Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 260 Promoted to the Great Qin Dynasty, I am the emperor.

From the radiance of luck that shines like the sun.

Brilliant shock.


The brilliance turned black, turned into a black halo.

The halo flickers.

It condensed directly into the outline of a divine dragon, and as the brilliance flickered, the outline of this divine dragon became more complete.

A huge black dragon stood on the top of the void.

"The divine beast of luck, the black dragon.

"Da Qin killed the beasts."

Ying Qi stared at the formation of the black dragon, and his heart moved.

The formation of the divine beast of luck is not fixed, but depends on the attributes of the country. It may be a golden dragon, a red dragon, or it may be the embodiment of other divine beasts.

But for Da Qin.

Ying Qi had some guesses about the condensation of the divine beasts of luck.

It may be the totem black bird of Daqin, it may be a white tiger, it may be a dragon.

Since Daqin existed, it has been called the country of tigers and wolves, and established the country by killing and expanding, and killing is the key attribute of Daqin.

And the black dragon.

It belongs to the slaughtering beasts like white tigers.


"Is this the divine beast that protects my Daqin?"

All the courtiers outside the Qinling Mausoleum in Lishan looked at the formed dragon with excitement.

For luck, for luck.

They don't understand.

But how could they not know about Shenlong, the "May 17" legendary mythical beast.

"Luck God Beast Condensation.""

luck gathering.

"Promotion." 5

Ying Qi stared at the black dragon that was formed and shouted loudly.

All luck converges towards the black dragon.

"Ang. 35

The black dragon swims with its dragon body, and the majestic air pressure spreads in the void.


The luck displayed by the black dragon is getting more and more magnificent.

The entire Lishan Void was deterred by the power of this luck.

You can clearly see it now.

The dragon body of the black dragon is growing rapidly.

in a blink.

It went directly into the hundred zhang, and then quickly climbed, with a growth rate of several tens of zhang in every breath.

How strong is the luck of the Daqin Empire, the two worlds under the empire have a population of more than hundreds of millions, these are the sources of the luck of the Daqin Empire.

With the luck of the two worlds, Ying Qi also has confidence in the promotion of the dynasty.

Entering the dynasty, condensing the dynasty's luck, condensing the luck and connecting.

Time flickers.

The promotion of the black dragon continued.

The black dragon in front of him has grown to three hundred and ninety-nine feet.

It has already reached the peak of the dynasty's high quality and dynasty level.

At this moment, the black dragon stands in the void of Mount Li, like a mythical beast from the ancient times.

All the courtiers looked at the black dragon on the void motionlessly, with endless awe.

"Dynasty level.

"The luck of the two worlds should be able to be achieved.

Ying Qi thought to himself.

The Casting Court operates.

The last fight, the impact on the dynasty level.

"hold head high.

The black dragon let out a thunderous dragon roar again.

The monstrous air pressure spreads.


Luck flashes brightly.


The black dragon was shocked.

The dragon's body rose again, directly entering the four hundred zhang.

Reached the imperial level.

When all the luck was swallowed up, the dragon's body grew to four hundred and fifty feet.


"It's done."

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

His eyes were fixed on the black dragon in front of him.

The population luck of the two worlds finally pushed the dynasty level to the dynasty level.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully establishing a fortune dynasty, and rewarding "One Chance of Qi Luck Fusion", you can upgrade the magic weapon to the magic weapon of Qi Luck, suppressing the persistence of Qi Luck.

'Qin Ling is shrouded by the radiance of qi and luck, triggering transformation, becoming a special building, supporting attributes to protect the soul, the soul can not be swallowed up by heaven and earth in Qin Ling, and being sheltered by Qin Ling, buried in Qin Ling's corpse can call the soul back to the tomb, and protect the soul from extinction. . "

'Congratulations to the host for successfully establishing a dynasty and rewarding a mysterious treasure chest.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully establishing a dynasty and rewarding you with an earth-level treasure chest.

The system prompts.

"The magic weapon for suppressing air luck. 35

Ying Qi stared at the two jade seals in front of him.

One is the imperial jade seal that his father ordered to create after he destroyed the six kingdoms and ruled the Central Plains.

The other is a system-rewarded seal that can grow.

Choose one as a magic weapon to suppress your luck.

"Can this jade seal be blended with the seal?" Ying Qi asked.

"The Chuan Guo Jade Seal is a spiritual item in the Daqin world. It has the property of suppressing luck, and can be combined with the seal." The system prompted.

"So good.

Ying Qi immediately smiled.


Staring at Chuanguo Yuxi and Yinxi, he gave the order: "Fusion."

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.

The two volleyed jade seals flickered and merged with each other.


A brand new seal appeared in front of Ying Qi's eyes.

The eight characters belonging to the jade seal of Chuanguo, who were ordered to live forever and ever, are at the bottom of the seal.

The entire seal became more powerful.

Look at the properties of this seal.

Seal of the State of the Town: High-grade magic weapon of the ground level (can grow).

Attributes: Suppresses Qi Luck.

Magical weapons and magical powers: suppression, warding off evil spirits, and protecting the body.


"The Great Qin Jin Dynasty is the Great Qin Dynasty.""

"I won Qi as the emperor of the dynasty.

"When the Great Qin's luck is suppressed with the seal of the state, the luck will not be destroyed, the Great Qin Dynasty will not be destroyed, and the people of Great Qin will be protected.

"I swear here in the name of the emperor of the dynasty, I am here, and I will defend the land and open up the frontier. I will sweep the heavens, and set the foundation of my great Qin for all ages, and stand above all the heavens and all races."

"I am here, when I am benevolent to all people, to all living beings, to the world, and to protect my people. 99

"If I die, I will transform into a dragon soul, and protect my Yanhuang forever, if Daqin dies, Daqin will be transformed into a long river of time, protecting the Yanhuang race of the heavens.

"This oath, the sun and the moon are the evidence, the heaven and the earth are the mirrors, the heavens and the worlds, the gods, the gods, and the gods will listen to it, and the universe will learn from it.

Ying Qi held the seal of the town, stared at all the officials, and shouted loudly.

And Ying Qi's voice, linked to luck, not only resounded in Mount Li, but also in the entire Daqin world, in the Wuhu world, in the ears of every Daqin subject.

this moment.

Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, thousands of miles, separated by a world's distance.

Ying Qi's domineering announcement resounded in the ears of every Qin subject.

this moment.

Daqin world, Wuhu world.

All were quiet.

"It's Your Majesty's voice.

"Why did I hear His Majesty's voice?"

"Is it a hallucination?"

"No, it's not a hallucination, I heard it too.""

"It's really His Majesty's voice.

"Your Majesty, establish the Qin Dynasty, from today onwards, Your Majesty shall be the Emperor. 99

"The emperor has saved lives for my Yanhuang family and my family."

"When Daqin is here, the Caomin will swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, to Daqin, and future generations will be loyal to the emperor forever. This is the ancestral instruction established by the Caomin..."

"The emperor is here, Daqin is here, and the people of Yan and Huang are here. If the emperor dies and Daqin dies, the people of Yan and Huang will follow the emperor, and live and die together with the emperor and Daqin."

"The ministers and others swear to the death to be loyal to the emperor, and to the Daqin to the death.""

"Swear allegiance to the emperor to the death..."

When Ying Qi's voice sounded, Daqin world and Wuhu world were silent for a moment.

Countless Yanhuang ethnic groups knelt down one after another, facing the sky, and shouting in unison with their gratitude, respect, and loyalty from the bottom of their hearts.

a time.

enough to cause the earth to shake.

"Qi'er, what are you doing?"

"The Great Qin Dynasty? The Yun Dynasty?""

"The power of luck?

"What exactly are these?"

In the palace, Ying Qi's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and Ying Zheng was taken aback.

Don't say Baiguan doesn't know.

Even his father, the emperor, didn't know what his son was doing.

For the Yanhuang ethnic group of the two worlds.

Ying Qi's voice sounded in his ears, for them there was a kind of awe from the heart, and for those alien races who were trampled by Da Qin's iron cavalry, they are now Da Qin's vassals.

I heard Ying Qi's voice proclaiming the world.

In addition to their sincerity and fear, they are incomparable awe.

"We absolutely dare not betray Da Qin.

"Swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death."

Countless foreigners knelt on the ground and shouted to the sky in fear.

This sudden announcement.

It is enough to shock every subject in the world of Qin.

This kind of power is no longer the power of ordinary people, but the power of real gods.

and this.

It is also a divine power of qi fortune that belongs to the Great Qin Dynasty. The qi fortune constitutes an invisible qi-luck connection for every subject of the Da Qin, and the center of this qi-luck connection is Ying Qi.

Contact with this luck.

Ying Qi can connect every courtier, and can endow the courtiers with the power of air transport.

No matter the ends of the earth, even in another world, the connection of luck still exists.


Even if Ying Qi is in a battle.

You can also use luck as a link to give any courtiers in Daqin an edict, ignoring the distance.


1.7 The biography of flying pigeons and the edicts of eagles and falcons are already tasteless to Da Qin.

This is why Ying Qi wants to be promoted to the dynasty in one fell swoop.

And at this moment, Lishan.

All the officials and soldiers looked at Ying Qi in awe.

"The ministers and others swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, and allegiance to Daqin.""

"I would like to swear to my death to fight for the emperor and for Da Qin."

All the officials and soldiers all knelt down and shouted in unison.

"For my servant."

"When you have the luck of the dynasty, all evils will not invade, and your cultivation will advance greatly. 39

"All my servants.

"Regardless of the court officials, local officials, and Qin soldiers, all of them can be blessed by the fortune of the dynasty.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

next moment.

Ying Qi raised his hand and waved.

The Zhen Guoxi seal in front of him rose into the sky.

"The seal of the country, the fortune of the air. 55

Under the control of Ying Qi.

Zhen Guoxi shone with brilliance, rushing directly towards Da Qin's Qi Luck Black Dragon, exuding a kind of repressive force aimed at Qi Luck, directly suppressing and locking the Qi Luck that was dissipated invisibly, so that Qi Luck no longer disappears. elapse.

And this time.

It's also a critical moment.

Grant luck to Daqin courtiers.

PS: I am very grateful.

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