Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 276 Daqin also exists in this world

"Sister, should we go back to the palace first?"

Lian Xing said shyly.

Thousands of disciples were watching, which made Lian Xing, who didn't like ostentation, a little embarrassed.

"Go, go to the palace and have a good talk." Yaoyue walked directly to Ying Qi's side, and then grabbed one of Ying Qi's arm, as if she was worried that Ying Qi would escape.

"This invitation month seems to be different."

Ying Qi secretly said in his heart.

However, it did not immediately move back to the Flower Palace.

Instead, he looked at a place outside the gate of Yihua Palace.

"After watching it for so long, it's time to come out.

Ying Qi said coldly to that place.

"Anyone hiding?

Yaoyue and Lianxing followed their gazes and looked a little surprised.

They didn't even notice that someone was secretly peeping.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

From the dark.

A figure walked out slowly.

When looking at Ying Qi and sister Yaoyue, there was a look of awe in this person's eyes.


Just after winning Qi Tu and killing the East, he saw the scene of the two factories in the West.

"Duan Tianya, a secret agent in the Hulong Villa, has seen the senior.

"I have seen two palace masters. 35

The person who came bowed to Ying Qi and the three of them.

"Hehe. 35

"Sure enough, a raccoon dog. 35

Yaoyue looked at Duan Tianya and said coldly: "What? 05 Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are going to destroy my Yihua Palace. Are you going to join the Dragon Villa?"

"The Palace Master Yaoyue has misunderstood.

"Duan Tianya came to Yihua Palace on the orders of his adoptive father. He originally planned to inform Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi of their conspiracy to attack Yihua Palace, but they were blocked.

"So it's too late."

"My Hulong Villa has absolutely no malice towards Yihua Palace. 35 Duan Tianya immediately explained.

"Yihua Palace doesn't welcome men, get out.

Yaoyue shouted to Duan Tianya, with a cold look of refusing people thousands of miles away.


Duan Tianya looked at Yaoyue in awe, not daring to say more, and when he looked at Ying Qi, he showed a strong sense of awe.

Duan Tianya saw all the scenes where the two swords killed the two great masters.

Although his cultivation has also entered the great master, but it is only the initial stage of the great master, whether it is Yaoyue or Cao Zhengchun, they can easily defeat him.

What's more, Ying Qi, who killed Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi with two swords.

Such strength.

It has surpassed the great master.

"Wait. 35

Ying Qi suddenly spoke up.

Duan Tianya's expression changed, and he turned around very uneasily: "I don't know what senior has to explain?

"Send back the news that I killed Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, and everyone should know about it." Ying Qi said to Duan Tianya.

Hear this.

Duan Tianya's expression changed, and he was very surprised.

But he didn't dare to say anything, and immediately replied: "Junior understands."


Duan Tianya quickly vacated the room and left.

"Are you really not afraid of the Ming Dynasty?

"The people in the East Factory and the West Factory are the emperor's eagles and dogs, and they are the emperor's support."

"You killed Duan Zhengchun, Liu Xi, and all the elites of their two factories, which is equivalent to hitting the Emperor Ming's face. 55

"Originally, the emperor might be afraid of your strength, and he can calm things down, but if you want to be known to everyone, the Ming emperor will definitely do something to you in order to maintain the authority of the emperor. 35 Yaoyue looked at Ying Qi in confusion.

How can the dynasties and states based in the world be able to prosper forever?

In the final analysis, it is because their country also has the power to control the country, as well as a large army, otherwise, how can the forces of the rivers and lakes treat the imperial court with such awe.

Although dealing with a strong person in the realm of heaven and human beings will make that dynasty pay a great price, their strength is absolutely enough to do it, and there are many sects of Jianghu forces who have joined the dynasty and worked for it.

"I'm just waiting for them to do it." Ying Qi smiled.


Yaoyue muttered in her heart, but didn't say anything more.


This time.

In less than a day, it was the first time that a man walked into Yaoyue's heart and touched her.

"The disciples of Yihua Palace obey the order.

"Burned the bodies of all eunuchs. 99

Yaoyue ordered the disciples of Yihua Palace.

"Respect the palace lord's order."

All the disciples responded in unison.

Then Yaoyue unceremoniously took Ying Qi's hand and walked towards Yihua Palace.

It is still the mountain, or the edge of the lake.


The situation has changed.

Neither Yaoyue nor Lianxing shouted at Ying Qi, and their eyes softened.

In the end.

This time, it was precisely because of Ying Qi's coincidence that the Yihua Palace was prevented from being destroyed.

This is a great favor to Yueyue and even the entire Yihua Palace.

"It's time to explain.

"Where did you come from?

"What is your name?"

Yaoyue stood opposite Ying Qi and asked aloud, but compared to the beginning, although her tone was still cold, it was much softer.

After all, Yueyue is such a character.

"From another world."

Ying Qi said honestly.


"You son of a bitch, thief.

"Not yet telling the truth. 25

Yueyue said unhappily.

"What I said is true." Ying Qi said helplessly.

He did come from another world, no doubt about it.


It is indeed difficult for someone to believe it.

"Then what's your name? What sect and faction are you from?" Yaoyue asked again, staring at Ying Qi, staring at Ying Qi's expression.

For fear that Ying Qi would lie to her.

"Ying Qi, Emperor of Qin." 5

Ying Qi said calmly.


Yaoyue's eyes widened and she stared at Ying Qi, a coldness appeared on her indifferent pretty face again: "Are you lying to a ghost? 35

"Why such a big reaction?"

Ying Qi also looked at Yaoyue inexplicably.

Could it be that this comprehensive martial arts world also has the existence of the Daqin Empire?

Or, has his name appeared in this world?

But it shouldn't.

The Daqin world now only has low martial arts and high grades, and has not yet reached the middle martial arts level, so it should not be enough to affect this comprehensive martial arts world.

"The Qin Empire has been destroyed for thousands of years."

"What else are you using the Great Qin Emperor to lie to me, you clearly don't want to be responsible. Yaoyue said a little sullenly.

I heard a few words that I don't want to be responsible.

Lian Xing's face also changed.

"There is also a Daqin in this world?" Ying Qi asked after regaining his senses.

"Thousands of years ago, Daqin ruled the world, and all the world was in the territory of Daqin. At that time, there was no separation of states at all. Qin Shihuang, Yingzheng, ruled the world. Great stability, and open the real world of martial arts.

"At that time.

"The world is under the feet of their father and son. Whether it is the forces of the rivers and lakes, or the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and man, they are all under the Qin Empire."5

"Ying Qi, this name, like Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng, is a taboo in this world.

"Since the first emperor of Qin died, the crown prince Ying Qi died, and Da Qin died."

"The royal family with the surname Ying has been exterminated and does not exist in the world."

"You actually said 537 that your name is Ying Qi? Or the emperor of Da Qin? 35

"What are you saying you're not a liar?

Yueyue said angrily.

can see.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat Ying Qi, Yaoyue would really explode again.

"Is there anything about me in this world?

Hearing Yaoyue's words, Ying Qi was stunned.

"The world of Daqin is not as high as the world of comprehensive martial arts, but the history that belongs to the world of Daqin is mapped. Is it because I came to this world of comprehensive martial arts and the reason why the world of Daqin is connected to it?" Ying Qi thought to himself. , guessed the reason.

"How did Qin Shihuang and Ying Qi die in this world?" Ying Qi asked curiously.

Although this is a historical mapping from the connection between the two worlds, Ying Qi is also very curious.

This world has existed for so long, and Daqin has achieved true domination of the world.

Heaven and Human Realm also have to be respected, and have to be ministers.

It can be seen that Da Qin is powerful.

I heard Ying Qi's question.

Yaoyue glared at Ying Qi and didn't answer.


This question was regarded by her as Ying Qi continuing to tease her.

The whole world knows about Qin Shihuang and about the crown prince Ying Qi.

Even the civil servants know that besides ridicule, what else could there be in Ying Qi?

Yueyue did not answer.

Lian Xing replied softly: "Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng and Crown Prince Ying Qi are in charge of the country, they are indeed in control of the world, sects, forces, people, and the world surrenders."

"But after all, as the lords of the dynasty, they can't step into the cultivation path. No matter how talented they are, and they have countless officials loyal to them, they still can't achieve longevity.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are trapped in their former heroic talents, Qin Shihuang died in pursuit of longevity, and Crown Prince Ying Qi was assassinated and died...

PS: I wish my brothers a happy new year and family reunion.

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