Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 275 Upgrade to 4 levels in a row, a big harvest

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 40 enemy, obtaining 1.5 million experience points, obtaining a high-grade high-grade exercise "Tiangang Boy Gong", and obtaining 1,000 high-grade spirit stones.""

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 40 enemy, gaining 1.5 million experience points, obtaining a high-grade high-grade exercise method "Absorbing Gong Dafa", and obtaining 1,000 high-grade spirit stones.""

Just after killing Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi, the system prompt sounded.

"Big profit.

Ying Qi had an excited smile on his face.

Two of the world's top powerhouses fell.

Everyone here was stunned.

Even Yaoyue and Lianxing.

Seeing Ying Qi beheading Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi so easily, the two are comparable in strength to them, and even stronger than them.

"elder sister.

"I think what he said before is true. He should have come to our Yihua Palace unintentionally." Lian Xing stared at Ying Qi and said with an inexplicable emotion.


Yaoyue nodded and said nothing.

But in my heart, I have also affirmed what my sister said.

If Ying Qi really has bad intentions for them, and really has a "five-three-seven" picture for them, there is no need to go around, and with this monstrous strength, you can easily deal with them.

And when they shot in anger, Ying Qi never showed any ultimate move and restrained them.

Originally, the two sisters thought that Ying Qi had used all their strength to defeat them, but now, seeing the tragic situation of Cao Zhengchun and the two of them, they were instantly beheaded, and they also realized the real gap with Ying Qi.

"The Lord is dead.

"Run away.""

"He is a strong man in the realm of heaven and man. 35

"It's not something we can fight at all.55

"Withdraw.... report the news to the emperor and leave it to the emperor to decide.


I saw the death of Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi.

The Eagle Dogs in the East Factory and the West Factory were stunned, and then an unspeakable fear broke out.

Immediately turn around and flee towards the rear.

"Invite the moon."

"Block their way, don't let them escape, but don't shoot."

"Their lives are mine. 39

Ying Qi licked his mouth and looked at the tens of thousands of eagle dogs.

These are all experience points.

Fight today.

Not to mention direct access to heaven.

But after killing the remaining Grandmaster Jing Ying Dog, as well as these tens of thousands of Eagle Dogs with martial arts cultivation, Ying Qi should definitely be at the peak of the Great Grand Master.

I just came to this world today with such a fruitful result, Ying Qi was very excited.

The voice fell.

Ying Qi turned into a sword light.

Directly rushed to those eagle dogs.

The Lingshuang sword in his hand moved.

The sword light flashed, and the eagle dogs were engulfed by the sword energy, and they were strangled and tragically killed in an instant.

In the process of using the Lingshuang sword to kill.


The Lingshuang Sword changed from the original blue light to red.

The Lingshuang Sword, the Heart Sword, and the Demon Sword, are divided into two types.

This killing process is to open the magic sword attribute, giving Ying Qi's strength a bonus.


What made Yaoyue and Lianxing misunderstood was that even when Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi were beheaded, Ying Qi did not realize his true strength.

His Killing Dao field, Killing Dao Plus has never been opened.

Once turned on.

Ying Qi's strength will also usher in several times of growth.

Ying Qi's figure shuttled among these eagle dogs, his figure flashed, and blood was flying all over the sky. Ying Qi Wan was transformed into a Shura of the Nether Purgatory, wantonly killing and harvesting vitality.

Under Ying Qi's full strength.

These eagle dogs are like ants, and they cannot compete with Ying Qi at all. In front of the Yihua Palace Mountain Gate is already a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Yaoyue and Lianxing did not hesitate, they flew directly into the air to the place where Yihua Palace came from, directly blocking the retreat of Dongchang and Xichang Eagle Dog.

This also cut off their vitality.

Less than half an hour.

The nearly 20,000 eagle dogs brought by the East and West factories all died in the hands of Ying Qi, and no one survived.

Blood stained the outside of Yihua Palace.

Corpses piled up like mountains.

"System, level up. Win Qi communication system.

"Host order accepted.""

Golden light enveloped Ying Qi's body.

True Yuan, physique increases rapidly.

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 37. 35

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 38." 5

‘Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 39. "5

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 40.

The system prompts.

in a blink.

Win Qilian to level 4.

The momentum on his body has risen steadily, more than several times higher than his previous strength.

"Sister, how do I feel that his strength just broke through.""

Lian Xing's eyes were always on Ying Qi, and she was surprised when she felt the fluctuations in Ying Qi's body.


Yaoyue also nodded, and there was inconceivable in her eyes.

From a strength level.

When he met Ying Qi at the beginning, his cultivation level was not at the peak of the great master at all, but weaker than them, but now, he is even on par with Yaoyue, reaching the peak of the great master.

"Is he a monster? How many realms have he broken through in an instant?"

Yaoyue also exclaimed in her heart.

As the top powerhouse in this world, I also know about the powerhouses in this world. If the talent is strong, it is not bad to be able to break through a realm by fighting epiphany, but Yingqi has broken several realms in a row.

"Invite the moon."

"My deal with you is complete."

"These corpses are for you to clean up.

Ying Qi fell from the void and said to Yaoyue with a smile.

It can be seen that Ying Qi is in a very good mood at this moment.

On the first day he came to this world, his cultivation had improved so much that he had been promoted to 4 levels in a row.

Along the way, he completely wiped out the East and West factories, and also solved an enemy for the arrival of the Great Qin in this world.

"Are you going?

Listening to Ying Qi's words, Yaoyue's heart trembled.


Ying Qi smiled.


Yaoyue said suddenly, her tone was a firm 0......

"What do you mean?" Ying Qi said angrily.

"You have tarnished the innocence of our sisters and you must be responsible." Yaoyue said firmly, staring at Ying Qi.

Lian Xing heard the words, but only looked shy.

But seeing Ying Qi so handsome and strong, her heart kept beating.

For a woman who is the top powerhouse in the world, there are not many people who can look right in the eye, but Ying Qi is a perfect person.

And the disciples of Yihua Palace heard this.

They all looked at Ying Qi and their Palace Master in disbelief.


At this moment, they looked at Ying Qi with only awe.

Even strong men like Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi were easily killed by Ying Qi. They were the top powerhouses in the world, and they could not tolerate their disrespect.

"How to be responsible?"

"Can I really marry you?" Ying Qi said with a smile.

"Not bad. 35

Yueyue said with certainty.

Lian Xing did not speak, but pinched the corner of his clothes with a twist.

Ying Qi Lingkong came to the two women and smiled slightly: "I won't suffer from marrying you.

"However, I can tell you."

"I already have a wife, and there's more than one woman.

Hear this.

Yueyue frowned.

"You have a wife? There are still many women?" Yaoyue's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

"No." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Man, there really isn't a good thing, they're all lechers." Yaoyue snorted coldly, scolding very dissatisfied.

But the voice changed.

Yaoyue asked again, "How many women do you have?"

"A dozen." Ying Qi replied.

"So many?" Yaoyue's eyes widened and she was even more dissatisfied.

"Not much." Ying Qi smiled.

As an emperor, if you want to enrich the harem, you can do hundreds or thousands, but Ying Qi doesn't care much about women, anyway, it's just 1.7 points of desire.

"Man, there is no good thing." Yaoyue cursed again.

"All right."

"With your personality, you shouldn't hold me responsible now, right?"

"I'm leaving.

Ying Qi waved at Yaoyue and was about to leave.

With Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi giving away their heads today, Ying Qi naturally had an idea about his first arrival in this world.

There are many sects in this world, and there are many imperial forces.

Then Ying Qi chose the stronger ones, who would inevitably become the enemies of Da Qin in the future, and destroyed them one by one.

This can not only reduce the number of enemies for Da Qin, but also improve his own strength, why not do it?

Just when Ying Qi was about to leave.

Yueyue opened her mouth.

"Responsible. 35

"You have to be accountable to the end.

Yaoyue gritted her teeth and said with certainty.

"What? 99

Hearing this, Ying Qi was also stunned.

This doesn't seem to fit the character of Yaoyue, does it?

PS: The second update is here, seeking support and happy new year.

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