Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 261 The fate of the dynasty is so terrifying

With the Zhen Guoxi suppressing the air transport.

Ying Qi showed his hands, forming an illusory book in his hands.

Countless luck radiance gathered in his hands.

in a blink.

"Dynasty List."

The illusory book has gradually formed a book, with three words on it, Dynasty List.

All the ministers of the Qin Dynasty, with titles and official positions, are all famous on this list.

If Daqin is promoted to the imperial dynasty in the future.

When the Dynasty Ranking is promoted to the Imperial Dynasty Ranking, the names of the people of Great Qin will be recorded on the list. Just like the cultivators, the various levels of the dynasty are also one level and one level.

If the Great Qin Dynasty was later promoted to the Imperial Dynasty, the Celestial Dynasty, it would represent the monstrous improvement of national power.

Ying Qi thought a move.

The dynasty list in his hand flipped.

into the eyes.

First of all, the names of Ying Qi's father, mother and queen, as well as his sons and daughters, concubines and other royal families are presented in the catalogue.

Then there are the left and right prime ministers of Da Qin, the generals, and Jiuqing.

All are divided according to the titles of titles.

Following Ying Qi's thoughts, countless names appeared in his consciousness.

"All my ministers can be blessed with luck.

Ying Qi stared at the huge black dragon in the void and shouted loudly.

This shout.

It was the pardon of the lord of the Qin Dynasty to the divine beast of luck.

The voice resounded in the ears of every Qin courtier and general.


The black dragon on Mount Li suddenly released countless halos, and each halo corresponds to a courtier of Great Qin, whether in the world of Great Qin or in the world of Wuhu World 05, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, the radiance of luck is shattered. The power of the void can accurately fall on the body of the courtier.

Good luck.

Countless radiance of Qi Luck shot out.

According to the rank, according to the title, according to the status.

Give luck.

The way of luck.

The fundamental is to gather the luck of the whole country, and then give it to a few people, and use the power of the luck of the whole country to promote the strength of these few people.

This is the way to move the dynasty, which is easy to understand.

The radiance of luck breaks through the air and lasing.

Almost in the blink of an eye, countless powers of luck fell directly on every Qin courtier.

The moment the luck fell on the body.

Inside the palace.

Suddenly a light fell.

Ying Zheng was still a little overwhelmed, but the next moment, the infuriating energy in his whole body began to be pushed by this invisible force, and he began to chrysalis.

"Is this the power of luck?"

"Luck? Qi Luck?"

"Can you improve your cultivation?

Ying Zheng was stunned.

But he couldn't help thinking too much.

Dantian's true qi grew rapidly, which directly made him want to break through.

Not only him.

Inside the palace.

Donger, Li Yaner.

And Ying Qi's two sons and daughters also got lucky.

as royalty.

The luck they have is stronger than that of the ministers in the DPRK.


All the courtiers who received Qi Luck also felt the magical effect of Qi Luck.

"This is the power of luck, which is even more powerful than the power of spirit pills."

"My cultivation base is about to break through.

"Me too."

"In the past, the elixir was of no use to my generation's literary cultivation, but this power of luck actually allowed my cultivation to break through.

"I have already entered the fifth level of the innate, and I can break through the sixth level today, or even higher.

"Seize this power to break through, otherwise there will be no chance."

"Thank you, Emperor Ron."

In the entire territory of the Great Qin Empire, countless courtiers shouted excitedly.

A moment of luck.

Even if it is an ordinary first-ranked warrior, they can feel the power brought by luck.

Their original cultivation base is also under the blessing of this power of luck, their internal strength increases, and their infuriating energy increases.

All ministers who are blessed by the power of luck will have great progress in their cultivation.

After this time.

Within the Qin Dynasty.

Whether it's a veteran or a recruit who has just joined the army, the veteran's cultivation base has made great progress, and the recruit who has just come into contact with martial arts also ushered in the foundation of martial arts under the power of luck.

This is the benefit of national luck.

The luck of the dynasty is so powerful.

"The power of luck.

"Sure enough."

Ying Qi looked down at the courtier who had entered a breakthrough state, and was sure in his heart.

In the prehistoric world, it is no wonder that sages value luck so much, and they will pay all the price to fight for it, because even sages can bring about growth in their cultivation.


Today, the luck of the Qin Dynasty is far less than that of the prehistoric world.


The luck of the Great Qin Dynasty is not comparable to the luck that a mortal top powerhouse can bring.

The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the luck.

The luck of the country is also obtained under the growth of the population.

As the strength of the subjects of the Qin Dynasty became stronger, the increase in luck brought to the Qin Dynasty was also unimaginable.

"The luck of the dynasty, bless my body.

Ying Qi stared at the black dragon of luck and pardoned.

The luck obtained by the courtiers is extremely strong.

As the lord of the dynasty, Ying Qi will have the most magnificent luck, which will undoubtedly increase his cultivation.

"hold head high."

The black dragon roared, and the huge dragon's eyes stared at Ying Qi.

next moment.

An incomparably majestic fate fell towards Ying Qi's body.

When luck comes.

Ying Qi did not feel the surging of true qi like those of Da Qin's courtiers.

But with the arrival of this mighty luck, the system prompt sounded: "With three million experience points, does the host upgrade the level?"5

"There are three million experience points.

Hearing this prompt from the system, Ying Qi was stunned.

The power of luck is really terrifying.

It actually brought 3 million experience points to Ying Qi in an instant.

To know.

If Ying Qi wanted to gain 3 million experience points in the Daqin world, he would need to kill nearly 10 million enemies.

Now that the dynasty has just formed, it has brought so much experience to Ying Qi.


Ying Qi said without any hesitation.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Deduct 1.07 million experience points and raise it to level 32.""

"Deduct 1.2 million experience points and raise it to level 33.""

The system prompts.

The golden light flickered on Ying Qi's body.

Ying Qi's real energy in Dantian began to grow rapidly, and his physique was strengthened.

"The way of transporting the dynasty can not only be used as a way for imperial officials to improve their cultivation, but also as a way for me to improve their cultivation.

"And for Da Qin, who is fighting the heavens, he has a helping hand. 35

"The more Daqin fought in the world, the more population, the stronger the luck, and the more experience I gained.""

At this moment, he was upgraded by two levels, and Ying Qi also had an excited smile on his face.

Build the Yun Dynasty, shape the Dynasty.

The expected results made Ying Qidu extremely excited.

Not long after entering the Grand Master, Ying Qi has already reached the third level of the Grand Master, and he is only 570,000 experience points away from the next level.

Time flickers.


The civil and military men in front of the Qinling Mausoleum in Lishan woke up from their cultivation state.

Every courtier is a great progress in cultivation, with a smile on his face that his cultivation has broken through.

How majestic is the luck of the dynasty.

Today is destined to be a day that every Qin courtier will remember.

"I am waiting to thank the emperor for his mighty long grace. 35

When the courtiers in front of the Qin Mausoleum in Mount Li woke up, they all said excitedly.

"The dynasty is established, the air is condensed. 35

"The luck is endless, Daqin is immortal."

Win Qiwei said.

"The ministers swear allegiance to the emperor to the death."

All the courtiers were extremely excited.

"Today's event.

"It ends here.

"Young masters, step back."

Ying Qiwei said, and fell from the void.


He walked directly into Qinling.

However, the civil and military officials outside Qinling did not dare to disobey the imperial edict, so they all withdrew.

The generals of the camp also left Qinling with the soldiers.

Outside the 517 Mausoleum.

Only 10,000 Praetorian Guards are still serving here.

Li Qing and Xin Sheng were behind Ying Qi.

"Your Majesty... No, Your Majesty."

"All the soldiers have been buried.

"Everything in the Qin Mausoleum was built according to the emperor's orders, so there should be no omissions.

Entering Qinling, Li Qing said respectfully.

Ying Qi valued the army so much, and the officials responsible for supervising the construction of the Qin Mausoleum naturally did not dare to disobey, not to mention that there are now black ice platforms all over the world of the Qin Dynasty, supervising officials.

As long as an official dared to act in a wrong way, the consequences would not be as simple as death, but implicated the entire clan.

"Li Qing, Xin Sheng.

Ying Qi glanced at the countless mausoleums in front of him and said suddenly.

"The minister is here."

The two generals respectfully responded.

"Do you believe in the existence of souls? 35 Yingqi asked.

"The emperor created a world of cultivation in Daqin, a realm of immortals and gods. There are immortals and gods, and there are ghosts and gods. The soul is also among the ghosts and gods. Li Qing replied respectfully.

"You are right, but not right either." Ying Qi smiled.

"Also ask Your Majesty to enlighten me."

Li Qing and Xin Sheng bowed and bowed with doubts on their faces.

"In the Daqin world, there was no cultivation, no immortals, and naturally no reincarnation of hell, and no soul exists in heaven and earth. Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, if the soul dies, where will the soul be?" Xin Sheng said in a somewhat surprised tone.

"If a soul dies, the soul returns to the heaven and the earth, devours the heaven and the earth, and recreates the origin of the soul." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

In the past, when Ying Qi was a common man.

For the fairy gods, the reincarnation of hell is also a bit convinced.

But with the data-based physique and stepping into the road of cultivation, everything has changed.

Ying Qi also saw the true nature of this world.

Hell reincarnation, not every world has it.

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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