Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 255 A triumphant return, a grand event in Xianyang.

Time flickers.

Two months have passed since the pacification of Rome and the unification of the world.

during these two months.

The news of Daqin's domination of the world also spread all over the world.

Countless people of Great Qin are proud and proud of this.

Daqin Yanhuang, now truly aspires to be the supreme emperor in the world, and all the clans in the world are respected by Yanhuang.

This is enough to make every Yanhuang ethnic group feel proud and honored.


Great Qin capital.

Today, inside and outside Xianyang City, there are countless people gathered, including ordinary people, officers and men on duty inside and outside the city, as well as civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. .

Such a battle today.

Just for one thing.

Emperor Wu Yingqi, who had been on a five-year expedition, returned triumphantly from the Western Territory.

So after getting the news.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty waited at the city gate, and the people of Xianyang City spontaneously came to the city gate and waited outside the city after they got the news.

They are also waiting for the Emperor Supreme of Da Qin to return from the western border.


"Your Majesty is back."

At this time.

An excited exclamation sounded outside the city.

a time.

All eyes are gathered in the distance.


You can see many flags fluttering "May 10" in the air, and under the flags, you can see a nine-marathon chariot returning under the guard of countless black armored warriors.

"Really Your Majesty. 35

"Your Majesty has returned in triumph.

"In five years, Your Majesty has created a prosperous era of the unification of Daqin."

"Your Majesty has returned triumphantly. It is my lifetime honor to be able to meet Your Majesty and welcome His Majesty's return."

"That's right.

"It is my honor to be able to see His Majesty's return with his own eyes.

"Finally, I have to meet Your Majesty...

Every one of the people spoke with great excitement, watching the flags gradually coming to Xianyang from afar, they all had a kind of expectation.

In today's Daqin Central Plains.

Yingqi's prestige is so great that it is not an exaggeration to call it a god, because in the hearts of countless people, the grace that Yingqi has given them is a god-like existence.

The territory is unified, and the humanities are unified.

Give fields, give grain and seeds, and relieve famine.

These extraordinary feats are all done by Ying Qi.

When they are about to arrive at Xianyang City.

From afar, bursts of dazzling military songs resounded through the void of Xianyang.

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you have the same robe..."

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same water with your son..."

"Don't say no clothes..."

The sad and low "No Clothes" resounded in the void of Xianyang.

The whole Xianyang was shrouded in this sadness.

For a moment.

All the subjects waiting in Xianyang City seemed to understand.

Looking behind the countless banners that are sky-high.

There are also countless white flags.

White flag.

Countless soldiers were holding brocade boxes covered with white cloths, and their mouths were loud and deep with military songs, with their heavy hearts, what they held in their hands was not the brocade box, but the bones of their fallen brother Paoze.

Yanhuang has been passed down since ancient times.

The fallen leaves return to their roots, and the soil is safe.

All the soldiers who went to foreign lands died for Daqin, and they were all heroes of Daqin. How could Ying Qi let their remains be buried in his land.

"Those are the soldiers who died fighting for Da Qin. 99

"They are back.

Inside and outside of Xianyang City, all quieted down. The excitement and ecstasy of welcoming Ying Qi's return, now they have become silent, and there is a kind of sadness on their faces.

That sky-long glutinous element, that sky-high white flag.

Anyone who saw it could feel a sense of grief.


Today's world has ushered in unification, and Da Qin has taken control of the world.

But under the brilliance of unity, there are countless soldiers who died for the country.

"Welcome my hero of Daqin home.

At this time.

Ying Zheng shouted loudly.

The voice resounded in the quiet void of Xianyang City.

next moment.

"Welcome my hero of Daqin home.

"Welcome the heroes of Daqin home...

Countless people shouted loudly with sincere respect.

Throughout Xianyang City, millions of subjects, whether outside or inside the city, are shouting in unison.

Compared to the soldiers who died for the country, they were insignificant.

They can only welcome the hero of Daqin to return home with their most sincere emotions.

Luang drive inside.

Hear this thunderous cry.

Ying Qi looked at the brocade boxes for the fallen soldiers of Daqin.


"Rest in peace. 39

"I brought you home."

"Your deeds, your heroism, will be passed down in Daqin for thousands of generations, and you will also be enshrined by the descendants of Daqin Yanhuang's descendants. 39

"Your children and grandchildren will be comforted.

"You can go at ease.

Ying Qi muttered to himself.

The triumphant army gradually walked towards the city gate.

When Luan came to the gate of the city.

There was also a touch of warmth in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"My ministers welcome His Majesty's triumphant return."

The civil and military officials standing at the gate of the city bowed to Luan Jia.


Ying Qi slowly walked out of the Luan driver.

"Zhu Qing, Pingshen. 35

Ying Qi showed his hands and said in a arrogant voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."5

The ministers thanked them one after another, and then served aside.

"Father. 55

"Erchen is back. 95

Ying Qi looked at Ying Zheng and smiled slightly.

Stinky boy.

"Just come back.

"Just come back." 5

There was a happy smile on Ying Zheng's face.

Five years away.

His son's appearance has not changed, he is still young, if the years have left a little trace, but Ying Qi's mouth has grown a beard, adding a majestic temperament to it.

"Father, you have worked hard for the past five years.

Ying Qi smiled.

I haven't seen my father, my mother, wife, and children in five years.

Ying Qi also misses him very much.

"Compared to your five years of expedition abroad, how can you say that it is hard work for your father to live in Xianyang.

"Five years of domination of the world, swept away the alien races in the world, and made them all surrender to the feet of my Daqin.

"In the whole world, except for you, Qi'er, who else can do it?

Ying Zheng spoke loudly, with praise in his tone.

Still that sentence.

For Ying Zheng, having a son like this really means nothing.

"Mother, are there Yan'er and the others in the palace?

Ying Qi asked with great concern.

"Everyone is waiting for you in the palace."

"So are your sons and daughters. 59

Ying Zheng smiled.


Ying Qi nodded.

He turned around and looked at the generals behind him.

"The people will obey.

"The army has returned to the camp, properly placed the skeletons of the heroic souls, and waited to infiltrate the Qin Mausoleum." Ying Qiwei said.

"The ministers and others lead the edict 0.....99

The generals responded in unison.

Then the army marched towards the Lishan camp in an orderly manner.

A triumphant return.

Not all the three battalions that went on the expedition have returned.

Only the Hangu Camp had more than 300,000 soldiers and horses returning, and the other two camps were still guarding the western border.

After all, the world has just been settled, and if the army leaves, there will be chaos.

Now for those aliens.

Daqin also does not have a real key charter.

how to treat them.

How to implement national policy.

These are all up for discussion.

"Zhu Qing, you should wait in the Palace of the King of Qin first.

"I and my father go back to the palace first to meet the queen and mother."

Ying Qi said to the civil and military officials at Houli City Gate.

Haven't returned for five years.

Ying Qi really misses him a bit.

Although the country is busy, it is not in a hurry for this moment.

"The minister waits for the edict.

Manchu civil and military said in unison.


The father and son got on the chariot and headed for the palace.

After entering the city.

Countless people are also cheering.

"We welcome Your Majesty's triumphant return to the capital.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for ruling the world."

"Welcome.... 55

Countless people looked at Luan Jia respectfully and shouted loudly.


"This is the support of the people in Daqin today.

"And all of this was brought about by you.

Ying Zhenglai opened the curtains of Luan Jia, looked at the excited people, and smiled at Ying Qi.

"For any era."5

“The people don’t want much at all. 55

"Live with dignity, not be bullied by others, no longer have wars, and have enough to eat and drink."

"And these, Da Qin gave them."

"Now that the world is peaceful and the people are prosperous, how could they not support the people. Ying Qi said with a smile.


"Now that Da Qin has won the hearts and minds of the people, even if you didn't eradicate those remnants, Qi'er, they wouldn't be able to make waves, and they would even be swallowed up by the people of the world.

"In this stable and prosperous world, the tens of millions of people in Daqin will never be destroyed." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Luan drove forward slowly.

The father and son were talking in the Luanjia. 1.7 From the Great Qin and Central Plains, they talked about the Western Regions and the countries of the extreme west.

Those battles, the scenery of the Western Region.

Ying Zheng, who had never left the Central Plains, also developed a strong interest.


Luan Jia entered the palace under the escort of the Imperial Guard.

But Ying Zheng and Ying Qi and their son did not stop and entered the harem directly.

Where the Alpha Palace is located.

The palace was originally Ying Qi's mother, but with Ying Zheng's abdication, this palace naturally belongs to Li Yan'er.

As Ying Qi's only wife, after Ying Qi ascended the throne, she is naturally a veritable queen, the mother of the world.

Luan Jia stopped at Epang Palace.


"Brother Qi is back.

Seeing the arrival of Luan Jia, Li Yan'er, dressed in a palace costume, said happily to Dong'er beside her.

"Well. 95

Dong'er nodded, her eyes full of love.

Beside the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

There are many others.

There are many concubines in Ying Qi in the harem, and many concubines are surrounded by children, boys and girls.

And standing beside Li Yaner's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are two people, one has grown into a handsome young man with a tall stature, and the other is a young girl in 28 years old, who can be said to be a beautiful country.

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