Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 251 All nations come to the DPRK, the glory of a great country.

Time flies.

Spring and autumn come again.

For Da Qin.

Still quiet and peaceful.

This was something that the Yanhuang ethnic group in Daqin, who had suffered from war, wanted to enjoy.

There is no war in the Central Plains, people live and work in peace and contentment, everyone has fields to grow, and grains to eat.


For Da Qin, it is already a thing of the past.

Now everyone in Daqin's family has surplus food.


The capital of Daqin.

As the capital of Daqin, the center of Daqin world.

Today, the prosperity of Daqin has surpassed that of any era since ancient times. In the city, there is a lot of traffic, there are people walking everywhere, and there are hawkers who set up stalls.

Everywhere in the city, there are teams of guards patrolling.

While the capital of Daqin is prosperous, it also shows the majesty of Xianyang City.

Strangely enough.

On the official road of the city.

Lines of carriages came in, but the carriages were not in the style of the Central Plains Yanhuang, but had an exotic style.

Look at these carriages entering the city.

The people driving the carriages above are not of Yanhuang alien races, they are all blond and blue-eyed, or they are different in appearance.

At a glance, you can tell it is an alien.

And behind their carriages, there were many carts dragging many boxes.

And the people of Daqin saw these foreigners who entered the city.

No surprise, it seems to have been seen many times.

Moreover, watching these foreign visitors enter the city, a commoner in Xianyang City has emerged a kind of arrogance, arrogance from the Great Qin Shangguo of the Celestial Dynasty.

"In the past few months, which batch of aliens have come to pay tribute to Xianyang?

"There should be about ten batches, right?"

"Anyway, the first time I saw these aliens, I was shocked. I didn't expect the aliens to look like this, with blue eyes and blond hair. It was really weird."

"you do not say.

"In the past, I thought that the world was my Daqin, and there was nothing else except the Xiongnu and Donghu in the north, but now I look at it, I'm really looking at the sky, besides Daqin, the world is very big.

"I didn't know there were so many different races. 35

"The Huns have been wiped out, the Donghu has also been wiped out, the grasslands belong to our Daqin, and now Daqin, my Yanhuang clan, can be said to be the top of the world.

"Yes, these aliens come to pay tribute because they are afraid of my Daqin."

Seeing these foreign envoys who entered Xianyang, the people began to talk about it, and their words were full of pride and incomparable glory as a big country.

"Speak up."

"Why do these alien races come to pay tribute for no reason?"

"You are really ignorant, don't you know that your Majesty will move westward after destroying the Huns?"

"In the past two years, Your Majesty has been on a personal expedition and has mobilized all the troops of our Great Qin battalion in order to truly dominate the world. These alien races have only one purpose to pay tribute, that is, to express their submission to our Great Qin by means of the tribute, so as to avoid being attacked by us. Great Qin destroyed the country.

"In this way, Your Majesty's ambition is really beyond what we ordinary people can imagine.


"Your Majesty is very talented. In the past, my Daqin was able to destroy the six kingdoms, consolidate all my Yan and Huang clan into one, and the car is the same as the book and the same text. These are all your Majesty's handwriting."

"If it weren't for your majesty today, how could we ordinary people live the good life we ​​are now, and which era has we had the wealth we have now?

"That's right, our present good days are all given by His Majesty.

"There are fields, and there is money to make a living. If it weren't for your majesty, our Yanhuang clan would still be fighting in the same room."


"What we people can do is to absolutely obey His Majesty's decree, devote our full allegiance to Da Qin and His Majesty, and realize the real unification of Da Qin as soon as possible.

"At that time, our Yanhuang clan was the real honor of all clans, the most noble clan in the world...""

Everywhere in Xianyang.

Countless people have been talking about these tributaries of alien races.

In addition to the pride of Daqin Yan and Huang Zimin, there is also respect for Yingqi, the current Wudi, who created the prosperous era of Daqin.

For the people of Qin in the world.

Ying Qi is the reborn parent of countless people.

It deserves the respect and loyalty of countless people.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

"The foreign ministers of the Seleucids see the supreme first emperor.""

"The foreign envoys of the Great Xia Kingdom see the supreme First Emperor...

Inside the hall.

More than a dozen foreign envoys from foreign nations knelt on the ground and bowed humbly to Ying Zheng.

Watch this scene.

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and the high-ranking Ying Zheng, all showed a kind of arrogance.

The heavenly kingdom, the honor of a great country.

This is evident.

Eternal, ever since.

Which country has today's prosperity?

It is not an exaggeration to say that all states are coming to the DPRK.

And all of this was brought about by one person.

That is the emperor of Da Qin, Ying Qi.


"Surely the son of destiny, the dragon and the phoenix among the people.

"I am really lucky to have a son like this in Ying Zheng."

Looking at the foreign race kneeling in the hall, Ying Zheng's eyes were filled with pride, and he was also pleased with his son.

Although Ying Zheng was immersed in fantasy after listening to his son's lofty plans for the world and the heavens and the world, it was a matter of the future, not real.

But now that the road to unify the world has been beaten by these foreign nations, this is really happening in front of us.

Even with Ying Zheng's character, he felt extremely proud.

"You wait.

"The widow knows it."

"But it is absolutely impossible not to destroy the country.

"Great Qin's ambition is in the world, and all Qin cavalry passes are Qin soil. This will not change."

"The only promise that the widow can give you is only one point. If you meet my Great Qin Iron Cavalry and surrender, you can protect the safety of your family and your wealth.

Looking at these foreign envoys, Ying Zheng did not go around saying anything, but said directly.

At this moment, Da Qin's ambition in the world is not the Central Plains of the past, but the real ambition in the world.

No one can get in the way.

Ying Zheng would not hold back his son.

Hear what Ying Zheng said.

The faces of these foreign ministers kneeling in the hall turned pale.

They traveled thousands of miles to the capital of Daqin, just to let the Qin Cavalry let them go. As long as they don't move troops to their country, they are willing to pay whatever price they want, and they can pay tribute to them forever.

But Ying Zheng's undisguised words defeated their last hope.

"The Supreme First Emperor.


These foreign envoys were not reconciled and wanted to say something.

But Ying Zheng waved his hand and said coldly: "Your tribute is accepted by the widow, so let's retire.


Hundreds of Guard soldiers rushed in directly into the hall.

He came directly to these envoys and made a gesture of invitation.

See here.

These foreign envoys could only leave with annoyance and unwillingness.

Weak countries have no diplomacy.

Not just in this era, but in any era.

Even for the world, the heavens and the world are the same.

If the Daqin Realm collided with a stronger world in the heavens, the consequences would be annexed and enslaved by that powerful world.

This is the way of the heavens.

"These foreigners must be afraid of being beaten by His Majesty, so they come to pay tribute from thousands of miles away."

Feng Quji said with a smile.

"What Feng Xiang said is very true."

"Your Majesty is driving the expedition and commanding the army in person. I, the millions of elites in Daqin, go on an expedition. Who is your Majesty's opponent in the whole world? 35

"The unification of the world is already in sight.

"Perhaps soon, Daqin will really be the world, and the world will be Daqin."5

Manchu Wenwu also laughed loudly, and every voice was extremely proud.

Daqin has such national strength, and foreign countries and races are so feared by it, how could they not be proud of themselves as officials of Daqin?

"All right."

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

The palace of King Qin also instantly became quiet.

"In two years, the land of the Western Regions has been pacified by Qi'er, and the Peacock Empire has been destroyed.

"There are not many enemies in Daqin now."

Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty is driving a personal expedition, and the iron cavalry is unrivaled, so Daqin can achieve such a victory.

"With Your Majesty's aggressiveness, maybe in three or four years, the world will really be unified."

Mengao said aloud.

"Qi'er is in command of the army abroad, and the only requirement of the widow to all the ministers and to the Daqin is not to hold Qi'er back. 99

"Soldiers, provisions, military supplies, weapons, governance, galloping,

"These are the top priorities.

"Not to be taken lightly. Shadow

Ying Zheng said loudly, still with a strong warning.

"Please rest assured the First Emperor. 35

"I will do everything in my power to help your Majesty to rule the world." The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty said in unison.

Seleucid Empire.


"The Eastern Qin army has come over.

"Run away. 35

"Our army is defeated."

"The Eastern Qin Army will not let us go, run away..."

In the capital city full of Western style, there are fleeing Seleucid people everywhere. They are extremely frightened and flee in despair.


A thunderous roar.

The city gate of the western capital of Seleu was directly smashed by Tu Sui's palm.

When the Seleucid defenders inside saw this, they all fled in fear.

"Da Qin Ruishi."

"The greatest thing in the world is Da Qin."

"Wherever my Qin cavalry goes, it will be the territory of Great Qin."5

"For Your Majesty, for Da Qin, attack and destroy Seleucid."9

Tu Sui raised the spear in his hand, shouted angrily, and rushed into the city first.

"Wind, wind, wind."

"Gale. 99

outside the city.

Hundreds of thousands of Qin Ruishi sent out a shocking wind, and the entire western capital of Seleu was shrouded under Qin Wei.

Under this wind.

The chaos in the city intensified.

"The Eastern Qin army really broke the city.""

"Run away..."

Countless Seleucid people were even more afraid.

A long time ago, they were extremely unfamiliar with the Qin country in the east, the Qin army, and the sound of the wind.

After all, Daqin is too far away from these western countries.

So far that they don't have any worries at all.

No matter how they thought, they could never have imagined that the Eastern Qin State from thousands of miles away would send troops to attack their country.

However, with the Western Regions being attacked by Da Qin's iron cavalry.

Daqin has completely entered the sight of the Western countries.

The incomparably matched Qin army, like the Qin army of death, entered the line of sight of the Western countries.

Before Daqin attacked their country, the most news they heard was that a country adjacent to them was destroyed, and over time, it was finally their turn.

With Tu Sui's order.

Countless black armored cavalry rushed directly into the capital of Seleucid.

Filed in.

Those who do not surrender will all be killed.

Those who resist, kill them all.

In the past, when the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, the common people of Yan and Huang of the same clan had some scruples to win against Qi Shang, and would not cause too many innocent killings. However, in this alien land, although military discipline was maintained, they were all for those who surrendered.

If you do not surrender, if one person resists, then he will kill ten people; if ten people resist, he will kill a hundred people.

Suppressed with blood.

This is war.

As for the follow-up governance, it has its own follow-up arrangements.

What Yingqi wants to do at this stage is to attack and destroy all the enemies of Daqin.

outside the city.

on the chariot.

Ying Qi watched indifferently as this great empire in the Western Region was smashed by his own iron cavalry.

This scene.

Ying Qi has not seen how many times.

For the purpose of unifying the world.

Daqin five camps.

Ying Qi mobilized three of them.

Substitute camp.

Hangu Camp.

There is also the Handan Camp that was originally in the Wuhu World.

Three battalions, with a strength of more than 1.5 million.

It is the foundation of winning Qi and conquering the world.



"The next one is Daxia."

Ying Qi stared at the city that was breached, with a dull expression on his face.

It seems that he is not excited because another country is destroyed under his iron cavalry.

Because of this feeling of destroying the country, Ying Qi has experienced it many times.

In the more than two years of battle, Ying Qi did not know how many countries he had destroyed.

Every time a country is destroyed, there will be a treasure chest rewarded by the system, including the yellow rank and the mysterious rank.

But now Ying Qi has not opened.

He is waiting for the moment when he will open all the treasure chests and get rewards after he dominates the world.

So many years of fighting.

Ying Qi's strength has also increased to the peak of the Grand Master Realm, reaching level 30.

It is not far from the next level, the 31st-level Grandmaster.

But if you want 507 to enter the Grandmaster level, the experience points you need are not as simple as the Grandmaster level.

One million experience points.

Enter the first realm of the great master.

For Ying Qi, this is also the reason for letting the army under his command leave no soldiers to be captured. Ying Qi will use the lives of these enemies to lay the road for him to become a great master.

With the higher the level of winning Qi.

The higher the experience required.


This side of the world is far from being able to bring much increase to Ying Qi.

Therefore, he also wants to urgently control this world, go out to a stronger world, and gain more experience points.

In this world where the spiritual energy is thin and low martial arts have not reached, Ying Qi may be the only one who can become a great master.

"His Majesty."

"All enemies in the city are wiped out."

"The imperial palace of the enemy country has been surrounded, please move your majesty. 55

After a long time.

Tu Sui rode his horse to Ying Qi's side and bowed respectfully.

"Well. 35

Ying Qi replied.

Li Qing and Xin Sheng, who were beside them, immediately escorted them and drove towards this foreign capital.

Seleucid Palace.

Compared with the simplicity of Daqin, the style of Dongfang Yanhuang.

This Seleucid palace is completely in the style of the West, with golden glitter everywhere, which is extremely luxurious.

Inside the palace hall.

Hundreds of Seleucid royals all knelt in the hall.

He was guarded by many black armored warriors.

"Your Majesty is here."

With a shout.

Ying Qi walked into the hall.

All the officers and soldiers bowed and bowed to the outside of the main hall: "The ministers welcome your majesty.

And these people from the Seleucid royal family heard the sound, and looked at the door of the hall with fear.

A mighty man wearing a crown robe and a crown walked slowly into the hall.

with his appearance.

There is a kind of depression in the whole hall.

And looking at such a young Ying Qi.

It made these Seleucid royals fearful.

For such a young eastern emperor, they had no idea at all.

"His Majesty."

"How do they deal with it?"

Tu Sui pointed at the Seleucid royal family in the hall and asked respectfully.

"I said it.

"If you do not fight and surrender, you will be given a lifetime of wealth and honor, and if you are stubbornly resisting, you will be killed."

Ying Qi glanced indifferently and said.

"I understand. 99

Tu Sui replied respectfully.

A wave of hands.

The wise men in the hall immediately took action, took down all the Seleucid royal family, and went outside the hall.

No matter how they struggled, howled.

Winning Qidu's face was calm.

For him.

What a royal family, what a powerful person.

In front of the Daqin Iron Cavalry, all are not, the enemy is the one who prevents him from winning Qi and the road to the unification of Daqin.

There is absolutely no forgiveness.

"Congratulations to the host for destroying the Seleucid Empire, reward a mysterious treasure chest, and reward 1000 low-grade spirit stones. The 35 system prompts.


"Daxia Kingdom."

"Hopefully it can make a difference for me."

Ying Qi glanced at Seleuci's throne and thought to himself.

PS: I am very grateful.

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