Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 264 • The Great Way Appeared

Northern Xinjiang.

One hundred miles away from the Central Plains.

In a desert, there are few people, and the yellow sand is flying.

The desert that was originally uninhabited, at this moment, is full of a kind of majesty, and an invisible killing intent shrouded the entire desert.

Take a look.

Countless black armored warriors presented hundreds of army formations, standing in this desert, cavalry, infantry, and archers, all lined up and waited.

Many generals, chief generals, and powerhouses in the court of Daqin all gathered here.


It was the place chosen by Ying Qi, the Lord of the Qin Dynasty, to cross the calamity.


"The 500,000 soldiers in the Daidi camp have been mobilized. 35

"You can fight for Da Qin at any time. Li Mu respectfully told Ying Qi.


Ying Qi nodded and turned to look.

Except for Huan Yi, who was guarding the Wuhu World, the other generals and generals had already arrived.

Ying Qi stood on the chariot, turned around, and stared at all Qin Zhirui.


"Fight today.

"It is related to the future of my world in the Qin Dynasty, victory will prosper, and the loser will perish. 99

"You all came out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. In today's battle, I will fight side by side with you again."

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Wind, wind, wind. 99


The 500,000 Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison.

As soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, respecting the imperial edict and the orders of generals is the criterion for them as soldiers.

Ying Qi Zhao's decree issued, even if they are enemies of the sky, they will not have any fear.

Seeing the soaring morale of the army under his command, Ying Qi didn't say much, staring at the top of the void.

Direct Communication System: "I'm going to use the World Promotion Challenge opportunity."

"Host orders accepted. 35

The system prompts.

next moment.

A golden light shot straight to Jiuxiao from Ying Qi's body.


Above the sky dome of the sky, thunder suddenly erupted, and in this endless thunder and lightning sea, a huge eye appeared in vain.

The eyes appear.

It seems that the whole world of Daqin is shrouded in a terrifying coercion.

Even if the people in the desert just raised their heads to look at these eyes, they immediately felt a sense of coldness from the depths of their souls, as if they had been electrocuted, trembling all over their bodies, and they immediately retracted their eyes in shock.

Even win Qi.

three years.

Ying Qi's cultivation is also a big improvement.

It is now level 35, the fifth-level Great Grandmaster.

But looking at the giant eyes in the void, a feeling of depression and terror grows from the soul, as if encountering the real ruler of heaven and earth.

It seems that only the power of this giant eye can wipe out the entire Daqin world.

Ying Qi retracted his eyes, unable to look at him, and it was difficult to calm down in his heart.

Ying Qi already had some guesses about the identity of this giant eye.

This giant eye is the existence, the avenue, that is in charge of the heavens and the world, and is above the countless heavens.

"The eye of the avenue."

"It turned out to be.

"But this shouldn't be the real Dao, it's just a faint consciousness that Dao descends on the Daqin world.

"But even if it's just the power of this consciousness, I'm afraid it has the power to destroy the Daqin world. 35

"Sure, it's worthy of being the avenue."

Ying Qi's heart was surging, and he was extremely horrified.

He also did not expect that the opportunity for promotion and challenge in this world would actually attract the consciousness of the Great Dao.

"The Dao is above the heavens and the world, and it controls the heavens and the world."

"The promotion of the world is also under the jurisdiction of the Great Dao, perhaps this is the reason for its consciousness. Ying Qi secretly said.

And this moment.

The Eye of the Dao overlooked the Daqin Realm indifferently, without any emotion, it seemed that it was just a manifestation of the consciousness of the rules, it seemed that just a glance, everything in the Daqin Realm was already presented in its eyes.

after it appears.

in this desert.

The wind and sand that had been blowing stopped, it was silent, and everyone was silent.

After a while.


A mighty, indifferent voice resounded throughout the desert and reached everyone's ears.

"The calamity of promotion, multiple calamities.

"The more calamities are overcome, the greater the gift of origin.

"In a single catastrophe, the source is damaged and the power of the world is exhausted.

The sound of the avenue in the dark is resonant.

"If you can't get over it, the source is damaged and the power of the world is exhausted." Ying Qi's brows could not help wrinkling.

It does also give a sense of urgency and crisis.

Fortunately, I did my best to improve the strength of the court officials three years ago, otherwise, it might be really difficult to deal with such a situation.

"Post a mission."

"The ultimate quest of the copy, the calamity of world promotion, the more calamities that have been overcome, the richer the rewards will be, please work harder, the host." The system prompted.

"Qin Zhi Rui. 55

"Prepare for battle.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Wind, wind, wind."


The 500,000-strong Qin Ruishi shouted in unison, holding their weapons tightly, ready to go.

They saw the giant eye on the sky, and although they were shocked, all the sharp men were not afraid.

"Robbery, get up.

The sound of thunder on the road rises again.



Above the void sky.

A huge void channel appeared directly, and around this void channel, there were hundreds of thousands of void channels.

After these void passages appeared, they appeared in front of Da Qin Ruishi who was preparing for the battle.

"It's the breath of the dead.""

Ying Qi stared at the countless passages that appeared.

Even though the things inside had not appeared, the gloomy soul aura, the undead aura, was clearly felt by Ying Qi.

As these channels are shaped.


Countless strange sounds came out from the passage, it seemed to be the sound of bones, and it seemed that bones were forming.

within the channel.

The endless undead breath vented out.

The black light flickered and fell on the desert.

At first glance.

In front of the Daqin army formation, countless strange skeletons have appeared. Each skeleton is a skeleton, and many are wearing armor and holding various weapons, which seems to indicate that they seemed to be an army in their lifetime.

What's even more weird is that these skeletons are actually moving like an army. Their eyes are flashing with weird green fires, and many of them are weird red fires.

It seems that is their soul.

"It really is the undead, the army of skeletons.

Ying Qi stared at the endless army of skeletons that appeared in front of him.

Look around.

More than the Great Qin Ruishi gathered here this time, there are at least 500,000 to 600,000 skeletons.

0.....for flowers...

"Then on the opposite side of this space passage is a world of undead. 35 Win Qi is sure in his heart.

In addition to these skeleton armies, Ying Qi has already guessed the enemy that will appear next.

Along with these countless generals of the skeleton army, the entire desert was filled with clattering sounds, which were the sounds produced by the bones when the skeleton army moved.

And when they discovered the bloody Da Qin Ruishi.


It seems to have been ignited fiercely.

The flames of their heads flickered, and they rushed towards the Daqin army frantically, as if killing was their instinct.

"How can skeletons walk?"

"This is a world of ghosts and gods.

When Da Qin's officials watched this scene, they were all horrified.

An army of skeletons that can still move is simply unheard of.

But at this moment it really appeared in front of them.

"Great Qin Ruishis.

"Our enemies come from another world, the undead world of skeletons."

"Their weakness is their heads, and they can be killed by cutting off their heads.


Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice, pulled out the Zhan Lu sword from his waist, and pointed directly at the skeleton army that was madly charging ahead.


A shout resounded from Ying Qi's mouth.


The 500,000-strong Qin Ruishi moved.

Looking at the skeleton army that rushed forward one after another, Da Qin Ruishi was shocked, but he did not panic.

Change quickly.

Two thousand catapults, two thousand ballistas.

One hundred thousand archers are already lined up.

When those undead skeletons entered the range.

"Wind, wind, wind.


The sound of the wind rang out.

It's like an order to kill.

Bang, bang, bang.


Countless boulders rose from the ground, and countless ballistas shot out of the air, accompanied by a dense rain of arrows, radiating toward the army of skeletons.

Boom, boom, boom.

Rolled over boulders.

Thousands of skeletons were directly crushed into broken bones, and the flames of the heads were extinguished, completely extinguishing their vitality.

The arrows swept in.

Numerous skeletons were penetrated, bones were shattered, and they were killed by random arrows.

In countless wars, Daqin Ruishi showed their fighting qualities and terrifying battlefield killings.

And those skeletons go one after another, completely without intelligence, they have no consciousness at all in the life and death of their companions, they only have one goal, and that is to kill all the living things in front of them.

The impact of the skeletons one after the other.

Soon he approached Daqin Ruishi less than a hundred feet.


Li Mu shouted.

The archers fired arrows incessantly, frantically grabbing the vitality of the skeletons.

along with.

Two hundred thousand cavalrymen were dispatched, and the Mo Dao in the hands of each cavalryman shone with silver light in the sunlight.

The cavalry is dispatched.

The desert trembled.

The cavalry marched frantically with crushing power, dealing with these skeleton soldiers like stepping on ants, easily harvesting the vitality of the skeletons.

"The Great Dao is indeed not false, the catastrophe it arranges is based on the level of the world, not the meaning of my Daqin's strength.

Ying Qi looked at these skeleton troops who were easily killed, and thought to himself.


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