Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 263 World catastrophe equals promotion

Great Qin Dynasty!

After the world was settled, Yingqi returned to Xianyang and sat in the capital.

Everything in Daqin has also entered an orderly manner.

School Palace opened.

The origin of the way of cultivation.

The strength of court officials and generals in the army has steadily improved.

in the past three years.

The new annual salary system was also really implemented, and Da Qin entered the real world of cultivation and development.

Palace of the King of Qin.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"Now my country of Great Qin is prosperous, in the realm of Daqin and in the realm of Wuhu, the world is developing in an orderly manner. 99

"In the past three years, the ethnic population of the two realms has increased by 10 million, and our Yanhuang clan has reached nearly 80 million. With the strengthening of national strength, the ethnic population will continue to increase. Feng Quji stood up and brought Daqin and Qin together. The population situation of Yanhuang in the world is reported.

"Reveal Your Majesty.

"The five battalions of the empire."

"Each major battalion is composed of 500,000 warriors, with a total strength of 2.5 million."

"Among them, the Lantian camp is guarded in the Wuhu Realm, and the other four camps are in the Daqin Realm."

"Other than that.

"My Great Qin Dynasty also has county soldiers, and county soldiers are distributed all over the world.

"Each county has more than 7,000 troops, among them, the western border counties have more than 10,000 troops, and the total guard force in the world has reached more than 2 million.

"There are also foreign troops, reaching nearly one million."

Meng Ao stood up and reported the situation in the Daqin army.


Ying Qi nodded.

Then he said, "Are there any rules for promotion of titles of foreign races and for killing enemies?

"Go back to the emperor.

"Everything is implemented in accordance with the second-class national policy set by the emperor, and the foreign soldiers are given in accordance with the treatment of my Daqin soldiers, except for the title to the tenth. Meng Ao immediately replied.

"So not 520 wrong.

"For foreigners, don't suppress them blindly, you must give them sweetness and let them be controlled obediently." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Old minister understands." Meng Ao respectfully ordered.

"Go ahead. Ying Qi looked around at the court officials.

"Reporting to the emperor, regarding the strength of the practitioners in the current dynasty, the court and the army have already made statistics. 35 Lu Buwei stood up and said respectfully.

"Say it.

"I also want to know how powerful my Daqin is now." Ying Qi motioned for Lu Buwei to continue.

"It has been nearly ten years since the emperor bestowed the cultivation method."

"In the past ten years, there have been more than 70 warriors in the dynasty who have reached the Xiantian realm, including court military officials, military generals, and more than 30 monks who have reached the sculpting realm.

"This is the strength of my top cultivator of the Qin Dynasty.

"Other than that."

"There are more than 5,000 cultivators above the Acquired Sixth Stage, distributed all over the world, and most of them are generals in the army.

"The soldiers of the five major battalions of Daqin, the whole army has entered the realm of martial arts, and they are all around the third level of the day after tomorrow."

"The national strength of my Qin Dynasty is now more than ten times stronger than it was in the past." Lu Buwei said excitedly.

It can be said.

Now Da Qin has completely entered the foundation of the cultivation empire.

To be able to achieve such a foundation in a world where spiritual energy is thin is already not bad. When the world is promoted and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is filled, the strength of Daqin cultivators will usher in a leap.


"The warrior above the master realm. 99

"The emperor bestowed Po Zong Pill."

"Now the five generals are Meng Tian, ​​Wang Ben, Li Xin, Zhang Han, and Ren Xiao.

"Has broken through the first level of the master.

Lu Buwei's voice was even more shocking.

Hear the news.

The expressions of civil and military officials in the court were also filled with awe.

It's not as good as the way of cultivation, maybe you don't know the power of the master realm, but after entering the master realm, you will be in the master realm.

Now Daqin.

There are already ten strong masters.

And it's only on the bright side. In the dark, the shadows and the strength of the Black Ice Platform have not moved to the bright side.


The reason why their cultivation can make such great progress is that in addition to the resources they obtained from being in high positions, there is also the Daqin Dynasty's fortune and the Po Zong Pill refined by Ying Qi himself.

It is the root of their breakthrough.

With the power of the whole country, it is like this to cultivate upper-level warriors.

In the past three years, Yingqijia has cultivated powerful courtiers in order to meet the challenges of promotion to the world.

Today's Great Qin Dynasty has a strong national power.

Control everything in the empire.

The medicinal materials needed to make medicinal pills belong to the empire.

The ore needed for forging weapons is under the control of the empire.

Salt, paper, wine, all are under the control of the empire.

at the same time.

The resources belonging to the Wuhu world are also continuously transported to the Daqin world.

"it is good."

"It seems that you have not let me down."5

There was a kind of relief on Ying Qi's face.

To meet promotion challenges.

In the past three years, Ying Qi has devoted the whole country to cultivate the cultivators of the empire. If they seize the opportunity, they can make great progress in cultivation, and if they fail to grasp it, they will be eliminated.

And today's statistics did not disappoint Ying Qi.

"Master Realm."

"For today's Da Qin, it is also the realm where imperial officials can go the farthest.

"Even if they have been cultivating in the palace, if they are given ten years of work, they will be at the peak of the Grand Master Realm at most. 99

"Only the promotion of the world and the growth of the spiritual energy of the world are the foundation for Daqin to become stronger." Ying Qi secretly said in his heart.

Being able to cultivate ten masters within ten years of handing down martial arts is already the real means of winning Qi.


The various special buildings of the dynasty (afbh), the power of luck, and medicinal herbs, these are also the keys.

"Three years of development, the dynasty's national strength has increased.

"Up to now. 35

"I should tell you something too. 99

Ying Qi stared at the ministers and said.

"I will listen to the holy words." The expressions of all the ministers became serious.

"In the past three years, the reason why I have mobilized the power of the whole country to improve the strength of my officials and officers.35

"The purpose is to deal with the world's promotion catastrophe." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"World promotion catastrophe?"

All the ministers were puzzled and did not understand at all.

"After stepping into the practice, all the ministers should know the key to the cultivator's spiritual energy. My Daqin world's spiritual energy is thin and not suitable for cultivation. , Even the innate realm is extremely difficult.

"And all this is because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin.

"And with the passage of time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is gradually dissipating. In the end, the absence of heaven and earth aura will have a greater impact on cultivators." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

Briefly tell the secrets that belong to heaven and earth.

Seeing Ying Qi so serious.

There is also the secret about the world, all the ministers were horrified.

"I dare to ask the emperor, is the promotion of the world the key to improving the spiritual energy of heaven and earth? Han Fei immediately grasped the point and asked respectfully.


Ying Qi nodded, and then said: "Cultivators are divided into levels and realms, and it is naturally the same for the world. Today, the origin of the Daqin world is weak and the spiritual energy is thin, but as long as the promotion catastrophe is completed, everything can be ushered in. change.39

"The aura of the world of the Qin Dynasty will usher in growth and become a world of practitioners.

"And the cultivation dynasty that I want to build will really start here.

hear this.

The ministers also knew that this time of promotion was the key to the future of Da Qin.

"The great catastrophe of heaven and earth, I don't know what kind of catastrophe will be brought down.

"It may be from an alien invasion, it may be a thunderstorm, it may be a natural disaster, or it may be a man-made disaster."

"Starting the promotion, after passing, the world will be promoted, and the spiritual energy of the world will usher in growth, and Daqin will no longer be a world with thin spiritual energy.

"If the tribulation fails, the consequences will be unpredictable, and even if Da Qin still exists, it will definitely suffer a great loss of vitality.

"This is the reason why I have used the power of the whole country to improve the cultivation of my subjects in the past three years." Ying Qiwei said.

That's it.

The expressions of the ministers also became serious.

Each of them can clearly feel that this is an opportunity accompanied by a crisis.

Years of comfort also made them instantly tense.

"The ministers and others are willing to die for the emperor and for the dynasty. 39 The civil and military officials of the whole dynasty spoke in unison with solemnity.

"it is good."

"The catastrophe is not terrible."

"As long as the Great Qin Dynasty is united, the calamity will be successfully overcome."

"The place of calamity.

"I chose to be in the northern border, far away from the Central Plains.

"Even if we fail in the end, the blow to our Yanhuang clan will not be that big."

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Dare to ask the emperor.

"How many troops do you need to mobilize to face this promotion? Meng Ao respectfully asked.

"This transcendence lies in essence, not in abundance."

"The 500,000 warriors of the Daidi camp guarding the northern border will fight."

Other. "


"The other generals, chief generals, and warriors of the Innate Realm all entered the northern border to prepare for battle."

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

"The minister waits for the edict.

The ministers shouted in unison.

"I'll give you one month to schedule.""

"In a month, I will visit the northern border in person.""

"Prepare for tribulation.

Win Qi Dao.

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