Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 274 Ying Qi's excitement, massive experience

Yihua Palace is based in the Ming Dynasty, and as a first-class force, it is also revered by countless people of martial arts.

And Yihua Palace has a rule for accepting disciples, that is, they must be women, and their appearance must be decent.

And it is a taboo for men to be in the Yihua Palace.

Looking at where the mountain gate is, a stone tablet was also erected.

There is this sentence on it: "A man who enters the gate of Yihua Palace a hundred feet will die.

And now, a man actually walked out of the Yihua Palace.

This naturally surprised the people in the East Factory and the West Factory.

"Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xi."

"What is the purpose of you gathering troops to come to this mountain gate?"


Yaoyue walked out and shouted angrily.

"Invite the moon.

"When did you change the rules of Yihua Palace, and you even allowed men to enter your Yihua Palace?" Liu Xi said with a mocking smile.

"I'm not going to explain it to you when I act in this seat?" Yaoyue said coldly.

"All right."

"Brother Liu."

"No need to say anything to her. 35

Cao Zhengchun waved his hand with a sense of coldness.

"Invite the moon.

"Today, our East and West factories are here for only one purpose, and you should also understand."

"Today the Lord gives you a choice.""

"Submit to us, Yihuagong will work for my East and West factories, and today you can avoid the disaster of extinction by Yihuagong.""

"If not.

"After today, there is no need for Yihua Palace to exist." Cao Zhengchun said coldly, full of threats.

The voice fell.

From the East Factory, thousands of black-clothed archers bent their bows and arrows, aiming at the Yihua Palace, and a murderous intent enveloped the entire Yihua Palace.

As the two great eagle dogs of the Ming Dynasty.

The East Factory and the West Factory are also very powerful, and they are feared by the martial arts forces of Jianghu, as well as by the Great Ming Dynasty.

"What's the use of talking so much nonsense?

Ying Qi said something to Yaoyue.

Looking at these masters, Ying Qi only had the intention to kill.

There are also Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi.

The strength of the two of them has already been seen, and they are masters at the peak of the great master.

It really deserves to be the world of Chinese martial arts, and the masters are like clouds.

"Then what are you going to do?""

"They have gathered so many masters, and I have only three thousand disciples of Yihuagong, and it is impossible to deal with them. Yaoyue faces Ying Qidao.

His tone softened a little.

"To defeat them, I give you a task. 55

Ying Qi smiled.

"What mission?" Yaoyue asked in surprise.

"You and Lian Xing block the rear, don't let anyone escape.

"I want the lives of these people."

Ying Qi sneered.

The figure flashed.

Directly rushed out of the mountain protection formation.

standing above the void.

"Grandmaster. 35

Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi saw Ying Qi who suddenly rushed out, and their expressions changed slightly.

Every great master is an existence that can make countless people in awe, because the power of the great master is terrifying.

Even as a powerhouse of the same level, it also makes them very dignified.

This time, Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi joined forces to destroy Yihuagong.

But at this moment, a great master suddenly appeared, which made them a little unexpected.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Cao Zhengchun's expression became much softer, facing Ying Qidao.

"No nonsense.

"I, give you a chance to shoot.""

Ying Qi said coldly.

"Do you know our identity?"

"An enemy of me and others is an enemy of Daming. Are you not afraid of the wrath of my Daming court? Liu Xi said coldly, full of threats.

"Ha ha.

"Ming dynasty.""

Ying Qi sneered.

Raising his hand, he hooked his fingers at Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi.


"How dare you be rude to the overseer.

"Arrowers in black, kill them." 5

A Dongchang Eagle Dog said angrily.

The voice fell.



Thousands of arrows broke through the air, each arrow with the blessing of internal force, radiated towards Ying Qi, and instantly enveloped the void where Ying Qi was.


Ying Qi raised his hand and changed his true energy.

The Great Movement of Qiankun was cast out in an instant.

An invisible force instantly enveloped the void.

"Dead. 35

Win Qi Yi drink.

The thousands of arrows changed direction in vain.


With Ying Qi's counter-attack, the arrows shot wildly.

"Ah... ah..."

There was a scream.

The black-clothed arrows in the East Factory all turned their backs on their horses, and thousands of people died tragically in an instant.

"The host kills a level 5 enemy and gains 100 experience points.""

"The host kills a level 8 enemy and gains 100 experience points."

next moment.

Ying Qi's ears heard a series of prompting sounds from the system, and in an instant, he gained tens of thousands of experience points.

Killing these enemies with martial arts strength is much more than slaughtering a city tribe in the Daqin world.

The road to becoming stronger for Ying Qi.

Only by killing enemies, you can gain endless experience points.


"Kill me the black-clothed archer and find death."

"I won't kill you today."

"The Governor talked about how to stand in the Ming Dynasty. 55

Cao Zhengchun's face showed indifference and grimness.

Ying Qi's move made it clear that he was going to be their enemy.

This also made Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi burst into endless anger.


"You eunuchs are my prey."9

"Don't even think about leaving alive.

Ying Qi said flatly.

"kill him.

The masters around Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi were angry.

in a blink.

More than a dozen master-level warriors rushed towards Ying Qi.

Reaching the power of the Grandmaster Realm, not to mention the top in the world, but also a master.

Now that more than a dozen masters have taken action, the power of true qi is also shaking the void.

"Experience points. 35

Ying Qi laughed.

No one knew how excited he was.

In this advanced world, Ying Qi is really like a duck to water.


Ying Qi sneered.

Look at the dozen or so rushing masters.

Raise your palm.

A thick and tyrannical palm force shot out in an instant.

A palm shot out.

Baizhang Void was enveloped by this palm force.

The dozen or so masters haven't had time to get close.


The screams continued.

They were instantly swallowed up by the force of the palm, their bodies flew out, and their meridians were smashed to pieces in an instant, and they died on the spot.

More than a dozen grandmasters died in an instant.

"The host kills a level 25 enemy and gains 85,000 experience points.""

"The host kills a level 23 enemy and gains 74,500 experience points.

"Host kills...

A dozen beeps sounded.

For a moment.

Ying Qi gained one million experience points.

"Cool." Ying Qi laughed loudly.

The death of a dozen masters.

It made both Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi's faces even more angry.

"Damn. 35

"Damn you.

Both Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi were angry and gritted their teeth.

The masters at the Grandmaster level are the strongest power, and the Grandmaster level is the central force, and it also serves them.


Ying Qi hooked again.

"Today the Lord of Japan will kill you.

Cao Zhengchun said angrily.

The figure flashed.

He rushed directly into the void, and went directly towards Ying Qi.

And Liu Xi was also furious.

He also kills Ying Qi.

The two strong masters at the peak of the great masters shot together, a momentum that was about to kill Ying Qi.

"elder sister."

"Aren't we going to help him?

0.....for flowers...

Seeing that Cao Zhengchun and the two made a move on Ying Qi, Lian Xing said with some concern.

"With his strength and the gods of the day, what do you think the two eunuchs can do to him?" Yaoyue snorted, although she didn't want to admit it, it was a fact.

grow so big.

It was the first time that Ying Qi suffered such a big loss.

Moreover, both of my sisters were shown by Ying Qi... they were all seen.

"All right.

Seeing her sister like this, Lian Xing could only nod her head, but she still watched with concern.

Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi stared at Ying Qi coldly.

The two great masters rushed to Ying Qi in an instant.

"Dead. 35

The two of them shot with all their strength and slammed the palm towards Ying Qi.

"Drain your skills, and set the position of the governor to step into the realm of heaven and man." There was a kind of greed in Liu Xi's eyes.

"Good come."

Ying Qi laughed loudly.

The powerhouse of the peak of the two great masters.

This experience value is absolutely massive.

Ying Qi stretched out his hands and directly turned into a pair of palms.

Collision with the palms of Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi.

Boom, boom!!

A monstrous turbulent current swept away with the three of them as the center, forming a thousand-zhang energy storm.

Even the mountain protection formation of Yihua Palace was damaged by this energy storm and turned into a bubble in the sky. It is conceivable how powerful this pair of palms is.

The moment when the palms collided.

Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi were sent flying dozens of feet.

Ying Qi, on the other hand, stood still in the void.

"The strength of this man is extraordinary.

"I'm afraid it has already reached the level of heaven and man."

"When did Yihua Palace have such a strong person in charge?"

Both Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi had a solemn expression.

The two of them put all their strength into their hands, but they couldn't win against Qi, which was enough to make them dignified.

"All right."

"I take your life."

Ying Qi sneered.

Holding the Lingshuang Sword.


Soldier unsheathed.

Sword Qi rushed to the sky.

"Heavenly Rank Divine Soldier.

The expressions of Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi changed drastically.

next moment.

They don't have any idea at all, there is only one, and that is to escape.

The powerhouses who hold the Heavenly Rank Divine Armament can even fight in the Heavenly and Human Realm, and it is also possible to kill them.


Ying Qi sneered.

The fierce sword intent released by Lingshuang Sword made the void tremble.

"Hundred-step flying sword."

The Lingshuang Sword volleyed into the sky, turned into a sharp sword shadow, and shot out in an instant.

Go straight to Cao Zhengchun.

"Tiangang Boy Gong. 35

Cao Zhengchun felt the crisis, and hurriedly protected his body with magical powers, forming a barrier.

But the Lingshuang sword slashed.


The barrier shattered instantly.


Cao Zhengchun's expression showed panic, his neck flew into the air, and his body lost control.

A great master, a peak powerhouse, died directly.


Seeing Cao Zhengchun's death, Liu Xi's expression was terrified, and he turned around the next moment, ready to flee.

"Can you escape?

Ying Qi stared coldly.

Lingshuang Sword returned to his hand.

Instantly flashed.

With a terrifying speed, it directly blocked Liu Xi's way.

"Don't...don't kill me."

"I can give everything, I can serve you."5

"If you kill me, Daming will not let you go. 99

Liu Xi begged for mercy.


Ying Qi sneered.

Ling Shuang sword raised.

It turned into a sword shadow covering the sky and enveloped Liu Xi.

In an instant.

Liu Xi also followed in the footsteps of Cao Zhengchun.

die directly.

The two great masters, the peak powerhouses, were easily killed by Ying Qi.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 40 enemy and getting..." Ji.

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