Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 259 Casting the Holy Court, building the Yun Dynasty.


Originally belonged to the mausoleum of the first emperor Ying Zheng under construction.

after the king's succession.

The mausoleum will be sited and then funded from the state treasury.

However, Ying Zheng didn't care much about the mausoleum. At the beginning of his succession, he regained his power, and after taking the throne, he focused on the Central Plains, so the mausoleum has been delayed.

After Ying Qi appeared.

Father and son recognized.

After teaching Ying Zheng the way of cultivation, the construction of this mausoleum was completely stopped.

And this was also stopped by Ying Zheng himself. He yearned for immortality, so what's the use of building this mausoleum~?

So this time.

Ying Qi followed the trend and changed the original royal mausoleum into a Qin mausoleum where the fallen soldiers of Da Qin were buried, which can be passed down for generations.

Qin Ling at this moment.

Hundreds of thousands of warriors gathered.

At the entrance of Qinling, there is a huge monument that reaches the sky, towering into the clouds, and it is several ten feet long.

It is like a needle of Ding Hai Shen standing in this Qin Mausoleum, guarding this Qin Mausoleum.

In addition to hundreds of thousands of warriors, all the civil and military officials of Daqin gathered here.

Ying Qi was wearing a mian robe and stood at the entrance of Qin Ling.


"Qin Mausoleum has been completed, and the burial ground for my fallen soldiers in Great Qin has fallen.

"The soul returns, the soul returns."9

"The fallen leaves return to their roots, and the corpses are buried in the homeland."5

Ying Qi stood at the entrance of Qinling and shouted loudly.

All the generals ordered in unison: "Soldiers, send your brothers to the ground for peace, and bury them forever in the Qin Mausoleum. 99

"Return of the soul, return of the soul.""

Nearly 200,000 warriors were holding the brocade box containing the corpses of heroic souls, and walked towards Qinling in an orderly manner.

They buried the brothers who fought side by side in Qinling with their own hands.

All the soldiers and soldiers who died for the Great Qin will be buried in this Qin Mausoleum, enjoying the incense of thousands of families and the worship of future generations.

Qin Ling is always there.

Eternal life with Daqin.


"I promised you, and I did."

"You return to your homeland, you are buried in the countryside, and you are enshrined in the world."

"rest in peace."

Ying Qi murmured in his heart as he stared at each of the sharp soldiers entering the Qin Mausoleum to bury the corpses of the soldiers.

For royal power.

High above, all living beings are under the imperial power, and they are all chess pieces under the imperial power.

Royal power is above.

All beings are ants.

Ying Qi held the imperial power, but he was not so ruthless. These soldiers and soldiers who died for Da Qin died for Da Qin. They were all heroes, and they deserved Ying Qi's respect.


Ying Qi wants to set up a key for Da Qin, soldiers are supreme, soldiers who serve their country and country are heroes, and no one should blaspheme.

Time passed gradually.

The soldiers entered the Qin tomb in an orderly manner to bury the corpse of the heroic soul, Ying Qi stood at the entrance of the Qin tomb and waited, and the civil and military officials of the Man Dynasty stood behind Ying Qi, also waiting.


"Initiate Your Majesty."

"The 210,000 heroic souls of the Great Qin Dynasty have all been buried in the Qin Mausoleum, and they are buried in the ground for safety."5

Wang Ben, the general of the Hangu Camp, came out and greeted Qi.

"The soldiers return to the battle."

Ying Qi said solemnly.


Wang Ben bowed and bowed.

All the soldiers in Qinling began to withdraw from Qinling in an orderly manner and returned to the army formation.


All the soldiers, civil and military officials stared at Ying Qi in awe.

Ying Qi turned around, stared at everyone, and said arrogantly, "Qin Lingcheng, bury the loyal bones. 99

"The 210,000 loyal bones buried in the Qin Mausoleum are all heroes of our Qin Dynasty."

"They will be immortal, respected by the people of the Great Qin, respected by the descendants of all generations of the Great Qin, enshrined in incense, and immortal in the heaven and earth.

"Their descendants will also be honored for their sacrifice for the country.

"I hereby promise.

"To die for the Great Qin, all are loyal to the bones and souls. They should be buried in the Qin Mausoleum and enshrined for all generations."35

"The descendants of the family should be under the care of the imperial court and should not be bullied by anyone.

The sound resounded.

It resounded throughout the Qin Mausoleum of Mount Li.

It reached the ears of every civil and military officer, every soldier.

"Your Majesty.

"The ministers and others swear allegiance to Daqin to the death, and swear allegiance to His Majesty to the death.

All the civil and military, all the soldiers shouted in unison, full of fanatical loyalty.

Ying Qi walked slowly to the bottom of the Qingshi monument.

Pointing to this monument, he said in a powerful voice, "This monument is a monument of Qing history.

"It, like Qin Ling, will live with me forever in Qin."9

"Anyone who is loyal to Daqin will have his name engraved on the Qingshi Stele, which will last forever and be immortal in Daqin.

The voice fell.

Ying Qi's figure rose into the air.

Under the gaze of all the courtiers, like a fairy, he stood in the void and directly volleyed to the top of the Qingshi Monument.

"I, given the name Qingshi Stele, will last forever."

Win Qi's hand.

He turned his hand into a sword, and the sword energy shot out into the sky.

The Qingshi Stele, which originally had no words, suddenly appeared three words full of imperial domineering, Qingshi Stele.

"The history of history is immortal.

"The ministers swear allegiance to His Majesty and Daqin to the death."

At the location of Mount Li, all the officials and soldiers shouted in unison.

"Da Qin, has now ruled the world.

"I, in charge of the world, established the great Qin Yanhuang.

"Blessed by the heavens, blessed with blessings...

A pause.

Ying Qi turned around and looked down at all the courtiers and soldiers.


Take this opportunity.

It was the time to win Qi Li Yun Dynasty.

Win Qi when condensing the luck of the Qin world, and establishing the foundation of the dynasty.


"While the Qin Mausoleum is completed, the heroic soul will return to the mausoleum."

"I, will consolidate the luck of the Qin Dynasty, and establish an immortal destiny. 35

"The success of the dynasty will protect and protect the hundreds of millions of people in Daqin, the luck will not be destroyed, and the Daqin will be immortal.

"Qi Luck is condensed, all the officials of the Qin Dynasty can gain Qi Luck to enhance their bodies, all evils will not invade, and their cultivation will be improved."

Ying Qi stared at all the courtiers and said arrogantly.

Hear this.

Manchu civil and military.

All the soldiers were shocked and puzzled.

"Luck? Qi Luck?"

"what is this?"

"Is it a product of immortals and gods like martial arts and Wendao cultivation?

"The luck will not be destroyed, and the Daqin will not be destroyed."

"All evils do not invade, increase cultivation?"

"Your Majesty's words, is it to open up another way of immortals and gods?"

Manchu civil and military all widened their eyes, thinking excitedly in their hearts.

"System, practice and cast the Holy Court.

Ying Qi drank from the bottom of his heart.

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.

A golden light enveloped Ying Qi.

next moment.

It directly operates the Yun Dynasty Cultivation Technique that has never been practiced.

All the mysteries belonging to the Forged Holy Court are presented in Ying Qi's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Casting the Holy Court, so it is."

"The way of luck and luck is really mysterious. 99

"The dynasty condenses the luck of the dynasty and shapes the official ranks.""

"The dynasty condenses the luck of the imperial court, and the luck of the plastic is connected."

"The emperor's dynasty shows the luck of the emperor's court, and the magic power of shaping the emperor's dynasty. 35

"The celestial dynasty condenses the fortunes of the heavens and the state, shapes the fortunes of the state, and the souls of the courtiers fall into the courtrooms of fortunes.

"The first scroll of the Casting Holy Court belongs to the vulgar scroll, and no matter how the Celestial Dynasty is, it is also a mortal dynasty.

"The second volume of the Forged Court is a truly otherworldly level. 39

When the casting of the Holy Court was completed, Ying Qi also had a new understanding of the way of Yun Dynasty.

"Based on the population of the Daqin world, and the population of the Wuhu world."

"I can try to consolidate the fortune of the Great Qin Empire and establish a dynasty."

There was a kind of wild hope in Ying Qi's eyes.

next moment.

Ying Qi thought for a moment.

The monstrous imperial power spread from Ying Qi's body.

In an instant.

The imperial jade seal of Daqin belongs to Yingqi's seal.

Glittering light, floating in front of Ying Qi.

"Casting the Holy Court, condensing the luck."

"Emperor Qin wins Qi. 35

"Take Qin as the foundation, the country as the foundation, and the people's community as the foundation.

"Consolidate the luck of the Qin people and establish a fortune in the dynasty.

"Heaven sees it. 35

"I hope it will be granted.

Ying Qi stared at the sky, and the two seals in front of him were shining brightly.

The brilliance of Ying Qi's luck also appeared on his body.

The golden light flickered, infecting Ying Qi into a sacred place.

All the courtiers stared at Ying Qi Yili's empty figure in awe, and the Qin Mausoleum of Mount Li was silent.

0.....for flowers·

Because in their opinion.

His Majesty the Emperor is working on an immortal method that they do not understand at all.

In response to Ying Qi's voice.


A thunder exploded in the void.

It was like the answer from God.

In the Daqin world, there is no way of heaven, and there is no consciousness of the way of heaven.

But there are laws in the world.

no matter what the world.

Even if the source is depleted and the world is on the verge of destruction, there are laws.

Casting the Holy Court to condense luck, the key to establishing a dynasty is to communicate with the law of luck in the dark, and get the law of luck to drop the imprint of the law, so that the power of luck can be condensed.


It is indeed a very profound law, even if the ordinary world does not have it.

But the heavens and the world are all under the control of the Great Dao, and the laws of the Great Dao are mapped, and there will also be some laws of luck in it.

Casting the Holy Court can communicate the mapping of the laws in this underworld.

The roar of the sky sounded.

It is the manifestation from the invisible law of luck.

Without this casting of the Holy Court, Ying Qi would have no way to condense Qi Luck, and if there was no Qi Luck imprint from the sky, Ying Qi would have no way to condense Qi Luck and establish a fortune dynasty.

"Heaven, it's manifested."

All the courtiers looked at the roar of thunder in the void, and their expressions became more awe-inspiring.

And this time.

The top of the sky.

A golden halo descended in vain.

It fell directly on Ying Qi's body.

This is exactly the air luck imprint from the law of air luck in the dark.

When the mark comes.

"I win Qi."

"Today, gather the luck of Qin and consolidate the fortune of the dynasty. 55

"Heaven sees it.""

Ying Qiwei shouted.

The imprint of qi fortune and Yingqi's own qi fortune are integrated to form the foundation of the dynasty.

next moment.

A golden halo rushed to the top of the void.

Like a bright sun, it hangs on the top of this mountain.

"Da Qin's people are lucky, get together."

Ying Qi stared at the Qi Luck root and snorted.

Based on the casting of the Holy Court, condensing the luck.

In the entire Great Qin world.

In the territory of Great Qin, a white ray of light appeared on all the subjects, and under the traction of some kind of force, it quickly converged towards Mount Li.

But apart from Ying Qi, no one could see the appearance of countless luck lights.

From the eyes of Ying Qi.

Countless white streamers gathered from all over the Daqin world, centered on Mount Li.

The territory of the Great Qin.

The luck of the tens of millions of ethnic groups in Daqin comes from the luck of the people from the western land.

The way of luck.

It lies in the strength of the country, in the population, and even more in plunder.

Within the territory, regardless of whether they are citizens or not, even if they are slaves, their luck will be attributed to Da Qin.

Based on the luck of all people, the monstrous weather will condense one, and the success will be in the dynasty.

And this moment.

Not only the luck of the people in the Daqin world was drawn by the power of Ying Qi's forging court.

Even in the Wuhu world.

The luck of all the populations in that side of the world is also drawn under the law of luck, and it is integrated into the light ball of luck on the sky of Mount Li.

Countless luck condensed.

The dazzling luck of Lishan Void also became even more dazzling.

The golden light almost infected the entire Lishan Mountain into a sacred place, and the earth was shrouded in golden light.

"Your Majesty, divine power.""

"Fortune, fortune.""

"What is it? 35

The courtier where Lishan was staring at the radiance that was growing brighter in the void was shocked beyond words.

they know.

They saw another amazing miracle appear.

And they saw it all the way.

Time gradually fades away.

Countless radiance of luck condensed quickly.


The moment when the luck of the last child is integrated.

"Qi Luck Gathering." 5

"The divine beast of luck, now."

Ying Qi stared at the flickering radiance of luck, and shouted.

time... how many...

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