Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 252 Great Qin is the world, and the world is great Qin!!

For today's world.

A flick of a finger.

The Daqin iron cavalry invaded the western border, and as far as the iron cavalry came, countless countries were destroyed.

And now.

over four years.

Win Qi Yu's personal expedition, command 1.5 million troops to attack the western land, divide the troops into three routes, and carry out the battle of destroying the country.

No one can stop Da Qin Bingfeng wherever he goes.

And now.

Far West.

The last country in the Qin Dynasty, the Roman Empire.

It is also the last enemy of Da Qin in this world today.

The capital of the Roman Empire, the city of Rome.

The endless black armor torrent has surrounded the most prosperous city in the far west of the past, and countless black armored soldiers came under the city.

The most prosperous city in the extreme west is now showing a scene of ruin that will be broken at any time.

on the city.

Countless blond Roman soldiers in silver armor looked terrified.

They are all afraid of the torrent of black armor under this city. As the strongest country in the western region, when facing Da Qin, their strength is very small.

The million army of the Roman Empire encountered the Daqin legion and was defeated in the First World War, and his huge Roman territory fell under the Daqin iron cavalry in less than a year.


Da Qin soldiers approached this Roman city.

It seems to be the last battle for the Roman Empire.

after this war.

When Rome fell, the world was united.

There is only Daqin in the world, and Daqin is the world.

"How long can we hold on?"

On the city gate, a Roman emperor wearing a Roman emperor's robe and a crown looked at the generals beside him with a look of panic.

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

"We have only 200,000 troops in our city."

"Even if you stay there, you can only stay for more than a month at most."

"And this is only a preliminary estimate, those Orientals are not human at all, their strength is terrifying, and their weapons are more powerful than those of our Roman Empire.

A Roman general said helplessly.

"My Roman Empire has dominated the world for so long, is it really going to die?

There was also a sadness on the face of the Roman emperor.

Looking at the torrent of black armor in front of the city, he was helpless.

It was at this time.

"Where is Daqin Ruishi?"

In the Daqin army, Ying Qi, who was standing on the chariot, raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"Wind, wind, wind."

"Gale. 35

Millions of Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison.

The wind is blowing.

Nearly five years of slaughter and expedition have allowed all the warriors who went on the expedition to meet the baptism of true life and death, killing.

Every Ruishi's eyes showed indifference. Years of war had made their hearts numb, leaving only the faith to kill the enemy.

during the five-year war.

The Daqin army that went on the expedition also lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but compared with the victory for Daqin, these numbers can be said to be insignificant.

Daqin's domination of the world is unstoppable.

Whenever the army was damaged, Zida Qin would send new recruits to join the army.

But even so, the combat power of Da Qin Ruishi has not been compromised.

For recruits, the best training is the baptism of war.

Qin Zhirui who are in this extreme western land are all elites.


"It is the last battle of Da Qin's unification of the world.

"Break this city, slaughter the Roman emperor, and the world will be under the control of Da Qin.

"The greatest thing in the world is Da Qin."

Ying Qi pulled out the Zhan Lu sword, pointed at the city of Rome and shouted angrily.

"I swear allegiance to Your Majesty, and I swear allegiance to Da Qin.

"Wind, wind, wind."


Millions of Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison, their voices full of respect for their loyal emperors.

"Rome does not know whether to live or die, and intends to stubbornly resist my Daqin and prevent the world from reuniting.

"The warriors of Qin."9

"Tell me."

"What should Daqin do to this ignorant Roman?" Ying Qi shouted angrily.

"Kill, kill, kill. 35

The million Ruishi said angrily with murderous intent.

The killing intent even formed a cloud of blood, covering the entire city of Rome.

Let the Roman army and the people in the city of Rome be like being in hell.

Daqin's morale is like a rainbow, and the army is terrifying.

However, their morale in Rome was withering, and there was no fighting spirit at all.

"Today dominates the last battle of the world.

"I will watch Qin Zhirui make great achievements for Da Qin again."

"Where are the generals?"9

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"The minister is here.

The two generals Tu Sui, Wang Jian, and Daqin responded immediately.

"Break Rome.

"I, do not accept surrender. 35

"Anyone who wears armor and holds a soldier is an enemy.""

"Kill it. 35

Ying Qi shouted indifferently.

"The minister leads the edict.

The two generals took command immediately.


All belong to the army.


The two generals returned to the formation and immediately issued orders.

Thousands of messengers immediately rode their horses and galloped across the army formation.


Da Qin Ruishi, who was originally silent, recovered like a beast, and his monstrous killing intent was released.

"Your Majesty. 35

"They're going to attack.

All the Roman generals at the gate became nervous.

"The Seleucid royal family was slaughtered by them."

"The Daxia royal family was also slaughtered by them, and the Peacock Empire royal family was also slaughtered by them.

"Not only that.

"All the nobles of the empire were slaughtered by them."

"If the city breaks, we will all die."5

The Roman emperor carried a dignified way.

"My warriors of Rome.

"If we can't hold the city, we will all die.

"Swear to surround the empire to the death."

"I will be with you."5

shouted the Roman emperor.

"Defend Rome to the death."

All the Roman defenders shouted loudly.

They have also heard about Da Qin's cold-blooded killing.

As long as they are soldiers, none of them stay.

Nobles, royalty, they will not let it go.

Apart from defending themselves, they have nothing to do.

At this time.

Daqin's admiral gave orders.

An army of millions roared.

By attacking the battle formations, they attacked the city of Rome.

Millions of troops rushed in, and the momentum was soaring, making the entire void land shrouded in military might.

The army advances.

Approaching the city of Rome quickly.

And the Roman defenders on the city gate were madly shooting arrows, trying to repel the Da Qin army with random arrows.

will order.

The army's offensive continued.

Even though there were countless arrows killing his head, Da Qin Ruishi did not have any fear and kept advancing.

One person was killed, and the formation was replaced immediately.

This is the military quality of Daqin Ruishi.

After approaching one hundred and fifty feet in front of the city.


One hundred thousand archers, thousands of catapults, and ballistas are all ready.

The sound of killing the word together.

"Wind, wind, wind.


The wind is blowing.

Endless random arrows were thrown towards the city of Rome, along with countless huge rolling stones, they were thrown wildly towards Rome.

In an instant.

The Roman soldiers on the city gate, the soldiers in the city, were wiped out by the murderous intent that fell from the sky.

The city of Rome has become a purgatory on earth.

Before the black armor flooded the city, it pushed forward frantically.

"`〃The Roman Empire....35

Ying Qi stared at the city and muttered something.


He picked up ten crossbows from the chariot, and put ten sharp arrows on the bows.

Under the powerful strength of Ying Qi, Shi Shi Gong was easily pulled into a full moon.

"Let me give you the last ride."

"After today.

"There will be no more Rome in the world, only Da Qin.

Ying Qi said coldly.


Gong Xuan shook in his hand.

Ten sharp arrows pierced through the air in the blink of an eye, and with the power to easily destroy a hill, they fiercely shot towards the city of Rome.

next moment.


A sharp arrow hit the city gate accurately, and the moment of contact, a tyrannical energy burst out, and with a roar, the seemingly solid city gate was instantly shattered.


The Roman soldiers guarding it died tragically.

The remaining nine arrows were shot towards Chengguan.

Boom, boom, boom...!

A burst of roar sounded.

The city gate made of hard boulders shattered under the force of the nine arrows, each arrow directly blasted a gap of 10 feet, and the city gate where the city gate was located was crumbling for a while, and the city gate stones fell one by one, as if they were about to fall. collapse.

Now Ying Qi's strength has reached the peak of the Grand Master Realm.

The power of divine archery was even stronger in Ying Qi's hands.

After a while.


There was a loud roar in the city of Rome.

The city wall of the city gate (Li's Zhao) of several dozen feet collapsed directly.

"Ah... ah...




A scream.

Hundreds of thousands of Roman soldiers above were directly dropped and buried under the ruins.

Even the Roman emperor fell directly at this moment, not knowing whether to live or die.

"Your majesty."

"The Roman gate is broken."


I saw Ying Qi's ten arrows shatter the city gate.

Daqin's warriors were even more excited, and frantically pushed towards Rome.

When the army crossed the city gate, countless black armor torrents rushed directly into the city, starting the slaughter.

With the moment when Da Qin Ruishi rushed into the city.

The fall of the Roman Empire has become a foregone conclusion.

The Daqin world, the last country, is also the strongest country in the extreme west, and it will soon become the history of this world.

Daqin is the world.

The world is both Daqin.

"Five years."

"Set the world order.

"I, did it.

"Since then, the world has become the Great Qin, and the Great Qin has become the world."

"In this world, there is only Da Qin.

Looking at the moment when the city of Rome was broken, Ying Qi's face showed a touch of domineering domineering.

PS: Pursue the determination, ask for all the data, thank you very much.

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