Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 267 World promotion, winning Qi's ambition

Ying Qi glanced down at the countless skeletons on the ground.

But Ying Qi suddenly saw something and fell from the void.

It fell directly in front of the pile of skeletons.

He directly picked up a bone and pinched it, but the bone did not break directly.


"This skeleton is actually harder than iron, but a little worse than refined iron, and it also contains a kind of undead spirit. If it is used to forge weapons, it may be able to enhance the combat power of the imperial army."

Ying Qi thought thoughtfully.

The undead world that was connected to before is definitely a world far higher than the world of Daqin. The moment the channel was opened, the terrifying aura of the undead was incomparable to the aura of the world in the Daqin world after promotion.

And the death god who shot Ying Qi in anger.

He should not be a real fairy god level, but at least he is a powerhouse at the level of Heaven and Human, or even the level of Shattering.

Practice together.

The acquired realm, the innate realm, the master realm, and the great master realm.

It is the strongest level of the Qin Empire at present.

But above it, there are Heaven and Human Realm, Broken Realm, Void Realm, and Tribulation Realm.

Look at the skeletons again.

Under the shroud of such a strong undead atmosphere, the bones of these skeletons have become a special material under the erosion of the undead spirit for many years.

"Li Mu.

Ying Qi shouted.

"The minister is here." Li Mu responded immediately.

"Collect all these skeletons, including their weapons, and transport them all to Xianyang and hand them over to the forging hall." Ying Qi said.


"Can these bones still be used to forge weapons?" Li Mu asked in surprise.

"Didn't you feel it when you were fighting just now?" Ying Qi smiled lightly.


"The bones of these skeletons are very hard, and our weapons are difficult to break, but their necks are relatively brittle. Only by attacking their heads can they be killed." Wang Ben said aloud.

"It seems that these skeletons are indeed an incredible refining material. If they can be forged into weapons, the combat power of our Daqin army can be improved again." The generals said one after another.

Looking at the skeletons and skeletons piled up everywhere in this desert, these bones might not be worth mentioning at first, but now it seems that they may be golden mountains.

Things in the high-level world naturally have something extraordinary.

If it were a prehistoric world, I am afraid that a single weed would be a treasure that the ordinary world simply could not get.

This is what the world level brings.

Ying Qi didn't say much and walked in front of ten dark dragons.

"I know that you know what people say, and now I give you two choices.

"First, surrender to me and dedicate your hard work."

"Second, death.

Ying Qi said to these giant dragons.

Dark dragon.

The dragons belonging to the west are fundamentally inferior to the dragons of the east.

But they are also a group of divine beasts, and the giant dragon family is also divided into dragons with various attributes, and the attributes can be seen from the color of their bodies.

This dark body is the attribute of darkness, and it is a dark dragon.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

The huge eyes of the ten suppressed dragons revealed a touch of fear.

The necromancer who controlled them before was killed in the hands of Ying Qi, and this kind of power is enough to make them fear.

"I am willing to surrender. "."

"Do not kill me.

Ten giant dragons opened their mouths one after another, revealing fear. Listening to the voice, there were males and females.

"They can actually talk?"

"This is really insightful. 39

"For the first time hearing a beast speak. 55

"However, they are not a beast, where can there be such a big beast. 99

Hearing these giant dragons speak, all the ministers were shocked.

As Ying Qi opened the dynasty to practice the great world, the gods of the gods and gods really appeared in front of them step by step.

"Hand over your blood and avoid death.

"I can also make you stronger.

Win Qiwei said.

"Yes. 35

Where can the ten giant dragons dare to resist, they have forced their own efforts.

When Ying Qi thought about it, Zhen Guoxi took it back directly.

Those ten drops of hard work were directly taken into the hands, which also represented that the life and death of these ten giant dragons were in the hands of Ying Qi.

"Do you have names?"

Ying Qi glanced at it and asked.

"Go back to master, my name is Adams.""

The biggest dragon replied.

The other giant dragons also responded.


Their names are all Western names, which sound extremely tongue-in-cheek.

"Tell me what the world you are in is like." Ying Qi looked at the Adams dragon and asked.

"Go back to the master."

"The world we live in is called the world of the undead. It is a world under the joint control of the great God of Death and the God of Darkness. The whole world is full of undead and dark creatures." Adams said with strong fear.

"Besides, what else?

"What other world is there outside the world of the dead?" Ying Qi continued to ask.

"In addition to the undead world, there are many gods in the world, including the god of light, the god of fire, the god of spirits, the god of water, the god of beasts, and the god of dragons. They are all supreme gods and have hundreds of millions of believers." Adams added said with awe.

"There are so many gods in the world opposite the passage?"

"Looking at this giant beast, those gods must be very powerful. 35

"The fairy gods in the legend, we actually came into contact with them.

The ministers looked shocked.

"It seems that the world of robbery was a pure Western world. Just like the otherworldly magic I saw in my previous life, there were so-called gods, and Western beliefs became gods. 39 Ying Qi secretly said in his heart.


But there was a touch of heat in his eyes.

This kind of pure Otherworld does not have the existence of the Yanhuang ethnic group. If you have access to this world in the future, it will be a real slaughter scene, and a lot of experience points will fall into Ying Qi's body.

"The god of another world, I don't know how much experience is worth."

"They are definitely not real gods, but their cultivation base is definitely above the realm of heaven and human." Ying Qi thought with hot eyes.

For the Qin courtiers who heard that the Otherworld has gods at this moment, perhaps they have an instinctive reverence for the gods in their hearts, but Ying Qi did not. In Ying Qi's heart, they were just prey. In the final analysis, they also Just a stronger practitioner.

Now the Great Qin Dynasty may not be able to catch up with them, but what about ten years or a hundred years?

Those gods, Ying Qi is the goal of Ying Qi.

"Your Excellency obey the order.

"Clean up the battlefield."

"Collect the bodies of the fallen soldiers, transport them all to Mount Li, and bury them in the Qin Mausoleum.

"It's business as usual with regards to pensions. 99

"The court officials returned to Xianyang with me.

Win Qiwei said.

"The minister waits for the edict.

The ministers shouted in unison.


Ying Qi landed directly on the largest giant dragon, carrying his arms on his back, then glanced at the remaining giant dragons, and said to those courtrooms, "Come up and return to Xianyang with me."

"Thank you, Emperor Ron.

The eyes of the ministers were all excited.

They jumped onto the backs of these giant dragons.

The smallest of these giant dragons are seven or eight meters long, and they can accommodate a dozen people standing. They are not ordinary flying dragons.

Being able to control a giant dragon and fly in the sky made the courtiers very excited.

"Return to Xianyang.


Ying Qiwei shouted.

The ten giant dragons immediately stood up and waved their wings.


A powerful whirlwind rose into the sky, driving endless yellow sand.

next moment.

Ten giant dragons rose from the ground and flew towards Xianyang.

"Such a powerful beast, if it can be incorporated into the army in the future, it will be really helpful. 55 Li Mu looked at those huge dragons and thought to himself.

However, as the giant dragon flew farther and farther, Li Mu's gaze returned.

Looking at the skeletons all over the place, Li Mu felt that there was a long way to go. The skeletons killed by the other world were nearly a million giants.

Center of the Undead.

Countless undead, dark creatures spread all over, Chimera, skeleton dragon, skeleton dragon, and many dark creatures, hell three-headed dog, dark dragon.

Various undead, dark creatures can be seen everywhere in this world.

And in the center guarded by countless undead creatures, stands a huge shrine.

Inside the shrine at this moment.

Gathered a strong atmosphere.

"`〃Death, it's rare to see you injured, tell me, what's the matter?"

"And why are you calling us here so eagerly?"

inside the palace.

Gathered people with extremely strong attributes, all of them Western faces.

And on the theme.

A person with a undead breath covering his body, but his breath is a little weak, and he seems to be seriously injured.

Obviously, he is the god of death in this undead world.

"Just now, the supreme God of Creation assigned a mission to this god." The god of death spoke to the gods in the hall.

"The God of Creation? Luo

Hearing these three words, the expressions of all the gods in the hall changed.

There is awe, but there is also a lot of jealousy when looking at the eyes of the god of death.

No matter what the world is, it is difficult to completely calm down, fight, and fight.

The same goes for their so-called gods.

"This god has discovered a whole new world, and there are at least hundreds of millions of humans in it. The god of death said in a deep voice.


"Hundreds of millions of people? Whole new world?

The eyes of the gods in the hall became hot.

As Ying Qi had expected, the power of these Western gods was obtained by faith. The more believers, the more power of faith, and the stronger their power.

(Lee Li is good) So population is what every one of their gods pursues.

"It stands to reason that since you have discovered such a whole new world, you should not tell us with your character.

A man shrouded in holy light spoke to the god of death.

"Guangming is right."

"Your death is not a good thing."

"It's good, how can you tell us.""

The so-called gods in the hall opened their mouths one by one.

"That world is not under the command of the God of Creation, but in another dimension. I have already remembered the aura of that world, but with my own power, I cannot create a teleportation magic circle and lead to that world. 99

"So, we must work together to create a magic circle." Death said directly.

"you sure?"

The gods in the temple.

"I swear in the name of the God of Creation that everything I say is true.

"As long as we can reach that new world, we will use our means to capture believers." Death said.

Hear this.

The other gods also nodded.


"If it weren't for the fact that the world was not under the control of the God of Creation, and the teleportation magic circle could not be reached at all, how could I let you share the pie.

"However, with the power of the gods, we will definitely be able to set up a teleportation formation that can travel through the world. That damn ant, this god will smash his corpse into thousands of pieces and smash his soul into the abyss. 33 The heart of the god of death is full of anger.

The figure of Ying Qi appeared in front of his eyes.

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