Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 256 The earth shaking Daqin has underg1 a great transformation.

Today's Ying Yuqi and Ying Xi have grown up.

In this day and age, it is possible to marry.

Judging from their handsome and beautiful faces, they really have inherited the looks of Ying Qi and Li Yan'er. They were born in the royal family and have been taught by their grandfather since childhood. They have extraordinary temperament and extraordinary abilities.

Stopped with Luan Jia.

Ying Qi and Ying Zheng's father and son walked down one after another.

"Brother Qi."

When she saw Ying Qi, Li Yan'er couldn't help but pounced directly at Ying Qi.

The latter smiled and hugged Li Yan'er, who was pounced, and hugged her tightly.

"Didn't I come back?"

Ying Qi said gently, stroking his wife's back.

Watch this scene.

Ying Zheng and Dong'er watched lovingly.

For them.

Although his son and Yan'er are not as bumpy as they are, they are also true feelings, childhood sweethearts since childhood.

And those concubines who won Qi saw that, except for envy and awe, there was nothing else.

All the concubines in the palace knew it.

in the harem.

No one can shake the status of the current queen Li Yaner, even if dozens of concubines in the harem add up, they are not enough for Li Yaner alone.


in the harem.

No one dared to play any scheming, especially for Queen Li Yan'er.

If they dare to use any scheming, what kind of thoughts.

There was no need for Li Yan'er to make a move.

Those palace maids in the harem would report the situation and then have their own palace rules to deal with.

Just like Ying Qi's harem, just like his father's previous harem, it was very quiet and peaceful, and there was no competition for favor, because they couldn't compete for favor at all.

The reason why they were able to stay in the harem and become concubines.

It is only because of their appearance and family background, and the purpose of existence is to continue the blood of the emperor, and it is not true.

"Five years later, you finally came back."

"I'm so worried about you." Li Yan'er said softly, her eyes flushed.

"Have you forgotten your brother Qi's strength?"

"In this world, no one can hurt your brother Qi. 99

"These many children are watching, you are not ashamed." Ying Qi said with a smile.

hear this.

Li Yan'er's pretty face was also a little red, and she immediately let go.

"See you. 99

At this time.

Ying Yuqi and Ying Xi walked in front of Ying Qi and bowed.

"I haven't seen you in five years."

"My little princess and little son have grown up.


Ying Qi lovingly looked at his pair of 05 children.

"You haven't gone to meet your father.

Li Yan'er turned her head, facing the sons beside the concubines, the princess said.

Ying Qi turned his eyes.

Take a look.

Ying Qi's bloodline has grown a lot, and there are ten little guys who are looking at him with awe and fear. The younger ones are about eight years old, and the younger ones are five years old.

Four little princesses, six little sons.

Looking at these children, Ying Qi's eyes were actually unfamiliar, and he didn't value it as much as Yan'er gave birth to two children.


This is also the royal family, and family affection is so indifferent.

It is impossible for Ying Qi to love and favor all his children.

Hear Li Yan'er's voice.

These sons and daughters walked up to Ying Qi with awe, and then all knelt down.

"Meet your father.

The ten children said obediently.

Their appearances are different, but they all share the outline of Ying Qi, and there is an invisible blood connection.

"Be flat.

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Father. 35

These sons and daughters replied respectfully, and there was still awe in their eyes.

"It's been a lot of hard work for you all these years.""

"I raised so many children for me.

Ying Qi looked at those concubines and said in a gentle tone.

Hear this.

All the concubines were moved.

Although they did not get the same love as the queen in the harem, the grace was unlimited, and there was never less belonging to them, and this harem was more peaceful than the harem in their mother country, there was no intrigue, and the queen was not jealous. .

And it is their honor to be able to marry the biggest hero in the world today.

Now the words of Ying Qi made endless waves in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, this is what the concubines should do.

All the concubines were moved.

"For you, and these children."

"I can't always take care of you like Yan'er, Qi'er and Xi'er, but what belongs to you, I will never skimp on it.

"The state is busy.

"But when the children are ten years old, I will personally teach them, let them become talents, and let them step into cultivation.

"As for the concubines in the harem, I will ask the empress to teach you the exercises and give you the chance to live forever. In the future, you will also have the opportunity to always be by my side." Ying Qi said softly to all the concubines.

hear this.

More than a dozen concubines were extremely grateful.

Even if they live in the deep palace, they still know everything about Daqin, immortality, and the method of cultivation.

Now the Manchu civil and military, and Daqin's military camps are all owned.

But this is also a taboo in Daqin. If there is no imperial edict from Ying Qi, no one can spread it randomly, and those who violate the order will be exterminated.

Although they had expectations in their hearts, they did not dare to ask more.

But today Ying Qi was going to give them the way to practice, how could they not be moved.


The concubines who had children were even happier in their hearts.

It is very rare for their children to be taught by Ying Qi in person when they are ten years old.

"My concubine, thank you, Your Majesty."

All the concubines bowed respectfully.

After a while.

Ying Qi looked at Ying Zheng: "Father, are you still going to the Palace of King Qin?

"You're back, what am I going to do?"

"You have been imprisoned for another five years in the country, and your royal father should have a good time at leisure." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"I don't see much delay for you, Royal Father, the martial arts cultivation base has now entered the innate.

Ying Qi glanced at Ying Zheng and said with a slight smile.

"This is the result of your father's diligence." Ying Zheng smiled proudly.

Only when you enter the innate realm of martial arts can you know the true power of martial arts.

The enhancement of the physique and the transformation of the strength are like the transformation from the mortal to the sublimation of the immortal.

"Qi'er, Xi'er is also good."

Ying Qi looked at his two children.

With the growth of enough spirit stones and spirit pills given by themselves, they really did shine.

It has also entered the innate level.

Five years have passed.

Daqin is naturally changing.

In the five major battalions, millions of warriors have obtained basic martial arts techniques. In five years, millions of warriors, even those with poor talent, have already entered the threshold of martial arts, at least they have acquired the first level.

Those with higher talent have even entered the fifth layer of the acquired day.

And the five generals of the five battalions have all entered the innate level, and many of the chief generals have also entered the innate level.

after all.

They are in that position.

The annual salary and resources obtained are naturally far more than ordinary soldiers.

Martial arts practice, medicinal materials are also supplemented.

The higher the position of power, the more resources, and the greater the diligence.

The power of the pyramid, Ying Qi will naturally not change.

For Da Qin, Ying Qi can only give fairness, as long as he contributes to Da Qin, the high-ranking general, the general.

Everyone has a chance.

Resources, power and position, all the people of the Qin Dynasty have the opportunity to obtain it.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

Hundreds of officials have gathered.


There were also hundreds of officials who were absent from this meeting.

The western border is vast, and naturally it needs capable ministers to govern it.

Li Si, Feng Jie, Han Fei and other officials all went to the west to rule the land.

Only when they govern one side can the western border be stabilized.

"Your Majesty is here.

With a shout.

Ying Qi walked out of the apse and sat on a high seat.

"My ministers, see your Majesty.

"May your Majesty live forever, and the Great Qin will live forever.

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

"Flat body."

"Take a seat. 35

Ying Qi waved his hand and said arrogantly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.""

The ministers thanked each other and took their seats.

"With the original performance, without the original retreat."

The temple people serving next to Ying Qi said loudly.

"Initiate Your Majesty.

"Now the world is settled."

"The territory of the Western Territory is extremely vast and the population is numerous, which is several times that of our Daqin Yanhuang ethnic group.

"For those alien populations, there needs to be a sure-fire decision on how to treat them, whether they are directly demoted to slaves like the Xiongnu, Donghu and other aliens.

"With the national strength of our Great Qin, we are suppressing them now, but if we demote them all to slaves, we will give them a chance to not be able to see their way forward. Over time, those alien races will definitely be out of control and cause chaos.

"After all, the alien population is more than my Daqin ethnic group."

Lu Buwei stood up and started playing very seriously.

this matter.

It is a key that Daqin needs to solve at present, and it is related to Daqin's future control of the world.

"The population of alien races is huge, far exceeding that of the Great Qin Yanhuang race. If they were all demoted to slavery, it would indeed cause a lot of chaos.

"This matter, when I decided to destroy the foreign countries and rule the world, I already made a decision in my heart. 35 Ying Qi Weisheng said.

The voice fell.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty looked at Ying Qi with anticipation.

"I respectfully listen to His Majesty's holy words." All the ministers said in unison.

"In the beginning, when I destroyed the six kingdoms and ruled the world, my promise to my Yanhuang ethnic group was that in the world, Yanhuang would be respected, and among all ethnic groups, Yanhuang would be respected.""

"I think the people of the empire are divided into two classes.""

"First, I belong to the Yanhuang ethnic group. As a first-class citizen, I enjoy all the powers of the Qin Dynasty. They can join the army, do business, and engage in politics. It belongs to the handle of the meritorious ministers of the Qin Dynasty."

"Second, those foreigners from the western land, they are the second-class subjects of Daqin, they cannot have all the powers of Daqin subjects, they can join the army, but they can get the highest military merits and the tenth as the top, and they can seal the army. However, 50,000 people will be the top, and even if they are generals, they cannot command the Yanhuang ethnic group.

"You can do business, but you can't touch iron, bronze, or military assets. If you find out, your property will be confiscated and you will be severely punished."

"You can be an official in politics, but the highest official is a county magistrate of a city, and the highest is the county governor, and foreigners can be officials only in the western land, not in the Central Plains. 35

Ying Qiwei said loudly, and his voice resounded throughout the court.


Hearing the arrangement for the population of the western border, all the ministers looked thoughtful.


They are all weighing up what the situation will be after the implementation of these two types of people's systems.

Foreign nationals enlisted in the army, with no more than ten nobles, no more than 50,000 officers, no business was allowed to touch the foundation of the empire, and the highest level of politics was no more than a county governor, and he could only govern the western part of the land.



"Cai ah. 35

"Your Majesty's lofty thoughts, surrender and respect. 35

"That's it."

"This not only gives foreigners a bit of authority as the people of Great Qin, and makes them not as humble as slaves, but they will never have the opportunity to touch the center of the empire, and never have the opportunity to become the real important ministers of the empire. .99

"Your Majesty.

"The implementation of this strategy will surely make the foreigners stable as the people. As long as they are given petty profits, within ten years at most, the foreigners will submit to our Great Qin, and they will not dare to make mistakes."

"I admire it.

After a while, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty said excitedly, and every expression showed admiration.

As court officials, they could easily understand what Ying Qi said was the key to foreign national policies.

This is equivalent to giving foreigners a chance to survive, a chance for the people of Great Qin, but it also cuts off their chance to enter the power center of Great Qin.

They can only be Daqin's pawns forever, working for Daqin, but they can't become Daqin's true confidants.

after all.

Daqin is based on Yanhuang as the fundamental core, and absolutely does not allow any foreigners to change.

Ying Qi is absolutely not allowed.

Foreign nationals enlisted in the army, the title cannot exceed tenth rank, and the military rank cannot exceed 50,000 generals.

And the political can not exceed the county governor.

If the territory of the Great Qin was still controlled by the thirty-six county towns at the beginning, perhaps the county governor was indeed still high above the ground, stationed in one of the chief officials, but with the expansion of the territory of the Great Qin, the entire world was under the control of the Great Qin.

The post of county governor will definitely not be a high position in the future.

But just like the county magistrates of the original Daqin, they are everywhere.


"Under the common foreign race, there are slaves, who are divided into pardonable and unpardonable slaves.

"Slaves can be pardoned, and if they have done meritorious service to the Great Qin, those who have pardoned slaves can be second-class subjects. 99

"Slaves cannot be pardoned, even those who have contributed to the Great Qin cannot be pardoned, they will be slaves forever, their descendants will be slaves, and they will repay their sins forever.

"The law of Qin, in theory, treats the people of the world equally."

"But if a foreigner dares to harm the Yanhuang ethnic group for no reason, the guilt will increase tenfold."

Ying Qiwei said, and set another rule.

Slaves can be forgiven.

It is the alien race in the Daqin world who has been demoted to slaves, and the slaves cannot be pardoned. Naturally, it is the Huns in the Wuhu world who also invaded Daqin by soldiers in the Daqin world.

If you do something wrong, you will naturally have to pay the corresponding price.

"Your Majesty.

The Manchu civil and military officials have no objection to this.

They are all from the Yanhuang clan, they are the foundation of the empire, they are first-class citizens, and naturally they must be above the foreign races.

It is impossible to turn the world of the Great Qin Empire into a foreign race, wouldn't that be a joke.

"I will make another 510.

"It is also the iron law of Da Qin.""

"Yanhuang is honored, and foreigners are servants.""

"Yanhuang is the main, and foreigners are attached.

"The Great Qin will only be my Great Qin, the Great Qin of the Yanhuang Clan. If the Great Qin fundamentally changes one day, then there is no need for the Great Qin to exist, and there is no need for this world to exist. 99

"If Da Qin Yanhuang loses his grip on the world, I will destroy this world.

Ying Qi said coldly, with a sense of indulgence.

to this.

The group of ministers naturally seconded: "Chen wait for second opinion."

"All right."

"This is how it is done against foreign nations.35

"Continue the discussion.

Ying Qi nodded and said nothing more about it.

"Initiate Your Majesty."

"Chen Xu Fu has a written recitation. 35

Wen Chen lined up, and Xu Fu stood up.

As an alchemist, he originally did not need to go to court, but when Ying Qi returned today, he had everything to report.

"Say. 35

"I also want to see the transformation of the Pill Temple in the past five years. 35

Ying Qi looked at Xu Fu.

"Go back to Your Majesty.

"It's been five years."

"The minister develops according to His Majesty's edict."

"Now there are more than 2,000 alchemists in Dantian, most of them are low-grade first-order alchemists, 500 first-order middle-grade alchemists, and three hundred first-order high-grade alchemists. 35

"As for second-order alchemists, there are thirty-five second-order low-grade alchemists, ten second-order middle-grade alchemists, and one second-order high-grade alchemist. 99

Xu Fu said with a hint of excitement in his tone.

these five years.

The Pill Palace has grown rapidly, and the entire empire has also invested a lot of resources and manpower to achieve such results, and Xu Fu can't wait to report to Ying Qi.

"it is good.

Hearing the number and level of alchemists in this alchemy hall, a smile appeared on Ying Qi's face: "Xu Fu, you really did not disappoint me, and now the development of the alchemy hall has really exceeded my expectations."

"I think there is no problem with the supply of Daqin's medicinal pills in the Dan Palace. 39

Xu Fu respectfully said: "Everything is given by Your Majesty. Now the Dandian can supply all the medicinal pills that Daqin needs, in the army, in the court, and officials in the world."

This sentence revealed Xu Fu's confidence.

Ying Qi laughed with great satisfaction: "It seems that the change in the annual salary that I originally thought about is also about time to materialize.

"Initiate Your Majesty.

"Chen Meng Yi has the original play. 99

Meng Yi stood up.

"Speak." Ying Qiyi waved his hand.

"The Shaofu has made every effort to forge weapons, and now the entire army of Daqin has been made of iron weapons, popularizing the entire army, and even the county soldiers and county soldiers have been reformed.

"The continuous crossbow and the strong bow are also innovated in this way.

"Mo Dao has also completed the popularization of the entire army, replacing the original spear used by cavalry. Meng Yi also stood up and said.

"Not bad. 99

Ying Qi nodded in relief.

"Initiate Your Majesty. 35

"Since the promotion of sweet potatoes and potatoes, Daqin has had a bumper harvest every year, there has been no famine, and the government stores everywhere are full of grain and grass. Zheng Guo also stood up and reported.


One by one, the ministers reported the development of the past five years.

This also made Ying Qi's already happy expression even more happy.

Compared with the current Daqin five years ago, Daqin has undergone an earth-shaking transformation.

PS: Seeking to be determined, grateful to say, two in one chapter.

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