Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 254 I, Respect the Warriors of Qin!!

Click on the stage.

Ying Qi stood up.

Looking at the bonfire that stretched the camp, it was extremely conspicuous in this night, and countless soldiers and soldiers surrounded the bonfire in units of Shi.

All the millions of soldiers who attacked the city of Rome, except those who were on duty, lived in the great camp.

Even if you are standing on the platform of the generals and looking into the distance, you can see the light spots of countless bonfires-.

This event was the first time in the history of Daqin, and it was also the first time through the ages.

Reward an army of millions.

Except for Ying Qi, no emperor has been able to do it since ancient times.

"My brave warriors in Daqin."

"Fight for Da Qin, fight for me.""

"Everyone, you've worked hard.

Pointing to the stage, Ying Qi opened his mouth.

With the blessing of infuriating energy, in this silent night, Ying Qi's voice spread to all directions. Although it could not reach the ears of every warrior, it could reach for miles around.

"I swear allegiance to Your Majesty, and I swear allegiance to Da Qin.""

Inside the camp, millions of warriors shouted in unison, and there was unspeakable awe and loyalty in every voice.

these five years.

They followed the emperor they were loyal to, from the far east, the Great Qin and Central Plains, to this extreme western land, destroying countless foreign nations along the way. How much territory has been expanded for Da Qin?

As the Emperor of Qin, he is the Supreme Being of Wancheng.

But after fighting with them for five years, they had nothing in their hearts except respect and loyalty.

"Five years."


"I, I brought you out from the Central Plains, expedition to the north and conquer the west, destroying countless countries.

"There are soldiers who died heroically in this battle to destroy the country, and there are soldiers who were maimed because of the war, and even more came all the way, fought bloody battles, successfully stood on this exotic land, and successfully stood on the land now conquered by our Daqin. General."

"It was I who brought you out from the Central Plains, and made you travel thousands of miles to this exotic land, and have been away from your hometown for five years."

"I brought you into this war.

"But this war is inevitable.

'If you want our Yanhuang clan and the Great Qin Empire to be prosperous forever, you must unite the world and suppress the alien race under your feet. Otherwise, the disaster of the alien race will be like the alien race in the north. They will loot and kill our tribe and slaughter us at any time. 's relatives. "

"And now, the world is unified."

"In the five years of war, Qin Zhirui showed me what an invincible army in the world is, what it means to fight with blood, and when is the friendship between them.

"I brought you out from the Central Plains, but there is no way to bring all the soldiers back.

"This is war, with dead, wounded, and alive."

"But undeniably. 55

"You are all heroes of my Daqin, and will be remembered forever by my Daqin people and by the descendants of Daqin.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"For Daqin, for Yanhuang. 35

"My minister is waiting for death.

All Da Qin Ruishi shouted in unison with enthusiasm.

"The world is unified."

"Your honor.

"All the soldiers and soldiers who died in battle for Daqin, I will care for them, and their families are small, I will take good care of them.

"All the disabled soldiers who fought for Daqin, Daqin will protect you all your life, and will give you enough respect."

"All the soldiers who fought for the country will be rewarded for their merits, and they will be given to the nobles and descendants of grace."

"After this triumph. 35

"I will set up the Qin Mausoleum on Mount Li and the monument of Qing history.

"All the heroic souls who died in the battle of Daqin were buried in the Qin Mausoleum, and their names were engraved on the Qingshi Stele, and their names were left in Qingshi.

"All the heroic souls of Qin Ling should be worshipped by the people of Great Qin, and they should be worshipped by their descendants."

"Inherited with Daqin for eternity and immortality for eternity. 35

Ying Qi stared at all the soldiers and announced in a loud voice.

Hear Ying Qi's announcement.

All the soldiers were filled with infinite emotion.

since ancient times.

What other emperor treated the soldiers at the bottom so kindly?


That is where Daqin's royal mausoleum is, even if it is Ying Qi's father, the current First Emperor.

His mausoleum was also built on Mount Li, but construction has now been suspended.

Because Ying Qi gave his father the way of longevity, what is the significance of building the mausoleum?

Therefore, the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, which had a deep history in the history of later generations, no longer exists in this Daqin world.

The tomb of the king is buried as the tomb of the soldiers killed in the Daqin battle.

It has been unique for thousands of years.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"The ministers are willing to swear allegiance to Your Majesty to the death and defend Daqin to the death.

All the soldiers shouted wildly.

"The destruction of Rome and the unification of the world."

"Tonight is the day I reward the three armies.""


"Five years of war, you haven't been drinking for five years, tonight, I lifted the prohibition."5

"I, allow you to drink freely.

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice, and a soldier stepped forward and held a wine glass.

Ying Qi took it and said in a powerful voice, "I, respect the soldiers. 35

"Your Majesty, please.

All the soldiers raised their wine glasses one after another, some directly raised the wine jar, and all of them raised them high, facing the point of command.


Ying Qi laughed and drank the wine in his hand.


Millions of Qin Ruishi said in unison and drank the wine in one go.



"Tonight, I will allow you not to return without getting drunk."

"Let go as much as you like, the camp tonight belongs to you." Ying Qi said with a big smile.


Ying Qi turned around.

Re-seats on the throne on the stage.

The entire camp also became enthusiastic in an instant.

All the soldiers ate meat and drank, and let them drink freely.

In this exotic land, the territory of today's Great Qin.

Of course there is still some danger.

But Ying Qi naturally arranged everything.

Make sure nothing goes wrong, or else you won't reward the three armies.

"My dears.

"Five years of war, hard work. 39

Ying Qi looked at the generals on the stage.

There are hundreds of generals on the whole point.

There are high-ranking generals, there are also main generals, and of course there are sharp warriors who kill the enemy well, and young generals who perform brilliantly.

Ying Qi will never treat a person who has meritorious deeds lightly.

"For Your Majesty, for Da Qin.

"The ministers and others are duty-bound."

All the generals raised the wine glasses in their hands and laughed loudly.

"As a reward tonight, I will allow you to drink freely.

"If you want those blond and blue-eyed alien women, I will give them to you too.

Ying Qi said with a big smile.


Hear what Ying Qi said.

All the generals on the stage showed a smile that men understood.

For this era.

There is no need to say more about what a man can enjoy.

When they arrived in this exotic land, those blond and blue-eyed women naturally made them hot, and Ying Qi would naturally not treat them lightly, and give them a lot of grace.

As long as it is meritorious.

Gold and silver treasures, glory and wealth, women.

Win Qi can be given.

This is the gift of the imperial power to the ministers.

After five years of war, in a foreign land, Ying Qi was accompanied by many foreign princesses. Of course, to Ying Qi, they were just the same as those concubines in the palace, but the difference was that Ying Qi would not have children with them. .

Because the bloodline of the Daqin imperial family must not be tainted by foreign races, this is fundamental.

"His Majesty."

"This battle to rule the world.

"The soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy, and there are many outstanding soldiers and generals in the army." Wang Jian smiled and said.


"Let me see.""

Ying Qi smiled and said directly.

"Your Majesty has an edict, what are you still doing?"

"You haven't come out to meet your Majesty yet?"

Wang Jian immediately turned his head and shouted to a column behind the stage.


More than a dozen soldiers stood up and came to the throne of Ying Qi.

"See Your Majesty, ministers and others. 99

These soldiers came to Ying Qi with awe and excitement on their faces.

For them, it is a great honor to be on this stage today.

The highest among them is only a thousand commander, and the lowest military rank is even a corporal. Among the vast army of millions, it is very difficult for them to have a chance to see Ying Qi, let alone now on the point of command with Ying Qi. Drink, or even win Qi Zhao.

"All officers and men are exempt.

Ying Qi smiled slightly and waved his hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. 35

The soldiers said gratefully and looked at Ying Qi in awe.

"His Majesty."

"In the battle to rule the world, kill alien races, and destroy enemy countries. In the past five years, each of them has killed no less than a hundred alien races, and among them, there are also those with excellent talent for commanding troops, who have successfully killed several times with thousands of people. of alien foes."9

"They are all young leaders of the Empire.

Wang Jian pointed at these young soldiers and respectfully faced Ying Qi Dao.

Ying Qi nodded and looked at the soldiers.


They are very young.

The average is about twenty years old.


Ying Qi is now in his thirties.

But the years did not leave any traces on Ying Qi's body, it just made Ying Qi become more mature and majestic.

Looking at these young soldiers, what really makes Ying Qi sigh is that time is passing and the years are changing.

In the past, when he first joined the army, when he was young, he stepped up to the Wu Anjun who controlled the Daqin army step by step, and then recognized his father and became the crown prince of Daqin.

0.....for flowers.......

When he arrived at Mount Tai Fengchan, he successfully ascended the throne and became the emperor, and successfully controlled the huge Qin Dynasty.

Today's Daqin barracks, today's soldiers.

Replacement of old and new.

The old Ruishi has been discharged from the army and returned to his hometown, and the newly recruited soldiers have emerged in the army again, and will gradually become a young force in Daqin.

"What are your names?

Ying Qi came back to his senses, facing the many young soldiers in front of him.


These young soldiers were all excited.

It will be their supreme honor to be remembered by Ying Qi, and they will go further in the army in the future.

"My minister Han Xin.

A young man spoke first, his expression showing excitement.

And then right after.

One by one the soldiers opened their mouths.

"Chen Fan Kuai.

"Chen Longqi.""

"My minister Peng Yue.""

"Chen Yingbu.""

The soldiers respectfully said.

Hear these people's names.

A smile appeared in Ying Qi's eyes.

"The times are changing, the years are passing.

"In this era, the land of the Central Plains has completely belonged to Da Qin.

Looking at these young soldiers, Ying Qi thought with a sigh.

According to the original historical development.

When the First Emperor fell, the world was divided.

Qin Mo came.

But because of his arrival, everything has changed.

Hu Hai was killed by himself, and Zhao Gao was also killed by himself.


Fusu is now the governor of Yifang.

He has become a real emperor, and his status cannot be shaken by anyone. To be honest, even if his father wants to shake it now, he cannot shake Ying Qi anymore.

This is the authority that Ying Qi now controls, and is in charge of the Great Qin Empire.

And Han Xin, Long Qie, Ying Bu... These people were originally going to be very prosperous in the late Qin period.

After the end of Qin Dynasty.

Many countries stand.

In the end, it became a battle between Chu and Han.

They all belong to their respective camps.

But now they have all gathered in the army of Daqin and become the brave soldiers of Daqin.

ten years ago.

When the world was first settled, perhaps these young people still had some complaints about Da Qin, after all, they had the hatred of destroying the country.

But as time went by, Daqin treated the people of Yan and Huang in the Central Plains with benevolence, and treated them equally and favorably no matter which country they belonged to.

He also gave the people of the world grain and seeds to relieve the suffering of famine.

This is the grace of re-creation for the Yanhuang ethnic group in the world.

No matter what era, eating, living, and peace are the biggest pursuits of ordinary people, and these Daqin have given all the people of Yan and Huang.

Under the passage of time, Da Qin's grace fell.

The so-called hatred of destroying the country no longer exists.

They cherish the good times now.


The only people who are unwilling are those who used to be powerful.

Han Xin, Long Qi, and Ying Bu all came from all over the world of Da Qin, but now they have become soldiers of Da Qin, and they are loyal to Da Qin.

This is today's Daqin.

The Yanhuang Daqin who is now condensed.

"Good. 35

"You are all the most heroic soldiers in Daqin, and you are all very good. 55

Ying Qi praised the soldiers in front of him.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Wang Jian and Tu Sui.

They are all soldiers of the two major battalions, who have made great contributions to Daqin, and should be promoted exceptionally.

"I bestowed upon each of them four ranks of nobility and four ranks of officials.

"What do you two love gentlemen think?"

Ying Qi looked at Wang Jian and said.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"They are all meritorious servants of the Great Qin, and they should be rewarded so much.

Wang Jian and Tu Sui replied immediately.

"So it's settled.

Ying Qi smiled.

"I'm waiting to thank Your Majesty for your kindness."

The dozen or so soldiers bowed excitedly.

"I've been promoted to the fourth level, and now I'm a commander of thousands, wouldn't I be able to become a general of 50,000 people? Han Xin thought excitedly.

except him.

The other soldiers were also the same, extremely excited.

Such a reward was completely unexpected to them.

"Da Qin uses military merit to reform and strengthen the country, which is the foundation of Da Qin."

"I hope that you will make new contributions to the Great Qin in the future, and I also look forward to seeing you stand on the stage at this point again and accept my reward. 55 Yingqi confronts the generals and Shidao.

"The ministers swear allegiance to His Majesty to the death. 39

The soldiers said excitedly.

"All right."

"Sit down and have a drink.

"Tonight is a rare opportunity. 55

Ying Qi laughed.

PS: Seeking to be determined, thank you very much.

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