Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 258 Breakthrough Great Master, Qin Lingcheng

Shrouded in golden light.

Ying Qi's body is undergoing a great transformation.

The physique is strengthening, the true energy is gathering frantically, and it is compressed in the dantian.

Cultivation level, the transformation of each level is earth-shaking, the grandmaster entering the level of the great grandmaster can be called a qualitative leap.

In the low-level martial arts world, even the low-level martial arts high-quality world can be regarded as a real powerhouse. With a wave of hands, the city gate can be broken, and the powerful strength really surpasses the power of mortals.

In many low martial worlds.

A powerhouse at the Grandmaster level can be called a land fairy. Of course, this is not the case with the real land fairy.

And today Ying Qi is about to enter the level of a great master, not only will his strength usher in a skyrocket, but so will Shouyuan.

Time passed gradually.

Ying Qi's strength is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

In vain.


An incomparably terrifying aura was vented from Ying Qi's body, accompanied by Ying Qi's monstrous murderous aura.

"Level 31, Grandmaster, it's done."

"True qi transforms into true essence, with the power to fly in the sky, the life span increases to 2,000 years."

Ying Qi felt the power he possessed now and had a happy expression on his face.

Such cultivation.

Even if it is to open the calamity of world promotion, it should be enough to face it, right?

after all.

Ying Qi also didn't know what the calamity of the world's promotion was.

"Open the properties panel." Ying Qi said.

Level: Level 31 (Grandmaster First Stage)

Shouyuan: 36 years old (2000)

Stamina: 31000


Cultivation of martial arts and martial arts: flying sword with a hundred steps, magic power with a snap of your fingers... Nine Yin and Nine Yang (continuous life, can restore true qi,)

Sub-occupation: Taming beasts (first-order consummation) and alchemy (second-order consummation).

Upgrade experience: 1,100,000.

True Qi transforms into True Qi, although the number seems to be small, the power of True Qi 513 is simply not comparable to True Qi.

"Cultivation of the Talisman of Life and Death, the Six Sun Palms of the Tianshan Mountains, and the Lion's Roar. 35

Ying Qi gave the order directly.

For a cultivator, it is easy to be greedy and not indulge, but for him, there is no such thing at all. After all, he is a data-based physique, and he can just learn directly.

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.

The golden light enveloped Ying Qi, in a gesture of empowerment.

The three martial arts quickly appeared in Ying Qi's sea of ​​consciousness and were directly mastered by Ying Qi.

"How many promotion points do I have now?" Ying Qi asked.

"The host currently has 16 million promotion points." The system prompted.

hear the number.

Ying Qi was not surprised.

five years.

With the Daqin army, he attacked the western border, killing countless people and destroying countless countries.

For the people outside the West, the name of Ying Qi, the slaughtering tyrant of the East, spread in their mouths, and as time passed, Da Qin truly controlled the world, and Ying Qi's prestige in the West would gain even more.

After all, there are not a few people in this world, and the ratio of prestige to promotion points is ten to one, and more promotion points can be obtained.

"How many promotion points do you need to improve all the three martial skills you just practiced to perfection?" Ying Qi asked.

"Three kinds of martial arts cultivation to complete, need to spend 6.5 million promotion points." The system prompted.

Two of these three martial arts are ground-level martial arts, with high levels.

The higher the martial skill level Ying Qi obtained, the more promotion points he needed to spend.

"Okay, all are upgraded to perfection." Ying Qi didn't hesitate.

Anyway, there are so many promotion points, the improvement of these martial skills represents the improvement of one's own strength.

"The host's order is accepted. The 39 system immediately complies with it.

Gold light flashed.

(afbh) Ying Qi's comprehension of these three martial arts improved rapidly until he reached a perfect state.

"A sign of life and death.

Ying Qi smiled.

He squeezed his hand into the sky, and the water vapor in the void gathered, directly condensing more than a dozen thin ice in Ying Qi's hand.

Originally, the display of the life and death talisman required wine or other water, but Ying Qi was directly a complete life and death talisman. With the mobilization of true essence, it was more capable of extracting the water vapor from the void into ice.

"If you encounter those treacherous and capricious people in the future, you can use this life and death talisman to control them."

Ying Qi smiled, and his palms burst into flames, directly incinerating the condensed thin ice.

"Next, it's the primary spirit vein and the spirit gathering array.

Ying Qi's eyes fell on other rewards.

"System, I want to place the spiritual veins in the underground of the palace. Ying Qi said immediately.

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.


An illusory white light dragon rose into the sky from Ying Qi's body and charged directly above the void.

Suddenly looked.

A gleaming white dragon shadow appeared on the palace.

"what is that?"

"Dragon? 95

"Your Majesty returns, the dragon appears, this is auspicious edict. 99

"God bless Da Qin.

Inside and outside the palace, countless people saw this huge white dragon shadow and couldn't help but be surprised.

Looking at this palace is full of awe.


Long Ying swooped down from the sky in vain and fell directly towards the palace.

When it touches the ground.

The dragon shadow turned into countless halos and disappeared.

And this time.

A surprising scene happened.

Originally, the thin spiritual energy in the palace began to grow rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the palace was more than ten times richer than the outside world.

"It's just that the primary spiritual meridian has such aura, if it is a more advanced spiritual meridian, the aura will be liquefied.

Feeling the aura of heaven and earth in the void, Ying Qi thought to himself.


Ying Qi didn't hesitate, with a thought, a formation disk appeared in his hand.

It is the spirit gathering array that the system rewards.

"It turned out to be an advanced gathering spirit formation, covering up to 30 miles, covering the entire palace."

Ying Qi glanced at the array, and his eyes lit up.

Now that the imperial palace already has a spiritual meridian, the spiritual energy of the spiritual meridian will also flow invisibly everywhere, but with this spirit gathering array, the entire imperial palace is used as the root to gather the spiritual energy.

Not only can the spiritual energy of heaven and earth be gathered outside the palace, but also form a spiritual lock formation along the way, so that the spiritual energy of the palace's spiritual veins will not leak out.

"Revelation. 55

Ying Qi did not hesitate, and entered the real yuan into the array.

The array flashed with brilliance, and it flashed directly from Ying Qi's hand, and the array fell directly into Zhangtai Palace. Suddenly, an invisible array of light curtains spread around.

A spirit gathering formation covering the entire palace appeared.

With Zhangtai Palace as the center, the Spirit Gathering Array was activated.

The entire Xianyang Qianli heaven and earth aura gathered towards the palace, this is the strength of the advanced spirit gathering array, which can be far away from the heaven and earth aura.

If it is a higher-level spirit gathering array, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be gathered from 10,000 miles to 100,000 miles.

Under the action of the gathering spirit array.

The aura in the palace rose straight again.

At least ten times more.

"Cultivation under such aura is more than ten times faster for a great master than outside the palace." Ying Qi said with a big smile.

at the same time.

Inside the palace.

"Lao Xin, do you feel that the spiritual energy has become very rich, more than ten times more intense than before?" Li Qing turned his head and suddenly said to Xin Sheng.

"This is definitely His Majesty's handwriting."

"That dragon shadow just now." Xin Sheng said with awe.

"Haha. 35

"In the future, our Imperial Guards will be envied by the five major battalions. Cultivating with such aura can be said to be a thousand miles a day, and a day of cultivation is comparable to that of a dozen days of cultivation." Li Qing said with some excitement.

"That's right. 35

Xin Sheng also nodded: "The officials who will handle government affairs in the official residence in the future will definitely not want to leave the palace."

"Before, I only knew that under the feet of the emperor, the glory was incomparable."

"Now I know the root of this." Li Qing said with a sigh of relief.

Xin Sheng smiled, and the two looked at each other without saying a word.

The aura of the imperial palace sky and earth has skyrocketed, and the people who benefit the most are the royal family, as well as their imperial guards.

Palace range.

Ying Zheng's palace is located.

"Qi'er has made something incredible again."

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has grown so much.

Ying Zheng raised his head and looked at the Zhangtai Palace, with a smile on his face: "Such a great cultivation opportunity cannot be wasted."

Time flickers.

It has been two months since Ying Qi returned.

within two months.

All the national policies set by Ying Qi have been implemented.

The policy on annual salary change was also approved by Ying Qi.

It can be said.

within two months.

Daqin ushered in another earth-shaking change.

The annual salary of the title increases.

For all the Qin courtiers, the addition of medicinal pills has increased the opportunity to cultivate in holy places such as Chongwen Hall and Shangwuchang.


The key to the opportunity to cultivate in these two holy places is in Xianyang.

Everything is bestowed on the basis of titles and official positions, and Xianyang officials can enter, as well as those who return to the capital to report their duties.

And in the military.

The increase is the medicine pill, as well as the opportunity to practice in the fire tower.

Not only the soldiers of the five major battalions, but also the warriors who guard the Quartet can also enter the Great Camp Fire Tower by virtue of the training opportunities of their titles and military positions.

Over time.

The policy of annual salary is fully implemented, and the national strength of Da Qin will usher in another surge.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

"Initiate Your Majesty."

"It took five months and 500,000 slaves to excavate and build it, and now the Qin Mausoleum has been completed."

"In addition, the Qingshi Monument has also been built.

"The soldiers and soldiers who died in the battle for the Great Qin can choose a day to be buried in the Qin Mausoleum, and their names can be engraved on the Qingshi Stele for the descendants of the Great Qin Dynasty to worship and worship.35

Meng Yi came to Zhangtai Palace and respectfully told Ying Qi.

Before his triumphant return, Ying Qi had already passed an edict, ordering Meng Yi to mobilize slaves to build the Qin Mausoleum, and now it has finally been completed.

"Send my edict.

"Five days later.

"Manchu civil and military officers were stationed in Xianyang, and all went to Qinling.

"Send the last journey of the fallen heroic soul of Daqin."

Win Qiwei said.

"The minister leads the edict."9

Li Qing immediately took orders and went to deliver the letter.

"Qin Lingcheng, the historical monument is erected.

"The time has come for me to build an immortal dynasty.

Ying Qi's eyes glowed with a look of intense hope.

Immortal Fortune.

Air base.

What kind of power is this.

Ying Qi is also very curious.

PS: I am very grateful.

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