Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 266 The Heavenly Dao bred at the beginning, control the Heavenly Dao

Time flickers.

The war is over.

The desert was hundreds of miles in diameter, and all were skeletons from the undead world, as well as the corpse of Da Qin Ruishi who fell into the skeleton.

Although this battle ended quickly, it was also very tragic, but it was completely worthwhile for Da Qin's upcoming victory.

With the last undead being resolved.

Countless Da Qin Ruishi gasped for breath, glanced around, looked at the skeletons all over the place, stepped on these undead skeletons, and they also felt a sense of pleasure.

Soldiers of the Great Qin, Qin Zhirui.

Even in the face of the undead from another world, there is nothing to fear.

"The war is over."

Every soldier rejoiced in his heart.

"Qin Zhirui, mighty.

Ying Qi stood in the sky, overlooking all the great Qin Ruishis, and shouted in awe.

"Wind, wind, wind."


All Ruishi shouted in unison.

At this time.

Ying Qi's eyes turned to the eye of the avenue hanging high in the void.

The catastrophe has passed.

What the world deserves should also be brought down.

"The Great Tribulation."

"Give the source, the world is promoted. 55

Facing Ying Qi's expectations, Dao Lei sounded.

A vast force appeared directly from the eye of the avenue of the sky, it seemed to be the power of the law, and it was also the power of the source of the law, and it directly penetrated into the void of the Daqin world.

follow. 05

From the void of the Daqin world, the power that cannot be touched by the immortals and gods has been drawn out, and it is integrated with the invisible power of the avenue.

The power of the law flickers in the void with colorful brilliance.

And this time.

The task of Dao consciousness seems to be complete.

The thunder on the void gradually disappeared, and the void passages connecting the undead world were all closed.

The Eye of the Dao disappeared directly into the void of the world of Daqin.

The monstrous coercion disappeared in an instant.

And this time.

The power bestowed by the Dao merged with the laws of the Daqin world, and the endless laws flickered brightly, seeming to condense a more terrifying existence.

"It is detected that the Daqin world is giving birth to the Dao of Heaven, and the host has the following two options."

"One, break the consciousness of the Tao of Heaven, and the consciousness of the host merges into the Tao of heaven and becomes the Tao of heaven, but it is necessary to give up the physical body and turn it into a law.

"Secondly, imprint the host's soul into the consciousness of the first-born Heavenly Dao, establish communication with the Heavenly Dao, obtain the goodwill of the Heavenly Dao, get the Heavenly Dao's approval, and the Heavenly Dao regards the host as the father. You can hold the Heavenly Dao." The system prompt sounded in Ying Qi's ear.

"It's really good to be the Tao of Heaven."

"The world doesn't die, it doesn't die, but it's not what I want to turn into pure laws." Ying Qi pondered.

Just weighed the pros and cons of this second option for a split second.

"I choose the second one." Ying Qi said immediately.

"Host order accepted.""

"Peel off the soul imprint for the host and break into the nascent Heavenly Dao consciousness. 39

The system prompts.

A golden light flashed across Ying Qi's body.

A soul imprint belonging to Ying Qi was separated, and under the power of the system, it was directed towards the newborn Heavenly Dao, and Ying Qi's soul imprint was directly integrated into the newborn Heavenly Dao consciousness.

At the moment when the branding is entered.

The brilliance of the law shook.

A ball of light appeared in front of everyone.

Even though it was just a ball of light, it carried an extremely terrifying heavenly might.

the moment it appeared.

It directly turned into a giant eye and hung above the void.

In the same way, Tianwei shrouded the entire desert.

"The eyes again.

"You can't look straight at it at all."

All the courtiers glanced from the corner of their eyes, and a palpitating feeling swept through their bodies again.

But this time.

For Ying Qi, he didn't have any sense of apprehension. Looking at this giant eye, there was an unspeakable kindness, and it seemed to have an invisible connection with this giant eye.

The giant eye looked down at the earth.

Overlooking all beings.

It seems that he sees everything in the entire Daqin world.

The same majesty, indifference, is the icy law machine.

But when its eyes fell on Ying Qi, it ushered in a change.

There was a rare joy in his eyes, as if he had seen his own relatives.

"It really seemed to take me for a father. 35

Feeling the friendly gaze of these giant eyes, Ying Qi thought to himself.


For this newly born Heavenly Dao, he is indeed its father.

Because it was created by Ying Qi, if it weren't for Ying Qi, how could there be promotion in the world, how could there be the formation of the way of heaven.

"The world has nurtured the Tao of Heaven, at least the world of low martial arts, and the next step should be the promotion of the world, which will generate enough spiritual energy of heaven and earth. 99

"Resurrection of spiritual energy.

"Opening the world of cultivation, it will finally be completed." Ying Qi thought expectantly.

When he first took power, he had not yet recognized his father.

But for the future, Ying Qi has plans.

Take power in the early stage, gain enough strength, and then compete in the world at the end of the Qin Dynasty, control the world, control the world, and open the world of martial arts.

Now all this has been completed by Ying Qi.

And the point is.

The promotion of the world and the recovery of spiritual energy will now be completed.

Successfully conceived in Heaven.

It stayed in the void of the Daqin world for a moment.

And then directly escaped into the void.

"The transformation of the world is coming.

Looking at the disappearing Heavenly Dao, Ying Qi knew that the moment of true transformation of the world was coming.

The return of heaven.


The whole world shook.

Boom, boom, boom.

In the world of Daqin, the earth is shaking.

The transformation that belongs to heaven and earth has begun.

"The void is steadily increasing.

"The earth has also become firmer.

"The transformation of the world level.

Ying Qi's Spiritual Mind spread out, feeling the changes in the empty world.

For Ying Qi, who is a great master, a random blow can break the void, but as the void becomes stable, it may not be possible.

Time passed.


When it came to the most beneficial moment for all beings in the world of Daqin, it happened.

Heaven and earth are empty.

Suddenly, countless invisible gaps appeared, and the gap seemed to be directly connected to the core of the world.



Countless heaven and earth auras poured out from the gap in the void.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the entire Daqin world began to rise rapidly.

The originally thin heaven and earth aura in the world is also growing rapidly, as long as the spiritual sense sinks into the void, one can clearly feel the growth of the heaven and earth aura.

"The aura of heaven and earth is growing.

"And not just a little bit, but exponentially increasing with each breath.39


‘Is this the world promotion?

"Our Daqin world is about to change."

"In just an instant, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has skyrocketed dozens of times more than before."

"Now the spiritual energy between heaven and earth has surpassed the original dozens of times, and it is no longer thin. 35

"And the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is still increasing. In the future, the world of Daqin will be the prosperity of our Daqin warriors. 99


All the courtiers could clearly feel the changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and all of them had expressions of joy on their faces.

How important the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is, only those who have set foot in cultivation will know.

Compared with spirit pills, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is the most crucial reliance for cultivators of 523 refiners.

Without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, even if there are more spiritual pills, the power of Dantian will not be replenished. This is the key.

The aura of heaven and earth grew rapidly.

Not just in one place in this desert.

But in the entire Daqin world.

"The content of this spiritual energy should have exceeded that of low-level martial arts.

"After passing through the five major calamities and obtaining the power of the source of the five great avenues, the more the source of the Daqin world will be obtained. 39 Yingqi has anticipation in his eyes.

He wants to see what level the Daqin world can grow to.

Time passed gradually.

Half an hour.

an hour.

two hours.

as time flows.

The growth rate of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also accelerating.

The originally thin aura of heaven and earth has now filled the heaven and earth.

Everything was as Ying Qi expected.

when the growth continued for a while.

It seems that it has reached a critical point, and the spiritual energy has stopped growing, but compared to when it was not promoted, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has increased by at least two hundred times.

"The world of low martial arts and high quality.

"This is the reward for surviving the promotion catastrophe.

Ying Qi thought excitedly.

It can be said.

This time, for the Daqin world and the Daqin Dynasty, it only takes a few years to stabilize, and Daqin's national strength will usher in a leap forward.

"Your Excellency.

"The world is promoted.

'The spiritual energy of heaven and earth increased sharply. ’

"This is your credit."

"All beings in the world of my Daqin world will benefit from this."

Ying Qi stared at all the courtiers and announced with a mighty voice.

"I swear to follow the emperor to the death. 99

"If there is no emperor, there will be no promotion in the world, and there will be no blessings for all living beings."

All the courtiers shouted in unison.

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