It's called Xianggong.""

"Don't be a husband, you need family law to serve you.

Ying Qi said viciously to Yaoyue.


Yaoyuebu (Li Haozhao) snorted happily.

But there is no refutation for the word Xianggong.

For Yaoyue and Lianxing, the strength is strong, they are the top powerhouses in the world, naturally their eyes are higher than the top, and no man can enter their eyes.

But today, Ying Qi's unexpected birth broke into the depths of their hearts.

Strong and handsome.

Too brilliant.

"The Yihua Palace should have some influence in the world of Ming Dynasty, right? 99 Yingqi said with a smile.

"Bullshit." Yaoyue was proud of her luck.

"That's good. Year

"Killing me Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xi, and destroying the Dong and Xichang Eagle Dogs spread all over the world. Ying Qi said.

"Why is this? 35

"Do you really want to completely anger the Emperor of the Ming Kingdom and never die?" Yaoyue was shocked.

Let Duan Tianya go back and report, perhaps the Marquis of Iron Courage will temporarily suppress this matter, and it will not affect that much. Moreover, Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi have always been enemies of Hulong Villa. Now that they are dead, they ignore Zhu. It is also a great joy.

But if you use the power of Yihuagong to spread the news.

That would be incredible, and things would get really big.

PS: Happy New Year, lads.

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