Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 273 Don't Defile the Profession of the Flower Thief

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Yaoyue and Lianxing's faces turned pale, and their hearts were even more uneasy.

"You...you gave us an aphrodisiac." Yaoyue said with a pale face.

As the world's top powerhouse, at this moment is full of despair that has never been seen before.

He was injured and had acupuncture points, so he couldn't move at all.

They can only wait for Ying Qi to do whatever they want.

"Hahaha. 35

"The two palace masters of Yihua Palace.

"Today is mine."

Ying Qi burst into laughter, it was a snarl, it was a satisfaction.

"Evil thief."

"If you have the ability to kill us, don't be so humiliated.

"You damn thief." Yaoyue scolded angrily.

Lian Xing didn't say anything, but he also had a look of fear on his face.

"Kill you?

"That would tarnish my profession too much?" Ying Qi said with a wicked smile.


Walking behind the two, his hands were directly printed on the backs of the two.

"what are you going to do?"

"Kill us."

"Damn thief..." Yaoyue cursed nervously.

"What am I going to do? Don't you know?

Ying Qi continued to scare the two of them.

But the next moment.

A surge of infuriating energy rushed directly into the meridians of the two of them, and together with the healing pills they had eaten, they treated their injuries.

And this time.

The two people who were originally panicked also felt that something was wrong.

Ying Qi didn't do anything to them at all, but healed them. At this moment, the two were stunned.

After a while.

The injuries of the two also recovered, but in the process of healing them, Ying Qi placed a restriction on them, preventing them from mobilizing their true qi.

"All right."

"Your wounds are healed.""

Ying Qi stood up and said to the two women.


At this moment, the eyes of the two women looked at Ying Qi full of inconceivable and puzzled.

What exactly do you mean? Yaoyue said with a cold face.

Lian Xing was the same, puzzled and surprised.

Just now, this flower thief was vicious, looking like he wanted to belittle them, but now he actually healed them.

"I said it all, 35

'It was completely unintentional to come to your Yihua Palace.

"I have no ill will towards you." Ying Qi shrugged.

But Yaoyue's eyes still carried an unbelievable scrutiny.

"Come on.

"Believe it or not.

"I'm leaving.

Seeing the two women still didn't believe it, Ying Qi waved his hand, turned around, and was about to leave.

But this time.

Yaoyue suddenly spoke up.

"Are you 530 going to leave like this?" Yaoyue said coldly.


Ying Qi turned his head and said angrily.

"You saw our sisters and tarnished the innocence of our sisters, are you going to go like this?

"If it spreads out, our sisters' innocence is damaged, and it spreads to the ears of the world, how can I Yaoyue stand in the world? How can I move Huagong to exist in the world?" Yaoyue said coldly.

"Then what are you going to do? Are we going to fight again?"

"Today's matter is a complete misunderstanding, if I don't say it, how could the world know?" "Ying Qi said angrily.


Yaoyue snorted coldly, and was very unhappy with Ying Qi's attitude.

And this time.

Suddenly, a breath came from outside.

One by one, the disciples of Yihua Palace quickly came towards Yaoyue and Lianxing.

After seeing Ying Qi's figure.

These Yihuagong disciples seemed to see the enemy.

Hundreds of female disciples surrounded Ying Qi and pointed at Ying Qi with their swords.

"Protect the Palace Master."

The leading female disciple said loudly.

All the disciples burst out with infuriating energy, and looked at Ying Qi eagerly.

"It is worthy of being in the world of Chinese martial arts, and Yihua Palace is also worthy of being the top power in this world.

"Sure enough, the world level is an insurmountable gap for countless practitioners. No matter how talented a person is, if they are placed in a low-level world, they will easily come to an end."

"If I hadn't had the power to systematically travel through the dungeon world, perhaps the great master would have come to an end. Ying Qi glanced at the disciples of Yihua Palace and sighed in his heart.

"The fluctuation of the war just now is that the palace lord is fighting against this man.

The disciples of Yihua Palace looked at Ying Qi cautiously, and also looked at Yaoyue and Lianxing worriedly.

"Go back."

Yaoyue shouted to all the disciples.

"Grand Palace Master, he?"

One of the leading female disciples pointed at Ying Qi, very afraid.

Move Flower Palace.

All are women, not a single man exists.

And most of the women among them were those who had been bullied by men and were full of resentment towards men, or were adopted by the Huagong Palace since childhood and were instilled with various ideas.

"He is not the enemy."

Yueyue said coldly.


Seeing Yaoyue like this, all the disciples put away their swords and stepped aside.

See here.

Ying Qi just smiled lightly.

did not say anything.

Turn around.

ready to leave.


Seeing Ying Qi's figure about to leave, Yaoyue shouted again.

"What else are you doing?"

"I've said everything I need to say, and your wounds are healed.

"Just a glance, do you want me to marry you?" Ying Qi said angrily.

Although it would not be a disadvantage to marry two beautiful people, Ying Qi didn't think Yaoyue would be so good, so he gave it to himself for nothing.

Hearing Ying Qi's unpleasant words.

Yueyue was also a little angry.

She naturally heard the disgust in Ying Qi's words.

"Anyway, the matter hasn't been made clear, it's not over yet, you can't go. Yaoyue said stubbornly.

"I'm leaving, can you still stop me?" Ying Qi smiled.


hear this.

Yaoyue stared angrily, but she was a little helpless.

Just now their sisters didn't win Ying Qi together, how could they keep Ying Qi?

"Why is the Grand Palace Master so gentle today?"

"How dare this man be so bold? Dare to be so rude to the Grand Palace Master?"

The disciples of Yihua Palace looked at the scene in front of them, their hearts were rolling, it was incredible.

In their hearts, the Grand Palace Master has a very bad temper, indifference and majesty.

Anyone who dares to offend her will face a dead end.

But today, the attitude of the Grand Palace Master towards the man in front of him seems to be somewhat wrong.

This surprised all the disciples.

They don't know.

Their first and second palace lords had just been defeated by the man in front of them.

She was also frightened like a little woman, terrified.

But fortunately, they came a step late, otherwise they would see Yaoyue and Lianxing's embarrassment, and the consequences would be terrible.


"Report to the lord of the first palace, the lord of the second palace."

"Oh no.

"The people from the East and West factories of the imperial court have surrounded me in the Palace of Flowers.

"Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xi, and their masters have all gathered here.

"Now they are clamoring for the two palace masters to meet.

A disciple rushed over from the outside in a panic, and reported with a terrified expression.

"East factory, west factory?"

"And Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are all here?"

Yueyue's face changed.

"Sister. 99

"They finally couldn't help but want to do something to us." Lian Xing also said solemnly.

"The Daming court stands on three legs, Hulong Villa, Dongchang, and Xichang. They have always wanted to pull me into their camp. If anyone gains the power of my Yihuagong, they can destroy their opponents. 99

"Now that the East Factory and the West Factory are attacking at the same time, it is obvious that they have joined forces. This move is to eradicate my Yihuagong and prevent my Yihuagong from falling to Hulong Villa." Yaoyue said solemnly.

"elder sister.

"Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi cooperated to be the masters of the East-West Factory. There is definitely a surefire way to deal with us."

"What can we do?" Lian Xing asked worriedly.

"Even if they work together, am I still afraid that they will fail to move Huagong? Yaoyue snorted coldly.

"East factory, west factory is coming.""

"Cao Zhengchun, Liu Xi. 99

"And there are a lot of masters. If you kill them, you will not only gain experience points, but also when Daqin comes, you can also kill two enemies.

Ying Qi on the side heard the news and immediately became interested.

East plant, West plant.

Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi.

In his eyes, this is all experience value.

If such a good upgrade opportunity is missed, it would be a waste.

"The thief. 99

Yaoyue walked in front of Ying Qi and shouted viciously.

"What else?

Ying Qi said angrily.

The two sisters are really just like their previous impressions, one is cold and fierce, the other is peaceful.

"I moved Huagong to the enemy, you (afbh) still haven't released the ban for me?

Yueyue said viciously.

"The Grand Palace Master was banned by this man?"

"Is this man a strong man in the realm of heaven and man?"

"Otherwise, how could he infiltrate my Huahua Palace? Avoided the mountain protection formation?"

The expressions of the surrounding Yihua Palace disciples changed, and they clearly knew how strong their Grand Palace Master was.

"Invite the moon. 99

"I want to make a deal with you." Ying Qi smiled.

"What transaction?" Yao Yue said.

"The East Factory and West Factory who have committed the crimes have been handed over to me, and today's matter will be written off." Ying Qi said directly.

There must always be a reason for taking action against the East Factory and the West Factory, and it also lays the groundwork for oneself to gain rich experience points.

"Aren't you afraid of the Ming Dynasty?

Yaoyue looked at Ying Qi in surprise.

"Why should I be afraid of them?""

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

In the end.

When the Daqin Iron Cavalry arrives, it should be the countries of this world who should be afraid.

Their army will definitely not be as powerful as the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, that's for sure.

And what Ying Qi is more certain is that the armies of the countries in this world have never popularized martial arts. After all, in this comprehensive martial arts world, the courts of all countries are most afraid of martial artists, fearing that they will use martial arts to violate them.

Although they have a lot of reliance on and use of the world's sects, they still can't wait to get rid of them.

"Okay, I promise you."

Yaoyue stared at Ying Qi for a moment and responded immediately.

As the controller of a first-class force, Yaoyue is naturally not stupid. She is well aware of the dilemma that Yihua Palace is facing now. Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi are two factory supervisors. All the masters of the factory.

Obviously holding the heart of destroying the Flower Palace.

As for the strength of Yihua Palace, Cao Zhengchun and the others are naturally clear.

Knowing the strength of himself and Lianxing dare to come, he definitely has a complete response.

If there is no foreign aid, I am afraid that Yihuagong really has no way to deal with it, and it will be destroyed.

But now there is Ying Qi.

Having personally tried Ying Qi's strength, both Yaoyue and Lianxing knew that he was very powerful. Although he was a great master, his combat power was comparable to that of a real person in the realm of heaven.

With the help of such strong people, it is enough to protect the flower palace from extinction.

"Then it's settled."

"Let's go and meet those two eunuchs." Ying Qi smiled and turned around to see how big the lineup of the East and West factories was.

The more people come, the better.

This will kill a happy one.

"The thief.

Yueyue shouted again.

"What else?" Ying Qi asked helplessly.

Inexplicably, it bears the name of this villain.

"You haven't lifted the ban for us yet. Yaoyue said viciously.

"Are you sure you want to untie it?" Ying Qi smiled.

"Nonsense." Yaoyue said angrily.

"That's what you said." Ying Qi was not polite.

He walked directly to Yaoyue with a wicked smile on his face.

The distance between the two is only a few inches.

"what are you going to do?

Yaoyue raised her head and looked at Ying Qi, there was an inexplicable tension in her heart, and this kind of tension had never happened to Yaoyue.

Although Yaoyue is tall and tall, Ying Qi is a head taller than Yaoyue.

"Release the ban. 35

Ying Qi smiled.

Then his hand was directly printed on Yaoyue's dantian abdomen.

see this scene.

All Yihuagong disciples were shocked.

The Grand Palace Master was indifferent and ferocious, and if a man approached her within a few feet, he would die. The man in front of her dared to get so close, and even put his hand on the Dantian of the Grand Palace Master.

"Okay, unlocked."

Ying Qi smiled.

Back to Lianxing.

And Yaoyue's whole person is completely stunned, and her pretty face is flushed.


Compared with Yaoyue's pungentness, Lianxing is very restrained and shy.

Just like before, Ying Qi put his hand on Lian Xing's dantian abdomen, a surge of infuriating energy, and directly released the restriction.

The cultivation of the two palace masters of Yihua Palace has recovered.

"Go. 35

After lifting the restriction, Ying Qi didn't say much, and swept towards the gate of Yihuagong Mountain with special interest.

This momentum is even more urgent than the people who move the flower palace.

Yaoyue and Lianxing looked at Ying Qi's back.

A special emotion grew in their hearts.

"The lord of the first palace and the lord of the second palace seem a little weird."9

"Who is that man?"

The surrounding Yihua Palace disciples looked at the expression of their Palace Master, all very shocked and strange.

Being so contacted by a man, they didn't even get angry.

"Send this seat's order.

"All the disciples of Yihua Palace are ready to meet the enemy."

Yaoyue came back to her senses and returned to her indifferent and dignified appearance.


The disciples of Yihua Palace said in unison.

Look around.

Outside the gate of Yihuagong Mountain.

Outside the mountain protection formation.

There are tens of thousands of people, flags and flags, one side is the east factory, the other is the west factory.

All are dressed in the official robes of the Ming Dynasty eunuchs.

Each of them is fully armed, armed with weapons, holding bows and arrows, and the entire Yihua Palace has been surrounded by his +++ people.

As if, this already has the scale of the army, and even surpasses the army in real combat power.

Because everyone who entered the East Factory and the West Factory, in addition to being eunuchs, also practiced the eunuch's exercises and stepped into the martial arts.

"Flowering Palace. 39

"Today will cease to exist.

A gray-haired old eunuch smiled proudly, his hoarse voice sounded extremely chilling.

"Ha ha.

"Brother Cao is right.

"The Yihua Palace will cease to exist today.

"However, it still depends on the attitude of Yaoyue and Lianxing. If they are willing to surrender to us, there is still a place to turn." Another old eunuch smiled proudly.

They are the factory supervisors of the East Factory and the West Factory of the Ming Dynasty in this world.

One is Cao Zhengchun from the East Factory and the other is Liu Xi from the West Factory.

Both of them were notorious in the Ming Dynasty and were feared by countless people.

And this time.

The gate of Yihua Palace is located.

A man in black has appeared in front of them.

"When did Yihua Palace have a man?"

Cao Zhengchun and Liu Xi stared at the gate of Yihua Palace in surprise.

ps: I wish everyone a Happy New Year. This year, my daughter-in-law celebrates the New Year here, and there will be one less.

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