Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 250 Win Qi: Dominate the World with the Power of the Nation

time flies.

Winter is coming.

The land of northern Xinjiang has been shrouded in thick white snow, but for Da Qin, a great enemy in the northern region has been disintegrated.

The first battle with the Huns was decisive.

The 700,000 Xiongnu army was annihilated by the Great Qin, the corpses in the northern Xinjiang were scattered everywhere, and the blood of the alien races stained the earth red.

For Da Qin to achieve such a victory, all he had to pay was tens of thousands of casualties.

and achieved such results.

It is because of the popularization of Daqin martial arts, the power of battle formations, and the innovation of iron weapons.

After winning the first battle of Qi, the Xiongnu was settled, and the 500,000-strong frontier army slaughtered and attacked the hinterland of the grasslands.

It completely opened the prelude to Daqin's domination of the world.

"Pass my edict. 35

"The army invaded the northern grasslands, and all the aliens were useless, old and weak, and they were all killed, and all the aliens were demoted to slaves and registered as slaves, and they would never be forgiven.

"Everywhere the Qin cavalry has passed, it's all Qin soil."

"Anyone who is an enemy of Qin, kill him."

Northern Xinjiang.

Ying Qi drew up an edict.

It completely opened the prelude of the Daqin Iron Cavalry's invasion of the grassland.

For aliens.

In Ying Qi's heart, only the Yanhuang ethnic group is the most noble, and they are the true subjects of Daqin.

The rest are all aliens.

In Ying Qi's heart, what he has always pursued is one, and it is also a point that Daqin must pursue in the future.

at this point.

It is the "Five Zero Seven" Daqin's iron law of not changing.

Win Qi before.

Not to mention Ying Qi who saw the tragic situation in the Wuhu world with his own eyes.

The alien Hu people are cruel and ruthless, like animals.

For these alien Hu people, they should be suppressed forever.

In the Daqin world.

Ying Qi did not issue an order to kill Hu, because they have not caused any kind of disaster to the Yanhuang ethnic group, and the population is also of great use to the Qin Dynasty.

As for the weak.

Those are of no value to Da Qin, and it is useless to keep them.

Although in terms of human nature, the killing of the Xiongnu in the north is indeed cruel, but this is war.

If a foreign race had breached the borders of Daqin and defeated Daqin's army, the suffering suffered by the Yanhuang ethnic group would definitely not be like this.

The mourning of the Yanhuang ethnic group in the Wuhu world is a warning.

The army goes.

Ying Qi personally commanded the army.

Time is also passing by in this process.

Winter passes quickly.

Winter to spring.


The northern war continued, but for the Daqin territory, there was a tranquility that was not found anywhere in the world.

The people live and work in peace and contentment.

Official governance is clear and bright.

Such a stable rear area provided a steady stream of food and grass for the army of Da Qin.

half year later.

Northern Xinjiang Dading.

Daqin's army had already attacked and wiped out all the tribes in the grasslands, and the vast grasslands and natural pastures had become the territory of Daqin.

And on this grassland, many ethnic groups and tens of millions of people have all become slaves of Da Qin.

years to come.

They will forever be the vassals of Daqin, of course, if they can make great contributions to Daqin, they will have the opportunity to get rid of slavery in the future.

In front of a grassland tribe that had become ruins, Ying Qi stood on the chariot and watched indifferently.


It is the last alien tribe on the grassland.

"Your Majesty."9

"This tribe has been destroyed...""

"The prairie land has all fallen into the control of my Daqin.""

"Since then, Daqin has no danger of alien races in the north."

"The prairie land, stretching to the north, has become the territory of the Great Qin, and the grassland ethnic groups have become my servants of the Great Qin."

Li Mu came to Ying Qi's chariot and said excitedly.

once Upon a time.

In Li Mu's heart, he also fantasized about destroying the alien races on the grasslands, and he no longer had to worry about the dangers of the alien races. Once upon a time, Li Mu also thought of leading troops to wipe out the alien races and annexing all the grasslands.

But all that was just his Li Mu's fantasy.

And now.

As a Yanhuang ethnic group, as the general of Daqin.

He Li Mu has fulfilled his dream.

There will be no more wars in the north, and no more alien troubles.

All this was done by the emperor in front of him.

"In the past, surrendering to Daqin was the most correct decision I, Li Mu, made." Li Mu thought excitedly in his heart, and was extremely fortunate.

Ying Qi's words in the past were still ringing in Li Mu's ears.

Although he is a native of Zhao, he is also of the Yanhuang ethnic group. All the six kingdoms in the world are Yanhuang. Daqin will take Yanhuang as the foundation and treat every Daqin Yanhuang ethnic group equally.

And these.

The promise of winning Qi in the past.

It's all done.

Li Mu felt that it was an incomparable honor to be able to see Daqin achieve such a prosperous world and to participate in it.

"The Huns are gone."

"The northern border of Daqin has been decided."

"But my attack will not stop here.

Ying Qi glanced at the vast territory conquered by the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, and said slowly.

"I swear to follow Your Majesty to the death.

Li Mu knelt down on one knee with seriousness.


Ying Qi called out.

above the void.

A few falcons with outstretched wings flew directly.

It landed directly on Ying Qi's chariot.

Ying Qi took out several volumes of imperial edicts from his arms and placed them on the feet of a hawk.

"Go. 35

Ying Qi waved his hand.

The eagle falcon let out a neigh and flew away.

"Your Majesty. 35

"The grassland is vast and the population of aliens is large.

"I don't know how to set it up?"

"Will our army be stationed in this grassland all the time?" Li Mu asked respectfully.

"I have already passed the edict to Xianyang, Wang Jian and Huan Yi.

"The grasslands will be guarded by towns, and the population of aliens will be supervised by the county soldiers. This matter will be handed over to Wang Jian to dispatch people to dispatch."5

"As for Huan Yi, I have already sent him to attack Baiyue in the south. 35

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty is ready to go all out and annex the world?""

Li Mu opened his eyes wide, and there was a kind of surprise and, of course, a kind of wild hope.

"Do you think the Huns are the purpose of my imperial expedition?

Ying Qi turned his head to look at Li Mu and smiled slightly jokingly.

"The Huns are indeed powerful, but in the face of today's Daqin, it is not worth your Majesty's personal expedition." "Li Mu replied honestly.

"The whole army has changed into iron weapons and armor, how do you feel?" Ying Qi looked at Li Mu and asked.

"His Majesty."

"The replacement of this iron weapon in the entire army has greatly increased the combat power of the soldiers. Most of the weapons of foreign races are from Daqin, and their weapons are even impenetrable to our army's armor."

"This time, we can wipe out 700,000 aliens with less than 100,000 casualties. In addition to the soldiers fighting bravely to kill the enemy, His Majesty bestowed the power of martial arts, weapons and armor." Li Mu replied respectfully, with awe.

"There will be more sophisticated weapons in the future.

"At that time, it will spread to the whole army.

Ying Qi smiled slightly and said.

With thousands of years of memory, and now the method of ironmaking has surpassed this era, many weapons in Ying Qi's memory have also been drawn and handed over to Hei Bingtai.

For example, Mo Dao, which can be used for both riding and walking.

Such as chain mail.

For example, the defense is invincible, like the heavy armored cavalry of the fortress.

All these plans were embodied in Ying Qi's mind, and all of them had been explained to the head of the craftsmen of the Black Ice Terrace.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Ying Qi naturally believed that they would not let him down.

"There is His Majesty in charge of the country.

"Within ten years, Daqin will be able to rule the real world." Li Mu bowed to Ying Qi.

Ying Qi raised his head and looked at the vast void: "Ten years is too long, I can't wait, and Daqin can't wait..."

"Five years.

"I want to rule the world.

Ying Qi's words rang in Li Mu's ears.

Rule the world for five years.

It seems impossible.

But looking at the serious color on Ying Qi's face, Li Mu was extremely convinced.

"I give you ten days to integrate the army.

"Ten days later.

"I will lead the soldiers to the west.

Win Qiwei said.

"My minister, I will never disappoint Your Majesty." Li Mu replied respectfully.


Palace of the King of Qin.

It's been half a year since Ying Qi's personal expedition.

For his own son, but also for Da Qin's ambition.

Ying Zheng, who had abdicated, returned to court.

"The widow tells Zhu Qing good news.

"Qi'er has led the army to break through the grasslands. Since then, Daqin has no more troubles in the north, the grasslands have been included in our Daqin territory, and the tens of millions of people in the grasslands have become Daqin's vassal slaves."

In his hand, Ying Zheng held an edict sent back from the northern border, and said to the courtier with an excited expression.

"The ministers and others congratulate the First Emperor, and congratulate the Emperor Wu."

Hearing this news, Manchao Wenwu shouted excitedly.

"Dare to ask the First Emperor.

"The grassland has been settled. I wonder when Your Majesty will withdraw and return?" Feng Quji stood up and asked respectfully.

"Qi'er Xiongtu, don't all the ministers know about it?"

Ying Zheng smiled and looked down at the court with deep meaning.

"Your Majesty is going to continue to move troops?

Manchu civil and military all opened their eyes wide, revealing surprise.

"If it's just to deal with a mere Xiongnu, why should Qi'er take action personally?" Ying Zheng laughed.

Knowing son Moruo father.

At the moment when Ying Qi decided to go on a personal expedition, even when Ying Qi did not reveal his true intentions, Ying Zheng guessed that what his son wanted was not the mere Xiongnu, but the real world.

"The world is vast, and there are many countries."

"His Majesty wants to rule the world, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve without ten years of work. 35 Meng Ao respectfully said.

"If it is an ordinary emperor, it may take ten years of work, but it will definitely not take ten years for my son to win Qi. 35 Ying Zheng said in a powerful voice, revealing a strong confidence in his son.

"Qi'er has returned with an imperial edict.

"The whole country of the Qin Dynasty should use the power of the whole country to rule the world. 55

"Whether it is soldiers, military resources, or food and grass, it must not drag Qi'er's footsteps in ruling the world. 55

Ying Zheng stared at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty and said in a powerful voice.

"The ministers swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death."

Manchu civil and military said in unison.

"Meng Qing.

Ying Zheng looked at Meng Ao.

"The minister is here."

Meng Ao responded immediately.

"The war to rule the world consumes a lot of soldiers, but for the great cause of Qin, it has to be done.

"The widow ordered you to be responsible for the recruitment and training of Daqin soldiers. Once the camp needs to replenish soldiers, they must be replenished immediately, so as not to delay Qi'er's great cause of unification."

"Also, the matter of occupying and defending the territory is also handed over to Meng Qing. 95

"Feng Qing. 35

"The widow grants you to dispatch all the food and grass in Daqin, and you must not let the army on the expedition suffer any food and grass.

"Meng Yi.

"The widow grants you to fully dispatch the blacksmiths and craftsmen of the whole country to forge weapons, and you must arm the entire army with the fastest speed."

"Han Xiang."

"As for the governance of the conquered territory, the widows will be handed over to you. 35

"all in all.

"Just a word for a widow.""

"Great Qin is unified, Qi'er is ambitious, and the widow does not allow anyone to delay, let alone drag Qi'er's hind legs.

"Da Qin overthrew the whole country and ruled the world. No one can stop this great cause."

Ying Zheng shouted loudly, with no doubts.

PS: Seeking to be determined,

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