Returning from the desert of Northern Xinjiang, Ying Qi returned to Zhangtai Palace directly.

have to say.

The giant dragon is worthy of being a giant dragon. Although it is not comparable to the divine dragon, it is still a divine beast belonging to the Western Region. It has abilities that belong to them. The desert in the northern Xinjiang is thousands of miles away from Xianyang. Come back one day.

Come back once.

Ying Qi had no choice but to screen back and prepare to settle the reward.

"System, settle the reward for killing the enemy." Ying Qi said.

"Host orders accepted. 35

"The host's army killed a total of 890,000 enemies and gained 1.23 million experience points. 55

"The host kills the enemy to get 300,000 experience points. 39

"Kill level 29 enemies and gain 80,000 experience points. 99

"Congratulations, you have reached the level-up experience, has the host increased the level?" the system prompted.

"Sure enough, it is still necessary to kill a powerful enemy, and the Necromancer alone has provided me with 80,000 experience.

"Kill 890,000 enemies, and experience more than 1 million.

Looking at such a rich experience value, Ying Qi also sighed very much.

For the western world on the other side of the passage, and for the world of the heavens in the future, Ying Qi yearns even more.

"Upgrade." Ying Qi said.


Gold light flashed.

Ying Qi's level has once again ushered in an upgrade.

Reached level 36.

It is equivalent to the Sixth Stage of the Great Master.

"Settlement mission reward.

After the upgrade, Ying Qi did not forget the quest reward.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the world promotion mission and successfully overcoming five calamities, rewarding four mysterious treasure chests and one earth-level treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully imprinting a low-level martial arts high-quality world of heaven, and rewarding a treasure chest of earth-level." The system prompted.

"Great profit.

With four mysterious treasure chests and two earth-level treasure chests, Ying Qi couldn't help but sigh.


It's time to open the treasure chest.

"Open the mysterious treasure chest." Ying Qi said.

"Open the treasure chest.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Spiritual Grain Seed".

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-grade "God's Will of the Four Elephants". 99

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Earth-grade pill "Extension of Longevity Pill".

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the method of forging the third-order earth-level magic weapon "Flaming Sword". The system prompts.

"Big money." 523

Seeing these four rewards, Ying Qi sighed sincerely.

Then, without any hesitation, he continued to give the command: "Open the ground-level treasure chest.

"Host's order accepted. 99

'Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Rank high-grade divine weapon "Lingxiao Sword".

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-grade magic weapon "Secret of the Elf Goddess"." The system prompted.

"This time it was really a blast of luck."

"We actually got two rewards for the Heavenly Rank.

"Ling Xiaojian, is it the strongest magic weapon in the "Magic Sword World" in my memory?" Ying Qi smiled excitedly.

If it is true, then this magic weapon is really incredible, the high-grade magic weapon of the heavenly rank, Ying Qi can also change the sword.

Although the Zhanlu sword that I am using now is known as a benevolent weapon, it was built in the ordinary world of Daqin.

As Ying Qi's strength became stronger, this sword would only belong to Ying Qi's symbolic meaning, and the bonus to Ying Qi's strength was not large.

But now that you get this high-grade divine weapon, the meaning is different, and it will have several times the bonus for Ying Qihui.


Ying Qi was excited: "Take out the Lingxiao sword."


In Ying Qi's hand, there was suddenly a divine weapon with a flickering coldness. As soon as the divine weapon came out, a terrifying sword intent instantly swept the entire hall.

The entire hall was filled with a chilling scene.

at the same time.

The world of magic sword life and death.

In this side of the world, it is known as the top sword-making place, relying on the world-famous sword-making, and obtaining one of these magical weapons can skyrocket its strength.

This place is called Casting Sword City.

In the sword-casting place of this sword-casting city, a volcanic land of fire.

Many powerhouses in this side of the world gathered here, and their eyes were fixed on the fire.

In the ground fire, there were many sharp swords that were being tempered by the ground fire, and one of them was particularly conspicuous. After the time passed, a young man's blood spit on the hilt.


The sword was suddenly born, and with a terrifying sword intent, it rose into the sky.

The (afbh) many strong people gathered here saw this sword rushing out of the ground fire.

All showed a kind of hotness.

Because this newly formed sword is the number one divine weapon in the world, the Lingshuang Sword.

World rumors.

If anyone can get this magic weapon, they can unlock the endless treasure of life and death chess and control the world.

At this moment, Ling Shuangjian was born, how can the people here not be moved.

"Ling Shuangjian, finally born. 99

"Obtaining him, you will be able to unlock treasures, control the world, and even reach the highest level of martial arts, destroy the void, and become immortals.

"It's mine now."

When the Lingshuang Sword appeared.

In this fire-casting sword pool, a terrifying momentum suddenly erupted.

All the powerhouses shot together and rushed towards the Lingshuang sword.

The biggest opportunity in the world, do not let you want to miss it.

But it was at the moment when their war was about to start.

Variation protrusions.

That sword flew into the void, and the Lingshuang sword exuding sword intent suddenly flashed with a halo.


disappeared immediately.

The powerful sword intent that shrouded the sword-casting city also disappeared.

This sudden change made the powerhouses who started to fight for it all stunned.

Everyone stopped.

He looked at the location where the Lingshuang Sword disappeared in disbelief.

"Jianzun, what's going on?

"Why did Lingshuang Sword disappear?"

"Damn, who took the Lingshuang sword?

"Why did it disappear out of thin air?"

In the sword pool, one by one the strong men sent out unwilling anger.

Seeing that the opportunity that was about to come disappeared like this, how could they bear it.

But no one knows.

The Lingshuangjian that disappeared from this world has already arrived in another world. Perhaps by chance, in the vast heavens and myriad worlds, if there is a fate, in another day, when the Great Qin Iron Cavalry comes to this world, they still have a chance to see Lingshuangjian again.

With the disappearance of the Frost Sword in one world.

They were also helpless.

If you want to forge the Lingshuang sword, it is difficult to forge with this method without a hundred years of work, and the most important thing is that the biggest secret of this world cannot be opened.

Eyes turned. ,

Daqin world.

Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Qi looked at the magic weapon in his hand, and his eyes were also full of heat.

"It really is a divine weapon of heaven, it is really a Lingshuang sword.

"It's incredible."

"With such a magical weapon, my strength has invisibly increased several times." "Ying Qi held the Lingshuang sword tightly and was extremely excited.

this sword.

Not only is it extremely fierce, but also has a great bonus to strength.

And the biggest feature of this sword is that it can restore wounds.

Even if you are seriously injured, this sword can heal and recover.

If this Lingshuang sword is sacrificed with the blood of one good and one evil, it can be divided into two swords, one is the sword of the heart, and the other is the sword of the devil.

But in the hands of Ying Qi, it is naturally impossible to separate.

In his hand, the sword felt that it could make the best use of it.

"Refining this sword. 99

Ying Qi didn't hesitate, a drop of blood essence dropped on Lingshuang Sword, and immediately refined this magic weapon, the magic weapon of the system rewarded, refining is so simple.

"Lingshuang sword is worthy of being a high-grade divine weapon of heaven. 35

After refining, Ying Qi knew even more how powerful this sword was.

With this sword, even if Ying Qi is at the sixth level of the Great Grandmaster, he can still kill him at the first level of Heaven and Human.

"However, what the hell is the secret of this elf goddess? 99

"Still belong to the Heavenly Rank Magic Treasure?"

Ying Qi came back to his senses and thought of the second item from the ground-level treasure chest.

The Secret of the Elf Goddess.

This name sounds a little weird, it doesn't look like a magic weapon at all, but it is a heavenly rank, and the rewards of the system will not deceive people.

"Take it out and see what it is." Ying Qi thought to himself.

Immediately issued an order to take out this magic weapon reward.

next moment.

There was an extra jade box in Ying Qi's hand, and it also carried a faint fragrance, which seemed to belong to the original owner.

at the same time.

magic world.

Elf world.

Surrounded by greenery, the whole land is densely covered with countless big trees, each of which is tens of meters high, and there are many tree houses on top of these big trees, which seem to have a special meaning of integrating into nature. .

And in the center of the spirit world.

The largest and tallest tree stands, this tree seems to be incredible, reaching a height of several hundred feet, and exudes a very strong spiritual energy.

on this big tree.

There is also a large wooden house.

Inside lives the controller of this elf world, the elf goddess.

Seeing this elf goddess, a face of a Westerner, tall and tall, with long green hair, and a beautiful face, she looks like a fairy from a picture scroll, but what is different from ordinary humans is that her ears are pointed. , as if it is a wizard.

"A world not controlled by the Creator, a whole new world. 35

"The god of death is prevalent with conspiracy and tricks, but he swears in the name of the god of creation, there should be no fakes, a whole new world, population believers, I can't miss this opportunity." Doris thought thoughtfully.

It was at this time.

Dai Lisi's face changed, she walked to the couch of the wooden house suddenly, and opened a box that was flickering with forbidden light.

It was already empty inside.

"How did this happen? How did it disappear? This is my... lifeblood."

"How did it disappear?"

"No, I've always been in the spirit world, and it's impossible for someone to steal it.

Dai Lisi looked pale, as if she had lost the most important thing.

It was at this time.

Ying Qi opened the jade box, and there was a small bead flashing green light inside, like a pearl, but it did show something unusual.

"Is this magic weapon an auxiliary type? 35 Yingqi picked up the beads curiously.

But at this moment.

far in another world.

In the elf world wooden house.


Dai Lisi exclaimed, her face turned red, and her whole body trembled, as if she had been hit hard by something. .

"My life bead was really taken away." Dai Lisi muttered, her whole body slumped to the ground, as if her lifeline was taken by someone.

As a god in this world, he is so embarrassed at the moment, if anyone sees it, he will definitely be shocked.

Eyes turned.

Ying Qi took this bead and looked at it for a while, except that it contained a terrifying power, and couldn't see anything.

"It seems that refining is still needed to fully see the attributes." Ying Qi thought darkly.

Divine Intent landed directly on the bead, and a drop of blood fell, directly refining the spirit bead.

And this time.

The attributes of this magic weapon were presented in front of Ying Qi.

Magic weapon: the life bead of the elf goddess

Attributes: Possesses the attribute of healing injuries, fully mobilizes magic weapons, and can release magical forbidden spells: "Life Barrier", covering a thousand feet of healing light curtain, which can speed up the recovery of injuries, can heal serious injuries, and cannot dispel energy internal injuries.

The host wears it on the body, if injured, it can speed up the recovery rate of its own injury by 30%, and the specific effect depends on the injury.

With Ying Qi, it is easy to refine the magic weapon.

Doris' face turned pale.

"The person who stole my life bead actually refined the life bead, I... What can I do? 55

Doris slumped on the ground, completely lost, not knowing what to do.

The life bead was taken, which was equivalent to her lifeline being taken away, and she couldn't help herself.

No matter who the person who got the life bead was, she didn't have any strength to resist, she could only obey.

His eyes turned back.

Ying Qi had no idea that after refining this magic weapon, he directly controlled the lifeline of the elf goddess in another world.

him at the moment.

The attributes of this magic weapon are also very important.

"The Orb of Life of the Elf Goddess?"

"The name really means it, but the attributes are not weak. It is worthy of being a magic weapon of the heavens. Although it is the magic of the Western Region, as long as it is useful, it is a good magic weapon."5

"This time, the world's calamity is really rewarding." Ying Qi laughed excitedly.

This time.

Really lucrative.

Not only the Lingshuang sword, but also the life bead of this elf goddess.

If there are other rewards, it will be a big win for Ying Qi.

"Now practise that martial skill, the Four Signs of Heaven's Will."

"All the rewards are summed up as the strength that belongs to me."

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