Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 257: Opening the Treasure Chest, Big Explosion

This time the meeting.

It took longer than the previous ceremonies to open.

, at the meeting.

The courtier said no


Quickly grasp the development of Daqin in the past five years.

Until the last courtier, Keizuo, withdrew.

Ying Qi opened his mouth: "In the past five years, Zhu Qing has not let me down. 99

"The national strength of the Qin Dynasty is not what it used to be."

"It is my fortune that I have the help of various ministers."


All the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty stood up and respectfully said: "It is a blessing for the ministers and others to be able to serve His Majesty and the Great Qin.

"Master Lu.


Ying Qi looked at Lu Buwei.

"The old minister is here." Lu Buwei and Meng Ao responded.

"Now Daqin has initially entered the world of cultivation, and Daqin's officials and military officers have all stepped into cultivation. 35

"The old nobility yearly salary will also usher in changes.

"I need you to formulate the details of the title and annual salary, according to the title, according to the official rank, give the medicine pill, enter the Chongwen Hall, and the martial arts field opportunity is included in the annual salary gift.

"Master Lu, I want you to formulate detailed rules for the annual salary of civil servants."

"Mr. Meng, I want you to formulate the detailed rules for the annual salary of generals in the army. Ying Qi stared at the two old officials and said.

"The old minister will never let His Majesty down." The two responded immediately.

As Da Qin initially entered the world of cultivation.

The annual salary will naturally usher in changes.

The pills are given according to the title, the pills are given according to the official position, and the opportunity to enter the Chongwen Palace and the martial arts field is given according to the official position.

And this time won Qi and returned triumphantly.

The fire tower of the Fallen Heart Flame layout will also be completed. Before the expedition, Ying Qi had already explained the generals of the major battalions, and the five battalions built the fire tower to accommodate the Fallen Heart Flame Spirit Fire.

In this way, the generals and soldiers in the army can use the spirit fire as the foundation to speed up their own cultivation.

"All right."

"Do you have anything else to announce?"

Ying Qi glanced around at the court officials and said in a powerful voice.

"The minister has no original performance.

The ministers said in unison.

"If that is the case, then leave the court.""

Ying Qi immediately announced the dissolution of the dynasty.

Then he stood up and walked towards the apse.

"I will send you to Your Majesty."

All the ministers said in unison, watching Ying Qi leave.

Back to Zhangtai Palace.

Li Qing and Xin Sheng respectfully stood in front of Ying Qi.

"I have a task for you to do."

Ying Qi looked at the two and said.

"Your Majesty, please."

"The minister will never give up. 35 The two generals respectfully said.

Ying Qi didn't say much.

Ying Qi

A wave of hands.

Five jade boxes appeared in front of the two of them.

In the jade box, you can see a fire snake flashing with bright fire.

This is exactly the five fires that Ying Qi has differentiated from the fallen heart flame. Although it is not as powerful as the original spirit fire, it is enough to show the power of this spirit fire in the five campfire towers.

"Your Majesty, this is. "?"

Both looked suspiciously.

"This is the flame of the fallen heart, which has the power to temper internal strength and infuriating energy. With this fire as a supplement, it can speed up the training speed.

"I want you to arrange for someone to send these five spiritual fires to the five major camps, and there is no room for loss."

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"I understand.""

The two responded immediately.

"All right.

"Go do it.

"I want to rest for a while, no one is allowed to come in without my edict. Ying Qi raised his hand and waved it.

"I retire.""

The two ministers bowed and bowed before leaving the main hall, closing the gate of Zhangtai Palace as well.

"Time to settle the reward. 99

A look of hope appeared on Ying Qi's face.

In the past five years, countless countries have been destroyed, not only have they pushed their cultivation to the peak of the master realm, but also have countless rewards for destroying the country, but Ying Qi has not received them, and is waiting for the day of his triumphant return today.

"System, settlement reward. Ying Qi communicated with the system.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Congratulations to the host for destroying the Xiongnu, beheading the Xiongnu Shanyu, rewarding a mysterious treasure chest, and rewarding 1,000 low-grade spirit stones.

"Congratulations to the host, Mie Tuan, and reward a yellow-order treasure chest. 35

'Congratulations to the host for destroying the countries in the Western Regions, reward ten yellow-tier treasure chests, and reward 1,000 low-grade spirit stones. 35

"Congratulations to the host for destroying the Great Xia Kingdom and the Peacock Empire. You will be rewarded with two mysterious treasure chests and 1,000 mid-grade spirit stones."

"Congratulations to the host for destroying the Seleucid Empire and the Roman Empire, you will be rewarded with two mysterious treasure chests and 1,000 mid-grade spirit stones.

"Congratulations to the host for destroying the country, rewarding special buildings, a primary spiritual vein (you can put it in one place according to the host's will to increase the spiritual energy of heaven and earth).""

'Congratulations to the host for completing the task and taking control of the Daqin realm, rewarding the world with a chance to advance to the challenge (successful challenge, the world can be promoted), rewarded with a ground-level treasure chest, and rewarded with a random dungeon world portal.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task, taking control of the "Wuhu World", rewarding the connection to the Daqin Realm teleportation portal, and rewarding a random dungeon world portal.

As Ying Qi's instructions fell, the system's prompts continued.

five years.

The reward that Ying Qi received has far exceeded his expectations.

"So many treasure chests, let's see how many good things can be opened."

Ying Qi looked hopeful.

Naturally, there was no hesitation.

"Open all the yellow-order treasure chests." Ying Qi said.

"The host's order is accepted.

‘Congratulations to the host for obtaining 500 low-grade spirit stones.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Huang-level high-grade martial arts "Lion's Roar".

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Heavy Armor Blueprint".

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining "500 Low-Grade Spirit Stones""

The system beeps continuously.


These more than a dozen yellow-order treasure chests have been opened.

The reward for opening the treasure chest is completely random, but it can be regarded as opening some good things.

Two or three thousand spirit stones were obtained, and several martial arts were also obtained.

As the lowest level of treasure chests, it can be said that winning Qi's luck can be said to be able to open these.

"Open the mysterious treasure chest." Ying Qi continued.

This time, I hoarded so many treasure chests just to wait for today.

"Open the mysterious treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Xuanjie high-grade exercise method "Evil Sword Manual".

"`" Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Life and Death Talisman", a mid-grade martial skill. ""

Congratulations to the host for obtaining "500 Top Grade Spirit Stones".

'i Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mid-grade martial skill "Tianshan Liuyang Palm". ""

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Spirit Gathering Array" array plate.""

The system prompts.

"Really good luck. 35

"I actually got three earth-level exercises. Although the sword method of warding off evil spirits is tasteless to me, it can also be practiced by the people of Gongzhong Temple. As for the life and death talisman, the Tianshan Liuyang Palm is the highest of the other world's Xiaoyao sect. Martial arts, can control other people's life and death, so that they can't survive and can't die. 99

"The Spirit Gathering Array, this should be a formed array, as long as it is arranged, the Spirit Gathering Array can be activated.

Looking at these rewards, a smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

"There is also an earth-level treasure chest.

"I hope you can give me a big surprise."

Ying Qi smiled and opened the last treasure chest with anticipation.

It is also the highest-level treasure chest he has obtained today.

"Open the ground-level treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a bottle of high-grade "True Yuan Dan" and 500 high-grade spirit stones. The system prompts 39.

"It turned out to be this medicinal pill, not bad." A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

Look at the properties of Zhenyuandan.

Zhen (Li Dehao) Yuandan: 50,000 experience points are added below level 31, and 20,000 experience points are added below level 41.

One pill can add so much experience, one can imagine how strong the energy contained in this pill.

For Ying Qi.

Taking these ten Zhenyuan Dan at one time can instantly increase 200,000 experience points.

after all.

He has now reached level 30, and has reached the experience value of being promoted to level 31 Grandmaster.

"The treasure chest this time did not disappoint me. 35

"I have obtained so many spiritual stones that are scarce in the Daqin world. Martial arts, exercises, and medicinal pills are all obtained."

"The next step is to upgrade."

"The 31st Grandmaster level, this is a real leap in strength. 35

"For the next sub-professional, you have to think about what to choose.

Ying Qi thought to himself.

next moment.

Direct communication system.

"I want to upgrade." Ying Qi said.

"The host has satisfied the upgrade experience, and starts to upgrade." The system prompts.

A golden light enveloped Ying Qi's body, and the transformation of Ying Qi's physique began.

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