On the other hand, when the Daqin cavalry rushed into the formation, there was no change.

Since the formation of the Tiger Army, Ying Qi has placed many tigers in the warhorses of the major camps after taking over the throne. The daily tiger roar has trained the courage of the Daqin warhorses. Over time, the tiger's roar is very important to the Daqin warhorses. There is no such deterrence anymore, they are used to it.

The fierce tiger army rushed forward, instantly dismantling the momentum of the alien attack.

Emperor Wu has an edict.

"Step on my Daqin territory of aliens, and leave no one behind.

"Kill. 99

Countless Great Qin Ruishi roared, and the spears in their hands stabbed out fiercely towards the alien race.

For a moment.

Directly took away countless ~ alien vitality.

And look at the rear of the Huns.

Mo Dun was completely shocked.

"Tiger....big worm.

"How could they possibly be tame?

"This is impossible."

Mo Dun's face became panicked.

The situation of the battle was not as clear as he had imagined. Just as the two armies met, his invincible Xiongnu Wolf Cavalry suffered heavy losses.

The first battle is the decisive battle.

That's right.

At first, Mao Dun had a good idea, to smash Daqin and seize the Central Plains.

But to Da Qin, the power of his alien race is insignificant, like an ant.

Even though they had more troops than Da Qin Ruishi, they were far inferior in terms of quality, strength, and even weapons.

"Martial arts have become popular.

"Even if the warriors in the army have not entered the ranks, they have strengthened their strength by practicing martial arts. With iron weapons, this army is now at least twice as powerful as those who never practiced martial arts in the past. With the improvement of martial arts, their strength will also become stronger.

"The cultivation empire that I want to build has already taken shape."

Ying Qi looked at Da Qin Ruishi, who was crushing and killing aliens with the momentum of destroying and destroying, and a touch of excitement emerged in his heart.

This is what he created by Ying Qi.

The future Daqin Empire will open up a stronger martial arts world and a prosperous world of cultivation.


"A battle will determine the fate of the world.

"Slaughter 700,000 aliens, destroy the Xiongnu, kill the old and the weak, and set the pinnacle of the master realm in one fell swoop."5

"The 31st-level Grand Master Realm is just around the corner. 99

There was a hint of hope in Ying Qi's eyes.

Standing on the chariot, quietly staring at this killing feast.

Time passed gradually.

The killing continues.

The whining sound spread throughout the battle.

But Ying Qi watched with indifference, the emperor's temperament made him feel no waves of war.

For Ying Qi, killing the enemy means becoming stronger.

Look at the sky has become dark.

under killing.

The blood of the earth seemed to dye the sky red.

"It's time to wrap up."9

"Hun Shanyu, Maodun. 35

"Let you be the first alien king killed by my unification of the world.

Ying Qi muttered.

The Overlord Halberd appeared in his hand.

Ying Qi jumped up.

It landed directly on the back of the bloody tiger beside the chariot.

Win Qi.

Made it myself.


Ying Qi shouted.

The blood tiger roared, carrying the might of an ancient divine beast.

In vain.

The blood tiger jumped into the air.

It even flew towards the rear of the battlefield in a volley.

The blood tiger is nourished by the killing of war and the qi of blood evil, and now the blood tiger has grown to the level equivalent to the master level, and has reached level 25.

This is also unique to its divine beast bloodline.

The blood tiger swept through the air.

In an instant.

It flew directly across most of the battlefield and fell directly into the chaotic army of the Xiongnu.

As soon as it falls.

A dozen Hun soldiers were directly trampled.


The blood tiger roared.

The sound of the tiger's roar spread with a sky-shattering sound wave.


Within dozens of feet around, the Xiongnu soldiers cried out in pain, and were directly shocked to death by the tyrannical tiger roar, bleeding from their seven orifices.

"Ant. 35

Ying Qi waved the Overlord Halberd in his hand, releasing his true energy, the Overlord Halberd danced, frantically harvesting the vitality of the alien soldiers.

The blood tiger swept past, and a corpse was scattered all over the field.

"Falling Heart Flame."

Ying Qi held a halberd in one hand, and a dazzling spiritual fire appeared in the palm of his hand.


Terrorist murder broke out directly.

Ying Qi casually tossed it.

The spirit fire separated hundreds of flames and shot away.

Many Xiongnu soldiers did not respond and were contaminated by the flames, but the next moment, they were burned alive by the flames, turning into flames and struggling frantically.

And even more terrifying.

These spirit fires could not be extinguished at all. When the flames on their bodies touched their companions, the spirit fires ignited immediately.

in a blink.

Countless of the Huns were devoured by the spirit fire, struggling frantically in the formation, but they were scorched by the spirit fire, and the mortals had no way to put it out.

"As expected of the spirit fire of the Gaowu world. 99

"Sure enough.

Ying Qi was also a little shocked when he saw the burning scene brought about by his spiritual fire.

If he hadn't subdued this spirit fire, even as a master, he would not be able to compete with this spirit fire.

This is the spiritual fire bred in the world of Gaowu.

The level is higher than everything in the Daqin world.


Ying Qi stared at the rear of the Xiongnu, even though they were still hundreds of meters apart, the figure of Mo Dun had already fallen into his eyes.

back line.

Mo Dun was completely stunned by the battle situation in front of him.

The Xiongnu wolf cavalry under his command, which was invincible in the grasslands, was defeated in front of the Qin army, which he did not regard as an enemy at all.

And this time.

Suddenly, a fierce murderous intent locked on him.

"Withdraw... withdraw..."

"Return to the grasslands."

Mo Dun felt cold all over, and suddenly shouted loudly.

Hear this command.

The Xiongnu generals returned to God one after another.

Immediately ordered to retreat.

The sound of Ming Jin's closing troops sounded.

This made the defeated Huns army no longer have the will to fight, and they all turned around and fled.

But this time.

"Roar. 35

A tiger roar.

A huge blood-red figure leaped from the sky.

It fell directly in front of Mo Dun.

"Win Qi. 35

Mo Dun saw Ying Qi, who was covered in blood, and the huge blood tiger, and was extremely terrified.

"Fire arrows.""

"Just kill him. 99

Mo Dun shouted in horror.

The thousands of guards who were beside him immediately picked up their bows and arrows and shot them at Ying Qi.

Thousands of random arrows vented towards Ying Qi.

Looking at the arrow rain in the sky, Ying Qi calmly glanced.


Dantian infuriating bee pupae.

"The world has moved greatly.""

Demonstration of martial arts.

above the void.

The thousands of random arrows that were emitted were suddenly frozen, and all of them were imprisoned in the void by a force.

"This....it's impossible.""

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Mo Dun looked at the scene in front of him and said in horror.

"You, know nothing about power.""

"I don't know anything about Da Qin.

Ying Qi said coldly.

A wave of hands.

Really shocked.

The random arrows in the void suddenly changed, and in vain shot towards the guards beside Mo Dun.

Under the arrow.


The guard beside Mo Dun was killed by random arrows.

in a blink.

Not a single one of the guards around Mo Dun died.

Each arrow took exactly one soldier's life.

Ying Qi rode the blood tiger and walked slowly in front of Mo Dun.

"You, what else do you want to say?

Ying Qi looked at Mo Dun indifferently.

"Forgive your life.... Forgive your life...

"I am willing to surrender to Daqin, surrender to Your Majesty, and I will not invade the Central Plains again. 95

"I am willing to pay tribute to Da Qin and be a minister to Da Qin."

Mo Dun was so frightened that he staggered back, and none of the generals around him dared to step forward.

Everyone was frightened by Ying Qi's fierceness.


"Aliens are so despicable, greedy for life and fear of death.

"in this way."

"You don't have to live anymore. 35

Ying Qi said coldly.

A wave of hands.

Fallen Heart Flame appears in the hand.

It turned into dozens of flames and fell towards Mo Dun and the generals beside him.

Spiritual fire touches the body.

Painful howls resounded on the ground.


"You are only the first step."

"Next is the Western Regions, Rome, and Peacocks.

"They are all my prey. 39

Looking at these Xiongnu dignitaries who were burned and struggling by the fire, Ying Qi's eyes were indifferent, without any waves.

For Ying Qi.

They are just their own experience points to become stronger.

When Maodun and other Xiongnu generals were burned to ashes.

Ying Qi turned around.

He looked at the fleeing alien army.

The murderous intent in his eyes reappeared.

"Kill. 35

Ying Qi shouted angrily.

0.....for flowers·

Going to kill the alien army again.

In the process of killing, the field of killing is fully open.

Ying Qi did not hold back any hands, and exerted all his strength close to the peak of the Grand Master Realm.

For these alien races, Ying Qi Wanran was an Asura Killer God who had returned from hell.

time flies.

The killing continued.

Seven hundred thousand alien troops.

Without a few days and nights of killing, it would be difficult to finish the killing.

The Overlord's Halberd in Ying Qi's hand was constantly slamming, and the 500,000-strong Qin Ruishi also madly killed the enemy.

The northern border of Daqin has been dyed red with blood.

There are corpses everywhere.

three days later.

The sun has just risen.

The sound of slaughter in the northern land gradually subsided.

Take a look.

The corpses piled up in the entire northern Xinjiang, blood stained the grasslands that were originally pastures, debris and broken walls were everywhere, and broken swords and weapons were everywhere.

Look at the corpses that lie forever on the ground.

There was panic and despair on their faces.

It seems that he was still in purgatory before he died, and his courage has been killed.

Look at this side of the battlefield.

I can see countless Great Qin Ruishis standing, three days and three nights of slaughter, their strength is almost exhausted, and each of them is covered with blood, it seems that they, like their Emperor Wu, have returned from purgatory.

"My great Qin Ruishis."

"The aliens who have violated my Daqin territory.""

'I was killed by the brave you.

"You are good.


"I, I am proud of you, and the people of Great Qin are proud of you."

Ying Qi stood on the tiger body of the blood tiger and announced incomparably domineering.

This sound.

The Da Qin Ruishis who had been tense for three days and three nights breathed a sigh of relief.

But what followed was their excitement.

"I swear allegiance to Emperor Wu, and I swear allegiance to Da Qin. 99

"Wind, wind, wind. 99

"Gale. 99

All the surviving Great Qin Ruishis raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

Soaring morale, monstrous military might, displayed at this moment.

All intruders are aliens.

annihilated by them all.

As soldiers of Daqin, they successfully defended their homeland and attacked foreign invaders.

"This battle."

"I, Daqin, won it. 35

"The aliens come and destroy them all.

"This is the result of the soldiers fighting bravely to kill the enemy."

"I am proud of you, proud of you."

"Your parents and relatives will be even more proud of you."

"It is my honor to be able to fight side by side with you.

With a serious look on his face, Ying Qi said loudly.

"I swear allegiance to Emperor Wu, and I swear allegiance to Da Qin.

Every Great Qin Ruishi said in unison, looking at the figure on the blood tiger, full of awe.

That was the emperor they were loyal to, the emperor of the tens of millions of Daqin people.

"I am in charge of Da Qin.

"Qin Wei is not allowed to violate it, but the barbarians of the alien race dare to do so.

"It will be destroyed.

"This battle."

"The Great War is over. 35

"But countless brothers Paoze died at the hands of aliens. 99

"Now, I order."

"Clean up the battlefield, pretend to be dead aliens, half-dead aliens, and kill them all.""

"Take the body of our brother Paoze and bury it in the fertile soil of our Great Qin.

"How can my soldiers and my people coexist with foreigners?"

"Alien, unworthy.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Emperor Wu Shengming.

Countless Ruishi said in unison.

And this time.

They also recovered from the state of slaughter, looking at the dead brother Paoze around him, a kind of sadness enveloped the entire battlefield.

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same robe with your son. Wang Yuxing is a teacher, and I repair my spear. I have the same hatred with my son. 35

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same water with your son. Wang Yuxing is a teacher and repairs my spear and halberd. Work together with your son."

A tragic and solemn "No Clothes" song belonging to Great Qin resounded in this northern battlefield, and all Great Qin Ruishi sang aloud with a sense of sadness.

The tragic singing made the whole earth shrouded in sorrow.

Countless Great Qin Ruishi had burst into tears without knowing it.

In the bloody battle with the alien race, they died without regrets and without tears, but at this moment, watching Brother Paoze who died in action, they wept.

After the big win.

It is great sadness.

But for the soldiers of Daqin, this is also their destiny.

PS: Seeking to be determined, thank you very much,

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