Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 262 Improve the national strength of the Qin Dynasty, prepare for the promotion

If it is not a world that truly has the reincarnation of hell, the souls of all beings in heaven and earth have a destination, and there is some Mengpo soup that makes the soul lose the memory of the previous life, and then reincarnate.

But in the Daqin world, and even in many worlds without hell reincarnation, the destination of the soul is the soul flying away, returning to the purest soul source,

Maybe in the next life.

But there will be no past lives.

As for the afterlife, it is not simply the afterlife of one person's soul, but a mixture of the origins of thousands of souls.

All creatures want to multiply, and at the same time there is no hell reincarnation, they naturally need the natural operation of the laws of heaven and earth.

Hear Ying Qi's explanation.

Li Qing and Xin Sheng were still puzzled, but Ying Qi didn't explain anything.

"You will understand later."

But now.

"I want to return the heroic souls of these soldiers and soldiers who died in battle for Daqin, and protect their souls from perishing. 35 Ying Qiwei said.


Ying Qi communicated with Qin Ling: "Activate the soul-calling attribute, summon the great Qin Ying's soul to return, and protect his soul from extinction."


The entire Qinling was shaken, and an invisible force enveloped all the tombs in the Qinling, and then the force shot straight into the sky, as if it had opened up the sky.


A chain of black rays of light fell from the sky.

It descended to the various mausoleums in the Qinling Mausoleum, and each black halo corresponds to a mausoleum, which seems to come from somewhere in the void of the Daqin world.

After these rays of light entered Qinling.

Halo ushered in a change.

They were directly turned into illusory shadows, and everyone was a fallen Great Qin Ruishi.

When they reappeared, their expressions were all surprised.

I don't know why they returned to this world, when they looked at their illusory bodies, they realized that they were already in the state of souls.

When they came back to their senses, they immediately saw Ying Qi in the mausoleum.


All heroic souls dare not be slighted in the slightest.

They all knelt down and shouted in unison, "I see you here, Your Majesty.

Look at these fallen heroes.

Ying Qi's expression is also a bit complicated.

They are no different from before their death, they are still the same as before, but they have lost their bodies, leaving only illusory souls.

"The souls of all fallen soldiers have returned.""

Li Qing and Xin Sheng were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

Everything is in the legend of the fairy, the devil, and the gods, but today the souls of so many soldiers appear, they can be called ghosts.

How can you believe it if you don't see it with your own eyes?

"Generals. 99

"Flat body.""

Win Qiwei said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." All the heroes said in unison, looking at Ying Qi in awe.

"As you think, you have already died for the country, I have no ability to return you alive to Daqin. 39 Ying Qi sighed and said to all the heroic souls.

"Your Majesty is serious.

"We are Daqin soldiers, and our duty is to expand the territory, protect the family and the country, and die for Daqin. This is the honor of the ministers.

"The ministers and others can die for the country and kill the enemy for His Majesty, and the glory is endless."

"I can fight side by side with Your Majesty in this life, and I will have no regrets when I die. 99

"Chen and the others, as soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, serve His Majesty, serve the country, and die without regret.

All the heroic souls shouted in unison with fiery loyalty.

This is the loyalty of every Great Qin soldier Yu Guo and Yu Yingqi.

"Although there is no way for me to bring you back to Daqin completely, your souls will never be destroyed in Qinling, and even the power of heaven and earth will not be able to hurt you."5

"If your relatives come to worship in the future, you can also see your relatives.

Ying Qi said slowly.

At this moment, the heroic soul returns.

Protecting their souls with the power of Qin Ling is the only thing Ying Qi can do.


Everything is expected.

If Daqin World is promoted to Middle Thousand World, Daqian World, and has the existence of six reincarnations, then all heroic souls can enter reincarnation and become human again.

"The dynasty will be established, the dynasty will be established, and the next time will be to enhance the overall national strength of the Qin Dynasty. 99

"Prepare to open the opportunity to advance to the world. "." Ying Qi thought thoughtfully.

If you want to grow into a world with enough spiritual energy, Ying Qi has to rely on this opportunity only.

The world is promoted, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth grows.

"System, the Wuhu world is under my control. Can the Daqin world be improved by swallowing the Wuhu world's origin?" Ying Qi suddenly thought of something.

"If you want to devour the world, you need the consciousness of heaven, and use the consciousness of heaven to devour the source of the other world, but if the other world is swallowed, the source of the other world will be depleted, or it will be destroyed, or the world that has been opened and swallowed will merge and become one. The system returns.

"So, I understand." Ying Qi suddenly realized.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

For Da Qin, there is no turbulence in the world, and everything is stable.

And the land of the western border of Daqin also implemented the national policy set by Ying Qi.

Treated as second-class subjects, not slaves.

This is also enough to calm the hearts of all foreigners in the western region.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

There were many civil and military officials in front of him.

"Revelation to the Emperor. 35

"This minister has received the reports of the county governors in the world, and they have been summarized and completed, please read the emperor. 99

Feng Quji held a memorial and handed it to Ying Qi respectfully.


Ying Qi nodded and opened the memorial.

The eastern land, the western land, all the population numbers have been clearly counted.

In the Eastern Central Plains, the population of all Yanhuang ethnic groups is 53.56 million. Compared with the time when the Great Qin Dynasty established the world, the population has grown significantly.


Population is growing rapidly.

After all, in this era, there are no entertainment activities for ordinary people at all, only that kind of thing is a kind of adjustment, and now the Daqin is benevolent, taxation is light, the people are stable and prosperous, not as dark as the war before, and the natural population growth is very fast. quick.

Looking at the population of the western land, naturally it did not escape expectations.

It is five times that of the Yanhuang ethnic group, and the population of all foreigners in the western region is as high as 250 million.

Looking at the population of slaves, there are nearly 10 million.


These populations do not estimate the population of the Wuhu world.

"The population of my Yanhuang clan is too small.

"Not enough. 39

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, the population of my ethnic group is growing rapidly now, many times more than it was during the war and chaos of the past." Feng Quji replied respectfully.

"Send my edict.

"Any family of the Yanhuang ethnic group with three or more children under the age of eight, regardless of gender, will receive a 10% tax reduction or exemption from the original tax." Ying Qi smiled and said directly.

The population of the Daqin ethnic group is so small, so Ying Qi will come to give all the Yanhuang ethnic groups a booster.

The ministers in Zhangtai Palace looked at each other and smiled: "Your Majesty is wise.

Now that Daqin's treasury is full, there is no need to worry about it after tax, and the 10% reduction in a small range has no effect on Daqin.

"Keep going."

Ying Qi said to the ministers.

"Reveal Your Majesty.

"About the Daqin Academy, the academy, the old ministers have coordinated, and additional schools have been set up in all the counties and cities in the world. 99

A gray-haired old man stood up and said respectfully.

The existence of this old man was a bit older than Lu Buwei, Meng Ao, and the others. He had never appeared in the Great Qin Dynasty before, but the officials did not dare to underestimate his identity.

Because he is Guiguzi, now the important minister of Daqin, Wei Liao, is also his apprentice.

five years ago.

Before Ying Qi set out on the expedition, Guiguzi came to Daqin and worked for Daqin.

when he came out.

Manchu civil and military are all surprised.

If you ask who is the most mysterious hermit in the world, there is no doubt that it is Guiguzi.

Make the best use of things, and people make the best of their talents.

And the official position that Ying Qi gave Guiguzi was to be in charge of the world's academies and academies.

As the master of the world's school palace, he teaches talents for Daqin.

As Daqin started the war in the heavens, there will be countless talents that will be needed in the future.

"Guigu Aiqing is worthy of being a ghost valley. Luo

"It didn't disappoint me."

"Next. 39

"I want you to be in charge of the World Academy, to recruit school-age children in Daqin, to enroll the students, and to grant them knowledge.

"I don't care about teaching in the world, I will leave everything to Guigu Aiqing to take charge. Ying Qi stared at Guiguzi, the Tao that he values ​​very much.

"The old minister wants to ask the emperor a question.

Guiguzi raised his head. Although he was old, his eyes were still bright.

"Speak." Ying Qi said.

"Is the cultivation world the emperor wants limited to court officials, or is it the entire Qin Dynasty? Guiguzi asked loudly.

The courtiers in the hall were all stunned when they heard the sound, and then they all looked at Ying Qi with a little nervousness.

The way of practice today.

It was Ying Qi who opened it with one hand.

Cultivation of the exercises is also a taboo of the Great Qin. If it is not for the officials of the Great Qin, if it is not for the soldiers of the Great Qin, they are not qualified to practice the exercises at all. Once someone dares to leak the exercises, it will be a disaster for the family.

"The prosperous world of cultivation that I want is naturally not limited to the court, nor to the military." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

Violate taboo with force.

That is for the court that did not spread martial arts widely, and for Da Qin, the profound exercises were controlled by the court, and the profound martial arts were controlled by the court, and there was no comparison among the people.

Even if Daqin invades the world with martial arts in the future, what martial arts sects and sects do they want to be free from the control of the imperial court?

That's a joke.

In the world of Win Qi.

There is absolutely no existence independent of the control of the imperial court.

No matter what it is, in the world of Daqin, it must abide by the rules of Daqin. If it is not followed, there is no need to exist.

"The old minister has a play.""

"The emperor's martial arts ambition lies in the world, and it can be based on the world's school palaces, teaching the way of cultivation, the martial artist cultivates the martial art, and the literati cultivates the literary way.

"Once they leave the school, they can do everything for Daqin." Guiguzi respectfully said.

Hearing Guiguzi's recitation, Ying Qi smiled: "Guigu Aiqing, do you think that I have spent a lot of time building a school in the world just to open up people's wisdom?

"Your Majesty has long thought about using the Academy as the foundation to teach the students the way of cultivation?" Guiguzi looked surprised.


Ying Qi nodded.

"Your Majesty is holy, and the old ministers are respectful." Guiguzi bowed sincerely.

Originally, he was very uneasy about this performance. After all, cultivating the exercises is to win Qi and open, and all of them are controlled by the imperial court, which has always been a taboo of the imperial court.

Since the school began to teach, this has violated the long-standing taboo.

"The Great Qin Tianxia Academy recruits students of the right age, but it is also necessary to distinguish between elites and ordinary students, and also to divide people's hearts and loyalties."

"The meaning of this, Guigu Aiqing should understand. 99 Ying Qi said with deep meaning.

"Master understands.

"The school is set up by the emperor, and the students trained by the world school will also be used by the emperor. If it is useless to the emperor, it is useless to Daqin, and it is not worthy of the emperor's favor, let alone Daqin's training. Guiguzi replied immediately.

"With Guigu Aiqing's School Palace, I can rest assured."

"As for martial arts and Wendao exercises, you can find Taifu Meng to discuss with Taifu Lu. 35

'When you came to Xianyang, I made a promise to you.

"Bless you to extend your life, today is the time when I fulfill my promise.

Ying Qi said.

A wave of hands.

There are three more vases in hand.

He casually threw one of the jars at Guiguzi.

Guiguzi immediately followed, with an excited expression on his face.

The reason why he came out of the ghost valley was to prolong his life, and what his apprentice said was immortal.

"Teacher Mont, Mrs. Lu.

"You have always assisted me with all your heart and made a lot of credit, and this medicinal pill is also given to you. Ying Qi threw the remaining two porcelain vases at Lu Buwei and Meng Ao.

The two old ministers immediately took it over with surprises on their faces.

They naturally guessed what effect this medicine pill would have.

"This is a longevity pill, which can prolong life by ten years.""

"Take it.

Ying Qi smiled slightly and said.

"Can you extend your life by ten years?

"The emperor actually has such an elixir in his hands?"

Seeing that the three old ministers were given this longevity pill, all the ministers in the hall were shocked.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

The three old (Li Dezhao) ministers bowed excitedly.

Then open the porcelain bottle and take the medicine pill directly.


The power of the medicinal pills came into play, and the gray hair of the three of them also became a lot darker at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they also looked a lot younger.

"It really is Yanshou Dan.

The ministers watched, and their hearts couldn't help but feel hot.

Such an elixir, why don't they want to have it.

"Yanshou Dan is extremely rare, but it's not unacceptable."

"As long as the ministers try their best to strengthen Qin, I will never treat them lightly."

Ying Qi said to the ministers.

"The ministers swear allegiance to the emperor to the death.

All the ministers were solemn and said in unison.

"Well, proceed with the discussion.

Ying Qi didn't say more, and motioned for the ministers to continue the performance.

Time is also passing by in this process.

More than an hour later.

The ministers leave.

"Everything about Qiangsheng Daqin has been arranged.

"Next, I will only wait for the development of national strength, and prepare to be promoted to the world's calamity.

"However, what should I choose for my sub-professional this time.

"Is it refining or forging?"

Ying Qi revealed a kind of contemplation.

After reaching level 31, Ying Qi opened up another opportunity to choose a sub-vocation, but he never chose it.

It is just wandering between refining and forging.

Although both are used weapons, but they are completely different, one is refining magic weapons, and the other is forging magic weapons.

"The most important thing in Daqin today is weapons, but not everyone can control magic weapons."

"It seems that the blacksmith is the key. 99

After Ying Qi thought about it for a while, he completely made a decision.


"I choose the sub-profession of blacksmith."

"And, upgrade the blacksmith to the second-order perfection."

‘Upgrade the alchemy profession to Tier 3. ""

66 'Beast Taming Profession has been upgraded to Level 2 successfully.

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